1111111’1/‘1' 111'111’1111/9' 100721010011-11111-1} 111111'0101101101111- [111-11010 01-1-11 1’11001‘ 0141 3 3‘) 8141 10111110113001111mm.

IMAX Theatre

(11.01.0113. 8111-01 1* (111111". 501’1111111 1.10.1}. 011113115111101005114051 111', 11100001 011 [1.11110 01 10011‘ 111.10 1001

111111/11/‘1’1 1111111f,111'11/ ‘.1

Bugs! 3011'1

S011\‘ 800: 1.45.

Ghosts of the Abyss 3O 11’( 11 5101 (\ 8110. 4.15.

.\|in 01.11101'1' \x1'1'k1111}\: 30 Mania 111

81118 8110: 13.30. 3.00 \\‘L'L'1\tlil'\\. 3.1111. -1. 511. Wild Chimpanzees 11 ‘1 S01 1\' 800: 1115010. \\'L'1'1\Il;1}\: 3.15.


11111)/\/ 11' 11011181113193

Bugs! 3001

S011& 8011: 1.45. Ghosts of the Abyss 3O 11’( 11 ink .\l00: 13.30. S011k 800: 4.15.

3D Mania 111

1'11 1\ .\100: 3.00. 4.30. S011& 800: 13.30. 3.00. Wild Chimpanzee511'1 1'1'1 1k .\100: 3.15.

8011\' 800: 11.15010.

Odeon at the Ouay, Glasgow

()11 l’01xlc} 1x’00110pp0x11c ll01‘1'_\ 1(I1111x111‘0‘x.0l41 418 01 l 1. 11110 0011 ('(' 1100111032: 08711 50 50 007, [1)]. I111 .1\1111|1 [4.511111‘101‘1- (11110; (5.50 0111'1' 10011011110} S011k 8001\VcIl011lickclx: L300. Slmlcnlx/(‘liiltl 00111'1' 14: L375. 1";111111} IIL‘lu'li 1314.411. 11111010113111.

1111111f31)/\Y £1

TheAlamoII2.-\1 2.30. 5.45. 8.45. The Boume Supremacy I I2.1\1 2.00. 4.30. 7.00. 0.10.

The Chronicles of Biddick I 151 1.00. 3.45. 0.30. 0.15.

A Cinderella Story 11’(;1 110011. 2.30. 4.45. 7,110.

Garfield11’(;1 1.00. 3.00. 5.011. HellboyII2.-\1 1.00. 3.45. 0.30. 0.15. l, RobotI12.v\1 1.00. 3.45. 0.30.


The Motorcycle Diaries I 151 3.30. 0.15. 0.00.

Open Water I 151 0.15.

Shrek211'1 11.30.1111. 1.30.

Stage Beauty1151 1.30. 4.00. 0.45. 0.30.

TheTerminalIl2.»\1 12.15. 3.15. 0.15. 31.15.

The Village112.\1 1.00. 3.30. 0.30. 0.00.

Wicker ParkII2.-\1 7.00. 0.30.

11111)/\Y 10 111111150/0” 111

Anchorman: The Legend of Bon Burgundy I 12.-\1

H101}: 13.15. 3.30. 4.45. 7.00. 0.30. .\1x0 1011‘ 1511 1k 801: 1111110132111.

Big Fish 11’( 11

1111‘: 10.30001.

The Boume Supremacy I I2.-\1

11:01): 1.00. 3.30. (1.15. 8.45.

The Chronicles oi Biddick I 151

D011): 3.45. 8.451001'1‘11111.

A Cinderella Story I1’( 11

D00}: 1.30. (1.301001'1'11111.

.-\l.\0 1001i0cc S01 1k 800: 1 1.30010. Collateral I 151

1110: (1.30. 0.30.

Oil Ne Jese Apana Kahaa 11111-1

D011}: 3.00. 5.15. 8.30.

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story 113.\1 l)0i1_\: 0.00. .-\1\0 1011‘ 1"i'i & 801: 011110112111.

11.45001. 3.00. 4.15. (1.30.

Garfield 11’( 1. 1).111_\ 0000. 300. 415

Hellboy I 12 \1

“.1111 13311. 315. (1.1111. 5.45 \1\01.111'1111\ 5.11 101110132111 I,Bobot112\1

l).lll}' (1.15. ‘1 15

Open Water I 151

I);”l-\ I UL 5311. 5,31). q 311_ 11.511. .\1\0|.111'1-111\ 8.11 01111010111. ShrekZ I1 1

\11111111-1'501 1k 800. 0000

The Stepford Wives I 12.\1 \11111111'1'8011k 8110' 11 30.101. Super Size Me I 12.\1

11.111}: 2.15. 4.30. 5.110. 0.30. .\1x0 1011- 1'11 1\ 8.11 11111101;111. The Terminal I 12.\1

1);111_\: 110011. 3.00. 0.00. 0.00. .\l\01011'1‘111\ 8.11. 101110132111. 13 Going on 3011231 3101101'1'801 1k 800: 0000. Thunderbirds 11’(il 3101101'1'8011k $110: 11.30001. The Village I 12.\1

1);11|_\: 1.30. 4.00. 0.311. 0.00. Wicker Park I I2.\1

1)0il_\: 1.00. 3.30. (1.15. 0.15. .\l\l) 1011' 111 1\ 80!: 1111110132111.

