The Lovellne cont.
37 YR OLD fit, very acliyc. lnyablc wnnian. with (iSUll. l‘.llltly\ \nclallxlng. Scckx a inalc lnr pmxiblc i‘clatinuxhip and laugh» ('all uic nu 0906 756 3557 and culcr I704 3425 MARGARET 34yr old, lrnin (ilaxgnw. 5'5. qtutc Inng blniidc hair. lzulnyx llllI8lL‘. gardcux. pubx. tll'l\L'\. and gnnd titnc. \\‘l.'l'.\l cnuipaninn lni' Inn and utnrc. ('all inc nu 0900 750 3557 and cntcr l7649425
"’ PAULINE medium build, (i8()ll. Kind. caring ck lnyiug. lnycx lllt' gnntl lltlllgx in lllc. \\'l.'l‘.\l \llllllcll' Int” gnnd lllIIL‘\. ('all inc nu 0906 756 3557 and cntcr I7647425
ELAINE 36yr old, separated wniuan with childtcn. 5'3. \i/c I2. \hnrt hair. lnyc\ pubx. clubx. rcading. walking. cnxy nighlx in ck haying I'uu nut ck abntit. ('all inc nu 0906 756 3557 and cutcr
l I24364
IMPETUOUS Glasgow female, 32. dark hair. bluc cycx. 5I't. \\'l.'l'.\l \iuglc uialc whn lllw\ tn hayc luu. ('all inc nn ll')ll(l 750 3.557 and culcr
lll5l l(l')')
BLONDE female,45, 5'5. \\'l.'l‘.\l gcutlciuan tn cujny \ncialixing with ck night\ in. linjny \ w cckcndx away. gnnd Innd ck l'ricndxhip. ('all tuc nn 0906 756 3557 and cntcr l7650425
W EDINBURGH female, 5'3, slim build. \hnrt dark hair. qttitc attracliy c. intn \ncialixiug ck dancing. ('all nic nn 0906 756 .3557 and cnIL‘l' lb’7b7225 HAMILTON female 8: office \ynl‘kCl'. L'ltjny \ \ncialixiug. walking thc dng ck dccnrating. which i\ abnttt all \hc hax timc l'nl‘. ('all me nit 0900 756 3557 and cnlcr l326842l
"é" BRUNETTE, brown eyes, 34. Iikcx Inn nightx nut ck kL‘L‘plltg Ill. \L‘L‘Ix\ lICll\C malc I'UI‘ grcat tiuicx. uiaybc innrc. ('all inc nu 0906 756 3557 and cntcr I325942I
OUTGOING single mum with grcat pci‘xnnality. 5' blnudc w ith bluc cycx cninyx a \aricty nl' intcrcxts including \w iuuuing. \\'|.'l'.\l man in Iidiuburgh arca Inr rclatinuxhip. (‘all tnc nn 0906 756 3557 and cutcr I I754 I 30 EILEEN 44yr old, enjoys tllwnx ck haying Iun. (‘hild iuiudcr with 4 grnwu-up childrcn. (‘all inc nu 0906 756 3557 and cntcr I I753 I 30
“a” KAY, 35yrs old, 5'2, blonde \hnulclcr lcngth hair. grccn cy cx. abnut 7.5 \tnnc. (iSUll. qtlilc gnnd lnnking. likc\ gning nut ck haying a gnnd timc. ('all inc nu 0906 756 3557 and cntcr l326542l
V SINGLE MUM 5'4, half .c\lrican. culnys gning nttt tn pubx ck clubx. gym. chilling nut. \\'l.'l‘.\l \iuiilar niindcd uialc. (‘all tnc nn 0906 756 3557 and CNN l.32(i(y42l
0 BLONDE hair, blue L'yc'\. kind ck hnucxt. Iikcx clubbing ck \\'l.'l‘.\l lricndly. gcuuinc iualc. It) \ltarc grcat IllllL‘\ lngcthcr. ('all iuc nn 0906 756 3557 and CNN lll5(y(y')')
attractive female w ldnw. 5'4. \Illilll ck dainty. lnylng. caring ck undcrxtauding. ltl\L‘\ lhcatt'c. thc artx. gardcuing ck \winuning. ('all inc nn 0906 756 3557 and cntct‘
W CAROL 28, blonde 5'3, (i8()ll. cujnyx ynga. dancing. clubx. catiug nut. cinctna and all lhiugx l‘un. ('all inc nu 0906 756 3557 and cntcr l8777225
M IRENE early 40's, 5'2, tucdituu build. l‘air hair. bluc cy'cx. \Vlfll'yl cnutpauinn Mr Ian and iuay'bc tnnrc. (‘all tnc nn 0906 756 3557 and cutcr l8778225
