Film index


thequeenshall edinburgh festival fringe 04

Sunday 22 August 8.00 pm Mercedes Peon

Thursday 26 August 7.30 pm Bert Jansch

Monday 23 August 8.00 pm Lunasa

Friday 27 & Saturday 28 Augu5t 7.30 pm

Al 8 ' d Ph'l C ' h Tuesday 24 August 8.30 pm Y am an l unmng am

50"” Part of the McEwan's Sessrons

Wednesday 25 August 8.00 pm Laura Cantrell with Paul Burch sponsored by GNER

Sunday 29 August 8.00 pm Fiddlers’ Bid and Shoormal

Part of the McEwan's Sessions

qh: the hq of live music in edinburgh

Online Booking:

Venue 72 - Clerk Street Edinburgh EH8 9J6 Ticket Hotline: Ol3| 668 20|9



'u -



14 THE LIST 5—: 2 Aug 200.:

Home on the Range it 00 r\\ at l'rnn. Jnhn Santnrdd S, I'M-it \te\e litixeetni. Judi Deneh. (i\\ Hailey Rnxeanne liarr "(innit Rtirnntired tn he lhxne) \ tinal hand-draun eartnnn. Hnna nr: .‘r'zt Rana l\ a tradtttnnal tale nt the nld \\e~t that tnllnux the ad\entute\ nt three lill\lll.tltllt'tl ‘hnx rne hntint} hunterx'. \laggte ~liati i. \lt\

lallima} tl)enehi and (iraee «.lennitei lill) t. \thl \et nut tn traek dnun a eattle Ithllt't. enlleet \nine l't'\\.tt\l tnnne_\ and \a\ e their taint tinin tnieelnxtirt l ilteahle. ll desperatel) dtill. antniatinn \ taiil} ineagte \L‘tltl OH [H .t t'l.t\\lt gt‘lllt' (it ’l( I... H .a in: The Hours of the Day (Las Horas Del Dia)«15t000 Ilaiine l{\‘\.tle\. Spain. Illtl‘t ;\|e\ llrendennihl. \gata Rnea. \lat‘ta '\Illttill.t \lattine/. l’ape \littt\i‘ttll. \teente Rnrnern lllltnin See teneu. page I) l'r/nr/rnrm: Ia/rIr/tm‘gu

I, Robot t l_‘:\t ... t'\le\ l’in}a\. l \. 2004i Will Smith. Bridget \ln}ttahatt. Jatlte\ (‘rnnmell ll5inin lhteetni l’i'n}a~ ahandnm :\\llltt‘\ \ phtlnxnphieal enntindrnin nl hnxx tn enntrnl e\nl\ing lt‘l‘tflx \xhieh ha\ e de\elnped l\.t\le htiinan L‘Hh‘llilth and naxeent tree \xill. Instead. \\ e get eat eltawx. puneh tips and eliehed eittlltitttlalli‘th hetueen Spnnner tSinitht and lil\ hard axx hnxx. l t Jnhn llergtn i(‘hi \lelliidet (ii'rrertr/ It It 11H Internal Affairs II t IS» 000 that Keung Ian/Stu lat \ldlx. llniig Knngthina; Singapnre. 3003i lzdixnn (‘hen. Shaun \tie. .-\nthnn} \Vnng (‘hatrSang l'raneix \g

ll‘linin. 'l‘rue. tnn\t nl the east la} dead at the

ettd nl Irr/ernu/ .‘l/ltlll‘\, \n gning haek ltl tttiie l\ a smart \Ht) tn resurreet the\e great t'amurtte eharaeterx. \Vhat'x lexx ptedietahle l\ the liltninaker’x deeixinn tn hring hael. l.eting\ triad pnliee ninle .\ling and ('heung'x underenx er enp ('han in their _\nunger inearitatinnx i('han and tire» \nu Ming and (‘han are tnerel_\ \uppnrting pla}ers nn a \\ ider stage. :\n nnpresxn e \qulL‘l tn a slightl) nxer-ratted pnheiei gangster thriller Sc'li’t'li't/ I'c'lt'ilu'.

It’s a Wonderful Life ll’(il .0... tl‘rank Capra. l'S. l‘Hhi James Stewart. l)nnna Reed. llenr} 'l'ra\er\. 'l'hninax Mitehell. lllhnin. Sinall—tnttn hn} Steuart runs intn linaneial tlllllt‘lllllt‘\ and t\ nn the Mini. nl \tiietde \\ hen an elderl) angel dexeendx tn earth In \litl“ him all the gnnd his hle has dnne l'nr thnxe arntind llllll. :\t‘eliet}pal (‘apra xenttinentaht} \\ till a \uperhl} detailed lttltlax) lratnennrk and nne nt’ Steuart'x innxt lnxahle pertnrnianeex. (me to \\ arm even the innst glaeial heart (It/mu :l! The Qum. (i/uwnn. (i/uxgnu.