11111)/\Y 11' 1111111E31)1\\1/I)J-‘1

1’1'0321'010011'1111131} 1011c0101101101111‘ '11'L‘\1till\ \\ 11-111. 1’110111- (1870 .5050 (107 101'111'10113001111mm. .\'I‘\\ 111001111100 0111-0 011 1'11 1" Sop:

Collateral I 151

Ae Fond Kiss I 151

Code 46 I 151

Tiauma I 151

5(1 RL'HHL'ltl Sll'L‘L‘I. (11-11 .353 .3413. 1010 0011 (‘(' 1100111032: 0870 5050 007. |1)| 011100 5. (1. 7 0011 8. 111 8110: {5.351133511310112 {3:101- '1‘11112L'5 1133114111111) 1111011313 L13.


The Alamo I 12..\1 2.30. 5.30. 8.30. The Boume Supremacy I 12.I\1 1.30. 4.00. 0.30. 0.00.

The Chronicles of Biddick I 151 0.15. ACinderelIa Story ll’(ii 1.15. 3.30. (1.15. 15.311.

Dodgeball: A flue Underdog Story 113.-\1 11111111. 3.15. 4.311. (1.45. 9.1111. Hellboy112.\1 110011. 3.00. 5.45. 3.30.

I, RobotIIZ.-\1 12.30. 3.15. 8.45. OpenWaterI151 12.15. 2.30. 4.30. 0.00.

TheTerminalII2.1\1 110011. 2.45. 5.45. 8.45.

The VillageII2.»\1 1.30. 4.00. 0.30. 0.00.

Wicker Park I 12.-\1 0.15.

1’1'3IDAY 10—~1H_1_JRSD_AY 1(5

Anchorman: The Legend of Bon Burgundy I I2..\1

l’i‘i& 501: 13.15. 3.30. 4.45. 7.00. 0.15. 8110 1110: 11000. 3.15. 4.30. (1.45. 11.1111.

The Boume Supremacy I I2.1\1 l)0il_\: 0.00.

The Chronicles of Biddick I 151 1)0il}: 1.00. (1.151001'1‘11111.

A Cinderella Story I1’(‘11

H101}: 11000. 3.15. 4.30. (1.45. Collateral I 151

11111: (1.00. 8.45.

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story 113.»\1

D011): 3.00. 4.15. (1.30. 8.45.

.1\1\0 0101101‘1‘ S01: 11.45001. Envy I 12.-\1 01111}: 1.30. 4.00. 0.30. 0.00.

Garfield Il’( ‘11

8011k 8101: 11.30001I0018001. 1.15. Hellboy I 12.-\1

l)0il_\: 3.15. (1.00. 8.45.

.v\1\0 0101i0cc \xcckd;1_\\: 13.15.

Open Water I 151

0.111}: 1.00. 3.00. 5.00. 7.00. 0.00.

The Terminal I 12 \1

11.111} 0000. 345. 5 30. \ 30 The Village I 12 \1

1).111_\ 330. 8151001 111111 Wicker Park I 12 \1

11.01} 13 311. 315. I1I1I1_ \ '15

100321.101011' 1111\1‘1} 10111: 0001.11 101111- I1II-\11111\ \\ 1‘11 1’1111111-11851151151111117 101111-1.111\.101111101'\ \1‘\\ 11100 1101- 10 0111'0001'11 15 Sup

Collateral I 151

Ae Fond Kiss I I 51

Code 451151

Trauma I 151

Showcase Cinema, Coatbrldge

811001101“1.1'1\1111'l’.111\.l .110310101 R0011. (\1011011121'. 11110 1101" 013 311

.1 3.1.1 34. ('(' 1100111113; 01: 30 .1 3.3111111 11)]. I11. L535 11371301111010 011011. (11111111 ).-\|" L430; 810111'01‘ L4 1111'1111

111'111‘1x:£3.55 11111118111331” .1

TheAlamoIl2.\1 “.00. 10.00.

The Boume SupremacyI12 \1 11.30.1111. 205. 4.10. “.25. 1000. 111.211.

The Chronicles of Biddick I 151 11.10.1111. 210. 4.50. “.30. 10.10. ACinderella StoryII’III 110011. 2.20. 5.15. ".45.

Dodgeball: A line Underdog Story 112.-\1 12.45. 3.00. 5.10. “.20. 0.45. Fahrenheit 9/11 I151 11.55.1111. 2.25. 4.45.

HellboyI12..\1 11.10001. 11.40001. 1.50. 2.20. 4.30. 5.00. 7.10. 740. .50. 10.20.

I, Bobot112.v\1 11.30001. 3.10. 4.55. 7.35. 10.10.

King ArthurIl2.-\1 10.05.

