Events are listed by date then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to or glasgow®, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.

Tuesday 7


I Creative Writing Workshop with Sue Rann ()ltakat'x Btmkxtut’c. [int (i. Buchanan (itlllL'l'lL'\. Buchanan Sitt't'l. ‘55 lsllll. (t. illpllt‘ l‘l'c'L‘. llckL'lc'tl. Sut- Rann “I” N lllr\lHlt' lmth to talk almnt hci latcxt umcl and to titlct ncu \iiitcix an inxtyhl llllU lhc ait ol \Kl'llllljJ lil\l claxx ci'unc lictiun.


I Earth from the Air l<u}al Botanic (iat'tlcm. Rinal Botanic (iill'tlt‘lh. linci‘lcith Rim. 552 7I7l. Illani 7pm. l‘lL'L'. Scntlixh pic-nuci‘ ul photograplh h} l'l'cnch photographci Yanu .'\l'lllll\ Bct'ltautl capturing: thc chai‘aclci'ixttcx autl pattcrnx (ll thc natural \mrltl hour a uniquc aci'ial pci'xpcctnc.

I Calum Colvin: After Titian National (iallct‘): llil\\lll(ll'lltlt‘ll lccttti‘c 'l‘hcalt'c. National (ialha'). \\c\tnt1 link. |’|a_\tair link. |3.-l5pni. l’i'cc. lunchtimc lccttu'c linui lltt\ \xcll kntmu Scottixh atria.

Wednesday 8


I AL Kennedy \Vatc-ixtnnc‘x.

l55 l57 Sauchichall Sll'L‘L'l. 5.53 ‘)ll)5. (ifillptn. l‘i'cc. lickctctl. Kcunctl). ultcn tlcxci'ihctl as unc ut' thc' lincxt \\ l’llL'l‘\ nt‘ hci' gcnci'atinn. launchcx hc'r llc‘“ hook. l’mm/m'. Scc photo caption.


I Earth from the Air Rinal Botanic (lill'tlL‘ll\. Rn)a| Botanic (iartlcnx. lnxct‘lcith RU“. 553 7l7l. Illani 7pm. l‘il'k‘k‘. SL‘L‘ lth 7.

Yann Artchus-Bertrand/lmpact Photos: Australia, Queensland. White Haven Beach At High Tide as part of Earth From The Air on show at the Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh

I Alanna Knight ()ualtaik. 5" (icnt'gc Sticct. 33.5 ~1J‘t5 ~put .lttlll .v\lanna Knight ax \hc tli\cu\\c\ hci ncu l‘tltlh (i/lrnl “ti/A

Thursday 9


I Gary Gibson ()ll.ll\ttli\ lititlh\ll‘lk'. [int (i. Bttchanau (iallL'l'lC\. Buchanan Sticct. ‘5‘ l5llll (\ lllpiu. l-icc. tickctctl local author (iiahani (iihwn launclim ltl\ tlchut \ci li nmcl .lIlL’t/ \i'tii'lrtlh


I Earth from the Air Rinal Bulanlc (iai'tlcnx. Ru}a| Botanic (i.lltlL'll\. llt\L‘l'lCllll Run. 553 qlql lllain “pin l‘l'L‘c'. Sc'c‘ 'l’tlc 5‘.

I Readings by Poets and Writers SI (.L'clllill\ \ltltlH Sti‘cct. Nix Illl‘). 5, lllpiu. L5 it I .5lli .\n cxcning: nl \tnr}lcllinj_' .llltl pncti'} \kllll ('iai'an ('aiwn. Hugo llauultuu. .\ntlic\\ ().ll.’t‘L‘ltll. (llk'llll l).llL'l\Ull ttlttl (‘tllL'llL' Br} cc,


I Whisky Live (icnigc Squaic.

3 Hpnt. (ll) £37.50. 'l'hix cclchtatiun ul all thingx Mink} i'clui’nx In Scotland lot thc lil‘\l titnc lll lcn _\cai'\. Sainpliugx. tutnt‘ctl lil\llllf1\. a chancc to iucct lhc pi'mluccrx and hit} _\nur lawui'itc tli'aui. Slainth


I Earth from the Air Rinal Botanic (iat‘tlcnx. l<n_\al Botanic (iai‘tlcnx. lnwi‘lcitti RU“. 552 7l7l. lllaui 7pm, l'lL'L‘. SL‘L‘ luv 7.


I Scotland’s Exclusive Wedding Event Rn)al ('nnccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Sti'cct. 353 Xlltlll‘

llain 4.30pm. [5.50 (Mn (N) \upplici'x and lthltittlt \lttt\\\ cach tlay l’ltl\ li‘cc chainpagnc/u inc taxting. liw hantlx antl \li'ing quartch.