“'49 31YR OLD female, seeks a man in sharc I'ricndxhip. rnniancc ck \ncialixing with. Iiujnyx thc cinctna ck \ncialixing. ('all inc mi 0906 756 3557 and cutcr |8353426
w BLONDE female, 44, 5'3, \uinkcr. Iikcx traycl. bcachcx. rcading. iuuxic. wining ck diuiug. WIII'M \llllllzll' inalc Inr Iricndship. pnsxlllly ninrc. ('all inc nu 0906 756 3557 and cutcr I7628425
w MOTHER OF ONE 5'10, brnwn ltall'. ck wcar\ glatxscx. I’rnlcsxinnal ck nutgning. l.ikc.\ tn walk. Clljny'x thc cinctna ck catiug nut. \\'I.'I'.\I a iualc with similar intcrcsts Inr pcmiblc rcIatinuship. ('all iuc mi 0906 756 3557 and cutcr
89’ GOOD PERSONALITY gets nu wcll with anynuc. 5' tall. pctitc. Iiujnys gning nut. animals. caring I‘nr thc cnnuuunity. catiug nut. \\'1.T.\I \nnicbndy in similar catcgnry in tnwn ccntrc. Scckx happinch ('all inc nn 0906 756 3557 and cntcr I I756130
“59 GILLIAN likes going nut. walking. traycl. music. pubs. cinctna. cycrythiug rcallyl (‘all inc nn 0906 756 3557 and cnlcr [8789225
‘9 DIVORCED lady with I daughtcr. 4|. likcs w alks. dt'iy'ing. swimming ck ninrc. \\'l.'l'.\l gcntlcuian I‘nr cnmpaninnxhip ck Iaughtcr. (‘all inc nu 0906 756 3557 and cntcr l l768l3ll
“3° BLONDE LADY 5'2, loves walking. \winuuiug ck dancing. \VIII‘M nicc man I'm' rnmaucc ck Ifl‘R. ('all tnc nn
“WHO '56 .355“ and c’lllc‘l' llqblll3ll
V SMILEY 5'4 female with light brnwn hair. bluc cy c~ ck (iSUll. likc\ \nciahxing. gning nut. bingn. cattug nut ck cuiny ing Iilc ax much a\ pnxxiblcl ('all tnc nn 0906 756 3557 and cntcr I8797225
male seeks female
V YOUNG looking male, 49. tall ck \Illll with allccttnnatc uaturc. cuinyx .\cua. l)c\trc\ uncnuycntinnal l'L‘lctIlUlhlllp with \Varrinr l’riuccxx nr \inular. (‘all nic nu 0906 75I 0|45 and cutcr 4(ll88ll‘)
W TALL professional Glasgow uialc. Inycx tray cl. gnnd l'UlItl ck daucc. \L‘Ck\ lcmalc. Inr I'ricucbhip. niaybc tunrc. ('all inc nn 0906 75| 0|45 and cntct” 4025809
W ROMANTIC loving male, many illlc‘t‘c‘\l\. \cck\ a \lllll. attracliyc lciualc. 25+. Inr gnnd IIIIIL‘\. l'ricndxhip ck tunxt thing. ('all iuc nn 0906 75] 0|45 and cutcr 4024809
V ATTRACTIVE male, 37, professional, 0800. \y'l.'l‘.\l chccry. attracliy c lcutalc. Inr pnxxllllc ISIR. ('all tnc nn ll‘)(l(i 75I 0145 and cutcr 4023809
w GLASGOW guy, 35, free-spirited, cnnliclc-ni ck alltlL‘IlL‘. \cck‘x \lilll. attractiy c lcuialc with a last l'nr Iilc. 20-35. Inr a spccial. rniuautic rclatinnxhip. (‘all inc nn 0906 75l 0|45 and cutcr 4022809
“*9 PHOTOGRAPHER Attractive 23yr old tualc. 5'6. (i8()ll. Iikcs wnrkiug hard ck playing hard. \L‘Ck‘x 20—30yr nld pctitc. u/x. pnsllh c Ictnalc. Inr l'ricudship nr innrc. (’all iuc mi 0906 75] 0|45 and cutcr 4(Ilb8ll‘)
‘9 NICE male, 6' with iucdiuui build. cujnyx walks. cinctna. bnwling ck pubx. Scck\ Icinalc tn cujny Iilc's plcaxurcx with ck hnpcl'ully ninrc. ('all inc cm 0906 756 3557 and cutcr l3486423
V DALKEITI-l male, 40s, 5'3, lny‘cx Iil‘c. grcat cnnipany ck haying qu. \cck‘x Iciualc tn fall in lnyc ck \harc Inc with. .\'n nuc-night \tandx. (‘all nic nu 0906 756 3557 and cntcr 2l208l58
V GLASGOW caring male, 29. 5| 1. [110086) hair. ca\y- gning. bit \hy. Iik'cs a laugh ck
jnkc. cnjnys mny'icx. painting.