Raising Helen mm 7.05. 0.55. Shrek211‘1 110011. 2.30. 4.50. 500. Spider-Man 2 I 12.-\1 11.00.1111. 7.05.

10.25. 13 Going on 30112.31 2.35. 5,05. 7.40. Thunderbirds11’(i1 11.15010. 3.15. 4.35.

The Village I 12.v\1 11.15.1111. 2.00. 4.35. 7.15. 0.20. 0.511. Yu-Gi-Oh! the Movie: Pyramid of Light

11’('11 11.05010. 1.15. 3.30.

171-3111AY 1071HURSIVW 113 Anchorman: The Legend of Bon Burgundy I 12..\1

D011}: 0000. 3.30. 4.40. 7.00. 0.30. .\1x0 1011‘ 1‘11 1k S01: 0011002111. The Boume Supremacy I 12.-\1 1)0il}: 4.30. 7.35. 10.011.

.\1x0 1011‘ 1'11 1k 801: 13.35010. The Chronicles of Biddick I 151 1)011_\: 7.30. 10.011.

.-\l\0|01c 1‘1‘11& $01: 13.40001. A Cinderella Story 11’( 11

D00): 11.30001. 3.05. 4.35. 7.05. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Il3.-\1

D011}: 13.45. 3.011. 5.10. 7.30. ‘135. .-\1x0 1011' 1'11 1& S01: 01111003111. Envy112.\1

|)0il_\: 13.40. 3.10. 5.30. ".50.


.'\l\0 1011‘ 1'11 1k 801: 13.30010. Garfield Il’(11

D011}: 11.55001. 3.35. 4.50. Hellboy I I2.\1

1)011_\: 11.400111. 3.30. 7.411, 0.511. 111.311. .-\|\0 1011' 1'11 1k 501: 13.30010.

I, Robot I 13.-\1

I);1il}: 11.30001. 3.10. 4.55. 7..3 111.111.

.-\1\0 1111c 1'11 1& $01: Open Water I 151 l)0il_\: 13.15. 3.15. 4.15. 5.15. 7.15. 7.45. 9.15. (1.45. .I\1\0101c1"1'11& 501: 11.15. Shrek211'1

D00}: 0000. 3.30.

5.1111. 7.111.




".1: \ Film



Woman of the Dunes

11' ' t ‘u' 1' 11'01}. ." 1"‘\". .1-1

The Basque Ball: Skin Against Stone .111 31-- .1"; 1111411110.“. 1 "21‘. 1111.11r‘u‘. .11E f'w 111’. f 11113111121101111-1111» :10 0111111111: 81:1,- 0.111.“.

11/111111 1; 1:111. 1 11313011111113

Open Water I :1 110.1111» 1101-. 1111': 1111: 1111.1 1111111 H.110 1:1 1.1311'1 11111111. I10 1111; 70110 V1111. ,1111'1 001111131111011110011111012111» (70111111.-3.1110001#1111111'11-11111'110 (1111.1155120111111111;11:11.1111111.1, ‘1: 11.1110. 81:1;- 11:1111111- 110'1 w.'.

(11 >111 11 11111 1.1.21

Super Size Me 1)(1I:11111I:111;11’\.' 111111101010 M01000 8111111001. 11110131011 1\/1I:1)00;1|I1'5;11. 1.1111101111211111. I11 1111:11‘f;1111111'3;1/I« 101,111,111, 1114:1111 81:13 1'1:‘.’112‘.‘/. (3121112011 111/1

My Architect 1001111111101 K0110};0101:1111;011010111510"101

I111.- 111'1101 1153 11111101101 (1111111001 1I1:115;1<;11111. (2.111100. [III/11100111.

Father and Son 1w: 5031:0011 100101111131? 111' /\IIm*,;1r <1' [111515;11'11‘2'111. 1.1110030 11110111: 21110111 ‘117112‘.’ [)1'1;;1111‘1.'. K113101100; 00:1 01:19.11. 11101’11173’1. 85‘: 1‘:.1‘:.'.‘. 11/07/1000,: I ’11111111.”;.'>.

Stoked: The Rise and Fall of the Gator 1111;111:111. 111111{111(101'0/3. 1111115; '1? 1/1011 1101102'JSRI. 1111,- (11“;1111/LT 31011130001010 1111; $311111 11:1.

(9.11:1 111101.110. 1101011 8111,1001“,

430.111 111111.11

11I1I;111'11;111;11','11:11:.:1111:1;11 ////1;/’1(111:;(;. I 1’11’11‘111/1’(}li.

The TWilight Samurai 013111111111114011011081;10111011119111 10w 111011.101} 19111 11/011111]. 80101111118011”1001.111'1-111'10110 861116111511 -- 113.10 111111;. OH. (,1/[1‘8010114

Hellboy (51111101100 (101 10171:, 9x00110111 0110111211011 01' 1/1114: 1019110183; (:13155311; 000111,. Genera/ 191130.319.

Rope 1‘111C11COLKS 111010151111; accomphshed take 00 1110 195.11 1118 Leopold and 1.01:0 Gas: CCA. G/asgow.


'- THE LIST 43