Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at glasgow©, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Northmore at henry®, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Northmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from:

Tickets Scotland 273‘) Ami/lo Sim-4:1. (Hauling, «1.11 20.213131

Tickets Scotland 1:» ,‘ ll'mi: 8mm.

lrllill. .l’ll'u 1‘ .71”) “14:52 Ripping Records '91 Sum"- Hail/y... '12'. .9".

Way Ahead ’,l.21 iiii’e Far/“,4

Thursday 19


I Sizer Barker, Ampersand and Striker King link \Vah \Vah lllll. 272a SI Vinccnl Sti‘ccl. 22| 527‘). 3.30pm. £5. .-\ccc\\ih|c. mclodic indic hand lrom l,i\crpoo| \xilli hints ol~ \Kllllll\_\ and lalcx li‘om llic kilclicn \lllk.

I Locosea, Marsellus, The Prayers and Pulse 'I‘lic (‘aihouxcx l5 l'llioll Slrccl. 248 (ihllh. 7.30pm. £4 ladumccl. £5 ldooi‘l. ()\ci‘— l4\ \hou. |.oca| rock hand linc-up.

I Nucleotides and Juniper Spark 'l'llc l3lll \UIL‘ (lillikl'. 50 (ill King Slrccl. 553 M38. ‘)pm. £3. Surl' rock lll\ll’lllllL‘lll;|l\ l'i'om lidinhurgliK Nllclcolitlcx.

I Team Salt, Yellow Bentines and Magdalena liarl‘l). loo ('|}dc Sll‘L‘c‘l. U37“ “()7 (WW). 8pm. YL‘llo“ licnlincx arc duo l’clci' Hall and Martin lla} \xho rock llic piano likc licn l‘old\. l'iclx :llltl lllL‘ licullLN.

I Overhaul Nicc'ii'Slclil}. 42l Saucliichall Slrccl. 333 no?“ ‘)pm. 2.3. I The 44s and Gondwana Sountlwl. Soundlldllx 4— ll}dc l’dl‘lx Sli‘ccl. 22| 405‘). N3llpm. L4 5|). \\cc|\l} \liou caxc ol local hand»

I Johnny T’s Big City Blues Band Sllltllo ()llL‘. (il‘o\\cllol‘ llolcl. (iroxxcnor 'l'crracc loll B}rc~ Roadl. 34| (i5lo. 9pm. l'rcc.

I The Trains 'l‘indcrhox. IN‘) lino RUdtl. 33‘) “UN. ‘lplll. l‘l'L‘C. .Acnlhllc \L‘l. I The Impossible Flowers ‘l'cliai Hum. 42 ()lago |.anc. 35" 4524. 5pm L'l.5ll.

I Richie Gallagher liL‘dlth‘llL‘. S (‘i'cxxucll l.anc. 334 (i226. 3.3llpm. l‘rcc. |.aid hack hackgi‘ouml \ollllth.

I Battle of the Bands \ldL'hHl'lC}\. 42 Jamaica Slrccl. 24% 85M. 9pm. l-i‘cc. I Phil’s Session l'ixgc Bcallia. 232 Woodland\ Road. 564 I596. 8pm. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl} jam.

I The Vagabonds lllc Scolia.

H: l l4 Slockxx cll Sli'ccl. .552 Xhfil. ‘)pm. l‘rcc. Popular CU\L'I‘\.

I Jam Session Samucl l)o\\\.

()7 7| Nillixdalc Road. 423 lllll7. 3.30pm. l'l'L'L'. llo\lcd h} lndcpcndcncc. I Live Music .\lc(‘liuill\. 40 High Sll‘L‘L‘l. 552 2 l 35. 0.30pm. l'il'L‘L'. \cu handx niglu.


