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124 THE LIST 23 880-? Oct 2004


Friendly gay female, 50'\. \cckx Il‘lL‘lItI\ tor chilling. gotttg to moxicx w atchtng Bad (iirlx rc»run\ and gcncrall} ll.l\v

tttg a laugh.

Scnxc ol humour L‘\\CIIII.II'

Box No: P1505/1


V I Saw You 0| ['i-tloxaf Yott got inc. I chcckcd lI ottt. lookcd at lhc w clixilc. Ilkctl what I \aw. and L‘\L'II had a \lltlll) iit Si\ (iallcr) I’l'c\\ wcbxilc IIIUI' il'x \[tll ltol mail— ablc. \thrc can I gct it'.’ [7505/I

VI Saw You moxt llltil'lllllg\ itt l’artick whcn I'm on in} wa} to work. I'm 5' 7". dark bttt

grc} iitg hair. glaxxcx attd I'm tl\tltlll) w caring a black lackct. You'\c got dark curl) hair attd [I\L'[I lo haxc gl;t\\t'\. .\Ia_\bc wc cottld mcct up w hcn I'm not Iatc I'or work and haw timc to chat'.’ [7505/2

V I Saw You Simonc tat- I’ollock on Saturda} ttigltt. M} dccpcxt apologicx l'or brcaking a promixc. hopc )titt got homc ()K. "I'hcxc words on mint" \\;l\ thc \ong. \ John [7505/3

VI Saw You Karcn. wt-II l tltittk that'x )ottt' namc. 'I‘ltc minutc I laid c} c\ on )ou hchind tltat big black [IC\I\ itt Mttllttttixon (il;t\go\\ nt_\ ltcart \unk. Looking l'or lmc'.’ 'I'hcn l'm _\our man. Sunn} I) \ [7505/4

V I Saw You in thc tttit'ror. ch. I \aw NIIiI Sittcc ltohotl} clxc L'\ cr I‘l'cak'itt' [IUL‘\ I'll I lovc mc. 'I’ol‘l‘olo. il' an_\onc carcxl [7505/5

V I Saw You Mr I’oh. takc inc aw a) again nc\t _\car. In low witlt _\ou alwa) \. er l’ob. \xx. [7505/6

V I Saw You working bchind thc bar at ()xxittllx on \\'ctlttc\tl;t) 8th. Yott w crc Amcrican. I w a\ cagcr & willing. [7505/7

V I Saw You w itlt thc t't-linc l‘caturcw workittg itt ('rcxchll I.anc Bcanxccnc. You'rc thc inth \tunning crcaturc l'\ c cxcr \ccn. [7505/3

V I Saw You Batman? 01‘ rathcr l hawn'tl . . . (Ircat to hax c _\ott back "lick (it'adttalc Kittcn \. [7505/9

V I Saw You l’aul itt 'l’indcrbox . . . )tttt know ltow to woo a woman with that irrc- \ixtablc \milc _\ou gix'c inc c\cr_\ timc l conic itt. l-‘anc_\ dipping _\our bixcuit itt m} collcc \olttclitttc‘.".’ [7505/I0 VI Saw You itt Bar It). And}. _\ott makc inc rand}. _\ou big ridc? l-‘ancy coming o\ci' attd ja/Iing up .MY trouxcrx. _\ou bcaxtf Ii‘tclt me a lowcl . . . [7505/I I

V I Saw You \clilttoo/ing tand dribbling) at thc Arches I.i\ c lattttclt. making inc l'ccl \pccial w itlt )ottr big L‘}c\. Special l'ricndx‘.’ [7505/l0

V I Saw You Sabrina. in} diamond. thatth [or the loud} chat on Frida} I Ith? [7505/l2

V I Saw You Rollx I<o_\cc ho} at Dutch l\'tt\ttn'\ lc.t\tng part} on Satttrda} tttgltt w c c\changctl tar too man} Iottgtng glanccx How about II l \\,t\ pcrlcct ttt ptnk and palpttat tng"' [' 505 I3

V I Saw You In _\our uttdt't

\\ L'ttl'. lk‘lllg I)iltI\I} .tI IIIL‘ .v\rchc\ li\c. Yott Ita\ c a hcautt Iul bah} and a bcauttlul bunt .-\rc _\ou a Ionc Iathcr’ I’t'thapx _\ou don't nccd to bc alont' an) tnot'c. [750504

VI Saw YOU Ill (.[lI[IL'\.l\'. l'clt. l.ct mc bc tltc ow to latttc )tittt' wtld ltcart. )ou \c\} Itttlc thinng I)on't tlnttk about lI too lolth I 7505/ I 5

VI Saw You Big l)an III I ith \tllt‘ }otl lttttl it 3211‘} ltootl§ on. I ltl\ _\our nt'w hairdo. Your bo} Iricnd l’aul dclncrx thc bcxl parcclx [7505/Ib

V I Saw You tn thc cltcckcd \Itit'l in .\Io\ktlo. Yott lookctl ama/mg ottr t'_\L'\ lockcd and I think I'm itt lo\c. llc with inc 4c\cr. Your nantc l\ Alan. [7505/I7

V I Saw YOU Moxkilo littl' man ill thc Shack. Monday \Vould low to rub )titll‘ bcll} bttt )ou'rc too old? [7505/IX VI Saw You III Mtwkito. _\ott took in} glaxx. I think )ottt‘ namc ix ('al\in. Mc w itlt a mullct. Il~ _\ou'rc IIIIL‘I'L'\IC[I _\ott know whcrc l attt in It? [7505/I0

VI Saw You calling IIIL' on in} chum) rabbit-likc allcr—cgo. 'l'hcxc kids ain't \o ct‘a/cc. )ou \llttltltl'\ c \cctt IIIL' claw til' '82. [7505/20

