Film index
The Story of the Weeping Camel 1PM»... Ilia} ainhaxuren l)a\aa. l .uth l‘tiltirlll. German}, \longolia. SWIM Jauchn .»\}ur/ana. (hinted ()hin. \mgaaha/ar (iouxon. /.e\c||.uu/ \nnn ‘Ninun :\ camel dclnerx a xnou. Mlute call liotok hut tciectx hci oitxpriug Nomadic xhepherdx xend tuo )oungxtctx. Dude and (igna. on an important tiuext to return with .i \ioluuxt \xho \kill pla} tuuxic to heal the till hetueeu mother and hah} camel 'l he patient Hl‘\t‘l'\; approach h} the iilmniakerx certainl} pa}x tli\ltlt'iitl\ ill thix iaxcinating ethnographic xiud} oi a cointnuiut} (amen. la/rn/mre/t Sweetie i 15» tJailc (‘antpioir .'\tixli'.iliti. 108‘)» (ienex ie\e Lemon. Karen (‘olxton. Tom 1.} cox. lfKinun. (’ontrmerxial dehut ieature iroin \eu '/.ealand horn ('ampion lolloux the loriunex ol tuo xixlerxi the qtuet. nerxx Ka} t('olxtonr and the unpredictahl) px} chotic Sweetie il.emoni. \xhoxe
hehax ioural eccentricitiex in\ol\e eating china ornainentx and painting herxeli hlue litiltll} xci‘lplt'tl .‘iiltl ctiilipnxctl. llit' liliii hringx .i dreamlike qualit} to the exer}da}. hut hcncath all the xeli conxciouxl} challenging camerauork. theie hieathcx .i \er} xiuiple tale oi common humanit}. I'll/rrltoitu'. I'.t/Iri/m/'e/t.
A Tale of No Sisters (Janghwa, Hingryeon) I l5» 0... «Jr-noon Kim. South Korea. 3W“! KapMi Kim. .lung-ah Yum. Su-teong l.uii. (ietiiiii-}eoiig .\lun. ll-lnun. Sixterx Sunu and Su Yeon return home. ha\ mg holh xuliei'ed irom prolonged illnexx. 'lheu' arri\al precipitatex iannlial unrext and a xeriex oi xupernatural excntx. Reiuxing to he contained \xitlun iuxt one genre. director Kim ll-“tmli hax crai'ted an at once Iiileiixc. ht‘ooditig px} chodi'aiiia and a genuinel} chilling hoi'roi lilm. l-ilnicd almoxt e\cluxi\el} in one houxe the dark iurnixhuigx and lack oi natural light create the xhadou ed corridorx and hidden corncrx “hich xei'\e to heighten tenxion iand act ax a metaphor tor the launl} 'x adumhrated xeci'etxi. ll )ou liked Kine )ou “ill low llilx. ('(K ' Rt'll/H'li .Vll'i't'l. (i/rnquii. (i/ilwuii .' ('(i( ' ( 'meniux l'ft/Iri/rm'eli. lat/tIt/mrelr.
The Terminal t l::\l oo (Sic-mi Spielberg. l'S. 3004) Tom llankx. ('atherine Zeta .lonex. Stanle} 'l'ucci. ('ln McBride. l25inin. See rexiexx. page l3. (ieirt'rtt/ I'trltvil\('.
This Happy Breed tl’(ii 0000 il);t\itl |.ean. l'K. I044) Rohert .\'e\\ton. (’elia Johnxon. .lohn .\li|lx. Ka) \Valxh. ll4mm. Noel ('ouard'x adaptation of hix o\\ n pla). a homage to the ‘ordinar_\ people' oi' the inter- \iar )earx. ix lexx xuccexxi‘ul thaii hix xuhxetiuent collaboration \\ ith director Lean tli’rrt'l [furniture/'3 I. but errei (l [mental/rte time/rt into the t'i't'IiI\ oft/re period. I'i/m/rouu'. lat/trr/rtir‘e/r.