walking ck cycling. (‘all mc mi 0906 756 3557 and cntcr
l 1775 I 30
9 GLASGOW male, 24, 6'3 with brnwn hair ck grccn cy cs. cnjny‘x playing rugby. walking dng. dining nut. pubx.
clubx. clulltng-nut ck haying tun (all tnc nu 0900 "50 355" and cutcr 18882225
W GLASGOW male, 34, 6'4, lll\L‘\ playing Inntball. llltl\lC\ ck chilling nut, Scckx I'ciualc IHI‘ tun. lrtcuclxlup ck iuaybc tunic. ('all iuc mi 0906 756 355" and cnlcr 1005699
V" WIDOWER of 52yrs. 5'6. aycragc build. quch ck w cll-rcacl but culnyx a gnncl night nut. \\'l.’l‘.\l allccunuatc. cuddly lady. Inr gnncl cninpany ck gcntunc lricndxlup. (‘all inc nu 0906 “56 355" and cntcr 2l98|42
°~-'> GLASGOW male, blue- eyes, brnwn hatr. tall ck \lnu. lnnking IN a Incal girl. In \harc \ntnc quality tiiuc with. ('all tnc cm 0900 750 3.5.57 and CNN
I8| l6425
LANARKSHIRE male, average build. 58. brnw u hair ck L‘}L‘\. 0ch a gtttltl Illllc‘. \\;llk\ ck \pttl‘h. lnnking IUI‘ glt'l \yltn\ tip lnr a gnnd laugh. (‘all inc nn 0906 756 3557 and cntcr lll(i7(y')9
W MALE, 43, 5'1 1, likes l'nntball. gnll'. nccaxinual driukx. clubx ck IIICctlx nut. \ccking Icinalc I'nr II'IL‘IItlxlllp. lun lllIlL‘\ ck pnxxll‘lc‘ l'c‘lalltllhlllp. ('ttll lllL' nn (NW) 750 3557 and 0001' I888li225
W AVERAGE looking guy, \llltll'l. Iikcx dancing. cinctna ck nightx in watching ltlnylc\. Scckx a uicc lt‘lllzllc l'nl' l'ricudxhip ck iuaybc t‘clatinuxhip. ('all inc nn 0906 756 3557 and cntcr l8l03425
W MEDICAL Muslim, male dnctnr. nicc. kind pcrxnnality. rninanlic. likcx rcading. gardcning ck IV. Sc‘c‘kx .\lll\lllll lcuialc nli \lllllltll' agc. l'nr rclatinnxbip ck inarriagc. ('all tnc nu 0906 756 3557 and cnlcr l8l00425
W PROFESSIONAL male, 31 , casy gning. 6'2. grccn cy cx. brnw n hair. L‘ll_i()_\\ \ncialixing. dining nut. pubx ck clubx. Scckx \Ittlllitt‘ Icuialc. Mr Ian lllIIL‘\. may bc tunrc. (’all tnc nu 0906 756 3557 and cutcr I8I l0425 “‘3 DUMBARTON 5'10 with \han hair ck nicdiuui build. ()ll:\('. \cparatcd. L'Iljtlyx bnw Ix. l.nnkiug I'nr lciualc lnr nicc incab nut. cnxy nightx iu ck gnnd cniupauy. ('all inc nu 0906 756 3557 and cntcr I2l I5228
‘52 WISHAW male, 43, 5'7 with \lnckydlttild. gnnd—lnnkittg. bluc cy cs ck dark hair. Iikcx tn tray'cl ck rcstaurantx. Scck\ Iciualc Inr rclatinnxhip. ('all iuc nu 0900 750 3557 and cntcr I7748425
