Clubs listings

Edinburgh Thursdays continued

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. l()ptn 3am. £3. Weekly". (‘lassic dance anthems and furtky vocal house from JT. I Poison at ()pium. l lpnt 3am. Free. Weekly. Old school tttetal with a glam edge as all the favourites are wheeled ottt iii the sltape of cuts front Alice ('ooper. Black Sabbatlt. l.ynrd Skyrtrd. .»\erosmith. Twisted Sister. Iron .Maidett etc.

I The Realness at Meditta.

l()pitt 3am. £2. Weekly. Mixittg tip undergrourtd ltip ltop on a weekly basis we have residents Jee-4ce. DJ li|.. DJ Dave and lSl’. Witlt regular special gttests attd live visuals.

I Reflex at Why Not'.’ l()pm 3am. £4. Weekly. New 80s revival ttigltt playing the best artd worst turtes from the decade taste forgot.

I The Snatch Social at the Liquid Roont. l0._‘~0pm 3am. £4 (£3.50). Weekly. l‘ilth-lixated. funky disco-cunt- cabaret. comically compered by Tap Water Award winner Tony ('arter attd llarry Ainsworth (aka Perrier Newconter winner (iarth ('ruikshank) back front the dead. Deck manipulated itt a cod fttttk attd hip hop sty lee by Babes and Trendy Wendy (montltly resident).

Chart & Party

I Old Skool Disco at Revolution. l0.30pnt 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Retro ltouse night.

I Subway West End at Subway West lind. 7pm 3am. l-‘ree before 9pm: £3 alter (£2). Weekly. A week‘s worth of cheesy. party studenty nights. including a burtgee rope on Stutday. Plus plenty of drinks promos to keep the spirits high. I A Tribute to . . . at Mood.

9pm 3am. liree before I lpm; £2 after (l‘ree to members). Weekly. ('hart ttrrtes front the (i0s to yesterday. with live tribute acts dropping by eaclt week.

I Vinyl at Massa. 8pm 3am. liree. Weekly. (‘ommercial cltart artd dance courtesy of Pattl litinkster. plus drinks promos aplenty for those w ho wartt to start the weekend fashionably early.

Edinburgh Fridays


I Access at the Honeycomb.

l lpttt 3am. £tbc. 4 Jttrt. Techno. electro attd ltouse from the Dropout DJs (Bodyfttnk. Rehab. llustler. Blend attd ltos) joined by the ever influetttial Hacker. SUV preview.

0 Audio Deluxe at the lloneycomb. l0.30pm 4am. £20. 28 May. Smooth. soulful house at this shindig hosted by resident (‘raig Smitlt (lluslt lltrsh). who even has the like of Kenny ‘Dope' (ion/ales singing his praises: ‘('raig has dorte a real good job educatittg your crowd.‘ Talking of Kenny. he‘s back itt town with his Masters at Work sparring partner. little l.ouie‘ Vega. for a massive house party. See preview.

I Audio Tourism at Pivo Bar ('lub. 9pm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekly. Digging deep ittto their well-stocked boxes for hours of cool cttts with a transatlatttic house flavour.

I Big Toe Reggae Hi-Fi at Wee Red Bar. [0.30pm 3am. £4 (£3). 28 May. As the name suggests. reggae artd other dubby grooves.

I Blaze at ligo. l lpnt 3am. £3 £4. 4 Jtttt. James l.ongworth ignites the gay weekend with plenty of £l drinks promos lt) fuel tlte friy'olities.

I Boogie Juice at l.‘ Attache. l0.30pm 3am. £3 before I lpm: £5 after. Weekly. Playing out the best iit R&B. cltart attd funky favourites.

I Bubble Breaks at Nichol lidwards. l0.30pm 3am. £2. Weekly. Body Movin. Productions presents Bubble Breaks. droppin' hotttbs of R&B. breaks and hip ltop with lidinburgh's newest DJ sensations Partners'n'(‘rime artd their trademark boilersuits.

84 rue LIST 2; Ma. ft).l.iri:/"’}(1.‘.

I Cab Fridays at ('abaret Voltaire. 10.30pm 3am. £4 before midnight; £7 (£5) after. Weekly. New weekly cltib rumntages about itt the worlds of fttitk. sottl. skit. reggae. classic ltip ltop. R&B and disco.

