Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at glasgowOlichomk, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Horthmore at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Horthmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from:

Tickets Scotland 239 Argyle Street. Glasgow 0141204 5151.

Tickets Scotland 127 Rose Street. Edinburgh, 0131 220 3234.

Ripping Records 91 South Bridge. 0131 226 7010.

Way Ahead 0141 339 8383.

Thursday 27


I Deacon Blue and Karen Matheson & Friends Royal (‘oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £25/£2".50. The enduringly popular Deacon Blue are joined by well- connected Capercaillie frontwoman Karen Matheson for this benefit concert for disability charity Enable. More acts still to be confirmed.

I The Golden Virgins, Attic Lights and Ampersand King Tut‘s Wah Wah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8pm. £5. A mixed bag of sound from alternative rockers the Golden Virgins. encompassing country. new wave and swaggering gutter rock on their new album Songs ()fl’raise. which is reviewed in Records on page 106. Part a ‘10 Days in May.

TV on the Radio, Atlantic Dash and Otterley Nice'n‘Sleazy. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. £6. Hep new American rockers TV on the Radio come straight outta Brooklyn wielding their new album Desperate Youth. Blow/thirsty Babes. mixing styles from electronica to soul to hardcore. Part of 10 Days in May.

I Phantom Riffage, Sinthetic, Slave Radio and Modus Barfly. 260 Clyde Street. 0870 907 ()999. 8pm. £4. Over-14s show. Metal and rock line-up. I Gum, Marciano, Table 18 and 0 Without U Raw. Queen Margaret Union. 22 University Gardens. 339 9784. 7.30pm. £3. Weekly showcase of local indie and rock bands.

I Basement Breaks The l3th Note Cafe. 50-60 King Street. 553 1638. 9pm. £3. Regular showcase for Scottish hip-

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52 THE LIST 27 May—10 Jun 2004

hop acts who don't just want to imitate American artists.

I Wake, Subdermis, Amongst the Arrows and Stark Raving Normal Fury Murrys. 96 Maxwell Street. 221 6511. 8.30pm. £4. including entry to post-gig club. Another semi-final in the Fury's Unsigned battle of the bands 2004.

I Cobra Grande and Conestone Soundset. the Soundhaus. 47 Hyde Park Street. 221 4659. 8.30pm. £4.50. Weekly showcase of up-and-coming bands.

I Wise Monkeys, WoubIeman and Junkstar Band ('amp. llogshead (upstairs). North Frederick Street. 552 8160. 9pm. £3. Funky triple bill.

I Jupiter 8: Teardrop The Bunker. 193—199 Bath Street. 229 1427. 10pm. Free. Singer/songwriter (ieoff Martyn re- emerges with a full band in tow. hence the new name.

I Carah Nugent Beanscene West lind. 5 (‘resswell Lane. 334 6776. 8.30pm. Free. Laidback. background sounds.

I Roost Studio One. (irosvenor Hotel. (irosvenor Terrace (off Byres Road). 341 6516. 9pm. Free. Blues.

I Mexico and Malice MacSorleys. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 8581. 9pm. Free. Local band line-up.

I Ordinaryson Tchai ()vna. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. 'l'wo guitars and a laptop.

I The Vagabonds The Scotia.

112-1 14 Stockwell Street. 552 8681. 9pm. Free. Popular covers.

I Phil’s Session L'isge Beatha. 232 Woodlands Road. 564 1596. 8pm. Free. Weekly jam.

I Jam Session Samuel Dow's. 67--7| Nithsdale Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. Free. Hosted by Independence. I Live Music Mc('huills. 40 High Street. 552 2135. 9.30pm. Free. New bands night.


I Carson, Stone Cold Rumours and Azzuri Connolly‘s. 23 Nicholson Street. 01475 888 972. 8.30pm. Free. Rock night.


I Misled Youth, Nisted Elixir and Guantanamo Bay The Bongo Club. Moray House. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 7604. 8pm. £4~-£5. The second (ireenl‘orce night on the trot with more uncompromising rock.

I Fred and Chase Whistlebinkies. 4—6 South Bridge. 557 5| 14. 9pm. Free. Rock from (ilasgow.

I Peter Michael Rowan (‘al‘e Royal Bistro Bar. 17 West Register Street. 557 4792. 9pm. Free. Acoustic rock originals and covers.

I Born to Be Wide The Venue. 17—21 (‘alton Road. 557 3073.

1 1pm--3am. Free. New music industry social club that plans to bring nuisos. journalists. promoters. record shop workers and musicians together. with a varied soundtrack from various industry bods. Tonight sees Lee. ('arol and Alistair (Music News Scotland). Mani Shoniwa (Lighthouse Studio) and Riley Briggs of indie outfit Aberfeldy.


