STAND-UP STEWART LEE Pleasance, Edinburgh, Mon 13 Sep; Stand, Edinburgh, Tue 14 Sep; Stand, Glasgow, Wed 15 Sep

There aren’t too many comics who would be brazen enough to open up their most recent routine by grabbing a bunch of non- volunteers from the crowd, set off some poppers to cheesy party sounds and then immediately stroll into deadly serious material about 9/11. But then Stewart Lee is as brazen as they come. In his capacity as cultural commentator for a Sunday broadsheet, he had the audacity to give Ang Lee some real cheek when he was interviewing him

Popper will eat itself

over the phone about The Hulk. And he has, to be blunt about it, now upstaged his fellow comedy partner Richard Herring on the ‘fed’ look.

But Stewart Lee is perfectly entitled to be gorging on success. His part in the glorious triumph of the Fringe then West End stage hit Jerry Springer: The Opera may have led to him shaking hands with certain members of the rich and famous he can’t stand, leaving him aghast at the overwhelming fear he is transmorphing into Ben Elton. No real chance of that when he has all the good people so much on his side. In recent times both Sarah Kendall and Ed Byrne have been spotted quoting him, and reviews from most organs during the Fringe were vastly favourable. Even when he shoehorns in a claim for himself to be 100% Scottish, you can only admire

his gall. (Brian Donaldson)

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy©, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.

Thursday 9


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jttllglt‘tllN. l‘(i(' Building. chlirctx Strcct. tl.\’7tl7 870707. 7pm. £7. Schi/ophrcnic comcdian Bi‘cndon Burns l'i'ontx thix linc-up that alxtt lllL‘itltlL‘\ Stcw Hitl'l‘tx. li‘ixh 34cm ()\\L‘ll ()'.\'cill and R l)a\id.

The Thursday Show 'l‘lic Stand. 333 \thttdlillltiS Road. 0870 (300 0055. “put. Ut tt'5i, Sinton i‘i\;tll\ \\;l\t‘\ |_\ric;t| on his man) pctt} irritation\ in thc compan) ot~ kindrcd spirit JttlllL‘S ‘Radgc‘ i't‘l‘gthttll. pith (iracmc 'l'homax and hoxt Rax iiiond Mcat'nx. '


The Edinburgh Edition ’l‘hc 'l‘hrcc 'l'uns \Yinc Vaults. 7 I l llanmcr Strcct. 0700‘) 5.53545. ‘lpm. [3. DL‘l‘t‘k Lightiitltll pro\ idcx thc laugh at thix topical llL'“ \ tltlll.

The Thursday Show 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7373. ‘lpiit. to i£5i. 'l‘opical tcaxcr l’rankic Bo} Ic \xarmx tip tor thc “cckcnd \\ ith this night ot'jokcx and japcx t'caturing Dann} Bticklcr. .\'ik ('oppin aitd [is an John.

The Snatch Social 'l‘lic Liquid Room.

0c Victoria Strcct. 335 356-1.

ltlfillpm 3am. U tf5.5lll. 3(lll3 lap \Vatcr Award \\lllllL‘l' 'l'oit} ('ai'tci' and Hair} ;\in\\\orth coiiipci‘c at this tiltlt} cahai‘ct t‘tiiit-dixco ltlSlttll \xith hip hop and ltiiik) tuncx l'rom Italics and ’l'rciid} \\'ciid} tmonthh l‘t‘\ldt‘tlll.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .loiiglciiix. l'(i(‘ Building. Rciilrcu Strcct. 0871)" 870707. 7pm. U3. Scc “ill 0.

The Stand 'I‘hc Stattd. 533 \Voodlandx Road. ()Sqtl (till) (10.5.5. 9pm. {71U1t Hoxl Vladimir Mc’lln l\|l lllll'tttillL‘L‘S thc dclightx ol‘ coiiicd} ranlcr Simon li\an\. \xho l\ aidcd and ahcttcd h) (iiaciiic ’I'hoiitax. \ik (‘oppin and [Matt John.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .loiiglctiix. ()mni (‘cnti'tz (irccnxidc l’lacc. “Salt” 870707. .7pm. tl3. (‘hatt_\ \orthci‘itcr \lark Hurst \hai‘cx a stagc “till \la} -at hoiiic comic Smtig Rohct'tx. l’hil Htlllt‘l' aitd l)a\c \Villiamx.