A Thousand Months (Mille Mois)
t |3.-\i C... tliioti/i Benxaidi. France/Belgtutti/Morocco. 2005i liouad l.ahied. .\'e/lia Rahile. Mohamed .\la_id. 124mm. Set in the .\lorocco. at the i'oothillx oi' the :\tlax Mountainx. thix iilm ix light on plot hut xpeakx \olumex ahout rural hardxhip and the xmallnexx and rexilience of human lite. .-\ \xoman takex her )tilllig xon to xta_\ in
Tues 37 August
The Cat's Meow (123) 7.30pm Cc'ooa screen ng a: '0 30am. scream a: ' 330m Wed 7 Sept
Japanese Story (15) 7 30pm Tuesday 7 Sept
The Story of The Weeping Camel (U) uer see» '1} a: '5 :11?“ yea” seer .3.‘ ' 5.1%” Thu 9 Sept
The Cooler (15) 7. 30pm
Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office
(Tel: 01324 506850)
or on the day from the hall
20 THE LIST £6 Aug—9 Sep 5331
her iatherinilau 'x mountain \ illage alter her huxhand‘x unpiixonment. ‘.\'hcthei or not
pm L'i'l) Hl iiieailx Hi pi‘iitlticlioii [\l.i}x ilx [\it'l ix h} the h}. hecauxe. ax ix readil} apparent here. aextheticx and xuhiect matter are ill periect harnton}. (i/mem: II/Irt l/n tun. (i/ihg'uit.
13 Going on 30 I 13m 000 l(} \\'ininck. l’S. 2004i .lcnniler (iarnci. \lark Ruiialo. .\latt l'lainhaii. Jud} (iieer. ‘iqunn. Jenna «(iai'nei'i ix nuraculotIxI} tianxiormcd from her I z-.\ear-o|d xeli iii l‘iH~ to a lugh ll) mg modern da} laxhion reporter. .\itei trilling 'l~.\ei'_\hod} \Vang (‘hung tonight" \llL' \ptilx lit‘i' t‘lilltllitmtl x\\ t‘t‘llit'dil tRlilliiliH on .t cithlL‘tl tlilllt‘t‘liltltil’. lx he \llll pail ol liL‘l' lile' .‘\lltl l)ot‘x .lciiiitt like the cold- hearted. calculating. ainhitioux pci'xou xhe'x liccoiiie'.’ So lat xo lite hut (iai‘) Tadpole \Vuuck‘x lightuetght xlice oi girl} \\l\li iuliilment ix Night and hraxh enough to make )titi xuxpend _\our dixhelici. .-\nd it'x got a conxtaiitl} aniuxing Hllx xoundti'ack to hoot. (ii’nertt/ reliant:
3D Mania ild Mix; IS. 2003) Stuart l’ankiii. lilxira.l.\l:\.\ 5|) animation hell. l-or iuaxochixtx and computer render geekx onl_\. /.ll.'l.\' I‘llt'tlll’t'. (i/ihQiiit.
Thunderbirds tl’( ii 0 t_lohnathan l‘rakex_ l'S/l'K. :llll—li Brad) ('orhet. lien Kingxle}. liill l’a\lon. Sophia .\l_\lex. Ron ('ook. 02min. international Rexcue ix ill need oi i’excue. No! limit xoitic tei‘t'oi'ixl cell \\ illi accexx to the Saudi mixxile xurplux. hut i'rom mediocre .>\merican producerx. Reall) ruhhixh |i\e action \ei'xion oi. the helm ed puppet adxenture xeriex. No wonder (iei'i') :\nderxon “antx nothing to do \\ ith it. Si'lt't'li't/ I'i'lt’tiu'.
Torch Song Trilogy 1 I5i COO tl’atil Bogart. l‘S. I‘).\'.\'t llar\e_\ l'it'i'le‘ili. .-\nne liancroi‘t. .\latthe\\ Broderick. l l‘imin. 'l‘he xltit‘} til. NC“ York drag queen .'\l'll0ltl‘\ xearch to ha\ e hix xe\ual orientation accepted h} hix mother (Bancroft r. Adapted irom the hit xtage xho\\ \\ ith uriter l‘ierxtein taking the lead role. itx theatrical rootx lead to a xuccexxion oi xharp one linerx and knock 'em dead muxical numherx. The rexult ix a head} mixture oi‘ laughter and tearx. l'i/iiilttuiu'. lidt'nhurfeli.
