Clubs listings

Glasgow Clubs continued

Glasgow Sundays


I Bite at thc ('athotixc. lttflltpni 3am. l‘t'cc hctorc ll.3ltpiii; £2 l .5lti attci; chkl}. .-\ iiiildcr llll\ ot indic and rock than )ou‘ll tind at thc (II) 'x pi'cniici rock \cnuc on l'l'ltlu} Hl' Saturday

I Boogaloo at thc Social, ‘lpiii ittlll. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. Block xt}lc part} gi'oo\cx. urhan Rtle xci'atch hip hop. lix c pci‘cuxxion and gucxt M(\ all in a xuank) \cu Yoi'k-xt}lc xctting.

I Brazilica at ('luh l.i\ ing. 9pm 3am. l‘rcc lictorc l lpiii. \Vcckl). .-\ ncxx liar that truth into a club. in thc cornci' ot Mandcla Sqtiarc oll Buchanan Strcct. lt‘x l)J action and Inc pcrctixxion all thc \xa}. uith tuliiquitouxi i'cxidciit ‘l'itt l’cachcx and a lioxt ot unincntionahlc othci‘x.

I Cabaret at lhc 'l'unncl.

ll.3tlpin 3am. £~l (£5t. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc 'l‘uniicl'x xccond ga} club night. 'l'hiiigx arc dctinilcl} taluilotix at thix Sunda} night part}.

I Club Tropicana at lltL' (iai'agc (Attic). llpiii 3am. £3 t£3i_ \Vcckl}. lndic. hoth claxxic and conlcinporar}. \\ ttlt a hcalth) doxc ol Bi'itpop.

I Disco Badger at Hatnhoo.

llpiii 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. Scottic ll. Dominic Martin and Rohin kccp thc Sunda} throng xatixticd in lhc \cniic uhoxc inai‘i'iagc ot' Rtkll and houxc hax hccn an unqualilicd \ttL‘t‘L‘xx.

I Free Sundays ai itic t'nixcrxat.

l lpiii 3am. l‘i'cc. \Vcckl). Hip hop. tunk. xoul. rcggac. liouxc aitd ial/ all in thix grcat. \irttiall} tlllklltmn \ciiuc _|uxt hchind SttllL'lttCltttll Strcct.

I The Good Vibrations Sound System at liquid Loungc. llpiii 3am. £5 (£4). \VL‘L'lxl). RC\ldL‘tll\ lltL‘ Umxttloutl lluxtlcrx and thc Rcwngc xpin at thix gi'cat ('ai‘hon<inxpircd part}.

I Liquid Cool at thc llclo. llpiii 3am. £5. \‘l'cckh. :\J. Ki‘ix chgan and tan 'l‘honipxon pla} top-notch \ocal gai'agc and houxc to a club packcd \\ ith h}pcr» licdonixtic tucntyomcthing t‘L‘\L‘llL‘l'\. all ol “horn xccm to ha\c lt‘l‘gttllt‘ll that thc_\

ha\ c \\Ul‘l\ in thc morning. It t]tl;tlll_\ tuncx and glamoroux aiiticx arc _\ttltl‘ hag. Sun at llclo ix uninixxahlc.

I Midnight Marauders at itic Butt ('luh. llpiii 3am. £5. l3 Scp. .\lonth|_\. lioui‘ dcck action \xith l-"i'cak .\lcnoo\crx cvcr rclialilc l)cma & .\'icc. pl‘tH idiiig thc llllL‘\l hip hop. tunlx. xoul. good \ ihcx. liltch rock and att}tliiiig clxc thc) t'anc}.

I Mungo’s Hi Fi at thc Butt.

3pm 3am. l‘i‘cc hct‘oi'c l lpm; £5 ttllL‘l'. \Vcckl). Scotland'x numlicr onc rcggac dancchall collccmc. loi‘nici'l} rcxidcntx at thc \Voodxidc Social. do \\ hat tlic} |o\ c nioxt at thcii‘ ltL‘“ \cnuc. pla} ing in a xound x} xtcni xt_\ lc. and packing in thc niaxxcx \\ itli thcir i'ootx riddinix and mic action.

