Good, clean run

Running a marathon seems like hideous punishment to most people, yet summer makes thousands of us perk up at the prospect of outdoor running. Rachael Street provides some insight into this punishing pursuit.

oti can always tell when spring is here -— not by the green grass or

the April showers. btit by the number ol‘ runners otit around

town. Having spent most of winter diligently training iii the iiiachine-Iaden sweatbox that is the gym. it is a true joy to he able to go running outside again. Well. kind ol‘. 0' I lived iii some scenic part ol‘ Iidinburgh. like .\1archmont. then it might be. I could jog along the cobbled streets quite happily. btit instead my current circuit takes tne to the grotty docks ol' I.eith. where the kerb crawlers hang otit.

It's not really the most inspiring of routes. btit come l3th June it will be entirely different. with hundreds of other people pacing along beside me as part ol‘ the second Iidinburgli Marathon. Sotitids impressive. hey'.’ It would be it I was doing the whole thing. btit I. like many other people. am running the course as part ol' a relay team of tour. The course is divided tip into unequal chunks. ranging from 3.7 miles to 9.5 miles. otit of which I will be running the final stretch of 7 miles. This is just a little more than thousands women will be running on l(ith May for the l()km race that takes place in BeIIahouston Park. (ilasgow. Many people who take part in this do it just Ior Inn and probably haven‘t even looked at their trainers for a year. So why am I taking my measly 7 miles so set'iously'.’

It‘s all about pride. I‘ve heard crazy talk about how women aren‘t supposed to be as competitive as men btit when all the other members of my team are out training so hard. I would hate to be the one throwing tip at the liniin line because I‘m so unlit. But in addition to this. I‘m still hoping to get in shape for (ilasgow‘s (ireat Scottish Rtiii on 5th September. which can be done as either a hall marathon or a l()km race. I want to be able to complete the l‘ormer. btit this will involve a lot more dedication it I‘m going to get to the end without collapsing. Still. it the lure ol‘ the festival and summer drinking get too much. I'll still be entering the (‘apital (‘ity ('hallenge on IZth September. which is a slightly more manageable l()km and a nice way to round ol‘l' an energetic summer. Maybe I‘ll do the full marathon next year. eh'.’

92 THE LIST '15 ’2.‘ Ma, 770-:

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication. Sports listings are subject to change, so please check in advance. Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.


I Rugby: Glasgow Rugby v Neath/Swansea Ospreys IIughenden. 32 IItighenden Road. 353 3403. 7.30pm. £10 [l5 (£5). A chance for (ilasgow to grab a levy linal points bel‘ore the ('eltic Ieagtie draws to a close.


I Hockey: Scottish Cup Final I’el’l‘crmill. I’el‘t‘ermill Road. (367 754 I. llam. £3 9.5 (U l; lamily tickets £8 L'l0. Top class men‘s and women's hockey. with the two victorious teams qualifying Ior the 2004-5 Iiuropean championships. I Athletics: Scottish East-West Track & Field Championships Meadow batik Sports ('enti'e. l3” London Road. (mi 535i. 9am 5pm. Aspiring athletes Ironi all over Scotland take part in this track & lield competition.

Outside the cities

I Motor racing: British Formula 3 Knockhill Racing ('irctiil. Knockhill. I)unl‘ermline. 0l383 73333 .

9.30am 5pm. L'l5 (£8). A chance to watch potential racing stars ol the l'uture. including .\'elson I’itiuet Jr. who looks in a strong position to bag the I53 again this year and may soon l‘oIIovv in his lathers I‘ootsteps by progressing to I'iorttttlla I.


I Football: Celtic v Dundee United (‘L‘IIiC I’ark. Kerry dale Street. I’arkhead. 55l 8653. 3pm. It's Ilenrik I.arsson’s last competitive hurrah at I’arkhead. I‘or those without a tear- stained ticket. It‘s live on IIlL' Beeb. See l’eattii'e. page I2.