Treasure Planettl‘r 0 (Ron Clementx and John Muxkar. LS. 2003) Voieex of Joxpeh Gordon Levitt. David Hyde Pierce. Emma Thompxon. 96min. Dreadful [)ixne) Version of Robert l.ouix Stewnxon'x claxxic hook Treasure Island. ('('I Iz‘tlr'n/mrelt. [:‘i/i'rrbmjelr.
TWO Brothers (Hit .0 iJean- Jacquex .-\nnaud. l‘rance/l'K. 2004i (in) Pearce. Jean-(‘laude Dre} lux. lireddie llighmore. ()anh Ngti}eii. lti‘imin. Tiger cuhx Kumal and Sangha are xeperated \\ hen legendar) merchant .-\idan \lcRor) il’earcei turnx up in the Thai jungle to xei/e xome Btitltlliixl xtatuex. “ill the hrotherx be reunited alter their man} traumax'.’ .-\nnaud returnx to the xanie territor} oi" hix 1088 hit The Bear. \xith e\otic. thrilling and occaxionall} xomnamhulixtic ei'i'ect. Thix \\ ill juxt about keep kidx and their parentx entertained o\ er ttx e\cexxi\e length. 51 item!
Gael Garcia Bernal is a young Che Guevara in The Motorcycle Diaries
Vertigo rim. 00000 t \lucd llilclicnck.
l 8. W55: .lamex Stewart. Run \o\.ik. lidi'l‘did lit‘l (it‘tltlt‘x l:\iiiili l)t'lt'cll\t' Steuart. a man airaid oi heightx. tallx ill low \\llli a \\otitaii uho .ipl‘ait'iiil} comnntx xuictdc \\ hen hc mectx her douhle. he lit'coliit'x Hl‘xt‘xwtl \\ till the [Nixxll‘iliu [lial xhe ix xtill .ili\e l:\tiaordin.u_\ plotting in thix undenalued llitchcock xtud} oi romantic mania. unh Stenait llit'iiiiildl‘l} caxt againxi ope ax the dixtinctl} on the edge cop 'l'he lieinard lleriinann xcote ix ximultaneouxl} 111in and dixturhing (‘( Ii. (i/mem:
The Village i l3.'\i C... i.\l \rght Sinainalan. l‘S. ZTNHI lii)ce l)allax llo\\.ud. Joaquin l’hocni\. .»\diien litod}. \\ illiaiii llurt. Sigourne§ \\e.i\ci. Itihuun lit IN)”. a utopian rural cotnmuntt} hax cut itxell oil liom the deprant} oi cit} hie Yet the} Me Hi lear oi the creatuiex \xhich inhahrt the xuiiounduig \\ooilx. expeciall} no“ their 'accoinun\datiou‘ \\ ith "l‘hoxc \\c don't xpeak oi’ ix hreaking do\\n. Red xtiipex haxe dauhed on cahin doorx. lixextock haxe heen xlaughtered and xkuined. In the inide oi thix. leixt} hlind girl l\) \Valkcr illouaidi. \i\ltiil;tl‘_\ \illage idiot .\'oah l’erc} illrody and the tltitetl} rehcllioux luciux llunt tl’hoeni\i hecome in\ol\ ed iii a \olatile romantic trtanglc. Stu/r St rtu' director Sinamalan'x complex. iiio\ mg \ ixion oi a modern horror iilm goex \xa) he}ond mere plot mixtx. llighl} recinumended (intent! I'r'lt‘rtu’.
Whale Rider t l’( ii 0.. t.\'iko (‘aro. NC“ [L‘tiltiiitl limit KL‘ixlia (.;t\llL‘-llli:_‘llt'\. lllliliiii. ’l‘ouching and intelligent naturalixtic drama for older kidx and adultx. thix hax enthralled audiencex at iilm lexti\alx acroxx the \\orld. It '/ (Tu/elutrtk. (‘lxt/i'lrtutk.‘ ( ('I Izdirt/rtu'g/r. lat/mlrure/t.
