0 El Rancho Relaxo at the Old Btiff (‘lub (l’it/roy' Place). 9pm latii. £4 (£3). 2-1 Jtil. Monthly. It‘s a modern-day social club with (i()s bar prices. What more can a music loving boy or girl around town ask for'.’ Iixpect to hear bands like The liiery l-‘urnaces. the Shins and Detroit (‘obras. Live music on this date comes from Down the Tiny Steps. and guest |)J action comes from .llt’ll‘n music editor l’aul Whitelaw and the Dialogue l)Js. Iixcellent all round. in a line wee venue.

I Eskrima at (ilasgow School of Art. l()pm 3am. £7 (£4 £6). Weekly. A great weekly. with rolling residents Jonnie Wilkes. Biz/y. Twitch. Martin (Rub-a- l)ub) and Sptidd. who plays once a month with new up-and-coiiiing l)Js Tom and (‘lose. and Dirty Larry. 'l‘echiio. electro and house sounds from off the beaten track.

I Freakmenoovers at (ilasgow School of Art. l()pm 3am. £7 (£4 £b). Weekly. The best dedicated hip hop cltib in the city. in the melting pot of the Art School every Saturday.

I Fuel at l-uel. Bishop Briggs.

l().3()pm 2am. £5. Weekly. ()ne of the newest (il iiightspots and by all accounts a damn good night. l)Js Billy Jones and Walter Mc('abe spin hip hop. chart sounds and club classics. giving the Saturday night crowd cause to get down. I Groovejet at Trash. 1 lpm 3am. £8. Weekly. l’aul Mejia presides over the city‘s most popular R&B and soul night. attracting a loyal crowd every week. Room I has the Brown Brothers playing vocal and commercial house and Rooiii .3 has have with the party anthems.

0 Haptic at the Liquid Lounge.

l()pm 3am. £8 (£7). 34 Jul. Monthly. House music froin llaptic residents (‘olin Davie. (iianni and very special guest Jason Brunton of lridite. The llaptic guys know where it's at.

I Hi-Karate at the Liquid Lounge. Next date tbc.

I Homecookin’ at Belt). l()pm-3am. l‘ree before I lpm; £5 alter. Weekly. l)Js Stewart Mc('al|um and Joe Higgins keep the dance lloorjumpiiig‘ all night long. mixing R&B tracks with the odd classic or old-school favourite. A new venue concept. but the same attitude to liavitig a good little. so get on it.

I Homegrown at Bamboo.

10.30pm 3am. £8 (£6). Weekly. Steve Middleton. Dominic Martin. and Seotly B like to ptit on a bit of a show for the Bamboo masses on a Sat. l-‘unky house music and some top notch R&B.

I Inside Out at the Arches.

l().3()pm 3am. £17. 3] Jul. Monthly. The hard house arid trance night continues at a relentless pace with liddie llalliwell. Adam Sheridan. Marcel West. Yves de Ruy'ter. Sliaii and Alex Kidd.

I Jamboree at Reds. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. John Lyons and Martin llesketh of Velvet Rooms fanie mix up a blend of commercial R&B and soul.

I Kevin Austin at ('anvas (Arta). l().3()pm~ 3am. £7. Weekly. Keep dancing to the main room sounds of funk. disco and club anthems while the live entertainment take a well deserved break.

I Life at Life ((‘orinthiam. l()pm 13am. £5. Weekly. A formidable night of funk for those who like their entertainment mature. btit still jammin'. Ross Macmillan presents a selection of sotil. ftiiik and disco augmented with original loops and samples to guarantee a new take on familiar sounds.

I Lite at (‘orinthian 9pm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Beautiful new modern bar and club at this gorgeous lngrain Street mega-venue. They always ptit a lot into their venues. so try to make an effort. will you'.’

I Lush at the Polo Lounge.

l().3()pm- 3am. £5. Weekly. Andy ’s in the Trophy Room with hits from the 60s to the 80s. while Tom provides an tip-front dance selection in the main room. Has to be the prettiest gay club in the city.