I Athletics: Britannic Asset Management Women’s 10K Iicllahotiston I’ark. Bellahotiston Drive. 427 5454. l0am. UR L'l8.50. The popular women-only race attracts over 10,000 willing competitors. See panel. I Netball: Scottish National Cup Final Scotstoun Leisure ('entre. I)anes Drive. Scotstoun. 95‘) 4000. 0.30am 5pm. £2 £3 (£1 L'l.50i. Please note change of venue. (‘ulmination ol' the Scottish netball calendar.


I Cricket: Scottish Saltires v Middlesex Crusaders (irange ('ricket (‘lub. I’oi'tgow er I’Iace. Stockbridge. 3B 7430. lpm. [l0

(£5 £7.50). A chance l'or Scotland's lirst home win in the .\'(’I..

I Football: Hearts v Motherwell 'I'ynccastlc Stadium. (iorgie Road. 300 7201. 3pm. A tough clash is normally guaranteed when this pair get together. even at the end ol' the season.

I Athletics: Scottish East-West Track 8. Field Championships Meadow batik Sports Centre. 13‘) London Road. (ml 535i. 0am-5pm. See Sat l5.

Outside the cities

I Horse racing: Musselburgh Races Mtisselbui‘gh Racecourse. I.inklield Road. Mtisselburgh. 005 285‘). (rlllpm. National hunt racing at Iidinbtirgh‘s seaside course.

Glasgow I Football: Tennent’s Scottish

Cup Final IIampden I’ark. I.etherby Drive. (ilo (i000. 3pm. The cup reaches its climax with I)unl'ermline attempting to beat ('eltic tor the second time in a month. But what are the odds on Ilenrik l.arsson hitting home a last minute winner.’


I Skateboarding: Skateboard Competition Jam Sighthill (‘oniinunity Skatepark. Broomhotise Road. Sighthill. noon. I’ree. I‘irst skateboarding competition at the new Sighthill Skatepark. See panel.

I Rugby: Scotland v Barbarians Murray lield Stadium. Riv ersdale ('rescent. 340 5000. 3pm. £15 [30 t5). Scotland play host to the mighty Barbarians on their Stal'l'vv are ('hallenge 'I‘our.

I Australian rules football: Edinburgh University Body Snatcher v Glasgow Sharks “the Meadows. Melville I)rive. lpiii. I‘ree. Spectators welcome to watch the inaugural league matches oI this Atistralian version ol' rugby -l‘ootball. Both teams are still looking Ior new recruits: contact Andrew Butler l(ilasgow i on ()7‘)I‘) (I922 I-I. or Richard I’rentice iIidinburini on 07780 l8o835.


I Race for Life 2004 (ilasgow (ireen.(ireendy kc Street. l0am. £8.50 (£5i. 08705 H4 .iI-I.

w w w .racel'orlileorg. Annual 5km

women only race taking place in various venues including lnverness. Stirling and I’L‘l'lIi. in aid OI. ('ttliv‘L‘l' RL‘sL‘Lll'L‘II I'K. See website l'or your nearest event.


I Race for Life 2004 IIUIyl'UtitI Park. I lam. £8.50 tL'5l. 08705 I34 .il-I. SL‘L‘ (ilasgovv.

Outside the crties

I Football: Scotland v Portugal Almondvale Stadium. .-\lmondvale Stadium Road. Livingston. 0I50o

4 l 7000. 3pm. The second international qualifier in the \Vonien's Iiuropean ('hainpionship 2005.

Tuesday 25


I Football: Celtic v Sevilla (‘eliie I’ai'k. Keri‘ydale Street. I’ai'khcad. 551 8053. 7.30pm. This is it. I.arssoii waves an emotional goodbye on the anniversary of the Lisbon I.ions' linest hour. See lcature. page l2.


After years of campaigning to get the Sighthill Skatepark built, it finally opened on 3rd April this year. Unfortunately, so did the heavens, meaning that the planned jam competition had to be postponed. Rescheduled for 22nd May, the day kicks off with a couple of pro demos before the local skaters go head-to- head to show off their moves. We’ll be praying the sun shines. I Sighthill Coriimunity Skatepark. Broom/rouse Road. Sighthill Sat 22 May. Noon. Free.