Film listings
Cheaper By the Dozen (PG) Sat: 10.30am.
The Day After Tomorrow ( 1 2 Fri. Sat (‘12 Mon -'I‘hu: 1.15. (not 'I’ue). 9.10.
Gothlka ( 15)
Late Fri & Sat: 1 1.3(1.
Also matinee 'I'hu: 10.30am.
Starsky & Hutch ( 15)
Late Fri & Sat: 11.45.
Stuart Little (1')
Sat: 10.30am.
Tioy ( 15)
Daily: 1.00. 4.50 a 8.15 (not Sun). West End Festival Scottish Archive Film Presentation ( the )
Sun: 1.00.
West End Festival Scottish Shorts Selection (the)
'l'ue: 7.00.
A) 3.50. (1.30
Progratntne likely to be similar to tlte Previous week. Phone 0141 339 8444 It) details and times.
IMAX Theatre
(ilasgow Seienee (‘entre. 50 Paeilie Quay. 0141 4205000. £6.95 (£4.95). 10“} diseount on parties ()1 more than four.
Bugs 30 or Space Station 30 (the) 10.00am. 11.00am.
Ghosts of the Abyss 31) (PG) 1.30. 3.00.
Wild Chimpanzees (the) 12.15. 4.30.
Bugs 30 or Space Station 30 (the) Fri & Mon 111112 10.00am. 11.00am. Cyberworld 3D (1’(i)
Sat ck Sun: 11.15am. 1.45.
Ghosts oi the Abyss 30 (PG)
Fri & Mon 11111: 1.30. 3.00.
Sat & Sun: 5.00. The Lion King (M Fri & Mon-Thu: Sat <8; S1111: 3.00. Wild Chimpanzees (the)
Fri & .\Ion 11111: 12.15. 4.31). Sat t‘e Sun:~.12.30.
EBAY. 1._8_-Ilj_ __ DAVE
Bugs 30 or Space Station 30 (the) Fri 8; .\Ion Thu: 10.00am. 11.00am. Cyberworld 30 (1’0) Sat & S1111: 11.15am. 1.45.
42 THE LIST 2943:1201):
Ghosts ot the Abyss 30 (PG) Fri & Mon—Thu: 1.30. 3.0(1. Sat & Sun: 5.00. The Lion King (1') Fri & Mon-'I'hu:
Sat & Sun: 3.00. Wild Chimpanzees (the)
Fri & .\1on~'1‘hu: 12.15. 4.3(1. Sat 8; Sun: 12.30.
Odeon at the Guay, Glasgow
()l'l' Paisley Road opposite llarry Ramsden‘s. 0141 4180111. 11110 and (‘(‘ hooking: 08705050007. [1)]. [1i]. Adttlt £4.50 before (1pm; £5.50 alter (and all day Sat & S1111). Wed all tiekets: £3.(1(). Students/(‘hild under 14: £3.75. Fatnily tieket: £14.40. l.ieensed har.
The Day After Tomorrow ( 1290 11.45am. 12.30. 2.15. 2.45. 3.30. 5.15. 5.45. (1.30. 8.15. 8.45. 9.30. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaband’G) 11.45am. 12.30. 1.00. 2.00. 2.30. 3.00. 3.45. 4.30, 5.15. 5.45. (1.15. 7.15. 7.45. 8.3(). 9.00. 9.30.
HumTum(12A) 2.00. 5.15. 8.30. Tioy(l5) 1.00. 2.00. 4.30. 5.30. 8.00. 8.30. 9.00.
Van Helsing(12.»\) 2.15. 5.0().
The Day After Tomorrow ( 12A) Daily: 12.30. 2.15. 2.45. 3.30. 5.15. 5.45. (1.30. 8.15. 8.45. 9.30.
Also late Fri & Sat: 1 1.15. tnidnight. Also matinee Sat & S1111: 1 1.15am.
1 1.45am.
Daily: 1.00. 4.30. 8.30.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabantPU)
Daily: 11.45am. 12.30. 1.00. 2.0(). 2.30. 3.00. 3.45. 4.30. 5.15. 5.45. (1.15. 7.15. 7.45. 8.3(1. 9.0(1. 9.3(1. Also Fri 6‘; Sat: 10.30. 11.00. midnight. Also matinee Sat & Sttn: 10.30am. 11.15am.
Hum Tum ( 12A)
Daily: 2.30. 5.45. 9.00.
Daily: 1.00. 2.00. 4.30. 5.30. 8.30. 9.00.
Tiue Crime(15)
'l‘ue: 10.30am.
Programme likely to he similar to the previotts week. Phone 0870 5050 007 for details and times. .\'ew liltns dtte to open on Fri 1811111:
Jersey Girl(12.'\)
The Whole Ten Yards ( 12A)
Jay Rodan enjoys the views from St Helena in Monsieur N
Odeon City Centre, Glasgow
5(1 Rettlieltl Street. 0141 332 3413. Info and CC hooking: 0870 5050 007. [1)] sereens 5. (1. 7 and 8. Fri—Sun: £5.25 (£3.25): Mon: £3; Tue—Thu: £5 (£3). Family tieket: £12—£13.
The Day After Tomorrow (12A) 2.15. 2.45. 5.15. 5.45. 8.15. 8.45.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AlkabalHPG) noon. 1.15. 1.45. 2.30. 3.0(). 4.3(). 5.00. (1.30. 7.15. 7.45. 8.15.
Tl‘oy(l5) 12.30. 1.00. 4.00. 4.30. 7.30. 8.00.
Van HelsingHZA) 2.30. 5.30. 8.30.
Connie and Carla do LA ( 12A)
Daily: 1.15. 4.00. (1.30. 9.00.