I Paul Dunmall, Paul Rogers and Hamid Drake Tolbooth. Jail Wynd. ()1786 274000. 8pm. Day pass £12 (£8): two day pass £22 (£14): festival pass £40 (£26). Le Weekend kicks off with (‘hicago-based percussionist llamid Drake. saxman Dunmall and double bass virtuoso Rogers for a night of uncompromising. experimental free jazz.

I Borbetomagus 'I‘olhooth. Jail Wynd. ()l786 274000. 9pm. Day pass £12 (£8); two day pass £22 (£14): festival pass £40 (£26). Melding liberated sax with a heavy metal roar into a sound they have dubbed ‘snuff-jazz’ as befits Stirling‘s experimental music festival Le Weekend.


Not a name you may know now but one you should if musical justice is served. His latest album, Philadelphia Songs, is partly a musical tribute to his adopted home town, but rather than the typical patriot games and flag waving bombast, Witmer specialises in detailing the small, often more important things in city life. With .a musical lightness of touch in the spirit of the late much [amen ed Elliottzf'Smifih. he is a gem well worth

uncovering. (Mark Robertso‘ I Caledonian Backpack ' '

Friday 28


I Rufus Wainwright, Kate & Anna McCarrigle and Martha Wainwright Royal (‘oncen Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £18.50. The elegantly wasted-no-more Rufus Wainwright and younger sister Martha started their respective music careers singing on stage with mum Kate in the 80s and have remained close compadres ever since. Should be special. See preview.

I Speedway, El Presidente and Paulo Nutini The (iarage. 490 Sauchiehall Street. 353 311 1. 7pm. £8.50. ()ver- 14s show. Speedway remain caught between a rock and a pop place. Their forthcoming single ‘ln & ()ut'. co-written by ex-Robbie songwriter (iuy Chambers. is their best stab at flogging some product so far.

I Ozric Tentacles King Tut‘s Wah Wah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8.30pm. £12. Arcane techno hippies. named after an imaginary breakfast cereal. naturally. channel the spirit of llawkwind and Yes through the hardware of ()rbital. With guest DJ Vermin from ()zrics offshoot Iiat Static. I Chacda, Soiarise, Odeon Beat Club and Moon La Nuit des Arcades. (‘('A. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. 8pm. The second Nuit des Arcades event features a trio of (ilaswegian indie bands and Belgian melodic indie headliners (‘hacda. fronted by Dutch artist (‘hantal Aeda.

I High Roller, Deco Sepali, Regular Slinky and Marciano The Ferry. 42 (‘lyde Place. ()l698 265 51 1. 9pm. £5. Local band bill.

I Carnaval Night (ilasgow School of Art. 168 Renfrew Street. 353 4531. 10pm. £6 (£5). Monthly celebration of the Brazilian carnival spirit. with live acts including the Scottish/Brazilian crossover Mactfmha Band. the percussive Rhythm Wave Band and the (‘arnaval Samba Band. l’lus dancers in full feathery carnaval regalia and free caipirinha tasters.

I Dead Fly Buchowski and The Owsley Sunshine Nice‘n'Sleazy. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. £3. Bluesy indie garage sounds from Dead Fly Buchowski. Part of I () Days in May.

I MacSabbath and Das Rainbow The ('athouse. 15 L'nion Street. 248 6606. 7pm. £10. ()ver- 14s show. Mane-shaking Black Sabbath and Rainbow tribute bands. I Figure 5 and Ovalsoul Shoogakube. the Soundhaus. 47 Hyde Park Street. 221 4659. 9pm. £7. Retro psychedelia from

Figure 5 and manic electropop from

()valsoul. Plus bar until 3am!

I Phono, Bubblecraft, Statler, Killing Ed, Tetsuo and Luna Barfly. 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £4. Bumper local bill. including Bubblecraft. who have recently returned from a tour of China.

I The Dudley Corporation, Large Mound and Pan Stereo. 12—-l4 Kelvinhaugh Street. 576 5018. 8pm. Dublin indie rockers the Dudley Corporation launch their split single with Large Mound who. according to eye- witness reports. ‘rock hard and fast'.

I Blueprint, Still, Malice and Midnight Swimmer Fury Murrys. 96 Maxwell Street. 221 6511. 8.30pm. £4. including entry to post-gig club. Bill of upcoming local bands.

I The Fusion Experience The Buff (‘lub. 142 Bath Lane. 248 1777. 8pm. Free before 10.30pm: £5 after. Weekly jazzy lounge set in the lower bar.

I Gratis Quo MacSorleys. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 8581. 9.30pm. Free. Status Quo

I The Duvets Samuel Dow‘s. 67--7l Nithsdale Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. Free. I Frank O’Hagan The Seoua. 1 12—1 l4 Stockwell Street. 552 8681. 9pm. Free. (‘overs of Dylan. the Band. (‘reedence

I Live Music Rockers. 14 Midland Street. 221 0726. 8pm. Free. Four rock bands to be confirmed.


I Tom Jilbert, “(pasts and Jojocoke Whistlebinkies. 4--6 South Bridge. 557 51 14. 6pm. Free before