Art listtr‘igs

Edinburgh Private Galleries cont.

INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE “Randolph (twig-tit. 335 Sift!)

.\lon \Vcd A III ‘I itLint 5 i'tpin. 'lhu noon i ‘ltiun. Sal ‘I iWin 3pm

No Man’s Land: The Chattri I nut Sal 2 (M Swttnh ixm'd photogmphct. Lulw \\.it\on. C‘dllitlh undgcx ot .t amt lllL‘lltHlldi Ihc('h;ittt‘twintncnioidtin;1h: iltdlitll \llhilt'h \Khn tought on the “mtcin ilHlll


32a i)llllti.l\ \ttcct. 55h SIN] \lon Il'l IIitllt (iptn; Sat Ill “Lint Jpn]. Panas Tytenko and Andriy Yalanskyi Sat ll \cp 8.11 U (M luo piitnlcix ttotn lh'.’ l'kminc \‘ttttlitllility lunduupc .ind liyumttw \xotlu ll] thc Rll\\t.tll poxt lttll‘lL‘\\tHlll\l \l}lc


SH \Vgtt't‘cndct l’utk Road. 33‘) 30"!»

Wed i'll lluni “pin. Sui “Lint 5pm. Sun Il.un 5pm.

Drawing Show l'nul Sun toot-1A \t'h't‘ltolt ol ttL'\\ dl;t\\ Hit.“ it} I.h‘.ttiot .'\d.'lll. .\l;u_\ 'l't'oddcn itlld Hill i’ltt\\L‘l.


i-l .-\Ik'l't'l’(tllti"\ Maw. 55" 11):“. Mon i‘t'l lilillll opin; Sat likun ~lpin

Alasdair Wallace l'nlil 'l'uc 3| Sup Ruccnt paintingx.

Brent Millar l'nnl \M-d 33 Sup. \L'“ t'\hli\llltlll of painting: utllcd Spill to Iii-mu I.U\/ (.I‘t'tlllll'tw HHHU',


3 St Stcphcn Plum. 335 (05“. .\lon l‘ri lilutn optn; Sat Ilium (ipiii;St1n

noon 5.30pm,

Mixed Show l'nttl \Vcd 3‘) Sq» .\h\cd

group uhihttton h} owt' 5H gullcr) .lt'll\l\.


1(» Dundux Stt'cct. 558 lltlt), .\lon l-i‘i likun optn; Sgu likun -1ptn.

Alexander Fraser Mon 13 Scp \M-d (t ()ct. \mx painting: ll'ttlll lIll\ .-\hc1dccn huxcd ;tl'll\l.


30 “Width Stt'ccl. 55o ow». .\lon i’l'l ll;un (tplll; Sat lithium 4pm.

Jean Feeney l'ntil Sui l.\‘ Scp. \t-u pguntutgx.

Edinburgh Artists Spaces


"o ligixt ('t'oxxcutixcugi}. “7%” J | 378‘). Thu Sat noon 7pm.

Best in Show Sat 1 I Sun 20 Scp. 'l‘hc liinhtixx) \ tnctnhcrx \ho\\ coincx undct‘ \l\ uttcgoricx including ‘Hult' Bt'ccdx‘. 'l’cnx .tnd lincloxutm' and '\\'ool} Hundhng‘.

Ni SHM‘.’


\ldtthinont (Lilla). \l.:t.‘hiitotit (Linipux. (\l \ldithinont leti. ~15; *3“: Mon i‘ll‘Mlll *ptn

Limelight: Self-Portraiture & Performance luv 31 Sup in 5 \o\ IllIL'llldllHlldi .till\l\. photogmphctx \ludcnlx. not gtddudtcx and 4.1” littthilif.‘ .tt thc it'tttcxctitution ot xclt in lynx hmcd

[‘l .tt'l lt'L'

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY i\\'.-\Sl’8i l’utt‘tothdll Studiox ott »L.\ Hunulton I’lut'c. 335 125‘)

JiII Ashforth l'nlil Sun I: \cp ()1I\. \Mllt'l'g'ttll'lll\ .ind ltth‘d lllt'tild di.i\\ ingx ot Scotthh .ind Il'l\il u‘.t\lllllt‘\