I CC Blooms at ('(‘ Blooms. l0.30pnt 3am. liree. Weekly. DJ Ally does the decks duty at this gay night with her inimitable selection of high catnp attd disco classics. ntoving on to putttped-up house artd dance as the evettirtg progresses.

I Departure Lounge at the (lives. l()pnt 3am. £7. 28 .May only. Departure Lounge returns once more to the caves for another night of world beats. electro

ja/l artd Latin rhythms. This episode

sees a live set front the Rutttba ('aliente alongside a DJ set frottt l‘ar ()ut Records founder Joe Davis who specialises lit the fittest new Bra/.ilian music.

I Dogma at Stttdio 24. l0.30pm 4am. £10 (£8 members). 28 May. Monthly. Hard as nails artd as underground as moles. teclttto of the highest order as Dogma welcome ('hris l-‘inke (Flux) aitd his ‘thunderous assault of electronic funk'. bringing a hip ltop sensibility to a techno/electro style. Willdabeat v Jengus Jr guest it) the upstairs lounge. l-‘ur this (late (Ht/y 'sl-I.l.\'l'(‘un/ [In/(leis eel £2 (if/i {/(mr pl‘it‘t’ u/l Hie/II.

I Dr No’s at Stttdio 24. l lpmr 3am. £5 (£4). ll Jurt. Monthly. The origittal Jatttaicatt ska attd classic rocksteady night migrates to Studio 24's intimate

HOFFBEAT Berlin. Edinburgh. Sat 5 Jun

upstairs space. now featuring the Dr No’s house battd artd special guests Skaramanga (on stage at 1.30am approx) for their fifth birthday. with free (‘Ds before midnight.

I El Barrio at [it Barrio. l()pnt 3am. l-‘ree. Weekly. See Thu.

I Evol at the Liquid Roont.

10.30pm 3am. £5. Weekly. lidinburgh’s longest running indie night. ltavittg turned 12 this .-\ugust. With the usual ntix of the best current aitd classic alternative. crossover tuttes. it’s art institution already attd with the recent addition of the back roont. the future looks like a happy place for all things lfy‘ol.

I Finsternis at the Pleasance (‘abaret Bar. Next date l8 Jttrt.

I Frisco at Berlin Bierhaus.

l lprtt 3am. £5. l l Jurt. Residents Martin Valerttirte. llarri (Subculture) and Steve \Vanless dish out the classic house.

I The 60-60 at ('octeau Lounge (downstairs at ligo). l lpitt 3am. £6. 28 May. Swinging ()0s garage. soul. ntod. soul. R&B artd sleazy listening. The righteous Tall Pattl Robinson and Angus A (io-(io usher itt their fourth birthday with live music front the magnificent Thanes attd the ()wsley Sunshine with a bit of guest action for good measure front Sitttoit llodge (Big Beat).

I Manga at llotteycontb. l lprtt 3am. £10 (£8). ll Jurt. Monthly. Scotland‘s premier drunt & bass session ltas just celebrated its eighth birthday. They keep

Returning to Edinburgh after two previous visits to the Hoffbeat team. Florida's globe-trotting housemeister Q.Burns professes to hold Scotland in high regard. 'Both sides of my family are almost Scottish. so it‘s kinda like the magic place for me to visit.‘ he says. ‘I love playing there. the crowds are completely insane and always up for it.‘ With a name like Michael Donaldson on his birth certificate. we really would expect no less, although he adopted the Burns moniker in homage to the part of a record which gets worn as you line it up (hence: cue burns). Tracked down for a quick chat while awaiting a connecting flight between New Zealand and Orlando in LA. Q.Burns is indeed the archetypal travelling tunesmith. In fact, since starting out in local radio he's also added self-production and bossing his eighth Dimension label to the CV. But where do his DJing tastes lie at the moment? 'Anything with a bit of funk. Funky house. straight-ahead funk. even some hip hop. I've been known to veer off in all sorts of odd directions though. depending on how much the alcohol's flowing.‘ (David Pollock)

tip the quality with the return of Simon ‘Bassline' Smith (Technique). Manga‘s pre-club session the BassTrap is at Batttbu every Friday front 8pm with DJ (i-Mac attd guests. l-‘or ntore irtfo clteck 0788-767 ()061 or

I Mocha Rocka! at Berlin Bierhaus. l lpitt 3am. £5. 28 May. Monthly. Two of lidinburgh‘s best collectives joirt forces. Space l‘ace residents Spider arid the Blonde l’lash bring the R&B. hip hop. funk. disco attd tttore while Tokyo Blu take care of the house.

