' ' g'ay@liSt.co.uk

Events are listed by city, date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow@list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Brian McGeachan.

Glasgow Thursdays


Club Devotion with DJ Annie (8 Jamaica Street. 847 ()82(). £3 entry. Myers and free passes are ayailable front the l.(iBT centre and all good gay venues. The cltib formerly known as Penelope's has undergone a name change and introduced a queer night on Sundays and Thursdays with the diyiiie DJ Annie.

Glasgow Fridays


GLC Café Bar 1 l Dixon St. (ilasgow, 0l4| 226 5050. liree. lior those who like their performance art tip close and personal. Karaoke is supplied tonight and Saturday. The wonderful Maureen takes the mic and offers it to any wandering wannabe star who happens to be in the vicinity.‘


Mr Burly 2004 The Arches. 253 Argyle Street. 565 1023. l’ri 2 Jtil. 10.30pm—3ain. £l()/£X. See (lay Interest.


Fresh Polo Lounge. 84 Wilson Street. 553 ll2l. l()pm 3am. £5 door entry or discounted ticket from Delmonica‘s next door. The only place in the heart of the city for a hot and sweaty experience. (iet your glad rags on and get down there for an eclectic mix of sexy ftiii and passion to the sounds of Andy and Michelle.



This light-hearted competition will see a procession of ten wannabes taking to the stage from 10.30pm. The winner will be chosen by Burly members themselves and it promises to be an inspiring and fun-filled evening for contestants and onlookers. The parade of hunks will include those wearing briefs, jocks and reflecting all Burly types such as bears, skins, muscle guys, sports guys and even regular guys. And the lucky boy will net himself a £200 cash prize. Get along and support them on the night, and boogie the night away too. Ticket entry is 210/528.

m Arches, Glasgow. Fri 2 Jul.

70 THE LIST 7“. Jim I-i .Ji.i 7001

Glasgow Saturdays


Lush Polo Lounge. 84 Wilson Street. 553 ll2l. l()pm 3am. £5 door entry or discounted ticket from the sister shop next door. Saturday night swings round again. Time for you lovers of ltist and the ltish life to come to the aid of the party. AND you have a choice of the door leyel seating area. the trophy room or the dance area for the hardcore dancers. .-\lternati\'ely. there's also the secluded ‘passion pit‘ way upstairs for the yotiiig and the restless.

Glasgow Sundays


Angie ‘0’ Merchant Pride. 2() (‘aiidleriggs. 5(i4 1285. This popular bar lays claim to hosting the canipest Karaoke in Scotland. with the stiperlatiye Angie ‘0' as Mistress of Ceremonies.


Burly presents Fascinating Rhythm Sloans Dance Hall. Argyle Arcade. Stiii 27 June. 4 3pm. £5. The Burly crowd are well known proyiders of the brightest and the best. This time they bring you a blend of latin. ballroom. ceilidh and country and western dancing to liyen tip your Sunday afternoon. The ticket price includes dance lessons from 4pm onwards. plus tea/coffee and sandwiches. Pay tip on the door.

Club Devotion with DJ Annie (8 Jamaica Street. 847 ()820. £3 entry. btit free passes/llyers ayailable from the nearby I.(}BT (‘eiiti'e. Another chance this week to enjoy the delights of this new gay night.

Cabaret The Tunnel. 84 Mitchell Street. 204 1000. l 1.30pm 3am. £3. This brand new night from the people who briitg yoti Allure is also aiming to fill the Void left by Beniiets' temporary closure. lts dehtit falls on 4 July. so let's see if it has the makings of a gay mainstay.

The Mating Game Polo Lounge. 84 Wilson Street. 553 l l2l. l l.3()pm 3am. £5 or discounted tickets from Delinonica's next door. Sun 27 Jtiii. Monthly. The last Sunday in the month means only one thing; a chance for the (ilasgow loyelorn to gird their loins and join the Mating (lame.

Glasgow Mondays


Passionality ('ube. 34 Queen Street. 223-3090. ll.3() 3.30am. £3 (£2 with flyer). Weekly. Kickstart the beginning of the week courtesy of those gay-friendly chaps and chapesses at (’ube. If the cheap drink and cracking sounds of DJ Shawn don't entice you otit of your post- weekend slumber then the regular talent on display for girls aitd boys just might.

Glasgow Tuesdays


FUN ('tibe 34 Queen St. 223 8990.

l l.3()pm 3.30am. For those with the staying power to enjoy another mid-week dance-a-thon. (‘ube presents its second night of musical mayhem (sec aboyci.

Glasgow Wednesdays


Fourplay linyy. 2o (‘ambridge Street. 332 3437. llpm 3am. £4 (£2 with flyerl. Weekly. New gay club. A great night is guaranteed at linyy. with sortie of the best DJ ftiiikin‘ in town.