V I Saw You ttcw managcr itt IIMY Sauchichall Stt‘cct. You arc a shift \Itapcr not a \ltapc- \hiltcrl \Yclcotttc back to _\our spiritual honth [7505/2I

VI Saw You with at making w ct \crunchic in \pillttcll allc}. \Vcrc }ott looking l'or coconut- w'orth or war _\ou shopping Itll' bananas ill a minimart‘.’ Watch ottt Iiol' thc woll' spitlct‘xI [7505/22

V I Saw You axking c\ct'_\ - bod} [or II) itt IIMY Sauchichall Strcct. Arc }ott \urc )our \nakc ixn't a chamclcon'.’ (‘an _\ou gi\ c mc dircctiom to thc (iigi boutiquc'.’ [7505/23

V I Saw You I” Mark aka Jakc Sltcarx hax ittg a 'magical' cwning in thc botanic gardcnx. Wh} hatc )ott changcd _\ottt‘ numbcr'.’ [7505/24

V I Saw YOU looking oricntal itx _\t)tl \milcd. rcd-haircd l)\'l) buycr. 'I'hcrc'x a 25‘} chattcc you'll slit}. and a 75’} chancc )titt'll go. 'l‘ltcrc'x l00‘2 chancc _\ou'Il takc a pcn and papct‘. [7505/25

V I Saw You hot gu}. IUCx Scpt I5th in Sainxburys ('row Road (ilaxgow. You: tall. hand- \tHIIL‘ with bcard. Mc: ho} itt llip Ilopx looking pcrplcxcd at cooking \attccx ('an I cook )ou dinncr’.’ [7505/26

V I Saw You thc w cc blondic walking through thc Botanics almost cxcr} da} with a spring In your step. )ott arc \uch a plcaxurc to watch pass by. [7505/27

V I Saw You (iottlon. I d [ Ill mathx \tudcnt. on \\cdnc\da_\ 8th Scpt ldtdttt ttto\c to

l ottdott' I “hit I had .I\I\\‘\I tot _\out numbct lic cool to hook up.[ 505 2b

V I Saw You ll_\cttng lot Sha/ta \Itt/a at tltc I't‘\ll\.tl You It.t\c a million Itccklcx. .t ‘naturc boy tan and .t tlotlgt clbow. I ntwct wittc ‘I .\.tw Youx' but what can I \.t§ 'Yout \cat \\a\ pit-ti} llllplt‘\\l\t'

t‘ Ros :0

VI Saw You Hannah [w tltt' maxxagc at St ,lohn'x t'ltutch chtnal ctalt Itlll You thoughtl ltittkt'tl llkt‘ _\U[ll l‘ltllllt‘l \t‘ll. I thought _\ou wctc gtt'at l'd Itkc to NW a drink with \ou

t' Sui/to '


VI Saw You cmgmattc. \\\l\ll. t‘tclt gitl. lct ntc \ol\c )tllll I)a\tttct (.IHIL'. Mc "It baxkctball plan-i Ill Illt‘ int-ad ow \. [7505/ 5|

VI Saw You \itttng tn (‘alc Ilahatta. top oI I.cttlt \\alk Iookittg \o \wcct wttlt a lug it'd ruckxack. Sccn _\ou bclott- lot )t'arx. \\. I’S l’int ol

lagcrl 7505/32

V I Saw YOU I)otlglt'. ('tl} ('alc. 2nd Scptcmbct. You lookctl ltol tn )tltll goldtclook inchain. Ilapp} birthdat‘ [7505/i3

VI Saw You («I 'I’t-ttot. \YilllIk'tl lo Ittlk littl I \\;t\ loo \h}. You haw litl\ll \t} Iltlg\ t\' a l)l-.\'t) attitutlc. [7505/ It

VI Saw You \itling oit Hit- 25 [ith lttxl 'I-[ICMIIIY Yott lookt'd angr}. \t'\) .-\u\\ic man. I ltt\t‘ )tllll‘ rcd tk black \tript-d \htrt [7505/35

V I Saw YOU culc ['S,-\ \ltltl. \cltool ho} \l} Illlg\ and a litct' lo tlic Iot'. Ill II.\I\' It} lltc Madonna \cction. [7505/ it) VI Saw YOU \Klltlc }tlll ptckcd up lii‘ocolli (“ Sainxbttr}\. I IL'II Itkc a dork bccauxc \cgctablcx makc mc \ick but )ott \ccm to ltkc Illcltt. Ilclp mc gct owr in} plant phobia. [7505/37

V I Saw YOU ttl thc II ra\ct\c and _\ou Iookcd \o \t-\}. | ltkt- largc womcn. You w crc i5t I\Ill w caring a hood} and a i‘cd top. [7505/33

V I Saw You attd now I'\ c gonc. but Jcan. Badgcr. Jaybod. laugcnc and all lhc dail} updatc It)\c'lic\. }tttt thI l'orcx cr hold a placc iii in} hcart. [7505/3‘)

V I Saw You bchind IIIL‘ bat in (‘it_\ (all: 2nd Scptcmbcr. You ha\ c tticc \idcburnx. I didn't \a} 'plcaxc'. Sort} a third titttc. [7505/40

V I Saw You chn}. 'I hankx I-or tltc winc w hctt w c got \I()(i[I up b} limma [KL chx? l.o\c Jcan lican thc Machinc. [7505/4l

VI Saw You Ii Numbcr scratching your \cr} largc buraclt. w llllxl munching oit a large purplc lIul'l') mothcr-in— law. [.7505/42

VI Saw You and would like a kist xxx. [7505/43