I Optimo (Espacio) at lltL‘ Suti ('luh. llpiii 3am. £(i t£5i. \\'ccld_\. It'x l/It' club in (ilaxgou right no“. and Scptciiihcr xccx 'l'uitch and \Vilkcx takc it to thc limit \\ ith a t'tindraixcr t'oi‘ Sudan on 13 Scp. thcn Spcktrum on It) Scp. look out tor a xct trom gcniux l'S indic hand 'l'\' on thc Radio on 30 Scp alxo. ()ptinio ix juxt \VllL‘t'C “K at.

I Passion at (‘luli .\lcdi;i. llpiii 3am. £5 (£3 hct‘orc midnight \xith tl_\ci‘i. \Vcckl}. lt‘ )iiti likc chunk} houxc. tcchno and a xiiiidgcon ol~ trancc. and )ou dixlikc chccxc. thcn you could do \mrxc than gct in xx ith the Mcdia lot. ()n xpinning duticx \\ c ha\ c 'l‘rcmr Rcill}. .-\nd_\ l’ci‘r}. Jaiiicx Bro“ n. Kcn l’ci'guxoii and Michacl l’atcrxon.

I The Priory at Blankct. l lpm 3am. £5. \Vcckl). ’l'hix cluli‘x xoincthing ot. a mixnoiiicr. l'nICxx ot courxc dancing all night to .xtudcnt anthciiix and Rtkll ix liou )ou dcto\. JP and thc ’l'uuncl‘x Richard l.cxinxon arc thc hoxtx.

I Spunk at the (‘athouxu l lpm 3am. £tbc. \Vcckl}. (‘ict a good xpankiiig on thc Sabbath. DJ Barr) pla_\x altcrnatix c. punk. claxxic rock. hip hop. mctal and croxxoxci‘ iiidtixtrial to a talc \xcckcnd croxx d.

82 THE LIST 9 -23 Sep, 300-1

I Transistor at thc I’olo l.otiiigc. llpiii 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. Rcal pop toi' i'cal pcoplc \xith l).lx .\'iall .\lc.\ltiri'a_\ and \\';i_\iic l)i\on.

I Urban Vinyl at Blanlxct. llpiii 3am. £4 t£3t. \Vcckl}. Ra) niond \Voodx. l’atil .\".lic. \accin and Stuart .\lc('al|um prcxcnt lollooctx ot urhaii inuxic \xith thc \ci‘} licxl in hip hop. Rtkll. will and cxcr} othcr kind ot iirhan hcat.

G The Wee Chill at ()ticcn'x l’ai'k (ilaxxhouxc. 5.3tlpin llpiii. U”. l‘) Scp ottl}. \Vc lo\ c thcxc c\cntx llt ()uccn'x l’ark. lt'x an inxpircd choicc ot \cnuc and. on thix datc. an inxpii‘ing hill. 'l‘hc noriiiall) rccluxi\c Slci'co .\l('x pla_\ a DJ xct. \xhilc lli—Kai'atc. 'l‘rouhlcinan. l’i‘o \‘in_\lixt Karim. llai'i'i. l'i'calx .\lciioo\ci‘x. (‘olin |)a\ic and ltlclltm Suhmachinc all coiiti'ihutc trackx iii thcir o\\tt \xa}. .\ nicc cai'l} c\cning xcxxion. M i‘ [tn in H.

Chart & Party

I B’Lo at lilo. ‘lpiii 3am. l~rcc lictorc llplttl £5 t£5t ttllk‘l‘. \\t'L'i\l_\. l.tltli\ )0111’ Sunday hcxt tor a night ot xiiiooth. claxx} dancc iiitixic.

I Budda at lludda. llpiii 3am. £thc. \Vcckl}. Rclaunchcd \ciitic hack on track \\ llll dclttlh \lill llk‘.

I Dream at Strauhcrr} l~ic|dx. ltUttpm Rain, £l5. \Vcckl}. l'iltccn quid toch in ‘You'rc ‘.i\ in‘ a laugh. ain‘t )a’ But \xait: thc har ix coiiiplctcl} ti‘cc all night. xo xtop moaning and gct drunk.