I Hydrous, Pelter and The Rising King 'l'ul'x \Vali Wall llul. 272a SI \inccnl Slrccl. 22| 527‘). 8.30pm. £5. I Julia Thirteen, The One Who Flew, Craig B and Chris Gorman Hal'll}. 2(ill ('l'ch Strccl. ()870 ‘)(|7 ()‘)‘)‘), 8pm. £5. l.oca| liopclulx. \xitli a \olo appcai'ancc li'om Buxlcd'x lmourilc hair} l'ronlman. Acrciigrammc'x (‘raig B.

I Whole Lotta Led 'l‘hc l-‘cm. 43 l’lucc, (“($93 205 Splll. till). [cp \(illlltltllllu‘ oullil ol‘ lcn )cai'x'

\ inlagc.

I McWatt and My Beautiful Ridiculous Plan Slcrco. I: I4 Kchinhaugli Slrccl. 57o 5(ll.\’. 3pm. £3. Balith li'om l.ccd\ and Manchcxlcr. l‘L‘\pL‘Cli\cl_\.

I The Nicc'lLSlL‘dl}. 42l Saucliicliall Sli‘ccl. 333 ‘)(i37. ‘)pm. £3. |.oca| llicalrical rockcrx. inllucnccd h}

('aplain Bccllical'l and llic .'\|c\ llai‘\ c} Band.

I The Acquitted, After Xmas, The Beggar’s Lake and Smytherjones l-ur} Mini)» ‘Ni .\la\\\cl| Sli‘ccl. 22l (i5l I. 3. 30pm. t4. including cnti'} lo poxlgig cluh. Hill ol upcoming local indic hand\.

I Abba Tribute Bourhon Sli'ccl. Ill.\' (icorgc Sli'ccl. 552 lll4l. 2pm. [5 lt'l2.5|) \xilh dinncrl. 'l'i‘ihulc lo Sucdcn'x llllcxl upon.

I The Fusion Experience lllc Bul‘ll'luh. I42 Halli |.anc. 24.\' I777. 8pm. l‘i'cc hcl'oi'c ll).3()pm; £5 allcr. \Vcckl} ja//) loungc wt in llic lo\\cr bar. I Roost \lacSol‘lc_\\. 42 Jamaica Slrccl. 24% 85M. ‘)pm. l‘rcc.

I The Duvets Samucl l)o\\ ‘x. (i7 7| \lllhtldlc Road. 423 lllll7. 8.3(lpm. l’i‘cc. I Frank O’Hagan 'l‘hc Scoiia.

l l: l l-l SIUL‘lUKCll Sll‘L‘L‘l. Xhh’l. ‘)pm. l‘i'cc. ('o\ci'\ ol' |)}|an. llic Band. (lL‘L‘tlL‘llL‘L‘.

I Acoustic Session Siai'liuckx. “(HUGH Hook. Buchanan Sirccl. 22|

Sherman Robertson and Blues Move play the Ferry, Glasgow, Sun 22 Aug

(“)32. (mm. l'i‘cc. l-oilniglnl} \L‘\\lHll

I Live Music llu- lhl1\.»lt-(‘.ilt-. 5” (ill King Sli'ccl. 553 loix ‘lpm L3 I Live Music (illel on ( ml}. l’dhlt'} Road loll. 42" 5 No 5 30pm t-l (£3 lllt'llll‘t‘hl. ('ounn'}

Glasgow I Paul Kelly King 'lul'x \\ali \\.ili

llul. 252a SI \inccnl Sli’ccl. 22| 525‘) 3.30pm. £3.51). .-\ll\|l';lll.l|l \ingci \ongurilci' \\llU ll;l\ pl;l_\cd \\ llll |ll|||lL‘|'U||\ hacking handx owi llic _\cal\. and collahoi'alcd u llll Ahoi'igmal hand Yolliu Yindi.

I The Pontani Sisters and The Boogaloo Investigators \‘t-gm. lllc l't'l‘l'}. 42 (‘lAKlL' l’ldt‘t'. MIN“ 205 5| l. H.3llpm. L'lll ltHl. ltax} lixlcnmg cluh \cgax cclchi'alcx ll\ lourlli hn'llida} on Ilic l'ci'r} \\lll| a lllllc liclp lI'om \cu York hurlmquc li‘lo llic l’onlani Sixlcix and local i‘cli'o |a// lunk comho lhc Boogaloo lll\c\|lf_';ilol\.

