The “(12A)
Daily: 12.10. 2.35. 5.05. 7.35. 9.55. Also late Fri & Sat: 12.15am. t3Goingon30(12A)
Daily: 11.10am. 11.40am. 1.50. 2.20. 4.30. 5.00. 7.00. 7.30. 10.00.
Also late Fri & Sat: 12.25am.
Daily: 11.45am. 2.15. 4.40. 7.05. 9.20.
Also late Fri & Sat: MWWG) Daily: 11.35am. 2.05. 4.35.
UCI Clydebank
Clyde Regional Centre. Clydebank. 08700 102030. [D]. £5.25 (£4.25 before 5pm). Child: £3.60. OAP: £3.60. Students: £4.75 (£3.95. Mon—Thu. Fri before 5pm).
THLJRSDAY 5 Garfield (PG) 10.30am. 12.40. 2.50.
5.00. 7.10. 9.20.
I, Robot (12A) 11.00am. noon. 2.00. 3.00. 5.00, 6.00. 7.00, 8.00. 9.00. 9.45. King m ( 12A) 11.40am. 2.30. 5.30. 8.30.
Looney Miss - Back in Action (PG) 11.00am.
Sill'elt 2 (U) 11.50am. 2.20. 4.40. 9.30. Spider-Man 2 (12A) 11.10am. 2.10. 5.10. 8.10.
1110 WWW (12A) 1.50. 4.10. 6.30. 8.50.
‘lhe Straight Story (U) 7.00.
13 Going on so (12A) 11.30am.1.45. 4.00. 6.20. 8.40.
W (PO) 11.20am. 1.40. 4.20. 6.40. 9.10.
M Brothers (PO) 10.40am. 1.20. 3.50.
‘iiieootIneSuprsmacH 12A)
Thu: 11.00am. 2.00. 5.00. 8.00. Gatwoman(12A)
Thu: 11.30am. 2.00. 4.30. 7.00. 9.30. GartisidWG)
Daily: 10.30am. 12.40. 2.50. 5.10. 7.20. 9.30.
Iiomsontlisitange (U)
Daily: 10.45am. 1.00. 3.00. 5.00. 7.00.
Daily: 11.00am. noon. 2.00. 3.00. 5.00. 6.00. 7.00. 8.00. 9.00. 9.45. iflngArthurUZA)
Fri—Wed: 2.30. 5.30. 8.45.
Thu: 1.00. 4.00. 9.15. ThePassionoitlIeGiIrtstHS)
Sun: 4.00.
Tue: 7.00.
Daily: 11.00am.
Fri—Wed: 11.50am. 2.20 & 4.40 (not Sun). 7.00 (not Tue). 9.30. Spldor-ManZUZA)
Daily: 11.30am. 2.30. 5.30. 8.30. 9.15 (not Thu).
‘Iiie “(12A) Daily: 1.30 & 4.00 (not Thu). 6.30 (not Thu). 9.00.
Daily: 11.10am, 1.30. 3.50. 6.10. 8.40.
Daily: 11.45am. 2.15. 4.45. TouciiingthelloidHS)
Thu: 7.00.
Daily: 10.45am.
UGC Parkhead, Glasgow
The Forge. Parkhead. 0871 200 2000. Info and CC booking: 08701 555 136. [D]. [E]. Adult £4.85 (£4.35 before 5pm Mon—Thu. Child/student/OAP: £3.50 (£3 before 5pm Mon-Thu). Family ticket £13.40. All tickets before noon: £3.
Garfield (PO) 10.10am. noon. 2.00. 4.00. 6.00. 8.10.
I, itobot (12A) 11.45am. 2.45. 5.30. 8.40
MWUZA) 11.158m. 2.15. 5.00. 7.45. iiewYork m (PO) 10.50am. 1.55. 4.55. 7.55. S“ 2 (U) 6.00. 8.20. WI! 2 (12A) 10.45am. 1.45. 4.45. 7.45. 13 Going on 30 (12A) 11.30am. 1.50. 4.10. 6.30. 8.50.
(PO) 11.00am. 1.20. 3.40. 6.00. 8.20.
mmsmnacw 12A) Thu: 10.35am. 1.10. 3.40. 6.10, 8.40. Gatwoman( 12A)
Thu: 12.55. 3.20. 6.15. 8.30. GarfleidWG)
Daily: 10.10am. noon. 2.00. 4.00. 6.00. 8.10. iiomeontiieitangew)
Daily: 10.10am. 12.10. 2.20. 4.20. 6.15.
