Events are listed by city, date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Brian McGeachan.

Glasgow Fridays


Burly 'l Iik' Night-x. 35 i .\tg}lt' Strut-t. 5H5 pm to to tum truism, .\Iontitl_\ llt St'ptt'tnlwt. lilola'x night will Burl} Strit‘t dn'xx Unit" ruhlwr. lcatht'r. unttortn. induxttial. xpottxxxcat. kiltx and dcnnn Dt'xigncd to ht- t‘rutx}

LGBT Centre café bar I l I)I\on St. (ilaxgou. 33(15ll5ll.‘)ptn l3 l-rct'. \Vt'clxl}. Kn} \xannalw xtar \xho happcnx to lw in thc \ it'intt} (an lilhk‘ up IIIL' nnt‘ tor karaon thix tuning and loittot't'mx.


Fresh at Illt' l’olo loungt', S4 \Vilxon Strut-t. 55* l l3l. lllptn ittltl. £5 l£5t \Vt't'lxl}. Illt' onl} plau- Ill IIIL' hcart ol tltc t'll} tor a hot and x\\L‘;tl_\ mpcrrcrtt'c. Mid} and \ltt‘hcllc pio\ tdc an t't'lu'ttc nn\ ol than and dance lllllSlt'.

Glasgow Saturdays


Lush The l’olo Loungc. S4 \Vilxon Strcct. 55i ll3l. lllpin Kant. £5 t£5l. 'l'hcr'c‘x a t'holt‘t' ol thc door it'\ cl xt‘ating arca. thc troph} room or thc dant'c arca l'oi' thc hard t'oit- danu‘i'x at thix Satttr'da} night part}. Club Mystyx Hogxhcad liar. in North I'l't'dt't'lt‘k SII'L‘L‘I. .553 «Sihll. Sat l I St'plt'tnht'r. .S'pin Iain. i£Si £5. Monthl}. .\ night l'oi' lltc nit'hc niarkct \xhcrc cntrantx inuxt don lctixhxxcar. Black drt‘xx t‘odc. but no xportxucai' pci'inittcd.



It may not quite have the international cachet of the Olympics, but circle Saturday 11 September as a date for the diary. Edinburgh’s Meadowbank Stadium plays host to a free open day event for all LGBT folk, featuring a wide range of sports from Tai Chi and badminton to an indoor climbing wall.

If you fancy some physical participation you can put a team together for five-a-side footie, basketball or even French boules. As if that isn't enough, there’s also a Youth Space run by the LGBT Youth Scotland, giving you a chance to have a say in what the city of Edinburgh does for LGBT people when it comes to sport and recreation. The fun starts at noon and runs until to 5pm.

I Meadow/bank Stadium. Edinburgh, Sat 77 Sep, noon—5pm.

Glasgow Sundays


Angie ‘O’ \lcrthant l’ridc. 3It (‘andlL-rtggx. 5M 1335 Int \M'ckl} 'I‘lnx popular hat I.t_\\ plann to hoxung lilk' t'atnpcxt lxaraokc Ill Stotland. with [DC xupcrlatiw \ngtc '( )‘ ottitiaung .ix the nnxtrcxx ot putt-inontcx

Pink Devotion (‘lult Dmutton. IS .I.tlllillt'.l Slrcct. S4" ll.\3ll l lptn Run £“ t'ntr}. 'ltxit‘t‘ “ct-kl}. 'l‘hc t‘lul‘ tortncrl} knoun ax l’cnclopc‘x ltax undcigont' a nainc t'hangt' and tntt‘odtit‘t'd a {IUL’CI night on Sunda}x and 'l'lturxda}x \xrth DJ .\nnic.

Glasgow Mondays


Passionality ('utw. t4 (‘IIICL'II Sim-i. 33i .an ll..illprit 1. Wain. £3. \Vcckl}. lt tltc chcap drink and tracking xoundx ot DJ Shaun don't L'IIIICL' )ott out ot )oltt' poxt- \xcclxcnd xluinlwr thcn the rcgular talcnt on dixpla} tor gn‘lx and lynx luxt inight.

Glasgow Tuesdays


FUN ('uhc 34 Queen St. 333 SW)”. il.5liplll .ittltl, £3. \Vccld}. l5or thoxc \Hlll tht' xta}1ng and xpcnding pmwr to t'nlo} anothcr inidtxcck dancc—a thon. ('ulw prt‘xcntx itx xccond night ot IIIUSIL'JI lit;t}ltcltt le't‘ ahoxct.

Glasgow Wednesdays


Allure 'l’hc ’l‘unncl. S4 Mitchell Strt‘ct. 3(l4 llltltl. ll.3(lpnt 3am. £3, \Vcckl). Illix ncxxixh ga} night ix brought to _\oti good pcoph‘ h} thc ln'ain'x hclnnd ('uhc‘x l’axxionalit} and l-"l'N pronnxing happ}. cliccx} pop in thc contpan} ol DJ Darrcn.

