Music rock 8 non stings
Monday 23 continued
I PMX, Little Hait, Not Your Saviour, Dexter, This Tall to Ride, TFP and State Of Affairs Halli)», 2Nl (‘lnlt- \llccl. UV!) no“ nww \pm :5 l’uuL hill. ilk'dlik’ki h} a luth I'LiJilk' un'lunhp punk hand twin l’cllh
I Ariel X and Pulse lhc 1 11h \nu- (all: 5” (ill Kllljj Sum-L551 INS ‘lpnl L4 (i|.unrllnj_'cd allunauw link
I Hollow Horse Stun-u. I: H KUhlllildeJil\llk‘k'll2-.(151115 Rpm Li l’aul \M'llcl lllL'L'1\Rll_\ Hrhlwn mlh a 1\\l\illii‘.i\l\('ll\it'ii|'
I Jack Casey \nnhn ()nc. (ilH\\L'llHl iilliL'I. (ilH\\L'liHl 'icllgiu' Hill H}IC\ Rmnil. 14] (»5|(» ‘lpln ilCL' ('anathan haxx phl}cl
I John Alexander limnm-m: I In Hilllh'llt'hl Nikki. (1”) (“l—w. 5 illplll i'l'L'L' lanlhack hackglnuntl \llllllti\
I Acoustic Jam \lgc‘n‘Slt-axl. 42l Sauduchall Sliu'l. 1‘1 UM“ 5pm. l'l'cc Will) a hu- dnnk ax Inn-nun" lul' parlnumnlx
Tuesday 24
0 50 Cent 8. G Unit Sl-,('(‘. i‘llllllL'\lHll Qua}. (LVN ll-lll .luuu. “fillpln. 122—‘511()\L‘l' l-1\ \llim. Hm lllj: I'Ut‘hx'lcil lnun lauuncln'x pnuhg) in lhc \mrld'x luggcxl rap \lal' III a lll;lllL'l oi lllHlllil\ laxl )L'al‘. 5H ( .L'Hi limlx lhcw day. a\ hc L‘l‘at‘kx upcu aunlhcl' hulllc Hl KI'leaI. lhal hculj: \hnl lllllL' luum \xaxn'l \0 had allcr all. \nlc lilt' ncu «lalc. Inmul lumanl lnun 3| Aug.
I New Found Glory Bai'mulaml. 244
(iililll\\}_‘illk'.55210111. "51mm. U25”.
()\cl'-l~1\ \hnxx \h‘rc ml lhal uhnluunlh rautnux \incrnan punk pup \ul m lulu ax Hule luhn. lcl\ law 11. arcn‘l lhal lulu rcall} hut ulhcrmw. \pnl lln' thllcmnc I Ratatat, Errors and Bonjour Boi \n’c‘n'Slt-a/y 421 Saut'luchall But-cl. “‘ W)“ ‘lpln Ln l:\pcrumntal pulnluu Ralalal. 3th mppnn lruln clcgunrm'kclx 1'1th
I The Whelks and Must Be Something Haul}. 2m (lulc Sum-l. ilk—ll 1H)— ll‘fl)”. 5pm
I Steeler and After Xmas Ha I 1m \ulc (ulL'. 5” (1” Kill; SllL'L'l. .555 15“ “pm. L5 \lclmhg ruck \ch Rathnln'ad lcanlngx.
I Stone Autumn, Waytooblue and Paul Malcolm Slum». l2 l4 Kclnnhaugh Sin-cl. 5"!» 5lll.\ 8pm L4 .\wu\nc nigh! lcalunng a un\ ml (Clint and hlum xi} iL'\
I Karina 'l't'hal ()\ll.’l. 42 (Mayo lanc. 357 4524. Spin. Ll .'\(llll\i|\' \Ingcr' wngurucr.
I The Mars Patrol Bcanwcuc. w Sku'ung 8111111132 MN“. 5. illlllll, l'l'cc lranl hack hackgi'uuml wumlx.
Wednesday 25 ~
I The Rasmus and Hiding Place Bamm laud. 2.1-1(}a|lm\galc. 552 -1(1lll. ".30an El ll ()xcr— i—1\ \hmx. Scc [um um lnr l~uuuxh pxcudn-golhx lhc Raxlnux.
