Art listings

Glasgow Private Galleries cont.


lXa Meadow Road. 337 12"»? Mon in Haiti 5pm; Sat lilain lpin.

Rick Ulman: Reconnecting l'nnl Sat 14 Aug, American ttrll\l\ who xpent lortnalne arttxllc _\ear\ in Scotland retuth with worlu that \pring troin lll\ reconnecting with ll\ culture new and ancient,


Ha Main Street. Killearn. illiotl 55| loo. New Gallery Launch and Opening Exhibition t'nut 'I'hu ti) Aug. A new galler} \et up h} :\ltllll\;t Simpson and Paul Brown. tlexotetl to \howing work h} etnerging talent troni St'ttlllxlt art college» l‘irxt up IS .lttlIlL‘S Smith who \llti\\\ new painting»


to Waxhington Street. 32l 2|23. .\lon in Unit] 5pm.

Martin Mclnally - A Measure of Life 0... Hull l‘ri 37 .»\ug. l’olaritiex ot' the human condition emotional and rational. \iihjectnc and ohiectn e t'orin the core theme to .\lclna||} '\ work which has ile\e|oped a good reputation in galleriex in the Middle light. See t'L'\ ic“.


30 King Street. 552 3l5l. 'l‘ue Sat

Illain 5.30pm.

Sandy Sharpe - Another World 0.. [mil Sat l4 .-\ug. A range ol l_\rical and realixt work\ which capture axpectx ot' the llltCUlllpl‘UllllSlltg Iantlxcape which wax lith to the toriner Raxenxcraig steelworkx. The work ha\ been made in er the courxc ot‘ the paxt li\ e yearx. anti l|\L'\ iniagex lit)!” the land to trace a c} cle ol‘ creation. achieVeinent and renewal. Virtual Migrants - Terminal Frontiers l‘ntil Sat 2 ()ct. (iroup installation projectx h} artixtx t'roin Mancheqer. l.i\erpoo| and London w how interactn e electronic work\ tackle ixxues ot' asylum and glohalixation.

Glasgow Artist Spaces


IS King Street. 553 3540. hail} noon opiu. Last Chance to Turn Around 0... l'ntil Sat l-l Aug.

10.30am 5.30pm. (irotip \how' h} l’aul linihleton. Jonathan (iow ing. JillllL‘S McLard); .\larcu\ Mitchell and ('aluni Stirling around the \uhject of the \hit'ting alliance between appearance. know ledge illlll experience. SL‘L‘ l‘L‘\ l0“.


332 it 334 Duke Street. Dennistoun. 556 7270. Tue Sat noon (3pm.

Improve the Shining I-lour - Cath Keay l’ri l3 .-\ug Sat 1 I Sep. l'ii'xt \olo \how t‘roni thix (ilmgow-hihell artixt thing hee hixex as an analog} ot' the human \\\;tl‘ltt. She hax inotlelletl l‘Ullx huiltlingx t‘roin sheets ot‘ tounilation w a\ which \he

Siamese Boxing Triplets and the Tarantino Dash by Steven Campbell on show at Glasgow Print Studio

lltllttllllt't‘\ it) the MW and lL'lS the IX‘CS 1:0!

to work Artixt'x talk Sat 4 Sep. 4pm.


75 Ritlk‘t‘lvm SII‘L‘CI. Suite (i. l'lloot' l. 2-13 37l I. Tue l-‘ri noon 5pm.

Mark Handforth 0000 t'niil Hi 30 .-\ug. Mianti-hawd artixt with international \tantling e\hihii\ work iron] the laxt three )t‘ill'S that incorporate\ \expax. \treet lanipx and neon lltlk‘S.


5 St \largat‘et'x Place. (l7Sl3 (3057-15. 'l'hu Sat 1 5pm.

Henry Coombes t‘niil Sat I I Sep.

l 5pm. liree. New seriex ol' work on paper

l‘ront the recent (ilaxgow School ol' .'\rt graduate. einphaxixing the entrenched political. cultural and claxx connotationx ot. the traditional media ot oil that he workx

Glasgow Print Studio Gallery

Battle of Myths! The Tree Man/The Green Man a c" '9 ' ' \te c =.“x;‘t‘:-

I4 August - 25 September 2004

(is. 0". Bill Steven Campbell

EC :" 9 firm h:

34 THE LIST «er—w Aug

in. ('all tor an appointment outxitle normal galler} opening hourx.


Vacant \hop t'ront. IS \\'ootllantl\ Road. 07947 MUSIS.

Alison Dunlop l‘ntil Sun 15 :\ug. \ew \ttltt \lttm.

Neill Sheasby Sun l5 Sun 22 .-\ug. \L‘“ \ttlt) \ltti\\.

Outside the Cities


DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS l5: \L‘lltt‘t'gttlt‘. (H552 ‘lll‘l‘lllll. lth \VCll. Sat tk Sun ill..5ll;tlil 53llpin; ‘l'hu tk l‘l'l lll.3tt;nn Spin.

Natalie Russell t'nul Sat 2t .\ug, Draw ing\ and graphic patternx continued in lltlx C\ltll‘tliott L'llllllL'll lilllt'l' ttIIt/ .Siit‘t'l

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' lifter! somy' Heéfiueewiitre

He Mfie$.(g§flir: along} of Heme?)

hip/gals. c, g . “1“. 4 57% er 6133239194

19th August - 9th September

egour I at ,v‘: flint

tixing lllttllitpl‘lllllllfg. block printing .llltl \crecnprintiug.

Isle of Bute


.\lount Stuart. lllWltt 5ttiS“ \lon. \\\'tl t\ in Sun Illani 5pm.

Langlands and Bell l'ntil Sun 20 Sep .-\n lll\l.tllttllttll h} langlantlx anti liell. reteiencing the tin} tannl} chapel iletlicatctl to St John the l'.\angcli\t antl tlexignetl in IS”: h} the architect \\il|i.nn Burgex at .\lount Stuart



35 'l'he Stirling .-\rcatlc. tll "So .1") 5(tl \\etl Sat llain 5pm

Wendy McMurdo t'nul Sat 2S \ug Photograph} e\hihition lioiu \ttl'lttlIS \einx made in the late I‘Ntl»

altar” r“. 1' .' ‘3’):

ix; '7' Decorafive Anfique Textfles,

Catherine Trillo ms, is exibiting a \~‘ \

~ display and sale


of a unique collection from around the world.

Harmans Gallery International. New Abbey, Dumfriesshire: loam-5pm. Mon-Sat except Thurs.