Events are listed by date then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to or, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.
Thursday 1 2
I Books at the Botanics (ilghjgnu Hillalllk' (illl‘llL'lh. ‘7 if) ( il'L‘ul \\t'\lL'lll Road. “41122. Illaln Spin. .\ popular hunk inal'kcl In Ihc Hupkn'k llullthnjg.
I Pollok House Murder Mystery l’lillm‘k Hullw. l’ullot'lx (lunar) Park. MN) l’ullukxhawx Road. Illani 5pm. I'I'L'c. lic ('nlnncl \lllxlai‘tl (ll Ml“ Stulllt‘l lul' lllL‘ (la) lnlhm lllt' Hail ul clum around [he lluuxc In \nlw lhk' lll_\\lt'l_\.
I Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson Bunk-ix Howl“. UH Ifllt'llullzlll Sll't't‘l. 233 7700. ll). lllani. .\n nppnrlunil} lnr ildllll\ lo mplnn- antl tlcwlup mm- crcaliw “ruling; pnlcnlial.
I Louise Welsh: Tamburlaine MUSt Die Hill'tlt'l'x I;()()I\\. UH Buchanan Sum-l. 233 7700, (min. 'l'hc (ilaxggmx hum aulhm' ul~ acclainicd nmcl. ('umuq Run/n. \\ ill hc wading li'mn hci‘ Ialml \xurk Ilun/wrluinr .llml /)l‘('.
I Mackintosh Trail Ticket Varioux \k'num. L' ll). ('mcrx cnli'} In all participating; ('hai'lcx Rennie \lackinlmh alli'aclinnx acruw ihc (it). plus him and \ulma} ll‘awl to gut )nu lllL'l'C.
I Books at the Botanics (ilaxgtm Botanic (ianlcnx. 730 (Email \lecrn Rlliltl. 33-1 2432. Illani 5pm. Soc 'l'hu II.
I Pollok House Murder Mystery I’UHUL‘k Hullu‘. I’UHUL‘R (‘uunln Park. 3()(»() l’nllnkxhawx Road. Illain 5pm. l’rcc. Scc 'l'hu II.
I Mackintosh Trail Ticket
Valium \L‘nucx. (Ill. Scc 'l‘hu l2.
Saturday 14
I Books at the Botanics ( flaxglm Bulann~ (l.ll\lk'll\. " ill ( iical “mu-in Ruatl. ‘H 1122 Want 5pm \cc Hm I: I Pollok House Murder Mystery l’nllnt'lx Huuw. I’nllm‘k ('ulliill} l’aik. lelill l’llllukxhaux Road. Illaln 5pm l'Icc. Soc ’l hu II.
I Nijuuin Renga in the Season of Summer 'I hL‘ Huldcn (ianlt-nx. 'li'anma}. 35 .-\|hcrl I)l'l\L'.ll.\»1_i iilliSlll. Ilani 5pm. chga .u’t'
Illll’xt‘tl \crxc cmnpmctl t'tlllllllllllall} mm lhc t'nurw ml a «1.1). “C pail ml ['lk' mpcncncc «in [he chpa plalluim .il lhc Hldllk'll (iai'tlcnx. \u apt-Henry llL‘L‘L‘\\;ll'_\.
I Mackintosh Trail Ticket Val-mm \l'nucx. L'lll. Scc 'l'hu l2.
I Books at the Botanics (llaglm Hulanlt‘ (ianlcnx “3U (il't'al \M‘xlcl'n Road. 334 3-123. lllani Spin. Su- 'l’hu II.
I Pollok House Murder Mystery Pollock Hme. Pollock (‘nunln l’al'k. lehll l’nllokxhaux Ruatl. Illani 5pm, l'l‘t‘t‘. SCC Thu '3.
I Have a go Longbow Mugdut-k ('nunli‘} l’ark. (‘I'aigallian Road. Milngaxic. 05h (illlll, 3 Jpn]. Ll .lnin (irccn Holllm limxincn IN a Inmhmal archcr} \cxxiun. You can join in or juxl ualch lhc tlclnmixli'anun.
I 2004: A Space Oddity Hunlcrian .\lll\L‘lllll. l'niwrxil) .-\\cnuc. Fill llll. Scc 'l‘hu I3.
I Mackintosh Trail Ticket Valium \OL'llllL‘\. UH. SL‘L‘ Thu '3.
Monday 16
I Pollok House Murder Mystery Pollock HUllNL'. Pollock (\mnlr} Park. 2000 l’ollukxhaxu Road. lllani 5pm. l‘l'CC. SL'L‘ Thu 12.
I Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson Hurtlcrx Bomb. ()3 Buchanan Slrccl. 322 "Tllll. 5.30pm «k 7.30pm. Scc 'l'hu l3.
Escape to the wilds of Fife and discover The Fence Collective
An ‘arts' festival can mean many and varied attractions - take the daddy of
them all in Edinburgh. But if things are scaled down to fit the confines of, say, a Fife fishing village, a more motley collection of watercolours and home baking is what you might expect. Not so at Pittenweem. Yes, paintings, jewellery and ceramics are all on the menu, but so re torchlit processions, drama and dance, street theatre and fireworks.