I Young Heart Attack and The Glitterati King; 'l‘ul'x “ah “ah llul. 2"2a Si Vinccnl Slrccl. 22l 52"). Spin. £75” ()u'r— 1.1x \hll\\. luau null—u Young: Hcal'l :\llack arc lhc niml kickaxx li'nglmhlc ruck hand um wk of th‘ l)al\un\. ll'x big: but ll.\ liUl L‘IL‘H‘I'.
c‘t Ihii Lia-:4; 8"!le ‘LIVE IN EDINBURGH’
1 1th September EAST MEETS WEST
in association with O‘RUNG
2 1st October ROY AYERS
Tickets available from Ripping Records and Tickets Scotland
24 rue LIST was ~2
15-21 Calton Rood. Tel : 0131 557 3073 Tickets avallcblo at Ripping Records
Tol:0131226 7010
I lnMe lh: (lithium: l5 1 mm \trcct. 34\ mm " lllpm L1H (Mgr 1.x \hum \luuular M‘llllf.‘ [wk luv. unnh luulcd h} lhc link Niall: Illal I\ A: rung“
I Tennessee Kait, Never the Less, Left of the Offender and First Offence Haul}. 3m (‘lltlt- \ucct. ll\-ll ‘lll- ll‘l‘l‘l \pm L5
I The Owsley Sunshine, Down the Tiny Steps, Billy Bates .mll therisingson l‘hc l 1m \ul; (Lac.
541 Nl King; Slim-l. 55‘ 1h“ ‘lpin L1 \t'uuxln‘ lainhun'c llt‘lll Hanth Runnlx. lcauu'ul; l‘cnt'c (hllcpuw mm H and \halwi ihmll the lm} Slcpx \m' 8.11 21 In! lhc (luxlc) Sunxhun'
I Multiplies and Germlin (ilaxglm Stiltml HI \l'l. 1(‘\RL‘lliiC\\ SIlCL‘I. :55
45 ill Rpm U \lunlhl} ()nc Rcwnlx \hmu'axc night will qllaklng lll\lllllllL'Ill.1| clccu'nnn'a ll'Ulll \lulupln‘x
I The Science, El Dog and Viva Stereo Sn'rcu. l2 l4 Kclunhaugh Sum. 57) 5ll|\ \lllll Li [:1 Dog: ullcl ‘Iuclmln. i‘lllll-hlt'hlllg Inuxn" \ l\a Slaw .uc .1 mon- aunmphcm pmpmumn
I Mutley, DNR, People’s Alibi, Pencilhead and The Alpacinos Ruckcn. l4 \lnllaml Sum-l. 221 ll52n 0pm. {4. :\ l’unk x\:_';llll\l Rauun night
I Open Stage 'l‘hc Hall Hal. Inn \Vnmllandx Road. 552 WWW». Spin | NC \Vcckl) \cmnn lm' lm'al unmuanx
I Live Music \lat'Sm'qu. 42 Jalnana Sln‘cl. 24% 85M. 0pm. l'lu' 'l'hn‘c Im'al hand\ In he mnlu'nlcd.
Thursday 26
I 50 Cent 8: G Unit Sl:(‘('. i'llllllL‘\lHli Qua}. llX—ll ll-1l) -1llllll_ “.10an S( )l ‘I)
()1 “ii. ()\L'l* 1.1x \illl\\. SL‘L' illL‘ 2-1
I The Dirtbombs and The Mutts King: 'l'ul'x \Vah \Vah Hul. 272a SI \un‘cnl Slrccl. 22l 52“). Nillpln. L'.\'. Scc pm 1m 1m Donnil'x wul garagc \clcranx lilk' l)u'lhnnlhx.
I Mondo Generator and Winnebago Deal Halli}. 3m (lulu 8”ch 0870 an? (mu 8pm. L‘". liu‘l'yinc'x lawnmlc llllkiki} llawplilM'l Ilhal\ Nick ()hwri ol ()uccm ul lhc Slunc .-\g_'c. l'm' lhmc \xhn haw nnl hccn pa} In}: aucnlinn lhcxc laxl l'cu _\car\l gclx up In \UlllL‘ hi-nnkx \\ uh ill\ ncu hand,
I I Am D, Mogul and Recliner Barll} lupxlau'xl. :(111(‘i'\tiL' Sum. “3"” ‘)(l7 (NW), 8pm. £4.
I Figure 5, Josephine and Chief Nicc'n‘Slca/y 42| Sauduchall Siru‘l. ‘ 0037'. 8pm. £5. .1\ Low Mum: Halc Racixm lughl. l'caluring Inml ruckcrx l‘lgurc 5 and angular uth \m'lx Jmcphinc.
I Basement Breaks ’l'hc I all Nun- ('alL‘. 5i) ()0 King Sum. 553 INN 0pm, Munlhl} gathering ol' Scollixh hip hop talent.