Allure The Tunnel. 84 Mitchell Street. 204 Will). ll.3()pni 3am. £3. Weekly. This newisli gay line is brought to you by the good people from the brains behind (‘tibe’s Passionality and l"l'.\' promising happy. cheesy pop in the company of DJ Darren.


Backward Glances (Reaktion) O...

A chronicle of street cruising through the decades might seem an unlikely topic for a publication with all the hallmarks of a coffee table book. But if ever a more quirky example of this rather staid picture book genre should be welcomed, it is American author Mark Turner’s homage to the scene, Backward Glances: Cruising Queer Streets in New York and London. The blurb for the new book claims it will have a wider appeal to those interested in ‘the culture of the city and the appropriation of public space’. My hunch, however, is that the bulk of the readership will comprise those with a penchant for having sex in a

Urban hims

variety of positions with strangers in the night. Cruising is at the same time the most intriguing and controversial of all activities associated with queer


Glamorised by films like Prick Up Your Ears, Cruising and Channel 4’s Queer As Folk, it was borne out of necessity before the legalisation of homosexuality in 1967, giving rise to its own folklore and mythology. With as many secret codes and rituals as freemasonry, cruising today can seem like a quaint and unnecessary curiosity to younger gays and lesbians. The opening up of the gay scene and the commercialisation of its culture might suggest that the practice, with its inherent dangers, is best experienced

today through books like this.

Backward Glances is the first gay urban history of its kind, mixing pornography, paintings, journalism and poetry and includes fragments of writing about London and New York such as Whitman’s notebooks and David Hockney’s graffiti. Of particular interest is the section on the internet. We all know computer dating has changed from being the preserve of the pubescent boy desperate to get his nasty little end away to a sophisticated industry used by students, single professionals, lesbians, middle-aged divorcees and the bi-curious. Suddenly, we have the technology at our fingertips to take meeting strangers for sex to a whole new level. Backward Glances gives us a glimpse of cruising in the good old, bad old days before screwing, for good or ill, became sanitised. (Brian McGeachan)

Edinburgh Thursdays


Metrosexual (‘iiy Nightclub. Market Street. 226 9560. l lpm 3am. £3 entry before midnight: £4 after. Weekly club iiite by James l.ongwoth (Vibe. Bla/e. lispionage) for the capital's elite gays. The redotibtable DJ l‘iltliee (Vibe. Kiss) spins an urban music soundtrack.

Edinburgh Fridays


Polysuper—Camp Newtown Bar. 26b Dublin Street. 538 7775. l()pm 2am. l-‘ree. Weekly. DJs Polystiper Pete. Ali and guests whip tip a storm of camp classics and new sounds. Sally [5 and DJ Michelle go alternatiye down below.


Blaze ligo. Picardy Place. 478 7434. Fri 25 June. I lpm 3am. £3 before midnight: £4 after. l-'ortnightly. DJ James l.ongworth. fresh from his appearance at Pride Scotia promises to ignite the gay weekend with a chart and coniiiiercial/ funky house soundtrack. l.oyers of the best queer and dyke tracks in the capital will doff their caps here.

Edinburgh Saturdays


Polysuper—Mix Up Newtown Bar. 2(ib Dublin Street. 538 7775. l()pm 2am. lace. Weekly. New night of chee/ee disco pop and charly hits for boy s and girls with Polysupei' Pete. Ali and guests.

Edinburgh Sundays


Taste The Liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria

Street. 225 2564. l lpiti 3am. £5 before I l.30pm; £8 (£6 members) after: £ll) iioii-ineiiibers on guest DJ nights. Weekly. Sample the superb and tasty brew of house and garage in this celebration of all things queer and dykcy. BootyLUSl-lous Medina Nightclub. l.othiaii Street. l()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. The Sunday social settles into its new \eiitie and becomes a weekly affair featuring DJ Dale l.tisli and residents Siinmoiic Black and Pimpstei' & (ice.

Edinburgh Monday


Polysuper—Cheez .\lood (Tub. ()mni ('entre. (ii'eenside. 07788 474 4l4. l()pm 3am. £l before I l.3(lam; £3 after (£2 with membership card or discount pass). Weekly. ‘Poor old Johnnie Ray. sounded sad upon the radio. inmcd a million hearts lll mono.‘ If the return of this long-neglected anthem makes you want to get tip and get down on the dance lloot‘. then get here now.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


The Hub l.(ill'l‘ (wire for Health tk Wellbeing. ‘) llowe St. 523 1100.

4.30 7.30pm. Drop in for friendly access to lesbian. gay. hisc\ual oi' transgeiidei' info. contacts and sei'y ices. An easy. friendly and welcoming cll\ iroiiineiil is guaranteed (coffee on tap). Tliis sei'\ ice is also proy idcd on Wednesday and 'l‘litii‘sday.


Vibe ligo. Picardy Place. 478 7434.

l lpm 3am. £3 (£2 ineiiiliers). Weekly. James l.ongwoi'ili proy ides the sounds upstairs while Nathan Scaiitlebtii'y plays an Rtkll nii\ downstairs.