
RAiSIN'oHELEN (PG)119min ..

:: -' : Three Children and a ‘I ~. . ; 1.. "I r ' Surrogate Mum Don’tgodowninthewoodstoday l.:' ‘. :"22' '1' _' :' :~~: flz. wsllnrlllnlllln ., " , _ f I, H ', ' THE VILLAGE f _' " j I H I (12A) 120 min on. "'jf' f " " " 'f‘ " " " ' " I « . The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs. A substantial body of work that marks M Night Shyamalan out as a great 21st century storyteller. Who else V W1.” ; I H ' _‘ ; achieves thlsfusmn of emotional mtensrty, character Involvement and A CINDERELLA STORY nerve-shredding suspense? Who else explores the moral and religious (PG) 95min . ambiguities inherent in questions of grief, faith and community. Yet the luke warm word-of-mouth on The Village suggests he has become the victim of ll .2 illl‘l,‘ ll .: ll< llf, l t l what might be called ‘The Shyamalan Effect’ - the disappointment of not !(:.'l‘.'ll\!ll(l (flllf’fim’ tan ~; -:~ ~ m at 42:" being as stunned by his recent twist endings as one was by that in The l'. was plea-ml .'.-"-n has l :.v:uv~;l~ Sixth Sense. ll; ,r latwl Hr WV". ./.. ra'. lllrlll. In 1897, a utopian rural community has cut itself off from the depravity of .‘.'lle :n I Wm hr w :am; (J ... m :‘ city life. Yet they live in fear of the creatures which inhabit the surrounding .vmrl'lg lllll‘. Ill 7%? Imus / l M: > Am >...' I . woods, especially now their ‘accommodation’ with ‘those we don’t speak Yo.» and an .ll .f.( )lliit,‘ «rm» .r‘. A Big screen panto of’ is breaking down. Red stripes have daubed on cabin doors, livestock (Jun/ram a 8:. >'.. lnr; penum- I‘. ‘Alll M. has been slaughtered and skinned. In the midst of this, feisty blind girl lvy tmrrhle, (Jln'nmllgl .l him; hull I". .l m l‘.'.'l‘, ‘,< 'ltll mm v r l'. (all n. run at Walker (Bryce Dallas Howard), visionary village idiot Noah Percy (Adrien the (la; ‘n a lllllérl h, hm melted step mun .llrl‘ll‘llo'l (, w my no ~ H. -r l)lllll .,- Brody) and the quietly rebellious Lucius Hunt (Joaquin Phoenix) become (:lltllllllllll .(,‘hall ernael lx‘lurrgl, i‘. Illr' ".lllldlf‘. fhw n. ;h ,t‘. , l°l » .lmll .lllll involved in a volatile romantic triangle. the, (I()l’lllllll‘.l(iéli(:(1',(:l the llltwlnet .lh’l l. SMSS Irwin; ln'l‘. lw'w, llwll tn»- Tragedy ensues and, at the risk of jeopardising the entire community, a won-re starts to gr. fl<1.'.‘lllllil, ‘Kalwdr‘ Anal, brave, innocent soul must venture where fierce creatures roam and moral I (lent v.1.“ rm Jase fro"; / n . ’r l Aw.

temptation lurks. What lengths would we go to, asks Shyamalan, to protect our offspring from evil? And how does this benign control conflict with the [Y ._ ,L ,

children’s need to push beyond the boundaries set by their elders. DODGEBALL, A TRUE UNDERDOG STORY

Shyamalan 5 complex, movnng vusron goes way beyond mere plot twrsts. (12A) 92mm ...

(Nigel Floyd)

I Genera/ re/ease from Fr/ BOAl/g. A.erag;e .l 1;,rvr< ,',rw:' Mg... (5. I l.«. ,v ,.~ X/w, , ;! H " .2 "1.1.1. t ' 12.: E.‘.l,,_l’;'/, or (g‘uolx. owner ‘.'.":lt~': (3M, l,"“:". Eil-l‘ 8'. lw “z .1 nil: wl' r l .’,‘r‘wl,

\ there's ar‘ .'l:l~i:l;e' .'r l'Y“:l‘°. :' E) T.’ " l " l' :z' ‘.:w u l.‘ DARK HUMAN l |(. DRAMA " . . . l‘l:s <l<:"‘<:'ltefl t.;l‘;b\(:?l,zl‘ :.l.’.'f:; .l‘,‘ .ng H: l'xi'y-l .x .2 " ::-,- .;. “WW: flu.

LOVE ME IF YOU DARE (15) 94min oooo

set-'14. .l. .-.r.r',.'. l”; .1 my: maths" (a! Xv: t! n'

,. ,, .. .,_, M“ ,‘ ,'o¢./_. ‘, .y» y’wr r~/1r*lr/ Ir! .‘rrztel (lilttl’flu’fl Hausw.‘ wars .1. T ..'l.»,r. ' ow, . ,l . r: l‘. 1:. .1 ,r . ..

llllllx.:ntutmnnx all... «net. mm“ .‘m (mu! l~ .T w, l . .w'l ,1 'lr l/ ll',

.Jullen and Sophle are a couple of

outcasts. Teased at school. they form and cthw (;‘.€:tl.;::.‘.". were .l’ ‘2’ at». :1: ~r 3:". .zmrwult a pact around a game of dare, : U 'l“’ lay. w lo r "r ;;' sr.’ " Xi." : .' " «' . '11:." " l' whereby they must accept a flow "us; (“i/10".“ .vt: . ' l w ' W ' ' ‘l' :‘ 'r ' " v '; r' lie' challenge or else face a mighty l()l'l(}|i. Silller's: T"li:.""": “saw: 1.: . ’l":' . " .' ': m; 'l‘ .dlzw "rules, It Isa game that gets them through These I." "(gt/l (X a sf" '1’; 1' «.rlry: 4‘ a; 4 Ta", "* I':/°'rl 5': . " r: man/m bullylng. the death of Julren's mother of cameos l‘w; a "‘l is? My. " r’e-T" F Jr" '-

and the banlleu poverty that Sonhle and her tamlly llve In. But age does not hung wrsdom for these two and as they enter adulthood they continue then contest of wrts wlth devastatlng results.

Pitched somewhere between Jean

I 'tir'il“ I. 1" 1, ' {OHM-"4 ’O‘I‘IJ/it‘O’V‘l"i/' 1 f4 '

Plerre Jeunet's Ame/re and Leos * ..

Carax's devastatlng (woefully Jeux d’ enfants

misunderstood) Po/a X, Yann

Samuell's excellent debut feature (as Marlon Cotlllard (so yen; unlet ln Brg‘

\Vl'llCl' and dlrector) plays cleverly on fish who would have thought N:

the asSumptlons and rhythms of and Gulllame Caunet (the seemlngn,

Classic tales of amour fou whlle bland but actually yen. powerful

drawnng on the kooky \‘lsual styllstlcs young actor first seen over here as

of Jeunet. Matthleu Kassovnt7 (La Ellenne in The Beach], v. , ;* -

Hamel and Jan Kounan (Dobermann. A tough. fatallstlc ode to that -r "" ' i I i I \

Blueberry) wlth satlsfvlng reSuIIs. dlseased llne between love and .. - Samuell IS ably helped by two very madness. Mars our. mars non. tels ' .

Impresswe leads (as the older sont les Jeux des enfants. rPau. Dale \ 1 '

yerslons of Jullen and Sophie) m I Se/ecteo’ release from 20 Aug, ROllel’ba" '0' reta'ds

r .7" {A THE LIST 11