94‘ HADDINGTON male, 42, 5'10, \lllll-lllCtlllIlll build. gnnd [)L‘l'\tlltilllI}. kind-hcartcd ck gcucrnux. llk‘cx w alkx. IIIL‘LII8 nut ck gardcning. (’all inc nu (I900 750 3557 and cntcr l7605425
‘~ OLD-FASHIONED Lanarkshire lualc. h.ucl wntklng. \\l l‘\l lciualc \\llll \llllllcll nutlnnk tn glcat Iltllc\ tngcthct (all nic nu 0906 “56 355‘ alth cntct l062n99 GLASGOW male, young- looking 50. (i.\'()ll. bu mad. blnucl. bluc cycx. iuc'clttuu btuld. lnycx cIIIIIIchl8. kiclx ck cycling. \L'k'b\ IL‘lllcllc \\ llll (i5l )ll ('.|ll inc nu 0906 "56 355" and cntct
I III: 34h
" BLONDE MALE 6', Lanarkshire. l'l.t_\\ gnll ck llkt‘\ ln gn Int J cliink \\l l‘.\l lady Inr qu. Il'lt'lltl\lll|‘ ck pnmblc rclatinnxhip (all inc nn llllllli 7.50 355" illlkl t'lllt'l [031699
29YR OLD brown hair, Ila/CI t‘_\ c» l,ll\L‘\ ln lt‘l;t\. ll.l\t‘l. pubx. clubx. cinctna. inuxic ('all inc nu 0906 756 3557 and cntct
I I3: 304
LARKHALL guy, 25, 5'8,
dark \kin. dark hair. likcx llic gyin. llle‘8 thc pub c'tc, (all tnc nu 0906 756 355" and cntct “084425
'- ITALIAN male, 47, living Ill (ilaxgnw. Ille‘8. tray cl. cnnktng. walkx ck Iixhing. \\'l.'l'.\l ltnltcxt l'cinalc Inr pnmblc It‘ltllltllhlllp. (all inc nu 0906 756 3557 and cutcr l7697425
SINGLE DAD John, 6'2. brnwti cyc\ ck liau'. \Vcll bnilt. at c‘tillt‘gc. llkL‘\ In ItlkL‘ lltc clllltll‘cll nut in \pat‘c uiuc. ('all iuc- nn 0906 756 3557 and cum III37699 TALL dark-haired Glasgow inalc. \\'l.'l'.\l lady tn gn nut I'nr tll’lllkx with. inaybc lcadiug tn \nuictlung iunrc. ('all iuc nu 0906 756 3557 and cntcr l87')8225
FIT Glasgow male, 35, 5'8. grccn cycx. nicc pt‘l‘8llllctllly. brilliant SUII. bit \hy tn bcgiu with. likcx pubx. clubx ck cinctna. ('all iuc nn 0906 756 3557 and culcr l7733425
' female Seeks
SINGLE mum, 38, 5'7 with Inng black hair. brnwn cy cx ck uicditun build. cninyx swiuuuing. cy cling ck walking. Scckx lcuialc Inr ll‘lL'lltl8lllp ck pnxxiblc t‘claltnnxltip. ('all iuc nn 0906 756 3557 and cutcr I7749425
’3' CARING romantic female, 53. grccu cycx. lair lllgltllgltlcd ltalt‘. liujnyx kal‘ankc. \iuging. l)lY. cinctna. clubbing ck catiug nut. ('all inc nn 0906 756 3557 and cutcr I8854225
"é WEST End Glasgow girl. 5'5. \IIIII build. intn pubx. clubs ck nights in. alm cnnking. \\'l.'l'.\l gcuuinc inalc. lnr Iricudxhip ck l‘clalinnxltlp. ('all nic nu 0906 756 3557 and cutcr l7725425
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inc—2:. Aug 295/. THE LIST 47