I Whisky Live ( icnigc \tiuaic. nm'lt hpni :lll L35 5“ \cclii I” I Stevie Smith: Johnnie 8. Will, the Curse of the Devil’s Son Buttlch lliti‘lxX "N Buchanan \liccl. ISL “ill” 3pm lltq allllti'l l\ actninpanictl l\_\ limit; (I’i'.( \ loin (itahani .i\ :hc} tcatl twin \iuitlik ll'c‘\\ clultliciH [niatc atlwntuic


I Earth from the Air Rinal Botanic (lartlcux. Rmal Butauu (l.ll\lc'll\. liiwilc'nh Rim, 55: “l'l llk'k' SUV lllk' 5


I Scotfairs Antique Fair lx't-lx llt llall lutciuatinnal Spurn \icua. I 115 \lfJHt' Sticct. 15“ 2535 lllaui l lllpui L'l iaccninpanictl chiltlicn lit-cl Bitma- \lallx l.ulcii \xnh icucllci). (Ullh. llltt‘ll. lllt'tl.ll\ autl antiqucx

I Scotland’s Exclusive Wedding Event Rinal ('uncctl Hall. 3 Sauchichall Sticcl. ‘5‘ Mill”

llaiu -l lllpin. L55” Scc Sat ll

I Craig McMaster littltlk‘l\ ltimkx UN Buchanan Sliccl. 33.7 "gill! (\l‘lll litlll (lat); \lc'.\l.l\l\'l. nnc ml thc couiili) '\ top black .llltl \xlitlc pliotngriaiiltcix ax ltc pi‘cxcntx lln //( "It Mix. a unitiuc cullcctinu ml unach c‘.t[‘llll|llj,‘ .\cut|.iiitl\

rupyctl lantlxcapc.

Illain [‘11]


I Earth from the Air Rinal Botanic (iai‘tlcnx. Rinal Botanic (iai'tlcnx. lmct‘lctlli RU“. 552 7l~lt lllant Hun. l'l'L‘L‘. SL‘L‘ lllL‘ 5


I Kelsang Machig hunk-ix litmkx. UN Buchanan Sti‘cct. 322 Will. (ipni ‘\n cwning nl iuctlilatinu autl icla\altnn

\xilh Kclxangg Machig. Edinburgh I Earth from the Air Rinal Botanic

(ianlcnx RU_\al Bulantc (iat‘tlcnx


li‘Ac'flc‘llll Row 55.7 "l ‘l ll'ani licc \c'c lllc' "

I Jefferey Deaver \\.:it-i\:unc\. l_‘_\ l’tincc‘x \liccl. If,“ .‘N‘h Minn Botx'litn}: \niciicati clinic author l\ lll \tuic' In icatl lli‘lll autl \l_‘_‘ll topic-x wt lu\

l.‘.l\‘\l ll|‘\\‘l. (“Milt " i" In t.'\.'\

Tuesday 14


I Jeffery Deaver (\.tl\ Bowlwtutc. l int n. But lianau (i.lllt'll\'\. Buchanan \ticcl. 55‘ l5tlll h Kilian llt'k‘. llclxc'lt'tl \t'c' \ll‘ll l i

I Alan Titchmarsh ( llal‘i \lHl.

5 ;l "15(iicat \\c\tcin l\'\‘.l\lilll ll zlt.‘ tilh‘ h l5p'n L l 5 lllc'llltllllt' \ anapcx ;‘la\\ wt v. inc and \ll.1lll ul (ilt‘lllllitl.tll;'l\‘ lltc nalinii\ l.t\i‘lllllt‘ cattlcnct talkx almut llt\ l.itc\t nmcl

/\’r ’\.’(



I Earth from the Air l\’H_\.tl lliilaltlx (i.ll\lt'll\. lx’uial Butanu (i.ll\lk'll\. |n\ctlcitlt Rim, 55,‘ 'l 'l llk'k' \t't‘ ltlt'

I John Brown in Italy During the 17705 \atinnal (i.tllt‘l\ llauthnintlcn l ccliuc llicatitt \aliuual (i.lllt‘l_\. \\c\l«~u l lull. l’lailau l llll\.

l.‘ -l5pin l icc \tcphcn l ll‘_\\l. \t‘lllltl ctttatui ml thc l’uitian (iallcti pncx llll\ lunchttuic lcctuic

Wednesday 15


I The Knuckle End limit-n limits. ‘lh Bttchanan ~\licct. .Tf.‘ “llll (ipin launch ul lhc I/tt All/(r Ur [lit]. a cullccttun ul \lUllt‘\ lt‘.lllll|ll}' \cutlantl\ inmt c\ciltn;' ncu ‘-\lllk'l\ lllk luthng' l,ttlll\c‘ \\cl\h. /Hc \llat han. \nnc l)nnn\an autl (iiacuic \Villiaiuwu

I Introduction to Buddhism and Meditation Workshop ( )uakai \ Btutl‘Alitl't'. l llll h. Buchanan (i.tllt'll\‘\. Buchanan Sttcct. ‘5‘ I500 h 5ll[)lll l'tcc. tickctctl lu \luic c\cnl ntliutlucint' thc principal cunccptx nl Butltlluxiu .llltl nictlilalinn. limtctl Ill \‘ltll|llll\ Hull \|. Illl Alill'llillJlltl Kailainpa Rcltcal (cunt-

lllani [‘lll

a . 1 EM, .', ~1 THE LIST 99