But no festival would be complete without some form of music. Blending contemporary credibility with the local folk tradition might seem a tall order, but Pittenweem is, fortuitously, a mere stroll — or boat trip if you prefer — from Anstruther, home of alt.folk acolytes the Fence Collective. And this year‘s curator, Crail-based artist John Lowrie, has enlisted said musicians to haul the festival into the 21st century.
For the uninitiated, Fence are a band of troubadours highly acclaimed worldwide and fast becoming a local and national institution. Taking their native folk music, they add the slightest modern twist via new-tangled electronic instruments to a mix of ambient sounds, bluegrass, countryesque stylings, delta blues and evocative seascapes.
The label's best-kent artist, James Yorkston, shares a London-based record label with current fashionistas Franz Ferdinand, but Fence is firmly Fife. Head honcho King Creosote is one of the main attractions, but beyond that the Collective is a multi-faceted, many-headed beast - so expect the lovely songs of HMS Ginafore to enchant, and Pinkie McLure and John Wills to deliver edgy and slightly spooky folktronica. Radio DJ Vic Galloway appears with his new band the Deaf Mutes, while guest acts from far and wide visit the East Neuk - including current UK music press darlings, Sweden‘s the Concretes, who perform under various guises throughout the week. In redefining ‘art', Fence will put Pittenweem firmly on the musical map. (Stuart McHugh) I Pffomaeent ArTs Fest/tall 8.." '5 Aug: C: 8.7? .9, '.:?.'. ’ Prrer‘ueew‘. T‘x, 72—83: 7.1 Aug. 6.304 :F :5-1 s :c . s: 2'. v. strewn. ee'r‘arfs‘es.‘ i. at co. .m. ‘e":9"9—:.".7s so"
36 THE LIST ‘Q ~‘:" All.) SCSI
Make a wish at Tummy? Hidden Ovens this summer
: (9' P .Yi'V-Rrfi MK,- fie
I Mackintosh Trail Ticket \.muu\ \L‘nucx. L'lll. Su- lhu l3.
Tuesday 1 7
I Pollok House Murder Mystery I’Ulllk'k Hlllhk'. l’illliu‘k (‘llllllll.\ l’allx. lehll I’llllllk\|l;l\\\ lx’uatl. lllani ipin l'l'L't‘, SCC VHlll II.
I Mackintosh Trail Ticket \allulh \k‘nucx. L'lll. Scc 'I'hu l2.
Wednesday 18
I Pollok House Murder Mystery Pollok Houxt'. l’ullm‘k ('uunli'} Park. MN) I’nllukxhaux Road. lllanl 5pm. l'iu‘. Sec 'l'hu II.
I Plant Surgery 'l‘lu- Hlkltlt'll (ianlcnx. 'li‘anma}. 25.1\llwrl lh‘nc. HMS Ullfilll. nimn lpln. l‘i‘cc. (int a gartlcning qucr} .’ 'l‘hix ix )Hlll' chann- In qui/ lhc hcatl ganlcnci‘.
I Garden Tour 'l‘lic Hldklk‘ll (ianlt'nx. 'l'ranma}. 35 :\|hcrl lh'iw. (LN-15 330351”. lpm. l'i‘cc. Imam-1' lhk' HltltlL‘ll (iul‘tlL‘llK \L‘L‘l't‘h.
I Mike Gonzalez: Che Guevara and the Cuban Revolution Bortlci'x limilw. “3 Buchanan Slrccl. 332
\tatlt'nnt author .Hhi t'\pcil on | .lllll \lllx‘lli, \lil.t‘
(inn/alm. ll|\\ uth l‘llk' ml lht‘ \xuiltl‘x
“"llll him]
g'lt'alt'xl ltnIiK Jllki |n\ lulu 111 mu (‘ulmn Rmnlullun I Mackintosh Trail Ticket
\.lllHl|\ \k'llll\'\. l Ill \t't- Ihn l.‘
Thursday 19
GI: 133g y m
I Pollok House Murder Mystery I’illltk'k HUllu‘. I’llllllt k ('nunli} I’alk. .‘llhll I’ullnl.\ha\\\ Ix’uall. lllani gpin Ilk'k‘ \k'k' Hm I.‘
I Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson Hillilk‘l\ lluukx. ‘l.\ Buchanan Slit-cl. .‘.‘ ‘ "llll Ill. illaln Scc Hm I.‘
I Peace Vigil ( it-uii't' \qnalt‘. .‘ l\ N1‘li.5§ll (l, {llpin ()iyanm'll h\ lllk' Sm'lt'l) nl I||\‘|l\l\
I A Summer Evening Exploring the Arboretum (i|a\;_'«\\\ Hulanlt' (l.lltl\‘ll\. ()nt'vn \lllllfulk'l l)ll\k'. ‘4' VW ‘pln Ilt'k' .\ glmlctl l\\t';llll\'l llk'l‘k'lltlk'llll \xall. Ital h} a icxitlt'nl ("\Pk'll Hill“ [in. \lall nl lllk‘ HHIJlllt' ( l.ll\lk'll\ \lt‘t‘l .ll lllt' \l.llll
lx’angjt'. I Mackintosh Trail Ticket
\;Illilll\ \L'nut'x. l. Ill. \m' lhu l.‘