Glasgow Thursdays


Quiz Night Dclinonica‘x. (18 Virginia SII'L‘L‘I. .553 43”: \VL'L'Ixi}. I‘IL'C. 'I.L‘\l )Ullt' \\ itx agaian thc hcxt and thc hriglttcxt in thix popular ga} ntainxta}.


Club Devotion \xith DJ Annie. IS Jamaica Strcct. S47 0830. llpin 3am. £3. ll-‘rcc paxxCx/t‘lxct'x amilahlc iron] the ncal'h} |.(ili'l‘ ccntrct. :\nothct‘ chancc thix “gel. to cnio} thc dclightx ot' thix ncxx ga} night.

Edinburgh Thursdays


Toxic Iigo. l4 I’icat‘d} Plank-178 7434. I lpin 3am. £3. \Vcclx‘l}. Nu“ club nigth launchcd h} the Vihc-inaxtcr .IillllL‘S\xorth (BIA/Iii. Janth and hix gucxtx pla} a mixed lllllSiL'dI hag ol‘ turntath trickx. £l drink proinox all night.

Edinburgh Fridays


PolysupenCamp Ncuimxn liar. Zhh Duhlin Strcct. 533 7775. ltlpin 3am. I’il'L‘L‘. \Vcckl}. I)J\ I’ol}mpct' I’L‘tc. .-\ii and glit‘xtx \\ hip up a xtorin ot camp claxxicx and ncxx xoundx. Sail) l5 and DJ Michcllc go a \xcc hit altcrnatixc do“ n hclou.


Blaze ligtt. I-I I’it‘ul'd) I’lttL‘L‘. 478 7454. lxt. 3rd & 4th Fri ot' cach month.

l lpni 3am. £3 hct‘orc midnight. £4 at'tcr. lioi'tnightl). D] Janth\xorth ix guaranteed to ignite thc ga} \xcckcnd with a chart and connncrcial/tunk} houxc xoundtrack I't'L‘i the hut! ck boogic to the ItL‘ttl.

Edinburgh Saturdays


LGBT Sport and Recreation Open Day Mcadouhank Stadium. Sat l l Scptcinhcr. l-‘rcc l3 5pm txcc ga} IIIIL‘I'L‘SI l.

EDGE OF MIDNIGHT: THE LIFE OF JOHN SCHLESINGER BY WILLIAM J MANN H I. g ,_ ... Sunday Bloody Sunday is probably the best gay movie ever made. Released in 1971, it was the first feature to have a gay protagonist - a Jewish doctor in London who refuses to apologise for his life and love - as its hero. Charting a menage a trois between Peter Finch, Glenda Jackson and their love for bisexual Murray Head, it is an elegant, literate and immensely moving film. It was John Schlesinger’s greatest work. Remarkably, his last offering, The Next Best Thing, made 30 years later with Madonna and Rupert Everett in

lrsttngs Gay

i ,. .' l"

'i'ltt I.Ii(' of John St lilt-xingt'r

the lead roles, must be one of the most cringy gay movies ever.

Schlesinger is the subject of Edge of Midnight, a lengthy biography by William J Mann. The Boston writer had already scored a big success with his analysis of the homosexual creative circle which ruled Hollywood in the 19405. After a stroke, Schlesinger realised he would never write his own autobiography. He chose Mann to tell his story, giving him unlimited access to taped diaries, archives and colleagues. Schlesinger led a fascinating, privileged life on both sides of the Atlantic. His films consistently defied categorisation, ranging in style and genre from Billy Liar to Midnight Cowboy to Far From the Madding Crowd. They were, and are, known for their intelligence, fine writing and the director‘s refusal to hide his sexuality. Nonetheless, while Schlesinger worked consistently until his recent death at the age of 77, he never had another real hit after 1971. Mann's biography rarely illuminates the pain that must have beset Schlesinger as he made one dud

movie after another.

The book contains many great stories about the director‘s literary salons, his love life and the effects of AIDS on the Hollywood community. There are also moving contributions from gay artists, such as novelist Michael Cunningham (of The Hours) and Anthony Sher, acknowledging how important Sunday Bloody Sunday was to their own self-acceptance. The book provides many fascinating insights into one of our most important filmmakers, dealing with both his personal life and his films in an intelligent and informed manner. But unlike the early films, this readable book fails to get inside the heart of its subject. Schlesinger is always kept at a distance. Ultimately, even after 660 pages, the director remains an enigma.(John Binnie)


Fever Iigo. l4 l’icard) l’lacc. 478 7434.

l l.31lpnt 3am. Morttlil}. £lll t£Si. Sat IS Scptctnhcr. 'l‘axtc'x ncu inontltl} night l'caturing 'l'axtc i‘cxidcnt D.lx l‘ixhcr 8: Price and Martin Valcntinc in the ballroom and thc \'ixitor and Kauptixx maxing ainthing got‘x ill IIIL' (.DCIL'RIU.