I Melting Pot at Riverside ('lub. Midnight 3am. £l|). 3| Jul. Monthly. ()iie of the finest funky house and disco nights in the city. still going very strong with a line resident's line-tip. Line tip includes Simon ('orditier and Billy “buds, of course.

I Mish Mash. Next date l-l Aug at new venue (’urba .\'orte.

I Moda at Moda. 0pm 3am. Free. Weekly. liine (ilasgtm DJ (and footballer) Barry (iemmel drops some explosive sounds at this beautiful bar in the gay district.

I Outer Drive Boat Party boarding at Yorkliill Basin.

8pm midnight. £l5 (£10). 24 Jtil only. A club with its own follow iiig. and for good reason. takes to the open waves on this maritime summer date. Billy Woods not only plays some of the finest disco- inllueiiced house music. btit ptits together a PR front that is most impressive. from mov ie-sty le posters to a

line website. .\'ever mind all that. tliotigli. jtist shake your ass to the line tunes on

the good ship ltlttk’. .St't' preview:

I Rapture at Media. llpm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. 70s and 80s classics from James Rtissell. atid guest l)Js every two weeks make this a ftni night out.

I Red and Gold Room at At'ta. l()pm 3am. l’ree before I lpm: £8 after. Weekly. Billy Milligan mans the decks at this line night of Latin house. If your life needs spicing tip. look no further.

I Saturdays at Blanket at Blanket. |().3()pm 3am. £7 (£5). The ftinkiest R&B in the city rocks the big back bedroom on a Sat in Bed with the legendary Raymond Woods. Jim da Best and his musical antics keep you awake in the front bedroom making this new Sat night one of the most popular in the city. I Seduce at Archaos. I lpm 3am. £8 (£6). Weekly. (‘harty dance and R&B. not to mention an unhealthy smattering of cheese on this huge Sat nighter.

I Shack at the Shack.

l().3()pni 3.30am. £7 (£5). Weekly. (iraenie Ferguson plays to the crowd with a fine litie in Shack favourites. so hit the daiicelloor and get moving. will you'.’

I The ShEd at the Shed.

l().3()pm 2am. £(i. Weekly. Demand is hiin for this one. so get there early. 'l‘uneage deployed by litian .\'eilson and Andy Robertson.


listings Clubs

The Buff. Glasgow

'Hi! You‘ve reached the Buff Club. Sorry we‘re not here to answer the phone, we must be away playing some funk records. Leave a message . . .‘ Given the number of times We heard this answerphone message over the last seven days, the boys at the

4 Buff must be getting down to a whole lotta funk.

James Brown once said: ‘The one thing that can solve most of our problems is dancing.‘ Soul Brother number two Mark Robb. AKA Mr Buff. obviously concurred when he set out to tackle the city's glaring absence of jazz. soul and funk parties. ‘For years the weekend club scene was dominated by house music and l was growing tired of commuting to Edinburgh to listen to jazz. soul and funk', he says. And so the Buff Club was born. now taking over the former club Alaska on Bath Lane. Glasgow‘s only dedicated jazz. soul and funk

venue proudly subscribes to a house policy that states ‘if you can’t dance to the funk theta get the funk out‘. And it showcases old and new live talent such as Button Up. the High Heel Snedsers and the Fusion Experience as well as a brace of fine in-

a? house DJs including Mark Robb. Nick Peacock and

Kevan Stevens.

There are also plans for a record label .a first.

birthday in December. With fan it’s no wonder the Buff bq

9have no time t5

h ick up. (Michael Donald)

I Shine On at ('oi'intliian. llpm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. (iot'don Miller and Ross Macmillan rock the joint alter a session iii the Lite bar. Lots of ftiiik and ftiii all round as the residents take in the genres they want.

I Subculture at the Sub ('lub.

l lpm 3am. £|(). Weekly. The best house night in Scotland just keeps going after celebrating its l()tli birtltday. llarri and Domenic. we salute ye. Joined by the illustrious l).l lleatlicr (3| Jul).