Daily: 11.45am. 2.45. 5.30. 8.15. Khylrtllm(12A)
Daily: 2.15. 5.00. 7.45. MMMWO)
Fri—Wed: 1.30. 6.00.
Fri—Wed: 10.45am. 1.10. Spider-Man2(l2A)
Daily: 8.10. TheStsptordWivssHZA) Fri-Wed: 3.20. 6.10. 8.30. 13mgon30(12A)
Daily: 11.30am. 1.50. 4.10. 6.30. 8.50.
Fri—Wed: 11.00am. 3.40. 8.15. MBrothsrsWG)
Daily: 11.45am.
UGC Rentrew Street, Glasgow
7 Renfrew Street. info and CC booking: ()871 200 2000. Adult £5.35 (£4.75 Mon—Thu). Child: £3.25. Students £3.50. Concessions: £3.60. Family ticket £3.25 per person. Early Bird admissions before 12am: £3.25. Unlimited Card: £9.99 per month.
AnytltingEiseuS) 11.30am. 7.40.
Before SusstHS) 3.20. 5.30. 8.10. Fainniisit 9111 (15) 11.30am. 2.30. 5.30. 8.20.
Garfield (PO) 10.00am. 12.10. 2.20. 4.30. 6.30. 8.35. Goal (Goirudo Kyoto Dal-Gsidlo: Goal) (18) 11.50am. 3.00. 6.00. 9.10.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of moan (PG) 11.50am.
I, itobot(12A) 10.40am. 11.30am. 1.40. 2.20. 4.50. 5.20. 6.00. 7.50. 8.20. 8.50. MWU2A) 10.30am, 11.20am. 1.30. 2.20. 4.40. 5.20. 7.40. 8.20. MM Minute (PO) 11.10am.1.40. 4.00. 6.20.
the Prince and the (PG) 12.30.
Sink 2 (U) 1.00. 3.30. 6.00. 8.30.
16 Years otAIooiioi(18) 3.00. 5.50. 9.00.
Spider-Man 2 (12A) 10.00am. 11.30am. 1.00. 2.30. 4.20. 5.40. 7.30. 8.30. 8.50. The Hives (12A) 10.50am. 1.10. 3.40. 6.10. 8.30.
13 Going on so (12A) 10.40am. 1.20. 3.50. 6.20. 8.50.
W (PG) 10.30am. 1.00. 3.30. 6.00. 8.20.
‘ltno Brothers (PG) 10.20am. 1.00. 3.30.
FRIDAY &THLJRSDAY 12 Anytiihg Else (15)
Fri & Sat: 4.40. 7.50. 10.30. Sun-Wed: 6.00. 8.50.
Around the World in 80 Days (PO) Fri & Sat: 1 1.00am. Sun—Wed: l 1.50am.
Fri & Sat: 6.40.
Sun—Wed: 6.00. MMoiYoufltfllwloW) (15)
Daily: 4.00. meBoIIneSuprsmacyUZA)
Thu: 10.00am. 10.30am. 12.30. 1.00, 3.00. 3.30. 5.40. 6.00. 8.20. 8.40. GatwomanUZA)
: 10.20am. 12.40. 3.10. 5.40. 8.10.
Fahrenheit 9/11 (15)
Fri & Sat: 11.00am. 1.50. 4.50. 7.50. 10.40.
Sun—Thu: 11.30am. 2.30. 5.20. 8.10. Gariieid(PG)
Daily: 10.00am. 12.10, 2.20. 4.30. 6.30. 8.35.
Also late Fri & Sat: 10.40. Gom(Goimdo Kyoto Dal-Moment) (l8)
Fri—Wed: 8.40. iiomsontiieltangew)
Daily: 10.15am. noon. 1.50. 3.40. 6.00. l,ltobot(12A)
Fri & Sat: 10.30am. 11.00am. 11.30am. 1.45. 2.00. 2.15. 4.40. 5.00. 5.15. 7.30. 8.00. 8.15. 10.10. 10.30. 10.50. Sun—Thu: 10.00am. 11.00am, noon. 12.40. 2.00. 2.40. 3.30, 5.00. 5.30. 6.10. 8.00. 8.30. 9.00.
Internal AttalrslUS)
Daily: 10.00am. 12.30. 3.10. 5.50. 8.40 (not Fri-Sat).
Also Fri & Sat: 8.30. 11.10. mmuzA)
Daily: 11.20am. 2.20. 5.15. 8.00. 8.30. Also late Fri & Sat: 10.40. MMWWO)
Daily: 10.20am. 12.30. 3.00. SW2(U)
Fri &Sat: 9.45am. 10.00am. noon. 12.20. 2.10. 2.40. 5.00. 7.30. Sun—Wed: 10.00am. 12.20. 1.20. 2.40. 3.40. 5.00. 7.30.