Luvely 'l-IIL' Liquid Room. ‘lt‘ Victoria Strcct. 33.5 35(14. lt)..‘~() 3am. Monthl}. £l() t£8l 'l'hix popular night It‘ltllll‘t‘x i‘t-xidcnt DJx 'l‘oinin} Ka}. \cuton and Stonc and Jat‘cd attd (il’.

Polysuper-Mix Up metonn Bar. 26h Duhlin Stt'cct. 53S 7775. ltlpni 3am. l'rcc. \VL‘L‘H}. Nu“ night oi L'IIL'L‘IL‘L' dixco pop and chart} hitx tor I1o_\\ and girlx \xith DJx l’o|_\xupcr l’ctc. Ali aitd gucxtx.

Wiggle Iigo. l4 l’icard} Place. 478 7434. l lpin 3am. Monthl}. Sat 1 lth Scptcinhcr. chidcnt DJx 'l‘r'cnd} \Vcnd} and Jon l’lcaxcd hlcnd camp \\ ith claxxicx and nun xottndx.

Edinburgh Sundays


Polysuper i’o \a Na. 4% I-‘rcdcrick Strcct. 33(1 3334. ilptn 3am. \Vcckl}. £4 t£3 \xith thcri. 'l‘hix ncxx mum on the quccr calendar prttllli\C\ a popular xclcction ot rctro and tnodcrn IUIICS. Taste 'l‘hc Liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Strcct. 335 3564. l lpin 3am. £5 hct’orc

1 1.30pm: £3 t£(» mcrnhcrxi at'tcr; £lll non- rncinhcrx on gucxt DJ nightx. \Vcckh. Samplc thc xupcrh and taxt} hrcxt oi hotth and garage in thix \x'cckcnd cclchration of all thingx quccr and d} M}. Taxch Main Room rcxidcnt DJ l‘ixlicr (it l’ricc pla} l'or _\olt. and Back Room rcxidcnt Dix Martin \‘alcntinc and Stcxcn Wanh‘xx plat} Dccp Houxc and ['S Houxc.

BootyLUSHous Mcdnta Nightclub. tundcr Nugociantxi 45 47 l.ot|nan Strut-t. lllpin .iain. £3 cntr} hclorc nndnight £i lltL‘t‘L‘dllL‘t'. \VL‘CH}. :\ Block I’ttt‘l} IIHSIL‘tI h} DJ Dalc l.tixh.

CC Blooms Karaokc. 33 (il't‘t'llSltIt‘ Place. 556 (Hi I. 0pm 3am. Iuo lloor 'imwl ill thc L'roun oi Izdinhurgh'x \L'L'IIL'. I)o\\tt to cat'th and unprctt-nttoux. IIIL' hat xtatt arc lrtcndl} \xlnlc karaon ix a t'iotoux allan'. 'I'hix \cnttc alxo hoxtx a dtxt‘o t'wi'} night l'rotn llpin.

Edinburgh Monday


Polysuper-Ghee: Mood (‘lulx ()innt ('L'tilt‘c. (irL'L'IISItIL'. “7733 474 4H,

ltlpin 3am. £l hctorc ll.3llatn; £3 altcr l£3 \\ ith lltL‘lllIk‘l'Slllp card or tilSL'Hllltl paxxi. \Vcclxl}. DJ l’ol}xtipt*t' l’ctc. All and guL'xtx do thc honourx.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


The Hub at l.(ili'l' ('cntrc tor llcaltli A; \\'cllhcing. ‘) Ilouc St. 533 l llltl.

4.30 7.30pm. Drop in tor lricndl) accuxx to lexhian. ga}. hixcxual or tranxgcndcr into. L'UlllttL'IS and xcrx iccx, An cax}. tricndl} and \tclcoining cnxironincnt ix guarantccd icol't'cc on tap? l. 'l'hix xcrx icc ix alxo provided on \Vcdncxda} and 'l‘hurxda}.


Vibe ligo. I’icard} l’lacc. 478 7434.

l lprn 3am. £3 (£3 mcrnhcrxi. Wet-kl}. Jaincx [.onguorth prmidcx thc xoundx upxtairx at thix popular. xparkl)‘. chart} pan) \xhilc Nathan Scantlchur) playx an Rth inix dtmnxtairx.

344': Set, 7,34 THE LIST 77