I Superfly at the \Voodsidc Social. l()pm 3am. £5. 3| Jul. Residents Duncan Superlly and Ian Lamarra provide a heady mix of psychedelic soul. grand funk. sweaty disco beats. sixties rock atid new wave. As always. the ‘fly comes complete with live music and pop art slide sltovvs.

I Switchback at Switchback. Anniesland. l lpm 2am. £5. Weekly. Billy Milligan prov ides the chart anthems and dancefloor classics at this commendable otit-of-tow ner.

I Tiger Tiger at Tiger 'l‘iger.

I lpm 3am. £(i. Weekly. Most of the boys and girls at Tiger 'l'igci' like to look the part. so nice frocks and stiits are a good idea. The music policy is commercial dance and the ubiquitous Rth.

I Totally Bankers at the (ailing Academy. 8pm 3am. £ll). 3| Jul only. What can we say abotit this one'.’ You know w liat's in store here. llappy hardcore and gabba. with lots of old-

skool sampling and scratching for kids of

all ages. llixxy and Sharkey are behind the decks.

I Upstart at the Liquid Lounge. l()pm 3am. £8 (£5). 3| Jul. Monthly. ()vertone fuel the lire with a selection of dubbed-out house. mixed tip clicks and classics alongside l)Js (iianni and (‘oliii of llaptic. Live percussion at this B-day party comes from Andy Home.

I VEGAS! at the Reufrew l't‘l‘l‘}. 0.30pm 3am. £9 (£7 if ‘fabulously dresscd‘). 2-1 Jtil. Monthly. lirankie Sumatra. Bugsy Seagull. l)ino Martini and their Show girls present this ever— popular night of easy -sw ingin' classics. It's cheaper if you dress tip. remember. I Wired at Asylum. ('aledonian l'niversity l'iiioii. l()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. (ilasgow's longest running alternative indie night with drinks promos aplenty.

Glasgow Sundays


I Bite at the ('atliouse. l().3()pm 3am. l-‘ree before I l.3|)pm; £3 l .5()) after. Weekly. A milder mix of indie and rock than you‘ll lind at the city's premier rock venue on l-‘ri or Sat.

I B’Lo at B'l.o. 0pm-3am. liree before I lPtttl £5 (£3) allet'. Weekly. Look out your Sunday best for a night of smooth. classy dance music.

I Boogaloo at the Social. 9pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. Block style party grooves. urban Rth. scratch hip hop. live percussion and guest M('s all in a swanky .\'ew York-style setting.

I Budda at Budda. l lpm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Relaunclied venue back on track with details still the.

I Candy at 'l'rasli. llpm 3am. £-l(£3). Weekly. Kick back with your choice of tasty promos and enjoy a medley of

s\\ eet tunes.

I Club Budda at (‘lub Budda. Dumbarton Road. ('lydebank.

l lpm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Ryan Kerr spins. sending (‘lydebank's w ell-heeled set reeling ittto Monday.

I Club Tropicana at the (iaragc (Attic). llpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. lndic. both classic and contctttpot'at'y. with a healthy dose of Britpop.

I Disco Badger at Bamboo.

l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Scottie B. Dominic Martin and Robin keep the Sunday throng satisfied in the venue whose marriage of R&B and house has been an unqualified success.

I Dream at Strawberry fields. l().3()pm 3am. £15. Weekly. Fifteen quid to get iti‘.’ You’re ‘av in' a laugh. ain't ya'.’ Btit wait: the bar is completely free all night. so stop tiioaiiiiig and get stuck in.

I Free Sundays at the l'nivet'sal.

l lpm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. Hip hop. ftiiik. soul. reggae. house and ja// all in this great. virtually unknown venue jtist behind Sauchieliall Street.

I The Good Vibrations Sound System First Birthday at Liquid Lounge. llpm 3am. £5 (£4). 25 Jul. Weekly. Residents the Dow Now it lltistlers and the Revenge spin and

Na} live. while there are some as-of- yet unannounced guest action on this date.