Jersey Girl I l3.-\i 0.. Mn in Smith. l'S. lell-lt Raquel (Khlt‘it. Ben Allleelt. l.t\ 'l'} ler. Jenntler l.npe/. (ienrge ('arlin. Kex Ill Smith's tnuehing rnrn-enin ()ilenn. Iz'i/r'rrltin‘e/r.

King Arthuri 13M 00 t.r\ntnine l‘uqua. l'S/lreland. 2004i (’lixe ()uen. lnan (irul'l'udd. Ktera Knightl}. llinnn. The King Arthur in_\th re\ txited lllCl\\ \enpe. depth. \\ it. \\l\LlUlli and hurnnur. \Vitt’w. ll \Ht'el} tleetl\ a leading man, (ienem/ re/euu:

Kyon HO Gaya Na ithei tSainir Karnik. India. 2004i Arnitahh liaehehan. .'\l\ll\\.’tl'}tt Rat. \'i\ek ()hernt. Ran .-\gnihntri. ()in l’tiri.l)i};t .\la|hntra iRaii I\ an ltlL'gtlhllt‘. \L‘ll\lll\ e girl \xlinxe ehildhnnd was spent in the enllee plantatinn tntxn nt ('nnrg. ller \kidntx ed lather deeides that l)i\a \hnuld traer tn \ltiiithai tn help his lrtend Rat ('hauhan tliaehehan l. a enntirined haehelnr. run a small nrphanage that he has in lil\ hnrne. l)i\a “Ill \ta} at the home nl the Khannax. uhn alw are triendx nt her lather. She then meets Ariun Khanna t()herni t. a seeiningl} tree-spirited. lun-lnxing. athenturntn gu). 'l‘he tun \nnn rt‘ttlht'. lit)\\C\'Cr. that the} “Ill he \ta) ing in the same house \inee the Khannax. her father‘s triendx. are :\r_ititi\ parents. l'un rntnantie enined}

u ith a great east nl' nlder linllutnnd \eteranx and )trtiriger upenining stars. (Menu :1! 7711' (_)run. (i/uwmi. (iliixunn ,' ('('l I'a/IIt/rurg/r. Edinburgh.

The Ladykillers t 15» O. rt-Lrhan and Jnel (‘nherr l'S. :lNl-ll 'l‘nin llanln. lrrna l’ llall. .\larlnn \Va}an\. lit-1min Bland remake nt' \laeltendrieles 1955 l2ahng classie. (Menu. Iii/Hr/mrg/r.

Last Life in the Universe 1 15»

.... tl’en-lik Ratanaruang.

lllatlalttl l.:;‘.:ft. :‘lt‘: latla \izritta llnnrttaxzk.

:tn'f‘t; \sattn.

a:i.-. lln:‘.?t\.1\.tl\ ltl‘htnn \ t‘nleet l‘latk .nrtreth frnzrt tire direttnr nt llrvr: v..-, It..','\;\.’~' ei‘lllt‘tll\t\t‘. stitttdai ,lat‘artexe titan In in}: tn llattgknk t\ thinnn tngether n 2th a lhar \xnnian thtnnglt a tia

\ Ill\ \le'l It‘lt\_ t‘l‘\\‘\\l\\‘

rte than! nt exentx \\end and “Uthh‘tlttl. the ieeetrtlaix t'hzix [little I/v: {in Vera." l. .1 farm ltlt‘x the intendtar} t titerrtatngtattlrx (v /.'."" [lit t.‘."( (Lang'r‘l: /.'.""Ir utw l.j.".‘".it.\".‘ The Last Victory l’( 00. lnhn \mul. \etltetlatttlx .7001 What: In the uninitiated. \rena\ l’alin t\ \Illil‘l\ a tinrse

\ hreaknee k hazel‘at k ride aintind tlte t itt '\ ntain \tlttale' tlte mite l\

iaee iii tanex dress met in less than a minute and a halt \klttlt‘ tlte pageantit that trietedex ll enex nr: tnr lh‘tlh \n t‘lll\l\lt‘l tnnld he tnzz'nen tni \xnndettng \\hat all tlte In“ I\ ahntit lhitt h lilinrnaker \t‘pel'x lam lll.tltltf.' dne arnentarx lin\\e\er. \ltn\\\ that tni the‘ll.ll‘.l\ nt the titt'x l" \tll‘lltl\\. the l’alin l\ a \lllt [‘Jtl nt their itlenttt} \ in} nt a dntttrnentan (fitment: I if”: Ila ...'u (ring. /.'.""'.': '.‘t\i l,t."rrr/'rirelr

