Clubs listings

Edinburgh Thursdays continued

I The Pigeon Club at ('oeteau Lounge (downstairs at ligoi.

10.30pm 3am. £3. 20 May. .'\n all good happening ol (i()\, \ottl and

p5) ehedelie .\w'eet .\tttll Courtesy ol .l Pigeon and PB.

I Poison at ()pium. l lpm 3am. l‘t‘ee. Weekly. ()ld \ehool metal with a glam edge as all the layouritex are wheeled out in the shape of eutx l'rom Alice ('ooper. Blaek Sahhath. l.y nrd Sky'nrd. Aeroxmith. 'l‘wixted Sister. Iron Maiden ete.

I Reset’n’Rotate at ligo.

10.30pm 3am. £5 hel‘ore midnight: £(i alter. 13 .\lay. .\'ew night ol' teelmo and drum & haxx. ()n the mainl'loor we haye a selection of Irish guestx in the shape of (El and l’run playing out dark underground teelmo sounds. Keeping up the Irish theme (ialway ’s (it’() brings a drmn & hasx set to the dowttstztit'x arena with some hip hop and jungle from the residents.

0 The Snatch Social at the Liquid Room. 10.30pm 3am. £4 (£3.50). Weekly. The newly re- hranded. lilth-lixated. l'tmky dixeo— eum-eaharet. eomieally eompered hy Tap Water Award winner 'l‘ony ('arter and Harry Ainsw'orth (aka l’errier Neweomer winner (iarth ('ruik\hank) haek from the dead. I)eek manipulated in a eod funk and hip hop \ty lee hy Bahes and 'l'rendy Wendy (monthly resident). \Vateh out for the l'ourth hirthday (27 .\lay ) with l'-u-u-utah Saints (please note £5 entry for thix night only). .S‘ee preview:

Chart & Party

I Old Skool Disco at Reyolution. 10.30pm 3am. £4 (£3t. Weekly. Retro house night.

I Subway West End at Suhway West lind. 7pm 3am. l’ree helore 9pm: £3 illAlL‘l' (£2). Weekly. .-\ \\ eek's worth of eheesy. party studenty nights. including a hungee rope on Sun. l’ltl\ plenty ol drinks promm to keep the spirits high.

I A Tribute to . . . at .\lood.

()pm 3am. liree helore l lpm: £3 alter (Free to members). \Veekly. ('hart tunes from the (ill\ to yesterday. with live trihute aets dropping hy eaeh week.

I Vinyl at .\laxxa. 8pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. ('ommereial ehart and danee eourtesy of Paul l"tiiikxtt‘t'. plus drinkx promos aplenty l'or thme who want to \litt'l the weekend l'axhionahly early.

Edinburgh Fridays


I Audio Deluxe at the lloneyeouth. llpm 3am. £8. 28 May. Smooth. soulful house at thix shindig hoxted hy resident ('raig Smith lllltxlt lltt\lil. who eyen has the like of Kenny ‘l)ope' (ion/ales singing hix praier '(‘raig


78 TI‘IE LIST '- .“

has done a real good ioh edtieating yottt' erowd‘. With one ol the higgext douhle header\ in town a\ Kenny 'l)opL" i\ joined lty lellow .\l;t\let' ttl \Vork l.ouie \‘ega.

I Audio Tourism at l’iyo Bar (‘1qu 0pm 3am. l’ree. \Veekly. Digging deep into their w ell—\toeked ho\e\ l'or hours ol' eool eutx with a transatlantie house l‘layour.

I Beatroot at Iigo. lllfitlpm 3am. £5 £0. 3| .\lay. l‘tmky hotlxe l'rom Ryan 'l'urner and Mark l’riee with \peeial guext the.

O Bio-Rhythm at the Honey eomh. llpm 3am. £l(l. 2| .\lay. .\lonthly. (‘ontinuing their reyerenee t'or all things danee whatey er the genre we get the maxterl'ul .\lr Serull on hi\ Keep it l'nreal roadshow. lltllttol'ott\ lunk. marine _ia//. heay ing daneel’looix. \uhlinie mi\ing. tme\peeted nuggets and eupx ol tea w ill detinitely he on the eardx. .St'r' .\lim (‘1' .lltn‘limt' p/JS

I Blaze at ligo. llpm 3am. £3 £1.21 .\lay. .lamex l.ongworth ignite\ the gay weekend. with plenty ol £l drinkx promm to the! the lriyolitiex.

I Boogie Juice at l.'.v\tl;telte. 10.30pm 3am. £3 het'ore llpm: £5 alter. \Veekly. l’laying otit the hext in Rth ehart and t'unky layouritex.

I Bubble Breaks at .\‘tehot lidwardx. lttfitlpm 3am. £2. \Veekly. Body .\loy in‘ l’roduetionx prexentx Btihhle Breaks. droppin’ homhx ot' Rth. hreakx and hip hop with lidinhurgh‘x new ext l).l xenxationx l’artnerx'nt'rime and their trademark hoilet'\ttil\.

