Events are listed by date then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to or glasgow®, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar and Jane Hamilton.
I Orienteering for Everyone .\lugdock Country I’ttl'lx. (‘raigallian Road. Milngavie.9566100. (Lilipm. £2 (U l. ('lydeside ()rienteerx \et up a variety ol‘ orienteering challengex for beginners right through to experts. Meet at l)rutttclog .\loor car park.
I 2004 Christian Aid Book Sale
St :\lttlt‘e\\".\ and St (‘reorge'x ('hurch. l5 (ieot'ge Street. 225 38-17. l()ani Split. l’ree. 'l'houxands ol' hookx are joined h} games. recordx. collectahlex and more at this popular tundraixer.
I After Hours - Director’s Choice National (iallet') of Scotland. The Mound. 624 (3200. (1pm. l'it‘ce. .-\\ part ol‘ the progrannne ol‘ alter galler) hours e\'ent.\. Sir Illtlttlh} (’lillord.
director-general ol‘ the National (ialleriex
ol‘ Scotland. (IISL‘ll\\L‘\ one of hix l'aVourite works in the collection. l‘inding .\lo\e\ h} (iimanni Battixta 'l'iepolo.
I Arlene Klotzko Blackuellx (formerly James Thin South Bridge). 53 5‘) South Bridge. ()2 S222. (i..5(lplll. l‘ree. An all-round dixcuxxion ol' the science of cloning. led h} Arlene Klot/ko and co\ering ethical. political and legal ixxttes.
/,f;’_ ‘\
The List has teamed up with
Doodles. Edinburgh‘s original pottery painting studio. to offer readers a free l visit in May. worth $35.
So if you fancy some creative fun, by l yourself or with friends. grab a bottle of wine and take your copy of The List along to Doodles. The 25 studio fee will be waived, so you only pay for the pottery that you paint. Doodles is open midweek evenings and weekends.
Doodles Ceramic Workshop 29 Marchmont Crescent Edinburgh 0131 229 1399 doodlescw(a>
94 THE LIST ' -, Z» Lia.
I Taste of Scotland l’ruionlieltl. 'l‘he Stahlex. l’riextlield Road. 7800. 7pm. Ht). l-‘our cour\e meal. complete \\illt tt lt'atltlttiltztl Scottixh \htm ol- dance. lltlhlL‘ and \ottg.
I Big Word Performance Poetry The 'l'ron. ‘) llunter Square. High Street. 22o ()‘Hl. ‘) llpm. £5 (£2). \‘i\ (iee kickx oil llti\ poelt'} \lam dunk with help lrom deadpan man Stephen Barnah}. Sean McBride and l.aura ('aineron-leu ix. liltIS .\l(\ .lem Rttllx and Jenn} l.llttl\tt}.
I Piemonte: Land of Innovation, Art, Industry and Style The lighthouse. ll Mitchell l,ane. 22l (i562, opm. l‘rce. ltalian \t}le maga/ine lulu’l pl’L‘SL‘HIN a night of art. design. llllISIL‘ and dance featuring a tk‘rl‘ormance l'roni Stalkerteatro and the Working l’art}. the launch of a new hook lunuruliult in I’iw/muul: .l/i l/lmlmlml Siorr and a DJ \et h} (iiorgio Valletta. I Jeanette Winterson \Vaterxtone'x. I53 I57 Sattchichall Street. .552 9H5. (r5llpttt. I'II'L‘L'. \Vinterxon. author ol' acclaimed no\el ()mner'x .vln' .Vol The ()n/\ I’i‘tiil. read\ from her He“ tale. lie/illiouwkveping.
I 2004 Christian Aid Book Sale St Andre“ '\ and St (ieorge'x ('hurch. l3 (ieorge Street. 225 3847. ltlain 3.30pm. I'i'ee. See 'l'hu IS.
I South American Safari lidinhurgh /oo. (‘orxtorphine Road. 33.1 ‘)l7l. 7pm. £12lL'Si. l.et_\our\en\e\ go \kild ax )ou \oak up the llmoutx and l]ltl\lL‘ ol South America \\ ith thix talk and trail.
I The Official Rugby Year Book 2004 \Vttlet'xlnlte‘x (ieorge Street. 225 3430. .\'oon 2pm. l’ree. Scottixh rugh} \lat'\ (iot'dott Bulloch. And} llenderxon. .lon l’etrie and ('ameron Mather \\ ill he \igning copex ol' the Official Scotland Rugh} Year Book 2004.
I In the Frame! Brunton 'l‘heatre. Lad) \\ ell \Va}. \ltixxelhurgh. (io5 224B. 7pm. l'ree. .'\ \creening ol' lilnix made h} )oung people o\ er the paxt t\\o _\ear\.