The Stand ’l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 555 7373. ‘lpm. {7 (tot. ('hcck}. chcci'} hoxl Janc Macka) brings on thc coiitcth ldiL‘llh ot Dann} liticklcr. .lamcx li‘i'gtixon and


James Campbell’s Comedy 4 Kids King'x 'l’hcatt'c. 3‘)” Bath Strch 341) ill]. 1.5(lpltt. LS. SL‘L‘ Kid»

Jongleurs Comedy Club lunch-tin. l(i(‘ Building. lx’citticu Sticct. “\"I'" \“H'tV 7piiti :11 \‘c liiti " Reasons to Be Cheerful t‘ottici lhcatic. "i “5 Hmdland Sticct, 15" a lttpiii :5 i\’c'.itiillj_‘\ tiom \laiim \lc('.iidic\ pla} lt't .zn't.‘\ li’t ( in i r'...’ tollouctl hx conicd} ili‘llt political \tllihl \laik Stccl. on \Kilit\t' mcnioiix tlic l‘iak l\



Madcap Comedy Club llit- Slalt‘ “at. MS Holland Sticct. ;13315" S me :5 «Lit R.i}iiioiid \it'.tlll\. thc hi; lllall ol coiiicd}. \hoxxx lick not to hc iiicwcd \kllit lll lill\ c\tciitlcd \ct. \tippoitctl h\ lclltm gag; iiicichaiit Hill} Hullkt‘h

The Stand l'hc Stand. 1i1\\ootll.iiitl\ Rthhk “\qll (illil (\ll55 Uri” L\ \k\- I H ](l hut \titli hoxl .laiic \latka}

The Vault Comedy Club lilt‘ \atlil. iii” l’ttiiitkdlau \ Road, til‘l tltlll" ‘lpm LS (ii.t\\\t'f3l.lll haid man (i.ii_\ l ittlc taktw ill\ ttiiii tn thc spotlight \kllil \ltlllti tip \tippoit tioiti I'ddic lltt. \\ootl_\ and homhaxtic hoxt lx’a}iiioiid \lt'.tlll\


Jongleurs Comedy Club ,loiigjlcuix. ()mni (‘ciititz (ii‘ccimdc l’lacc. “VH7 Vllqtf, "pm, U i. Scc i‘l'l Ill

The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 5 Yoik l’lacc. 55S 7373. ‘lpm, LS. Scc i'll lll. althouin lliticc \loitoii takcx o\ci' as host.


The Stand-Up Comedy Show Rothcx Halls. Kingdom (‘ciititx lli'Wll‘l 5533-15. ‘lpiii. L5. \\oidpl.i} \\ill/ l)c\ ('lai'kc takcx thc \potlight \\ itlt \tippoil lroitt .\l(' \cil \lacl'arlanc. |)oti;_'ic \lttiii‘o. 'l'im .r\\h\\cl| and Sand} i'.t\lttll.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service iiiilt‘ Slalld. 5.55 \Vtttidlatlth Road. (LS—5001)” (1055 Sillpiit, [-1 1L5! l)c,itlp;m host \lichacl Rcdiiiond roundx oll thc \xcckcnd “Hit a \ci'\ mg; ol iitihol} coiiicth li'om gucxtx \ik ('oppm. local ho} .lamcx l’ci'gtixon and inoi'c.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? 'I‘lit- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7373. it‘lll. l i'cc. l‘i'ccxt_\lc laughtci gurux l’atil (iraham aitd Stuart .\ltii'ph_\ i‘ctui'ii to thc \tagc \\llil thcii tinititic hi‘and ol coiiicd} hangoxci' ctii'c Bruce’s Sunday Social Club 'l'lic Slaiid. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7373. S. itlpm. LVl tt‘.i l. \Vickcd hoxl Brucc l)c\ liii i‘l'llljJN on thc laughtcr-inducing lilit'lll\ ol (irat'iiic 'l'hoitiax. liuaii .loliii and othci' \tll'lll‘ht' gtlt‘\l\ l't'oiii thc \toi'ld ol coiitcd}.