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? t 13. 0.. tl.axxc llallxli'oitt. 1.8. 1993! Johnn} Depp. Juliette l.L'\\i\. Leonardo l)i ('aprio. ll.\'nnn. l‘or once. Depp ix the xole ligure oi calm in an otltlhall \kUl‘ltl. the oldext xon in a d)xi‘unctional iannl} \xho In e ma neurotic lo“ a hacknater. ()nl) \\ hen holida) - maker l.e\\ ix arrix ex doex he begin to conxider hix oun teelingx. With one e} e on detail. the other on the ahxurd. director Laxxe LU) Life .-i.\ u Doe) llallxtrom dtherx a xympathetic romance xurrounded h} American foiblex. The acting ix xuperh from all concerned. A ion -k'e} uonder. film/muse. Ifdirtbttre/t.
Wild Chimpanzees it't ti)a\ id [.ickle}.
l'S/(‘anada 2002i Jane (ioodall and a load oi
chimpan/eex. 53min. (let up cloxe and perxonal u ith the u ild (iomhe chnnpan/eex ill thix hig xcreen l.\l.l\.\' prexentation. /.ll.-i.\' ’l‘lrmrn'. (i/ttwou.
Yu-Gi-Oh! the Movie: Pyramid of Light 4 l’(ii O illatxuki 'l'xuu. Japan. IUD-it Varioux. .‘Wnun. Yugi and hix magical alter ego ‘the l’haroah' uxe pou er trading cardon tight the i'orcex of e\ 11. all in the name of capitalixin and cle\ er marketing «and the \\ ill to become the hext duelltxt in the \xorldi. li\creahle mo\ ie xpin oil oi a popular Japanexe comic hook and telex ixion xeriex. li‘ )ttti thought Pokemon \xax xhite \\ art till )titl \L'L' llilx pile til poo. Xe/r't it'd I‘t'lt'rtu'.
Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore
F50 Sauchiehall Street. til-ll ‘52 4000 {4 ti: 5th. matinee U 5” t {It See three tilmx get the iouith one tree
Fahrenheit 9/11 its» 530.
Bad Education (La Mala Educacibn) l 15:
SinceDtarLefttISr .\.l5 SAIL w m tn :9,
Since Dtar Left t I5) 015. Bad Education (La Mala Educaclén) t I5»
hip/‘0', ‘4 ' Al i\ \l Since Dtar Left 1 [Si n15 Bad Education (La Mala Educacion) I IS.
X.|5. \'.’l DNE SHAY ' Si l’
in the Cut t 1.x. non. Vertigo «I’m Nit).
lHURS‘DAY '3 St W In the Cutttxt x00.
Orlando tl’(ii (xii At Five in the Afternoon (Panj E Asr) it'. xl5.
Vertigo tl’(ii «.00. Orlando «Pu» 330,
Europa Europa t ISi t». I 5. North By Northwest tl’(ii x30.
\.t‘\."trDNi;SD/\Y H St P At Five in the Afternoon (Pant E Asr) it't
Europa Europa t I5» Hi5.
Joy of Madness (Lezate Divanegi) ithci H. l 5.
Glasgow Film Theatre
I: Roxe Street. ill-1| .332 HIZX. ('aie/har. All perlormancex hookahle. ll)|. llil. li\eningx: £5 1L4). .\latiiteex: £4 (Ur. l'l'l (before 5pm): £5 it'll. (il"l~ xaxerx: £20 (Uh) it) we 5 liltiix (\(illtl litil' three iiitiiillixi.
Love Me if you Dare (Jeux d’Enfants) ti5r 2.45. 4.45. 8.45.
Some Like it Hot «Pm 3.00. 0.30.
The Professor (La Prima Notte di Dulete) (15) 5.30.
Zelary ( 12A) 8.00.
The Motorcycle Diaries t tSr 1.00. 3.30. 6.00. 8.30.
Love Me if you Dare (Jeux d’Enfants) ti5i 2.45. 4.45. 8.45.
EIFF Cineworks 1 l5) 7.00.
The Children’s Midsummer Night’s Dream tl'i ll.3tiam.
The Motorcycle Diaries i l5) 1.00. 3.30. (1.00. 8.30.
Desert of the Tartars (Ii Deserto dei Tartari)t15r 2.00.
Love Me if you Dare (Jeux d’Enfants) ti5i 4.45. 0.45. 8.45.
The Motorcycle Diaries 1 IS» 100. 3.30. (1.00. 8.30.