I The Cage, Somnus and Pop Rocket Suundwl. Suumlham. 4" Hylc Park SII'L‘L‘I. 221 «1(15‘). Nuillplll. [15”. \Vcckl} \hmxcaxc nl local hand»
I Clearfall 'I'hc llunkcr. 1% WV Balh Slrccl. 22‘) I427. lllpul. l‘i‘cc Hard— gigging local outfit.
I Sticky Fingers Studio ()nc. (inmch Hon-l. (inmcnnr 'lL-rraw mil BULK Road). 34] (15”). 9pm l‘rcc. Rolling: Slnnm uihulc acl.
I Open Mic Twila! ()\ na. 42 (Mayo l.anc. 35." 4524. 3pm. l’rcc. l’nrlmghll}
I Das Contras Bcansccnc. 5 (‘rcmwll Lanc. 334 (177(»_ 8.30an l‘rcc, |.anl hack background mundx.
I Battle of the Bands \lacSnI'lc}x 42 Jamaica Sin-cl. 24S 85M. 9pm. l‘rcc.
I Phil’s Session [1ng llcaiha. 332 \anllallth Road. 504 15‘)“, 8pm. iii-CC. \Vcckl} jam.
I The Vagabonds 'l‘hc Scolla.
|l2 ll4 Siuckucll Slrccl.5528631141111. Hcc. Popular gnu-r»
I Jam Session Samucl lhm'» (F "l Nithxdalc Road-12:010.". 8.3“an l‘rcc. iiithLl h} lndcm'ndcncc.
I Live Music Md‘huilh. 40 High Slrccl. 552 2135. 9.30pm. l5rcc. Ncu hillltix night.
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.
Thursday 19
I Kenny Paterson (’uha \ullc. I4 .lnl1n\'uccl.552 15H5 5 3pm llcc \ ncu Iah‘lll on the M‘ulllxh [an xtcnc. l’alvlwn [um nhw \lll\‘\‘11l\|‘lli.lll\i\\\lll}' \lk'tll\
I The Michael Deans Quartet Hum (alc. (‘andlcuggx 552 ‘l.\l5
‘1 ll 45le law \illtit'lll l.l// quallcl lul h) [cum \a\ulau i)t'.lll\
I Stewart Forbes Quartet Incl.
1" 4‘ \xhlnn | ans :4] 4mm 1pm i‘lt'k' .la// \lamlanlx .uul Ull‘._'lll.ll uunpmumux ll'Hlll \.l\ll[lilnlll\l aml (\illtuliil \chyul l'nihcx
I Big Bob’s Jazz Band ll.” Ixi. lhn‘hanan Ilulcl. 185 lhn'hanan \llt'k'l, H2 5.25155”le l'lu' lx’u'gulal \\\|n§:1u;' |.l//
I i'.\l i'.\l I',\l. 2| 2.5 llulhucll Sin-cl. 2-13 (\202 Spin l'lu' \i.llll\llL'.ll|l lullu |a// and \m‘ah
Wednesday 25
I Noah Howard lln-l. W .11 .\\hlnu lanc. ‘42 40M), Spin L5 ’l'hc hllx hu- la/l lcgcnil trainx up \\ uh [Haulxl Hul‘h} i’t‘“.
Thursday 26
I Kenny Paterson (‘uha \um: H John Sll'ccl. 552 .15ll5 5 Spin l'lu' Su- 'l'hu ll).
I Adrian Byron Burns 51 .\mhmx \ lll lhc Squaw. nll Sallnlalkvl. 81 .\mln'\'. \ Slrccl. 548(1ll2ll. Rpm. L“ lt5l. (‘laxxn' :\Incl'n'an hlucx Inuxn'lan and incinth nl Bill \\'}HI;HI\ Rlnlhln KllljJ\.
I The Michael Deans Quartet llccr (ale. ('andlcngyx, 552 ‘).\'|5l
‘) l|.~15pul. I’lu'. Scc Hm I”.
Folk&wbrld ’ - ‘
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.
Thursday 19
I Kieron Means SI Andrew \ ill the Squarc. oil Saluuarkct. SI Andrcu \ Such 545(11l2ll.Spin.{mt-1;.Skilllulgunaraml loin-mun- \m‘alx l'rmn lhc \nll nl Min-man traditional \lngcr Sara (ire),
I Ceilidh Supper Dance lmh Lonmnd Shurcx. licn Luxnnnd \Va}. 0133‘) 72l5llll. "50pm. Ull. Mung iron) \mhm. Hcc huwx lrmn Rhu and
:\ m w hart