

What do you think?

We’re planning a number of improvements to the

magazine and we're really keen to find out what you

think of it currently, so that we don't throw away

the best bits.

This questionnaire won’t

take long to complete, and

if you send it off to us by

the end of June, you could

win a case of beer or a £10 book token (we have

five of each to give away).

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How long have you been buying The List (please tick one)

Less than 6 months

6 months to a year

1 2 years

3 5 years

More than 5 years

How often do you buy a copy of The List? I have a subscription

Every fortnight

Once a month

Once every few months

Only for special occasions

If you are not a subscriber, what prompts you to buy a copy of The List?

Which section of the magazine do you turn to first?

Please rank on a scale of 1 5 (5 being brilliant and 1 being bad) what you think of the writing and listings information in the following sections (please circle):


Previews 511411311211111 Listings 511411311211111 Music

Previews 511411311211111 Listings 51141$311211111 Theatre

Previews 511 411311211 111‘ Listings 511411311211111 Comedy

Previews 511 41‘ 31'i 211 111 Listings 511411311211111 Gay

Previews 51$41131$211111 Listings 51, 41131$21111I Clubs

Previews 511 41$31121.1111 Listings 511411311211111 Art

Previews 511 411 311 21$ 11] Listings 511 411 31,1 211 ' Kids

Previews 51141131121111? Listings 51141131'211111 Sport

Previews 511411311211111 Listings 51141$311211111

Citylife Previews 5 I". 4 11,: 3 L1 2 11.? 1 17, Listings 51-1 41 I 3 ."3 21;: 1 11.:

Do you have any other comments on these sections (just a few words)

Please rank on a scale of 1 - 5 (5 being brilliant and 1 being bad) what you think of the following (please circle):

Letterspage 512411311211111

News articles at the front of the magazine 511411311211111

Gossip and opinion pieces 51141131221111}

Other short articles (eg Quotes, The Web, The Numbers) in the Front section at the beginning of the magazine 51$ 41131.1 211 111

'Ubiquitous Girl' cartoon on page 10

51. 4..31121111.1 Longer articles and main features in the early part of themagazine 511411311211111 Within the Goods section at the back of the magazine Books 51141131121,111' Comics 511 4" 311‘ 211 111 Records 5114 31121111$ Singles 5114 311211111 Games 51.14 311212111 DVD 5114 311211111 TV 511 4 311 211 111 Food&Drink 5114 31121.1 111 Shopping 511 41..31121111i Travel 511 411 311 2111 111‘ 'Bureau of Oddities' cartoon on back page

511 411 31‘ 211 1

Answer machine (back page) 51$ 411311211111

Do you have any other comments on these sections (just a few words)?

i’/' Mai. 7(T1Jii!\1)(‘,i)-1 THE LIST 63