songs. Donations towards Venue hire gratefully accepted.
I The Saw Doctors The Liquid Room. ()c Victoria Street. 225 256-1. 7pm. £l(i. The Doctors launch their new DVD with the usttal (‘eltrock knees-up.
I The Aphrodisiacs, Swimmer One and The Dope Matrix The Bongo (‘luh. Moray House. 37 Holy't‘ood Road. 558 760-1. 8pm. £5. llcadspin host another of their liye eyents. opetting up with this triple hill before the residents hit the decks.
I Orko, Pettybone, the Tiny Robots and My Electric Love Affair (‘aledonian Backpackers. 3 Qttecnsl‘erry Street. 476 722-1. 8.30pm. £4. (ireenock's l’lliB Records co-prescnt two of their favourite acts. with S1. and electronica support.
I The Gain, the Deltas and The Prayers ’l'olhooth. Jail \‘y'ynd. ()l 780 27-1000. 7.30pm. £4 £0. Blistering songs with soaring choruses from (ilasgow four-piece (lain with rock from the Deltas and the Prayers.
Sunday 18
I Audio Karate, MC Lars, My Awesome Compilation and Seven Stone Lighter King Tut's \Vah Wah Ilttt. 272a St Vincent Street. 22] 527‘). 8pm. £6. ()y'er- his show. The headliners are a ('ali pttnk quartet. inllttcnced hy Stls skate ptmk and 70s medieyal metal (we don’t kttow what that is. httt it sounds scary). ()l‘ their sound. they helpfully say ‘think of a catchy ‘l’aranoid Android”. I El Chupacabras, Noise Pollution and Black Robinson The (‘ttthottsu I5 l'nion Street. 248 (thllh. 7.30pm. £4. ()yer- l-ls show. lleayy rock hill.
I John Alexander, Matthew Fox, Dan Phelps and Paul Malcolm Stereo. l2 l-l Kelyinhattgh Street. 576 5(ll8. 3pm. £4. Acoustic hlues singer /songwriters.
I Slumberjack, Dirty Hospital and Galchen Niee'n‘Slea/y. ~12] Sauchiehall Street. 333 ‘)(i37. 9pm. £thc. Why don't people tnake hands with names this good all the time‘.’ lilectronic anti-disco good times from Slttmheriack. who have a new l2" otit on ('-Side ’l‘rax itt Septemher. Then there's local weirdy
wonders Dirty llospital who indulge tts w itlt some lired-up tor is it lried-up'.’ .\'ot sure) clcctro which comes yia their own Rottenrow lahel. liinally the heatilic. finely textured sonic w eaye tnade hy (ialchen sounds sotnew here between l-‘ridge and (’an. Which. in most folks hooks. is a pretty nice place to he.
I Uter, Sunnyvale Noise Subelement attd Hex Stereo. l2 t4 Kelyinhaugh Street. 576 50%. 8.30pm. £3. l'ter is the alias for Declan Roney.
joined liye hy .\lartin Johnstonc and
.\larccline Sntith. 'I‘hey coy er Jesus & .\lary (ham and Kral‘twerk in their s_\ nth noise pop set.
I Driverdown, Blind Pew, Ordinary Son and Three Hours Wasted Barlly. Jot) (‘lyde Street. 0870 ‘)()7 009‘). Spin. 'l‘t'ip-rock l‘rom Driyerdown. hlncsier sounds ll‘tilll Blind l’ew.
I Cobra Grande and Them the 13th .\'ote (ale. 5() ()0 King Street. 553 lfi3S. ()pnt. £3. I)ance heals/guitar interface ll‘tilll (’ohra (irande.
I Billy Rivers Rockers. l4 Midland Street. 22l 0720. Split. l‘ree. Local guitarist.
I Jupiter 8. Teardrop The Bunker. l‘).3 l‘)‘) Bath Street. 22‘) I427. ltlpm. Free. Band fronted by ex—Trayis memher (ieot't‘ Martyn.
I The Cavern Beatles, MacUmba and Muldoons Rag Time Band liast lind l'cstiyal. 'I‘ollcross l’ark. l2pm. I)i\erse musical progratmne ranging limit a lab tour trihttte to a Scottish-Bra/ilian drumming troupe at this daylong l‘estiyal. which will also feature street theatre. puppetry. workshops attd community stalls.
I Figure 8 Phi) t’ito. I5 Waterloo Street. .504 3100. 3.50pm. l’rcc. .-\eotlslte residency.
I Engine The Scotia. 113 114 Stockwcll Street. 552 ShSl. ~lpm. l‘ree. Rock coyet's residency.
I Big Blues Jam Studio One. (irosycnor Hotel. (irosyenot‘ 'let‘t‘uee. 3-“ 6510. (t.3(lpm. l‘ree. Hosted by the New Blues Snrl'ers with contributions lt'otn Stttdio ()ne regulars such as Rey l)oc arid the .\'immo Brothers.
I Phil’s Sunday Session t‘isge Beatha. 232 Woodlands Road. 5(i—l I596. (rpm. l-ree. Bring your own instrument. I Live Music MacSorley s. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 S58]. 9pm. Free. Local hands to he continued.
Their intentions may be marginally less murderous than their namesake Albert (look it up). but Desalvo are still resolute on beating our cars into submission with painful and exact precision. Theirs is the drttnk thttnk of sleazy bass, a cackle and crunch of serrated guitar and a lunge of drums that lesser players would render untidy. and in P6. a demon seed of a frontman. In truth, they are the tightest outfit this side of Duke Street. Live. think a cat with a mouse, or more accurately. a kid with a brick and a frog. There‘s no need for your horns in the air metallisms here. Desalvo. like all real good rock bands. do things a little differently. Confrontational. unconventional and truly worth experiencing. (Mark Robertson)
I Barfly. Glasgow. Wed 15 Jul.
rock & pop listings Music
Glasgow Barrowlands Mon 26th July Ticket Hotline: 0870 903 3444
Edinburgh Queens Hall Thursday 29th July
box office 0131 668 2019
Plus 379139“! Guests 5 , Glasgow Royal Concert Hall Fri 3rd December 2004
Box Office: 0141 353 8000 Ticket Hotline: 0780 903 3444 www.kdlang'.com
’ 5 llelormed oriental line-tip
., retaliate tie 2n fl 'ittliereleaseut
Sarah McLachlan
alterglow live 2004 Glasgow
Royal Co ‘ ‘t Hall
Tues vctober box office 0141 353 8000 ,
Edinburgh Usher Hall
hon 18th October box office 0131 668 2019
" SOLO ACOUSTIC Glasgow Royal Concert Hall ZWer & 28th October
'1’ f".1’.'/// ' /JJ J-I'I-l
u- -- ---.—U”V\J---UJ t_
Nick Cave drThe Bad Seeds
plus special guests Glasgow Academy ticket hotline Saturday 6th November 0870 903 31.1.1.
0870 90 33 “4 or from Ticket Scotland: Argyle St Glasgow.
TICKETS: www.6clntwohcmuk www.mth G reg u l' or phone: presents Rose St Edinburgh 8: Ripping Records.
Kit. 1‘. THE LIST 55