Blazin’ Fiddles their madcap antics. and frenetic hut thoughtful arrangements of classic Scottish fiddle styles heat up the West End. Oran Mor. G/asgow. Fri 27Aug.

John Spiers and Jon Boden Two men who make the freshest sound to have hit English music in years. They bring their melodeons. fidd e and vocals up for a welcome Scottish visit. String Jain C/ul). G/asnre/s. Sat 28 Aug.


I Deseo—Flamenco (‘aie (‘uttaehok Rllxxtttll (‘ultui'al (‘eiitie King Street. 553 (V33. ‘lpni. L5 iL'3i. Spanixli trio.

I The Clachies llar LS5. lluelianan llotel. lluehanan Street. 333 "IS-l, 5pm. l'i'ee. See Sun 3‘).


I Les Miseres \Yee l-‘olk (‘Iuh. Rotal ()ak. Intii‘mai'} Street. 55" 307». .S.3(lpm. [5. (‘aiun \UtllltlS from l.eith.

Thesday 7

Edinburgh I Folk’n’Friends llte ('anonx‘ (iaii. (‘anongate. 55h 44Sl. 0pm. l‘ree. See 'l'ue


Wednesday 8


I St Andrew’s in the Square Ceilidh Dance St .'\lltll'e\\ \ in the Square. oll Saltmat‘ket. St .'\lldl‘e\\ '\ Street. 54S (illlll. ".3ll lll.3llpin. £5. See \Yed l. I Song Session ("ate Souree. Sr .-\ndre\\\ in the Square. St .v\ndre\\\ Square. off Saltriiar'ket. 54S (illjti, S,3tiprii. l'i'ee. See \Yed l.


I Lomond Folk Club 'l'he Highlander. Smollet l’laee. (ll 3S") "5‘5hl. S.3tl llpiii. l’i'ee. See \Yed l.

Thursday 9


I Michael Chapman law at tlte Star”. St .\ndre\\ \ in the Square. off Saltmarket. St .-\ndre\\ \ Street. 54S fitllfl, Spin, L“ i£5i. l’amed tingei'piekin'. \\llt\l\_\ \\\tllllt. \inger \ongui'itin',


I Reader Queen‘x llall. ('lei'k Street. (30S Ztll‘l. “.3tlpm, (lo. l’opular renditionx ot' Burnx and .\lt)R folk from the (ilmgoxx di\a.


I John Hinshelwood the Mini. .-\eadem_\ Street. ‘lpm. l‘ree. leading (il;t\go\\ eotintr} ~inger.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.

Thursday 26

Dundee Olf the Moon Can Be Believed

Dundee Rep. 'la_\ Square. “I 3S:

32 35 3”. ".45pm. L5 LS it5i. \ iie\\ eomie opei‘etta h} .\lieliael \lar'ia ahout a group of female ll'tl.tltl\


I Fife Youth Concert Band and the Kingdom Fiddlers I<S.v\.\tl). ltiti Renfi'eu Street. 3 33 5H5". lpm. £5 il'i'ee £3.5fli. 'lhe l‘eSll\;ll ol lli‘itixh Youth ()r'eliextt'ax \\ eleoitiex ea\t eoaxt llltl\lel;ttt\ \xextuardx in lllll\le for \\ ind hatid. ineludtng the theme from .l/IHIHII llll/HrHI/t/r‘ and wine more unu\ua| repertoire h_\ ('laude Smith and Rohei‘t Smith. Seottixh traditional llltl\le h_\ the lltltlleh I\ under the tlll'eettolt ol (iraeme “illxott.

I National Youth Choir of Scotland Training Choir RS.v\.\ll). ltlt) Renl'i'eu Street. 332 5057. ".3flpni. L'S‘ il-ree L'4i. Stephen \Yilliamx eonduetx the .\'Y( 'oS. li'e\li from their' \ummei‘ rexidential eoui\e. in a pei'lot'iitaiiee ol' el;i\\ie;il. ia//} and lighter numhei'x ax part ol the llt'Sl l'extnal ol' Yotitli ('hoirx. initiated in eelehration ot the higger )outh or‘eliexti‘a lexti\a|\ 35th aiiiii\ei\ar'_\. lioh ('ltileott'x 'I'lrr' linking or the Hi‘ir/ii i\ \\ ell \\ot‘tlt hearing.


Olf the Moon Can Be Believed l)undee Rep. la} Square. (H.333 323530. 7.45pm. £5 LES iL'5i. See ‘l‘hu 20.

