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Raising Helen 11’(11.. 1(1111'1') Marshall. 13. 31111-11 Kate 11111111111. .l11l111 (’111‘111'11. .loan ('11s111'11. Helen .\li1're11. 11011111113111 llelen 11111111111111111111111; succexsl'ul aspiring 11111111111 agent continue her career 111111 hring 11p three lxi1lx'.’ She looks 11111111111 1111‘ 11111111'1‘s t11 her 111111. l)11111i11i11ue tMirren). 111111 11111 sacrificed l‘amily 1111' career 111111 her older sister Jenn} 1(‘111111‘11‘1. a traditional housewife. The 11111 opposing characters share the View that the party lo\'ing socialite. Helen. can't successfully juggle being a mother and having a career. Crass modern fairytale 111‘ 11 movie that wastes time on conundrums that harer threaten t11 engage the intelligence of the audience. 8/11111'1'1111' (111171111. (11111}11'1'1/1’1'. Glasgow: .8111 (11111111 (111111111. 151/111/1111'11/1.

36 THE LIST :" .14 SAC-1‘ 1.3-1


Wed 22nd &Thurs 23rd Sept I lam - 5pm

We offer a variety of courses within the following areas:

- Health Sciences

- Social Sciences, Media 81 Communication 0 Business 81 Enterprise

- Drama & Creative Industries

Tom Cruise asks Jamie Foxx to offer up some Collateral

The Return 1 13.-\1 .... 1.'\111l11'1 /\}11g111111'\.1'5.3111131Vl111lin111(1111111. l\1111 l)11111'onra\o1. Konstantm 1.111111111111111. .\'atal_\a \'1111\11111. 1115111111. Alter an entirel} une\plain1'1l 12 _\1'.11’ absence. 11 lather 11,1111‘11111'1111111 returns home [11lllxl\\11111l11l1‘\1‘1'lll \1111\ .-\111l1'1't 1(1111‘1111111111 111111 1l)11hr1111r111111 1. 111111 suggests t11 their mother 1\'11111111111 that 111' takes the children 1111 11 lishing trip. The trio 11ea1l 11111 h} r1111ing hoat t11 11 little- 1111111111 111111111. 11111 the boy are unprepared for their 111111'1 remote 111111 hrutall_1 demanding nature. This 1111111111111. 1par1e 111111 laeonie l'ahle opens itsell' 11p t11 Vill‘lttlls allegorical 111111 111etaphorieal interpretations. he the} religioux, political. or ()e1lipal. \11111‘11 re\ol\e around the eonlliet 11 ith paternal 111111111111}. ln1press11el} shot h) 1'1nematographer

.\lll\l1.tll K1111‘11111.111111111111111 1l1.11111'1l 111111‘\.1111l111 l11i1g.1.111'111111 11.11111'11 1.11.1's. 111111'111'111111'1 1111'11.11\11l\ 1'11'1111'111.1l 11.111111'1111111'111111's11111\1'1\1'. H11 /1'1 111111 1x g111'1111'.1l11's1111.11111'111 11\11111'1' 1'11111p1'll111g l1'.11l p1'11111111.11111'\ 81.111 beans I1/111/1111111. /'.1/111/11u::/1

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Contact us today to find out which campus offers the course you are lookmg for and confirm the dates and ["1108 of our taster sessions.

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(31111-11 Margaret [111111-1‘sit1' ('11ll1-g1-
