
I Bonnie Raitt and Eric Bibb l'sltet‘ Hall. l.othian Road. 228 1155. 7pm. £25. Nine-time (iranuny winner. best-selling artist. rexpeeted guitarist. expressiw singer. and aeeotnplished song“ riter. Bonnie Raitt lt;t\ become an institution in American rnusie.

I Dopanine, Chocyamo and Sparks, Lights & Flames and Dopamine Sulm'a}. (it) ('ou'gate. 225 (i766. 7.30pm. the. Some recently signed metal acts on tour with lidinhurgh support. I Jolie Holland The Venue. l7 2] ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30an L“). (‘omhining hluex. l'olk. jaw and pop in totally inventix e \\';l)‘\ on new alhurn I:'.\'('UI1(/I't/u.

I Kalamazoo and Cleartone \Vliistlehinkies. 4 (i South Bridge. 557

5] l4. 0pm. l’ree. Next time inelodie rock from Aherdeen\ (‘leartone


QThe Magic Band and The Fire Engines 'l'he .-\rehe\. 253 Arg) le Street. 5(i5 lll23. 7.30pm. Uh. :\ real \onie treat. (’aptain Beelheart’x handtnatex hate rel'orrned \tithout the good old Captain. who jttxl “antx to he led alone to paint in the desert. and their recreation of the peerless .\lagie Band \\\ amp jan/hluex sound is remarkable. lidinhurgh‘x \pik)‘ post-punk heroes the l-‘ire linginex lta\ e also reeentl} reformed and will make you shake. rattle and roll.

I thiSGIRL The (iilllltllht‘. l5 l'nion Street. 248 (moo. 7.30pm. {(1. ()\'er- l—l\ show. Attitudinoux indie rockers. with a new alhunt I’m: due out next neck and a formidable li\'e rep. See panel.

I Alexisonfire, Hondo MacLean and Too Young to Care King 'l‘ui‘x Walt Walt llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 8pm. £6.50. ()\'Cl'- l4x \hou'.

Sereatno quintet from Southern Ontario. Canada. hailed ax successors to .-\t the Drive-In.

I Somnus, The Prayers and Solaris 'l'he Nth .\'ote (are. 5() ()0 King Street. 553 M38. 8pm. £4. The ever- reliahle '1‘“ Ned Ape present more traditional rock \ottntlx.

I The Jed Thomas Band Studio One. (it‘tt\\t‘llttt' Hotel. (iroxx‘enor 'l'erraee toll. Byres Roadl. 3-H (15”). 0pm. l’ree. Blue\.

I Acoustic Jam Niee'n'Sleal). 42l Sauehiehall Street. 333 9637. 8pm. l-‘ree. With a free drink ax ineentu e for participants.

I Live Music Rockers. l4 Midland Street. 22] 0726. 8pm. Free. l-‘our hands to he L‘ottlit'tttt‘d.


I Jamie Cullum and Tom Baxter l'xher llall. l.othian Road. 228 ll55. 7.30pm. S()l.I) ()l'l'. Stylixh wring ja/l Vocalist and pianixt \\ ith l’rexh renditions of standards and original eornpoxitionx lront lll\ latext (‘1) 'lii'mrrminer/ring.

I Open Mic \Vltixtlehinkiex. 4 (1 South Bridge. 5.57 5l l-l. 0pm. l'il'L‘C. See Mon 23.

Tuesday 6


I Marillion Burro“ land. 244

(iallou gate. 552 461)]. 7.30pm. US.

()\ er- l-l\ \ll(l\\. The Sllx pt'og l'tlL'kCl'S, tttm l‘ronted h) Steve Hogarth. have recently made it hack into the top It) “ith their single ‘You're (ione'.

I The GaGas, The Fight and The Devotions King Tut's “uh “uh llut. 272a St Vineent Street. 22] 527‘). 8pm. £5. ()\'er- l-l\ \ho“. Youthful roek'n'roll rehellion l‘ront lllix \Vildheartx-alliliated quartet \\ ho hax e heen eornpared to the likes of earl} .\lanie\ and the loo lighters.

The acclaimed new album by fornlerJAMES writer & vocalist

“lush, funky and seductively poppy... this is just what we need for summer” - Time Out

“Welcome return ofjames singer... the brighton based culture vulture has rediscovered his musical appetite” - Q

innutinilx x )lll.(‘( uik



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y. i \ o . . .

Plus Guests

Edinburgh Corn Exchange filesdag [Of/i Hugusf

Glasgow . Barrowland , ., 7 g , Tuesday 24th August


0 . !. Tickets available lrom:

ln person: llCKET SCOTLAND Glasgow 8. Edinburgh. RlPPING Edinburgh, GROUCHO'S Dundee. GOLDRUSH Perth. 8y telephone: SEE TICKETS: 0871 220 0260 TlCKEi SCOTLAND: 0870 2201116. Tickets online lrom cplweb com