I Radio 4 and Futureheads \cnuc. lidinhlu'gli. 2o Aug.

I Dashboard Confessional liquid Room. lidinhui'gli. 27 Aug.

I The Streets ('oi'n l".\c|iangc. lidinhurgli. 28 Aug. 5( )l .l) ()l “l.

I Dido Sli(‘(‘. (ilaxgou. 28 Aug.

I dEUS liquid Room. lidinhurgh. 2\' Aug.

I The Hives (‘orn li\c|iangc. lidinhurgh. 2‘) Aug. I Goldie Lookin’ Chain liquid Room. lidinhui‘gh. 2‘) Aug.

I TV on the Radio \cnuc. lidinhurgli. 3|) Aug.

I Embrace liquid Room. lidinhui‘gli. 3|) Aug. S()|.|) ()l'l'

I Morrissey ('orn |i\c|iangc.

lidinhurgh. 3| Aug. S()l.|) ()l'l'

I Edwyn Collins \cnuc. lidinhurgh. | Scp.

I 50 Cent Sl{(‘('. (ilaxgou. 24 k 26 Aug. S()l.|) ()l'l

I DKT/MC5 (iaragc. (ila\go\\. 3| Aug.

I Sonic Youth Barrouland. (ilaxgoxx. | Scp.

I PJ Harvey (‘arling

Tickets are available from: Tickets Scotland: 239 Argyle Street. 01.11 201 51:31 Tickets Scotland: 127 How: Slip-m. bl-ll 71/“) xii/+1 Ripping Records: 91 South Bridge. 01:31 226 7010 Way Ahead: 0er 3:59 8158?; Ticketmaster: UM ) 1m ow,

Acadcm}. (ilaxgou. 4 Scp.

I Rush Sli('('. (ilaxgou. l4 SUP.

I Leann Rimes (lulc .-\udiloriuni. (ild\go\\. l7 «k l‘) SUP.

I Jesse Malin (iaragc. (ila\go\\. 22 Scp.

I D12 Sl{('('. (ilaxgim. 23 SUP.

I The Bees King 'l‘ui‘s. (ilaxgou. 24 Scp.

I The Datsuns (‘).\ll '. (ilaxgou. 2‘) Scp.

I Embrace Barron land. (ildxgtm. 30511).

I Moody Blues (.l'HlC

Auditorium. (ila\go\\. 3|) Scp.

I Wonderstuff Barron land.

(ilaxgou. l ()cl.

I Slipknot and Slayer Sli('('. (ild\go\\. 3 ()cl.

I Janis Ian ()uccn'x llall. lidinhurgh. 3 (M.

I The Music (‘oi‘n |{\changc. lidinhurgh. 4 ()cl. I Bowling For Soup ('arling Acadcm}. (ila\go\\. 4 ()Cl.

I Razorlight ()Ml‘. (ila\go\\. (1 ()cl.

I The Ordinary Boys Liquid Roomx. lidinhurgli. 0 ()cl: (iai‘agc. (ildxgtm. " ()cI. I Avril Lavigne Sli(‘(‘.

(ild\go\\. 7 ()Cl.

I Maroon 5 Barrouland. (ilihglm, .\’ ()cl. S()l,l) ()l‘l I Cowboy Junkies l'xhcr llall. lidinhurgli. ‘) (M.

I The Delagdos

Barron land. (ilaxgoxx ‘) ()cl. I Goldie Lookin’ Chain (iaragc. (ilaxgou. ‘) ()cl.

* The'Ga*Ga*s Nit-c .\' Slcal}. (ilaxgou. ll) ()cl.

I Katie Melua ('|}dc .-\udiloi'ium. (ildxguu. || ()cl. I Lloyd Cole 8 the Commotions Bax-um land. (ila\go\\. l2 ()cl.