Looney Tunes - Back in Action tl‘t .r .. «.lne I).irite.l \. .‘HH‘I llientlan l'l.t\t'l. Jenna l‘llttlall. \te\e \laitrn. lintntlix llallnn. lleatltet l ntkleat ‘lIltinn llll;'\ lllltltl} .itid the gaitg return tni lltl\ teatiiie length int\ttiie nl ll\ e aetinn and ainniatinn (i/tflfiaflt ll/H! III]: iti'lt (iraiujitt'. Love Me if you Dare (Jeux d’Enfants) IV i\ann \aintiell.

l‘tanee llelgtnni. 300 it (itnllatitne ('anet \lat‘inn (‘ntlllaitl lllll‘allll \ethae;‘lte " :lllltl lltige l'ieneh hn\ nttite \tlt.i\lt that lta\ heen eninpaied tn \nrt in lhit Int. \It It in” [hire tells a tntteh darker talent \niing lu\t'l\ uhn take a ehildhnntl gante nt date tn t'\llt'lllt'\ in then adtilt lite lnnk niit tni a te\ ie\\. ax \tell as an intetx rett v. llll \tat ('ntillard and dttettni \"atnnell lll these l‘.|‘,'t'\ ne\t l\\llt' See Rnngh (‘iitx tni the .‘ lni I nllet' tn \ee llll\ liltn l’lt’\l\'\\\ nnl_\ l(/( Kelli/it: .Vliil, (i/i.’\;'irt'.. (i/ii'njut'. Madame de . . . ll t... I\l.i\ ()phtils. l‘ianee llal}. Ni ii ( 'harlex linter. Danielle l)ariteti\. \ ittniin lle \ita ()ne nl lnur llltlh ()plllll\ inade ltt\‘..ttil\ the end nl lll\ lite \ll\[\l.l} ing lll\ da//lin;'


teeltniqtie iii a \lnt} that re\n|\e\ arnnntl a pan nl L'.lll'lllj_'\ In the l’ati\ nl the eatl_\ .Tllth eentut}. the \Hlt' nl a general \ell\ the earrings lll\ llll\l\.tlltl ga\e her \he needs ttlt‘tlt'} lnt a gainhhng deht lhe general \eei'etl} huts the t'.tttltlj.'\ again and gnes thein tn lll\ Illl\llt'\\ lite lt'\\tlll\ and nnld lai'ee enxtte (i/iixgnii li/Hr l/lt (ll/t. (i/mrntt Mean Girls I_“\. 00. I\latl\ \ Waters. l8. I‘M-1t lindxa} l nhan. l<at ltel .\le-\dant. I ate} (‘haheit \rnanda \t'}lllt'tl. 'l'ina l'e_\. l.i//_\ ('aplan llutlllll \teihit. ele\ei teen diaitia \tiitten h} \trfrut/rru \ru/rr lltt \ 'l Itla l'e_\ ()t/i'n/r ( it's ('4 131/. (ll/il\.'r‘\'. (i/iixunn

Memories of Murder lit .00

tJnnn hn lintig. Snnth l\'ntea. 300i» Kan): hn Sung. Sang lexung Kiln. l<ne ha Knit. lae hn Snng. llfinnn See iexieu, page ll (.rnrrn la/rIr/rululr

The MiSSing t ll<tlll llmuaiil. l’S. Illllll 'lntnin} lee .lnltt‘\. (late lilant hett. l'.\att Raehel \\nnd. Jenna lintd. \atnn lzekhart lllllllltl l’iett} litre take nn the t’l;i\\it' \Vextet'n \Ie/ (a rrtri/‘t (’rrr: mu lzt/rIi/rurg/i. Monsters, Inc. it”. 0.0 tl’ele l)neter, [8. Mill I Jnhn (inndinan. lilll}

('r) stal. Stew lltht‘t'llll. ‘L‘nnn ('(il anttttaltittl itnttt l’t\at .\/¢ I ('i rim; t. (tire/mi l‘a/i/r/rme/r

Mujshe Shaadi Karogi tl’lii tl).t\ ltl l)ha\~an. lndia. lellll Salinan Khan. l’rt}anl\a ('hnpra. Aloha} Ktiinar 'lun gti}\ «me girl, ()ne questinn' \luthxe \llddtll karngi (ina \el \[tnnl linlltunnd initiatite film. that has been eninpared tn lltmr Hrmn ,th. ()(lt'lill xi! lllt' Qtult. (ll/U\'.\"’l'- (ll/(H’JHH. It 'I [aim/Hugh, [Lt/III/llll‘ifll

Nathalie t lit ... «\nne l'nntaine. l‘raneet’Spain. 3003i Gerard Depardieu. l'ann} .»\rdant. lanrnanuelle lieart Illiinin (i,\naeenlngtxt ('atherine t.-\rdanti llll't'\ \xnrktng girl hnstexs \larlene tliearti tn \p} nn her llleMlltl. Bernard il)epardieu I. l-nntaine has set nut tn undertnine e\peetatinnx \Hlll ll1l\ \l) \C\ll;tl thriller hut