I Taste of Scotland l’t‘cxlotilicld. lllL' Slill‘lL‘S. l’riextlicld Rtitttl. “Nil”. 7pm. Ht). See 'l‘hu l3.
I Basket Making Mugdock (‘ountr_\ l’ark. ('raigallian Road. .\lilnga\ ie. 950 Mill). lllain 4pm. £25. 'l‘raditional haxket \\ea\ ing courxe l'or heginnerx and imprmerx. taught h} eqwrienced haxket makerx. Booking exxential.
I Scotland and Piedmont: Gastronomy and Culture (iltt\:_‘()\\ l’arixh Hall. 220 (ieorge Street. 548 NH. Illani. Uhc. .r\n inl'ormal \_\tiipo\ittttt on the link\ between food. gaxtronom} and culture in Scotland and l’iedniont. Speakerx include (iimanlti ‘l'exio and author Bernard .\lacl.a\ert_\
\\ ith lllttle‘ lrom (iruppo .\lar|e\ar and taxtingx ol‘ the lamoux Roero \\ inex.
I The Art of Movement Bur-tell ('ollection. 2()(ill l’ollolwhtmx Road. 2S7 2550. 2pm. l‘ree. .\ Oil-minute adult “orkxhop e\ploring lit)“ nioxement ix e\pre\\ed on paper tixing the \xork ot' 'l‘urner ax inxpiration.
I Greenspace \orth lidinhurgh .r\rt\ ('entre. l5a l’enn}\\ell ('ourt. H5 2l5l. llani 2pm. l‘ree. (iet imohed in .\'oth lidinhurgh .r\rt ('entre‘x cominunit} garden and help dexelop the allotment and the xenxor} garden.
I Tiger Weekend l-Ltlinlwurgli /.oo. ('orxtorphine Road. 334 ‘ll7l. 0am opm. L l 2 its l. It‘all\ :tttd acti\ illex centred on the 2lxt ('entur} 'l‘iger campaign.
I Taste of Scotland l’l'L‘flUttliL‘ltl. 'l‘hc Stahlex. l’riextlield Road. 780”. Ht). See Thu 13.
I Edinburgh Farmers’ Market ('axtle 'l‘errace. o52 5940. ()am 2pm. l-‘ree. .\'o\\ notching up itx third )ear on the l'exthe \CL‘tte. the [market ol‘l'crx the hext in horne-groun produce.
I Chinese Only Corner lll‘;l\\el'lL‘ Metro. 8 ('re\\\\ ell lane. BS SIR l. 2.3“ 4.30pm. l’ree. ll' _\ou are conlident in _\our Mandarin ('hinexe then head
da Park, 01324
do“ n to llllx nionthl) meeting and join in the chat. An ideal time to hritxh up on _\our technique and meet neu people.
I Ben Nicholson National (iallet') til. Modern :\t'l. 7.5 BL‘ll-ttl’tl Road. ()24 (3200. 3pm. l’ree. .\ talk h} l)r li‘licitm Voglcl'. \xriter. photographer and Ben \icholxon'x l'ormer \\ Me.
I Tiger Weekend lidinhurgh Zoo, ('ot'xlol‘phltte Road. .554 ‘) l 7 l.
0am opm. [l2 (L‘Si. See Sat I5.
I Taste of Scotland l’rextonlield. The Stahlex l’riextlield Road. 7800. 7pm. Ht). See 'I‘hu l3.
I Scottish Rottweiler Club Championship Show Roytl Highland ('entre. lttg‘llxltill. 335 o2l)(). £5 (£3). llide )ou kitties a\\a_\ ax the Scottish Rott\\eiler (’luh prexentx its annual championship \hou.
I Stewart Laing - Lab in Progress (‘(‘.-\. Sit) Sauchiehall Street. 552 4000. l‘rce. .-\ “oil—in- progrexx h} Steuart l.aing. \xho ix working \\ ith Simon Yuill and (iraeme .\lacka_\ to de\e|op a li\ e editing x} xtem for digital \ ideo.
I Print and Process: Printmaking and the St Ives School National (ialler) of Modern :\t‘l. 7.5 Behind Road. (\2-1 (i200. l2.~l5pm. l-i'ee. .v\lt'on\ B}tauta\ t'roin lidinhurgh l’rintmakerx gi\e\ a talk. I Taste of Scotland l’rc\tonlicld. 'l‘he .SlttlilLN. l’riextlield Road. “Sllll. 7pm. Lilli. See 'l‘hu l3.
Tuesday 18
I Michael Marshall-Smith Borderx Bookx. US Buchanan Street. 222 770i). opni. l‘ree. Author Michael .\lai\hall~Sniith tll\Ctl\\C\ hix new thriller no\el. 'I’ln' /.Hllt'/\ New].
I Stewart Laing - Lab in Progress (‘(‘.-\. Sit) Sauchiehall Street. .552 ~l‘lllll. See \lntt l7.