I I Candy .it 'l‘i'axh. llpiii 3am. £4 (£3i. \Vcckl}. DJ Rob hax thc hig aiithciiix and lititit'ltllL't'\ to ixCCP (ilthgtm \ l‘L‘Jllllltll pcoplc dancing all night long. I Streaker at Shack. ltlfitlpin 3am. £5 t£3i. \Vcckl}. l).l Janicx ‘thc Boy

1r .5? I I‘ ,

Lady Miss Keir guests at Death Disco, Sat 18 Sep

(iai'dnci' xpinx lhc ti‘ackx tor thoxc ciiiining ininiaturc anticx and nakcd tun. I Sunday Surgery at ('ulic.

llpiii 3am. £5 t£§i. \Vcckl}, ('atncron ('raig dtxpcnxcx xoinc xal\c toi )oui‘ xoul at thix nicdical thcnicd \\ indci‘ dou ncr. I Sunday Best at lllc Slit-it,

It), ittpiii 3am. £3 t£3i. \Vcckl}. lziian .\'cilxon and :\lltl} Rohcrtxoii arc tll chargc ot' thc tiincx at thix iiiaxxi\cl_\ popular Southxidc cluh. .ill\l hc quict \xlicn lca\ ing thc pi'ciiiixcx. plcaxc.

I Temptation Sundays at lljJL‘l' ’ligci'. ll. Wain 3am. l'i'cc. \Vcclxl}. ('alling all \\cll-prcxcntcd. }oung pi‘ot'cxxional t_\pcx. IN \Vin pla_\x tunk} houxc and club claxxicx ti'oiii ‘tpiii.

I Vinylicious at l,o\\do\\ ii,

Midnight 3am. £5 t£‘i_ \Vcclxl}, 'l'hc \ci‘} xc\_\ pcoplc ll‘ttttt Soulxa tiring ux anothcr linc night ot houxc tun and


Glasgow Mondays


I Passionality at ('uhc.

l|.3ttpin 3am. £§ i£2i \VUL‘l’xl}. l’lcaxing chartixti‘} ti‘oin l).l Shaun Rohcrtx. \xho docx ltl\ lk'\l to I'L'\1t\c‘ll;ttL‘ thc \\ k'L'hL'llti tor thc ga_\/iiii\cd L‘t'oud.

Chart & Party

I Breakaway ;tl thc Shaclx.

llpiii 3am. £5 t£3i. \Vcckl}. .'\lcc and .-\nd} drop thcii‘ uniquc lilcnd ol' chart tamuritcx. l)ctiiiitcl} onc tor thc part}

I Budda at Hudda. l lpiii 3am. £thc. \Vcclxl}. Rclaunchcd \cnttc hack on track \\llll dctailx xtill thc.

I Undercover at lildllixt'l llpiii iiiii £~l t£2i. \Vcckl), (iiatitication |c\clx .m- high ax xccict .igcnt in“ Ha l’icxt platx otit thc ttiiik} houxc. tpialit} Rtklt .iiid pci'tcct pop l’lciit} ot tllllli\\ pioinox xhotild lca\c _\oti lioth xhakcn and xtiiicd

Glasgow mesdays


- Bin Bag ;tl lltc' (il.t\jg'ti\\ Sclttiiil Hl g\rt. llpiii iaiii t_'l Ittcci llatgaiii liaxciiiciit indic tiiiicx. liaticlloadx ot chcap drink and .i liiiiic h ot kidx who iixcd to Inc in good hoiiicx.

I Later Lounge at thc l,lt|llltl loungc. ‘tpiii idtlt l'tt'c' “ct-kl}. \.iioii l’ctric t('linica|i cookx tip a xtoiiii v. itli xoiiic claxxic tiackx old and iicu lloiixc. hi'okcn licalx and hip hop tla\ouix

I Snoopy Tuesdays at ttlaiikt-i llpiii 5.1llt. £5 5t, \\cckl}. loin l’canutx and ('hai'lic HUN-ll iindci thc lilanlxct toi pop ton and xttitlcnt c laxxicx ()i xtiut _\otii xtutl .ix Scott 'l lllka'h. .\lc.\lillan. litll} \lilligaii and Jim l).i cht xlaiii on thc tunk} tiiiicx .iiid Riklt I Tuesdays at Bamboo at Baiiihoo, llpiii igtlll. £1 «Hi. \Vccld} l).l \ligucl ix lll thc Rcd Rooiii pla}ing thc tincxt Rikll and hip hop. and Ill thc lotiiigc \xc haxc Rohiii H la}iiig douii hix

xoultul groom-x

Chart <3 Party

I Budda at litidda. llpiii *aiii. £tlic. \Vcclxl}. Rclatinchcd \cntic hack on track \xiiti dctailx xtitl itic,

I Fun Club at (‘uhc l 1.30pm ittlll. £3. \Vcclxl}. l'unk}. tiiiiquc and \ct‘} naught}. Shaun Rohci‘tx and Shana