I Franz Ferdinand Barrouland. (ila\go\\. l5 & lo ()cl. S()l.l) ()lul'.

I The Finn Brothers l'xhcr

llall. lidinhui'gli. lo ()cl; Ro)al ('onccrt llall. (ilaxgou. I7 (M. I Biffy Clyro Barron land. (ilaxgou. l‘) ()cl.

I Sarah McLachlan Royil (‘oncci'l llall. (ilaxgou. I‘) ()cl. S()|.|) ()l'l‘

I The Zutons ()Ml '. (ilmgou. 2| ()cl.

I Kate Rusby [\hcr llall. lidinhurgli. 23 ()c1.

I HIM ('orn li\c|iangc. lidinhurgh. 2.3 ()cl.

I Scissor Sisters (‘orn lixchangc lidinhurgh. 24 ()c1;

Barroxxlaml. (ila\go\\. 25 (M. I John Mayall l'xlicr llall. lidinhurgh. 24 ()cl.

I Rufus Wainwright lKllL‘l' llall. lidinhurgh 27 (M.

I The Rasmus ('orn |i\\|iangc. lidinhurgli. 2," ()cl. The Black Keys ( iai'agc. (ildxgnu, 2‘) ()c[,

I Hoobastank ()Ml ‘. (ilaxgou. 3| ()cl.

I The Waterboys ()uccnk llall. lidinhurgli. 3| ()cl.

I Lionel Richie Sli(‘('. (ilaxgou. l \o\.

7'": The Polyphonic Spree (‘).\l|‘. (ilaxgou. l \m.

I Keane Barron land. (ilaxgou. 3 tk 4 .\'o\. S()|.|) ()l "l'

I Amy Winehouse l.|qllltl Room. lidinhurgli. 4 .\'o\.

I Jah Wobble chli‘cu l’ci‘i’). (ilaxgow 4 \m.

I Nick Cave ('arling Acadcm}. (ilaxgou. (i .\’o\. S()l.l) ()l'l'

I Ibrahim Ferrer l'xhcr llall. lidinhurgli. (i .\'o\.

I Paul Weller (‘lxdc- .-\udilorium. (ilaxgou. " .\'o\. I Anastacia Sli(‘(‘. (il;l\go\\. " .\'o\.

I Deep Purple Sli(‘(‘.

(ilaxgou. 8 .\'o\.

I Motorhead liai'iou land. (ilaxgou, ‘) _\'o\.

I Lost Prophets Hal'i‘ouland. (il;i\go\l.. l 3 \m. I Ben FOIdS l{‘)}lll (‘ollccll llall. (ilaxgou lh \ox.

I The Thrills (ailing Acadcm}. (ilaxgou IN \m.

I Beach Boys (‘l_\dt- Audiloi'ium. (ilaxglm. l‘) \o\. I Zero 7 (‘ai‘ling .v\cadcm.\. (ilaxgow 2|) .\'o\.

I Gabrielle (lulu .Alltllltll'llllll. (ild\go\\. 2| _\'o\. Electric Six Barron land. (il;l\go\\. 25 \m.

Jill Scott Bai‘i'ouland. (ilaxgou, 2o .\'o\.

I Shellac l.iqmd Room. ladinhurgh. 23 .\'o\.

I Blink 182 Sl-.(’('. (ilaxglm. l l)L'L‘.

I KD Lang (‘oncci't llall. (iltl\‘._'()\\. .3 “CC.

The Prodigyfai‘ling Acadcm}. (ildxgou. H l)cc.

I Marianne Faithfull Ro}al (Kiliccrl llall. (ila\go\\. l3 “CC.

I The Pogues (xii-ling Acadcm}. (ilaxgou. l3& l4 l)L‘c.

I Snow Patrol Barron. land. (il;l\:_'o\\. l3 2| l)cc. SUI,“ ()l "l3

,; ,1 g; THE LIST 21