Saturday 28


I East Dunbartonshire Secondary Schools Orchestra RS:\.\ll). lllll Renli'e“ Street. .353 5057. 7.30pm. L’S’ il‘ree L'4i. l-i'om l’r'rrrlm ri/ I/lr' ('rri'r/r/rr'riir to Ix’uiiir'ri (Illtl .lltllt’l in ll\ l’rokotim \el'\ltill. the _\oung ltltl\lel;llt\ ol lia\t l)unhartonxhire knou lto\\ to produee a fun e\ening ot‘ orehexli'al muxie. (ieorge Kell} al\o eonduetx .\la|eolm .\rnold\ deliglttltil lirl/e .Yrrrlr' and the Roman (’uririitr/ U\et'llll'e h} lierliw.


Olf the Moon Can Be Believed Dundee Rep. la} Square. ()1 3S: 3235.“). 2.30pm & 7.45pm. £5 L'S iL'5i. See ’l'ltll :0.


I RSAMD at the Hidden Gardens 'l‘lle llidden (iar'denx 'l'ranma}. 25 .-\lhert l)ri\ e. (l.\'45 33(l35lll. | 3pm. l’r‘ee. Rela\ at the

\\ eekend lhtertirtg to elttSSlL‘nl tttttl traditional muxie performed h} the RS.-\.\ll).

I Glasgow Schools String Orchestra RS.\.\tt). iiiii Kenn-ext Street. 332 5H5". ".3tlpm. {S il-ree Hi. Judge for )otirxelt the a\\ard t'or )tititli muxie put up h} Sehott mime puhlixhen ax .-\ndre\\ .\lor‘ri\ eonduetx the (ilaxgou mu~ieian< entr} (Inna/rile h} Yaxkx. l.a\t night it \\;i\ the [ill/e Srir'rt' h} .v\rno|d. hut tonight it\ the turn of .\'ie|~en and ltl\ orehe\tr‘al \uite \tl~ tlte \ame title. Biher'

and Bath to \lal‘t and tomplete t’i‘tttt.i\t to timxh in the form of (‘m:.'r..~.'~ h_\ lori} ()\l‘iittte

Tuesday 31


I East Ounbartonshire Primary Schools Orchestra l<\ \.\tI>. loo lx’entieu Street. 33: 5H5“ lpm L5 ilt'ee {I 5th (‘ute oi \xliat' llltle\ \Klllt m~tiument\ higgei than themxelxex ma lull} fledged \}.llil‘lli‘ll_\ oiehe\tia \hou that age IS not an l\\tle iii lltl\ unique group \\lttell l\ a regular and e\ei popular highlight of the l extt\.il of llritixh Youth ()telle\ll.t\

I Glasgow Cathedral Choir (il.t\:_'ti\\ (-.tllletll'.ll. (ahlle Street. 5%: Sl‘lS \ programme of ehoial llltl\te ineludmg Sehuheit'x \Iun in (i and \\ot‘l\\ h_\ l’raeh. aeeompamed h} oigaiiN .loliii llllltel.

I West of Scotland Schools Concert Band RS \\tti. iiiii Rentreu Street. 333 5H5". 3llpm. LS il'iee Hi. lt\ far more than the \lllll_\ inxtrumenh that are \\ ell polixhed in lltl\ e\eellent )outh hand. llol\t\ \xell lxllt\\\ll .Srrrrt III I \II\ aloiigxide the

Si rill/\ll Son: Sui/r h_\ \laieux Blunt and .lolm .\la\\\ ell (ieddex‘ mueh lo\ed l)rlllt t'\ ill l/ll'r'rlti litttltllee eoridtietx.

Wednesday 1


I West of Scotland Schools Orchestra RS.\.\tl). triii Retilt'eu Street. 333 5H5". ". 3tlpm. L'S' il'i‘ee Hi. .Iame\ l.o\\ e. \llll ottl_\ I" hut reeentl} appointed axxoerate eoiiduetor ol llte |<S\( ). takex lll\ tirxt appointment \\ itli a Seottrxli )otitli or'elte\tt'a \inee a \tudent at lzdinhui‘gh l'iu\ei\it_\. .-\nd \\hat a programme? Starting “uh \Yagiier\ prelude to /)l(' ,llr'rxir-rxnietr and linixliing \xith Raehmaninm \ .S'wii/i/ium .\'ri 3. tlii\ pt‘orlltxex to he one ol' the \er} he\t eoneertx In tlit\ _\L‘;il"\ l‘exti\al ol Britixli Yotitli ()l'elleSlt'dS.