The Day After Tomorrow ( 12A)
Daily: 2.15. 2.45. 5.15. 5.45. 8.15. 8.45.
Also matinee Sat 8; Sun: Sun). 11.45am.
Eternal Sunshine ot the Spotless Mind ( 15)
Daily: 3.15. 8.45.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (PG)
Daily: noon (not Wed). 1.15. 1.45. 2.30 (not Fri 8; Sat). 3.00. 4.30. 5.00. (1.30. 7.15 (not Fri 8; Sat). 7.45. 8.15. Also Fri & Sat: 1 1.00am (not Fri). 2.15. 5.30. 8.45.
Troy ( 15)
Daily: 1.00. 4.30. 8.00.
Van Helsing ( 12A)
Daily: 12.30. (1.00 (not Wed),
1 1.15am (not
Programme likely to be similar to the previotts week. Phone 0870 5050 007 for details and times. New lilms due to open on Fri 18 Jun:
Jersey Girl ( 12A)
The Whole Ten Yards ( 12A)
Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge
Showease Leisure Park. Langmuir Road. Coatbridge. Info line: 0123(1 434434. ('(‘ booking: 0123(1 438000. “)1 [15]. £5.25 (£4.20 before (1pm). Child/()AP: £4.20: Student: £4. Tue all tickets: £3.75.
The Day Alter Tomorrow(12.»\) 11.15am. 11.45am. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 2.45. 3.45. 4.15. 4.45. 5.30. (1.30. 7.00. 7.30. 8.15. 9.15. 9.45. 10.15. The Football Factory(18) 7.50. 10.05.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azltaban(PG) 11.00am. 11.30am.
noon. 12.30. 1.00. 2.00. 2.30. 3.00. 3.30. 4.00. 5.00. (1.00. (1.30. 7.00.
7.30. 8.00. 9.00. 9.30. 10.00.
Scooby [loo 2: Monsters Unleashed
(PG) 11.45am. 2.15. 4.30.
Tl'oy(15) 11.00am. noon. 12.30. 2.30. 3.30. 4.30. (1.00. 7.15. 8.00. 9.30. 5 Van Helslngtl2A) 1.00. 4.00. 7.00. 9.45.
Daily: 11.15am. 11.45am. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 2.45. 3.45. 4.15. 4.45. 5.30.
(1.30. 7.00. 7.30. 8.15. 9.15. 9.45.
Also late Fri 8; Sat: 1 1.00. midnight. 12.30am.
The Football Factory (18)
Daily: 7.50. 10.05.
Also late Fri 8; Sat: 12.15am.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban (PG)
Daily: 11.00am. 11.30am. noon. . 12.30. 1.00. 2.00. 2.30. 3.00. 3.30. 1 4.00. 5.00. (1.00. (1.30. 7.00. 7.30.
8.00. 9.00. 9.30. 10.00.
Also Fri 8; Sat: 10.30. 11.00. midnight. Scooby [loo 2: Monsters Unleashed 1 (PG)
Daily: 11.45am. 2.15. 4.3().
Daily: 11.00am. noon. 12.30. 2.30. 3.30. 4.30. (1.00. 7.15. 8.00. 9.30.
Also late Fri & Sat: 10.45. 1 1.30.
Van Helsing ( 12A)
Daily: 1.00. 4.00. 7.05. 9.50.
Also late Fri & Sat: 12.35am.
Programme likely to be similar to the previous week. Phone 01236 434434 for details and times.
Showcase Cinema, Paisley
Griffin Avenue. Phoenix Business Park. 0141 8870011. 11110: 0141 8870020. CC hooking: 0141 887 0011. [D]. [E]. £5.25 (£4.20 before (1pm). Child/()AP: £4.20: Student: £4. Tue all tiekets: £3.75.
TH11R§DAY 10
The Day After Tomorrow02A)
11.15am. 11.45am. 1.30. 2.00. 2.45. 4.15. 4.45. 5.30. 7.0(). 7.30. 8.15.
9.45. 10.15.
50 First Dates (12A) 7.05. 9.35.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban (PG) 1 1.00am. 1 1.30am.
noon. 12.30. 1.00. 2.00. 2.30. 3.00. 3.30. 4.00. 5.00. (1.00. (1.30. 7.00.
7.30. 8.00. 9.00. 9.30. 10.00. ' Scooby [loo 2: Monsters Unleashed
(PG) 11.40am. 2.15. 4.35.
Troytl5) 11.00am. noon. 12.30. 2.30. 3.30. 4.30. (1.00. 7.15. 8.00. 9.30.
Van Helslng(12..\) 11.15am. 1.00. I 2.00. 4.00. 4.45. 7.00. 7.30. 9.45.
The Day After Tomorrow ( 12A) 1 Daily: 11.15am. 11.45am. 1.30. 2.00. 2.45. 4.15. 4.45. 5.30. 7.00. 7.30.
8.15. 9.45. 10.15. Also late Fri 8; Sat: 50 First DatesH2A) Daily: 7.10. 9.35. ' Also late Fri & Sat: 11.55.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban (PG)
Daily: 11.00am. 11.30am. noon.
12.30. 1.00. 2.00. 2.30. 3.00. 3.30. 4.00. 5.00. (1.00. (1.30. 7.00. 7.30.
8.00. 9.00. 9.30. 10.00.
Also Fri 8; Sat: 10.30. 1 1.00. midnight. Scooby [loo 2: Monsters Unleashed (PG) Daily: 11.40am. 2.15. 4.35.
Daily: 11.00am. noon. 12.30. 2.30.
3.30. 4.30. (1.00. 7.15. 8.00. 9.30.
Also late Fri 8; Sat: 10.45. 1 1.30.
1 1.00. 12.30am.