Thu: 10.00am, 12.20. 2.40. 5.00. 7.30. tGYearsotAlcohoH 18)
Daily: 5.40. 8.20.
Spartan( 15)
Fri &Sat: 10.20am. 12.45. 3.20. 5.50. 8.20. 10.50.
Sun—Thu: 11.00am. 1.40. 4.10. 6.35. 9.10.
Fri & Sat: 11.00am. 1.40. 2.00. 4.30. 4.50. 7.40. 8.00. 10.40. 11.00. Sun—Thu: 11.00am. 2.00. 2.30 (not Thu). 5.10. 5.40 (not Mon&Thu). 8.20. 8.50 (not Mon &Thu).
the Wives(12A)
Fri&Sat: 10.40am. 1.00. 3.20. 5.40. 8.10. 10.30.
Sun-Thu: 10.50am. 1.10. 3.40. 6.10. 8.40.
Fri&Sat: 10.00am. 12.20. 2.40. 5.10. 7.40. 10.15.
Sun—Thu: 10.40am, 1.20. 3.50. 6.20. 8.50.
Fri&Sat: 10.15am. 12.20. 2.30. 4.35. Sun—Wed: 10.30am. 1.00. 3.30. MWWO)
Daily: 11.10am. 1.30.
Our words of wisdom from the last 500 issues
So suiiied crew
‘80 Solid have a lot to answer for as this carbon copy London mob hit the airwaves with this tweeting garage track. They think it's as heavy as cancer, but it's more like a mild flu.’
Henry Northmore on Heartless Crew ’5 ‘The Heartless Theme ’, issue 442. June 2002.
Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Nortnmore
38 Home Street. 0131 228 4141. CC booking: 0131 228 4141.Bar. 24 Hour Information Line: 0131 228 2800. [D]. £5.50 (£4.50 Fri—Tue before 6pm). Cones: £3.50. Mon (except bank holidays) all tickets: £3.50. Double bills (Sun matinee/late night): £4.50 (£3.50 concs). Discounts available for Friends/Budget Card holders please contact direct. Please note Big Scream screenings for parents/carers and their babies only.
BaimSunsstUS) W9!“ (15) 1.00. 340,900. msomwontidsncss‘nop htllns)(15) 1.15. iiissmyottIoMGamsHPG) 6.35.
30. 9.20.
Daily: 1.25 (not Sun), 6.55. FWD/11 (15)
Daily: 4.05. 8.50. WWIUS)
Daily: 1.00. 3.40 (not Sun). 6.20. 9.00. toYsarsotAiconoi(l8)
Daily: 3.45. 6.25 (not Wed). 9.10. Iizak(litstant)(15)
Daily: 1.30.
Also Wed: 6.30. GetGartsr(18)+Partomtance(18) Sun: 1.30.
18 Newbattle Terrace. 0131 447 4771. Info: 0131 447 2660 and 447 8450. CC booking: 0131 447 4771. Restaurant. Bar. [D]. Adult: Standard £5.20. Superior £5.90. Cinema 3/4 £5.90 (Cinema 3 Friday £5.60). Before 6pm. Mon-Fri: Standard £4.00. Superior £4.90. Cinema 3/4 £4.90. Concessions/Children: Standard £3.80. Superior £4.90. Cinema 3/4 £4.00. Pullmans: Afternoon £5.90. Evening £9.90. Sofas/Recliners: Afternoon: £6.90. Evening £1 1.90. Cinema 2 Sofas: Afternoon £6.90. Evening £7.90. Students (Sun-Thu) £3.99 includes a drink. Family tickets from £3.40 per person.
mmuzm 1.45. 4.45. 8.00. Thaliotstiooituzm 8.20. Sil'eit 2 (U) 12.40. 2.50. 5.10. 7.30.
Spider-Man 2 (12A) 1.15. 4.15. 7.30. W (PG) 12.50. 3.15. 5.40.
mmuzA) Daily: 1.45. 5.10. 8.00. ‘l'lieiiotsbooituzm Daily: 8.15. Silsitzw) Daily: 12.30. 2.40. 5.15. 7.45. 2(12A) Daily: 1.20. 4.40. 13601090030(12A) Daily: 3.15. 5.40. 8.30. WWO) Daily: 12.50.
Check out the }
542 Aug 2004 ms List as