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance 'l'lic Stand. 33.: \Voodlanth Road. “Sail (illll 0055. S. illpiii. [-1. Sand} \clxoii. Raynond \lcaitix. .loc llccnan and l)c\ \lclcan

\hou lhc \xoiltl \that can hc tloiic \\ itli oiil} a piano. a jJtlllitl' and a i‘lf_' \licc ol comic imagination.


The Comedy Network 'l ilt' l’lt-amiicc ('ahai‘ct Hat. (ill lhc l’lc;i\.iiicc. 05” 3 H”. Spin. L55” it'3.5lli. (‘omcth \ctci'aii Stcuart [cc c\tcnd\ ill\ \ta} tn l'dinhui'gh tor [ilh l'rcxhcrx' \Vcck coiiicd} cxciiing. \\ itli comic support lroin .Itt\lt‘ long. Scc

pancl. Red Raw 'Iiltc Slaitd. 5 York l’lact'. 55S "373. S..‘~llpiit. L'l Stand-tip llt'\‘.\'ttlllt‘l\ tr}

otit thcir hcxt Imc\ in thc coiitpait} ot compci'c Nick l)a\ lL‘\ and licadliiici' (‘olin .\1C(

Tuesday 14


“Cd Raw ilihc .Slttllti. 5.5.5 \\tltltililnki\ Road.tlSqlltilllltitl55.S51lpin. £2. ('oiiicd} \ irginx do it \tand-up \t}lc with hpr trom compci'c Brucc l'timiiic} and hcadlincr (ircg \lcllugh.

Brendon Burns lho manic Aussie heads a bill which also includes the great Owen ()‘Neill. See Si Reasons. Jong/eu/s, Glasgow, [hit 3) Sep.

Tony Carter the tormei lap Water Victor (pictured) tights back as part of the Snatch Social Willi another cabaret and tunes extravagan/a as well as packing them tn tor a Stand show. / iguid Hoe/n, [(‘l/iibt/rgh, 7hu 5). to, 2’3 Sep; Stand, [-‘d/nburgh, ihu to Sep.

Stewart Lee /\ batch of shows prove that comedy gods don't just leave us behind when the fringe thing is but a memory. ()ne of the true stand-tip heavyweights of our time. See panel. P/easance, [:‘diiiburgh, Mon 73 Sep; Stand, Edinburgh, lue 74 Sep; Stand, G/asgow, Wed I I) Sep.

Adam Bloom 'l’he hyperactive boy who nearly had it all gets another chance at glory. Stand, Glasgow, Fri I7 Sep; Stand, Edinburgh, Sun 79 Sep.

Howard Marks Mr Nice does his live thing. Not always strictly comedy, we feel. but there you have it. Queen's Ha/l, Edinburgh, Sun 79 8. Mon 20 Sep.

A Kick Up the Tabloids We hate the tabIOids. don't we? Well yes. but they give comedians such great material. Here's an example of it. Stand. Edinburgh, Wed 22 Sep.


The Comedy Network 'l’lic l’lcaxaiicc ('aharct Bar. (ill 'I hc l’lcaxancc. (i5ll 3 H‘). Spin. £5.50 it'3.5lli. lop laughs and coiiicd} capcrx li'oin l’atil (’hondhr} and oit-thohall Bi'tiniiitic Stan Stanlc}.

Stewart Lee: One Man Show 'l'lic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7373. VIN”. £7. 'l‘hc iiiorc iiitclligcnt aitd dchoiiair halt ol and Ht‘l‘l'lllf.‘ [k‘l‘lttl'lll\ a solo \ct on thc hack ol ill\ \tlL‘CL‘xxltli lrtngc run. SL‘L‘ pancl.

INK / '1 THE LIST 75