
MACBETH Dundee rep. until Sat 25 Sep

Woman on the verge of populartheatre ' : ' ~-.' : '-.: " " ' r 2 l. E“ :' :

GOODTHINGS ‘. ' . ., Touring " I , , ,

Liz Lochhead has referred to celluloid classic When Harry Met Sally a total : .z : " w '- z . : " 2' : .' iv: : ' " - ' - :21' ' : - of seven times in ten minutes: a strange cultura' reference for a woman " --: ' "' --: - w -- : l' : ' ' ': 1, l who‘s been knee—deep in Moliere and Greek tragedy for the past five years. a z r " -. ' -' : :' z" 2 ' ,~ ' :' : 21"",' Li: Indeed, when last we spoke in 2003, Lochhead‘s reworking of her own play

Blood and Ice was about to go up at the Lyceum, and the playwright was _ w H_ _

talking With equal fervour about her dreams of an all-female adaptation of JEKYLL & HYDE

Don Juan.

Then again, for those familiar with Lochhead's colourful CV, the schmaltz reference isn‘t that surprising. She is, after all, the writing force behind ' : ' ': ' " ' 2 " l‘ " : :" ' " " .:". :1 Perfect Days, the rom—com hit that was such a success in Scotland that it 2" 1 :--' .' 7' ' '- ' . z' : ‘~ ~ madeitswaysouthtotheWest End main stage, halfadecadeago. lsshe ' ' 2' :‘ . '~ : _: " ' l’l' i'wrz. hoping for the same success with Good Things, her latest romantic farce? " ' ' ' 2.:1. :; ,. '. ~ " .':' 1" w 1".» ' z .‘

‘I didn‘t really think about that when I first set out. ljust wanted to write : ' : :1 _:' 'w '" -- "2" . ' ' ' : something aboutthetruth ofwhatlsee. It‘s aboutawoman on theverge of ' ' h'. :w 2.' .

50 not sure if she should invest the time in finding a new man orjust opt for " 2' ' °_ ." " ' :. " : z z. 2', if : :--: :' : acat.|wanted itto be aboutthe possibilities of meeting someone; the '-':: . ' ' " ' ' :-:i '. :-4 : unknown of what’s through the wall from where you live. It‘s set in Glasgow .:‘ ;". w . " <L " : : H :' " ~ ,z 1 I ' ' 1' 2 but this is about the universality of love.‘ And Lochhead certainly seems to 12:: '. w‘x ~::' “.1 (i' z w :1 f. ' '»:-‘. ' :"_' ; be enjoying the challenge of encouraging a certain ‘type‘ of audience to the : " ' ' 1" 'i‘ ' " : '~» 'E 'w w " w i' '. theatre, of being a little lighter with her message. ‘I want people to come for : ‘1' w : ' '\ z' 2' ", " -- . : i. l.‘.

a girls‘ night out and laugh. ljust feel there‘s this audience out there who W :" : " :1 2' :r- : ~ " " . ' :' :: 2" w :4.- are being ignored, the typical theatre audience: the ‘good night out‘ crowd. ' v‘ : 1m w ~- ' .' ~ ' : 'rl ' ' This is a feel—good play and I make no apologies for that.‘ (Anna Millar) "' * t 'r, : w r w" ,; 1' 2‘ "

Touring, Thu 16 September—Sat 27 November

THE RUFFIAN ON THE STAIR & 4:48 PSYCHOSIS Citizens' Theatre, Glasgow, Thu 23 Sep—Sat 23 Oct


Citizens‘ Theatre, Glasgow. Tue 21

fl. , Sep \\" r\ i m K Mll 'Rff 9 \ i ,. . \,. enny I er. U Ian. \ :; g. . v r {I v r .r 't n r \ I ,(1 A ’/ ' ,' A. r4 I , , X. , I 1 C i " ., xt/ ,',I{/{,