0 Modern Lovers at ligo.

l lpttt 3am. £5 before midnight; £6 after. 4 Jutt. Monthly. l'p-beat mix of Northertt Soul. deep ftmk. llarnrnottd jazz attd retro soundtrax served up by your hosts (‘raig Jamieson attd Andrew Divine (Divine. liunk Roont). Bit of an extra special guest this month an' all as (ierry Love (Teenage lianclub) shows his love of psychedelic soul and freaked out furtk. I Nuklear Puppy at ligo.

l lprtt 13am. £tbc. ll Jttrt. Residents Jason (’ortez and Phil York keep the hard dance flag flying in the capital and ltave picked up nominations for Best Scottish (‘lub 2003 front .tlix‘mag aitd Best Small (‘lub front the Hard-Dance Awards joirted by the first lady of hard house Anne Savage.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. l()prtt 3am. £5. Weekly. l‘unked up vocal house attd dartce classics front Stevie (i attd (‘allum Murray.

I Planet Earth at (‘itrus Club. l0.30pnt -3am. £5. Weekly. Music front I976 through to l989 or. iit other words. a healthy dose of punk. new wave. new romantic and electro pop. For 28 May A} 4 Jun nit/y 'xl-le! ' t‘unl holders gel FRI-Iii entry before [1.30pm.

I Pop Fiction (formerly Time Tunnel) at Massa. l()pnt— 3am. £5. Weekly. Trendy Wendy attd regular gttests (ittc Betty Ford) lay down the coolest blend of pop. furtk. soul. disco, R&B. hip hop attd house with a real sense of ftm. Plenty of drinks promos on offer an' all.

I Radio Babylon at ligo.

10.30pm 3am. £5. 28 May. Monthly. Radio Babylon strikes back. The Merry Pranksters. Brainstorm artd your hostess the divine Miss Penny Pornstar guide you through art eclectic mix of groovy dance music. electroid-disco-breaks aitd post-skool funk.

I Roadblock at Po Na Na. l()pms3am. l‘ree before I lpm; £5 after. Weekly. Nicci l‘ stops the traffic irt bad rttusic when she digs tip the best itt funk. disco. ltouse attd block rockin' beats.

I Boots at Berlin Bierhaus.

l lpm—3am. Free. 4 Jutt. New nigltt for soulful ltouse ntaster ('raig Sntitlt (Audio Deluxe. Hush Hush) aitd his pals.

I Solescience at the Venue. 10.30pm 3am. £5. 28 May. Dedicated to bringing the best of underground house with residents Nick Yuill artd Rob Mathie.

I Tokyo Underground at the Cellar Bar. 9pm -3am. £2.99 before midnight; £3.99 after. I l Jtttt. Monthly. A new night hosted by the duo behind Tokyobltt with live percussion forttt Pepe Santamaria and a selection of local guests.

I Trouble at the (‘ellar Bar. 9pm » 3am. £2.99 £4.99. Weekly. The Beat Jazz Basement is reborn irt a slightly different format as the Trouble guys bring their

ja/I inflected dattce selection back ltortte.

Joined by sntootlt techno rttart lan ()‘Brien with a real jazzy flavour (28 May) followed by local hero artd nu-jaz/ specialist Joseph Malik ((‘ontpost) drops by (4 Jtttt ). l-in' 4 .1101 only ‘A-lisl't‘urtl Ito/tiers .get [I ()ffi/UUI' priee ul/ rite/II. I UTI presents: VERTIGO at Studio 24. l0.30pnt 3am. £8 (£5 members). 4 Jurt. Monthly. t'nderground tecltno night with a residents special from DJs Sentaj. Johnny ()hf aitd Nimrod 33 playing the best of electro through to hard techno.