42 Victoria Shut-1" 3355 Mon 5.1! 12%) Sillpiti; Sun noon 5pm

Art in a Suitcase l'nnl 'I hit to Sup (t‘iL'lHttllllg‘ ll\ tint .tlllll\t'l\.tl_\. lx’cd l)ooi‘ (Bulk-r} ptcwntx lI\ \ununci' \hou. lcultu‘tng: putnttnp h_\ .\d;un Sinipwn. ink dl‘;t\\lltf_'\ h} ’l’i'inc Kthtcnwn. \culptut’cx h} Scott l..i\ci’ic and oil puttititigx h} .\l.u'ic \Vl'lgillvtll.


3 Bt'No l’lut‘c. 32H .15 i8. noon llipni. New Exhibition l'nttl Mon 3" Scp \cxx \xoi'k h) \ltt'hucl Koct‘nct and (it'uctnc I.'tf_‘L'l' tmttutng [titl'll';tll\ ol (it-orgy. ()xunm and Saddam in thc “Bluntc (iutnc I);u\_\ ('hutn‘ wi’tm and thc ‘()hli\ion Sun' Ill “Illt'Il couplcx can dic ttigctltct' it L'illilt'l)\lll \ll'th'\.

Outside the Cities


l5: \cthct'gutc. HUN: Ull‘Nttti.

luv \Vcd. Sul & Sun llifittmn 5.30pm: 'l‘hu «k i‘l‘l lliuiilillll Spin.

Nahum Tevet l'nltl Sun 3 ()cl. 'I'hc lil'\l l'K \houing ol \xork h} \uhutn 'l'cwl. \\Iltt\L‘ \Mll‘h \\;i\ lllt‘IlldCd lll thc Vcntu' Hicnngilc luxt )cut'. lL‘itllll'lllj.‘ :i lui'gc-xt‘ulc lll\l;tl|;tllnlt \xhn‘h i‘clti'cnccx Itlt‘ in [\l‘dcl.

Ergin Cavusoglu l‘niil Sun 3 ()cl. \tdco utxtgillzuionx probing: thc houndut‘tm oi puth gtnd pituitc \pucc.

Private Galleries


.\lount Stuart.01700503377. .\lon. \Vcd .\ l’i‘i Sun llizun 5pm.

Langlands and Bell l'ntil Sun In Sq». :\n lll\l;tli;lllttll h) lunglundx and Bell. i'ct'ctcnciitg thc tin} tumil} chupcl dcdicutcd to St John thc [imngchxt :utd dexigncd in 1873 h) thc :u‘chitcct \Vilhutn Hurgm at Mount Stuzu't.

"KP x." , w . ,

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Alexander Fraser on show at the Scottish Gallery

94 THE LIST :‘ Set

SiANi.) UP COME UK JAMES CAMPBELL King's Theatre, Glasgow, Sat 11 Sep

Standard adult judgements about what kids find funny: primary colours, dressing up in animal costumes, gunge, gunge in primary colours being emptied on people wearing animal costumes.

Just because they are a wee bit smaller than us oldies doesn’t mean they have any less capacity for intelligent comedy, and the world’s only stand up comedian for children, James Campbell, certainly knows how to provide just that.

His show is largely improvised and rather depends on what has been happening to him that day, but according to James there’s no mystery in getting kids rolling in the aisles: ‘Trying to make children laugh is the same as trying to make adults laugh,’ he says. ‘When you’re doing stand-up comedy, there’s an audience in front of you and you have to react to them. It shouldn’t matter who they are, or how old they are.’

Previous topics have included why big dogs are so chilled out, shrinking old people and toothless tigers. Musically, he has performed his own special version of the Monkees’ classic, ‘l’m a retriever’. 80, due to this use of humour rather than aforementioned gunge, those going along in an accompanying capacity needn’t worry about finding themselves bored.

He must be doing something right, after stints on BBC’s Mysti the Fairy, James has signed a deal with Graham Norton’s So Television production company and has made a soon-to-be-aired pilot for the Disney Channel.

So if the kids like a laugh and you want to enjoy one with them, head in Mr Campbell’s direction (and no one has to dress up as anything). (Morag Bruce)