Thursday 2


I Renfrewshire Schools Symphony Orchestra RS.\.\tl ). lift) Renli‘eu Street. 332 5(l5". 7.3llpm. LN tl'l‘ee Lil. llie ot‘elIeSII'd l\ tolttetl h} the talent\ ol the Renlreuxhire Seltoolx Senior ('hoit‘ and the Renl'reuxhire Sehool\ l'll'Sl (‘oneei‘t Hand in a perlormanee ot muxie ranging from [he Inn! or l/tr’ lx’rnex .S'\iir/i/iriiiri S'rrilr' to l.lo_\d \Vehher‘ and \laneini.


I Edinburgh Secondary Schools Orchestra RS.\.\II). triti Renti‘ext Street. 333 5H5". ".3flpm. LS il'ree {-1 i. ('elehratirig their Jilllt anni\er\ar_\ tltl\ '\ear. l'.SS() pla} an ttllll‘lllttlIS and e\eiting progi'amiiie of .\l;iltlet'\ Sirii/i/ioin .Yu /. the l'rlllfrh‘t ()i ('I'llll'r'. Norm-u rrm/ .lIl/lt'l and Ian/tire h} Stephen .\lamam. .'\l;t\tl;tll’ \litehell eonduetx the eream ol the eapital'x )otmg lll\ll'tlltleltl;lll\l\.

Saturday 4


I Fife Youth String Orchestra RS;\.\ll). ltili Rentreu Street. 333 505". lpm. £5 il'ree £2.5lh. Kenneth ('larke eonduetx a pertormanee ot \xorlxx h} llamilton. (‘a\alli and (ien/mer. 'lhe ot'eltextr‘a are ioined h_\ the lite Youth l’et‘etrxxiori lathetiihle

\\ ltoxe po\\ei\ ot eomplieated eo- oi'dination ne\ er tail to ama/e.

I Fife Youth Orchestra RSANH). ltltl Rentreu Street. 332 5‘5“. ".3llpm. LS tl't'ee £4 i. Bt'alttth' Swir/r/ioiit No 3 l\ the meat til, the penultimate eorieert

" 3tlpm L" iL’5i

If the Moon Can Be Believed l)undee's most celebrated son srncc .Jim Mcl ean. Michael lvlaira (pictured) brings; his; lyrical deftness to play in this; new comic operetta ahout a group of girl truarits. Dundee Her). [lid 26 Sat 2’8 Aug.

Schools Orchestras In this period of feverish excitement. young cl; ssicalists nationwrde get the chance to shine and highlight the vrrtuosot; tomorrow. Various venues, /rr 2/ Aug/Sun I) Sep.

in llllS _\eai'\ l'extnal ol liiitixh Youth ()r'eliextim. although the Utelle\l|;t [\l'ttllihe to e\erei\e their \oeal t'tiltl\ ax \\el| iii //n' ()It lirxiiir Srirzzx in honour of the lirxt l'extnal of Youth (‘hoiix \xhieh hax heen running alongxide ll\ \Iiglitl} older parent textual. (iiaeme \\ ll\titt etllttltleh.


I Glasgow Schools Symphony Orchestra l<S.\.\ll). ltiti l<enlieu Street. 33: 5H5", ", 3llpin. {S il-ree Lli \igel lloddiee l\ haek again 3| to eonduet the t'ltt\lllj_‘ eoneert of the l'e\ll\;tl ol lliitixh Youth (lithextrax. three \xeekx ol tantaxtie lllll\l\\|lljJ h} o\ei' lllllll )iiiiiig llltl\le|.'tll\ lll a programme of popular appeal. meludmg lit/et\ (ill'lllt’ll. the l/llll'._'ii'llri’ll l/rrrr /r h_\ liei'lio/ and Sehuheri'x l Il/lllh/Ir r/ Soup/rout. tlie l‘extnal te;ielie\ .i lilting litiale.

Tuesday 7


I Autumn Series of Organ Recitals (and Hall. (at) Square. lll3S2 43-1‘)4ti Spin. L35”. .\ elianee to hear the grand llarrixon organ of the (and Hall and to meet the organixt ltillti\‘.lllj_' the reeital.

\ee lue

-'- THE LIST 37