I Cab Fridays at (‘aharet Voltaire. ltlfitlpm 3am. £-l helore midnight: £5 t£5t alter. Weekly. New weekly eluh rummagex ahout in the \\Ul'ltl\ ot' t'unk. \oul. \ka. reggae. elaxxie hip hop. Rth and dixeo. for /-l A7 3/ .lliit Ull/\ Il- I.1'.\I't'iu't/ lll’lt/(‘I'\ gel Int/l [trite ('Illl'\ [trite (1H lug/II.

I CC Blooms at (‘(' Bloomx. ll).3(lpm 3am. l’ree. Weekly. l).l .\lly does the deekx duty at thix gay night with her inimitahle \eleetion ol' high eamp and dixeo elaxxiex. ttioy mg on to pumped-up liouxe and danee a\ the eyening progrexxex.

I Dogma at Sttidio 2-1. lttfittpm lam. £l() t£S memherxi. ZS .\lay. .\lonthly. llard ax nail\ and a\ underground ax moles. teehno ot the highext order a\ l)ogttt;t w eleome (‘hrix l’inke il‘lu\i and hix ‘thunderoux assault ot eleetronie ltmk' hringing a hip hop \enxihility to a teelmo/eleetrii \ty le. \\'illdaheat \ .lengux .lr guext in the upxtaiix lounge. I Dr No’s at Studio I-l. llpm 3am. £5 t£-li. l-l .\lay. .\lonthly. The original .lamaiean \ka and elaxxie roekxteady night migratex to Studio I-l'x intimate upstairs \paee. now lt‘dltll'lltg‘ the Dr .\'o\ liouxe hand and \peeral guextx Big Hand on stage at lam appro\.

I El Barrio at lil Barrio. lllpm 3am. l’ree. \Veekly. See 'l‘hu.

I Evol at the liquid Room.

ltlfitlpm 3am. £5. \Veekly. lidinhurgh‘x longext running indie night. ha\ing turned l3 thix .\uguxt. With the ll\tl'.tl mi\ ot the hext eurrenl and elaxxie alternatiy e. L'l'tt\\ti\ er tune\. it\ an institution already and with the reeent addition ol the haek room. the l'uttire look\ like a happy plaee lor all things l'.\ol.

I Finsternis at the l’le;t\aiiee ('aharet Bar. 0pm lam. £3. 3| .\lay. .\lonthly. 'l'he lighter side ot goth til \ueh a thing truly e\i\t\i with a mi\ ol' dark amhient. llL‘ttL‘lHSSlt'ill and ethereal ti'aek\ with a li\ e \et t'rom \Vhile .\ngel\ \Vateh. ('heek w w w.tinsternixorgiik tor more into.

I Flippin’ at the Bongo ('ltih. lll.5llpllt 3am. £(i t£5r l-l .\lay. .\lonthly. .-\nother huge Boy night with [he aetion. l).l\. plenty ol' hip hop. \kate llllll\. ramps. eompetitionx and pri/ex.

I Globalista at the Bongo (‘luh lllpm iam. £(it£~l £51.3l .\lay.

{xxx-1.5 .--E 5M s:

RALPH LAWSON 20:20 SOUNDSYSTEM; UTAH SAINTS Low Gravity, Wed 26 May; Snatch Social, Thu 27 May both at the Liquid Room, Edinburgh

Utah Saints back in the day

Anyone with no pressing urge to get up for work early could do a whole lot worse than to camp out at the Liquid Room for these two nights. Not only

that, but door tax and promo drinks prices mean that both won’t even add

up to the cost of a regular weekend night out.

First up is Ralph Lawson and his 20:20 Soundsystem, with the ex-Back to Basics man pushing the buttons and tweaking the knobs. In an effort to escape from the increasingly stale formulaics of watching one man behind a deck Lawson will also be playing alongside ex-Aim drummer Dubble D and guitar-and-keyboards axis Silver City. Together they make up the Soundsystem, and they’ll be trying to recreate their success at last year’s T in the Park by adding a little live unpredictability to proceedings.

Next up for Snatch is the much-anticipated (among clubbers of a certain vintage) return of Utah Saints. Coming from the same early-90$ era that saw the likes of Happy Mondays and KLF riding high in the charts, Tim Garbutt and Jez Willis are keen to point out that they helped presage today’s rock/dance soundclash by a whole decade. Case in point? The inclusion of both Kate Bush and Motorhead samples on the joyous ‘Something Good’, for starters. A bootlegger-style collision of styles is promised, but if they play ‘What Can You Do For Me’ we’ll be happy. (David Pollock)

.\lonthly. l).l\ .latlar (Senegal l. linrique tSondertnnhai and /.uppa Inglexe (Bogota! the lolk hehind .\rakataeal are haek with more .\lriean. latin. ('arihhean. Salxa and .\rahexque heats l‘lux helly daneing lrom /.atirah. "l'he paxt prexent and l'uture \otmd ot' tropieal tlilllk‘k‘..

I The 60-60 at (‘oeteau lounge

ltloyylt\l;llt'\ at ligoi. llpm 3am. £0. IS

.\lay. .\lonthly. Swinging (itlx garage. will.

mod. \olll. Rth and \lea/y lixtening. 'l'he righteous 'l'all l’atil Rohinxon and .\ngux .\ (io (io ll\ltt‘l' in their lourth hirthday with li\ e muxie lrom the magnilieent 'l‘hanex and the ()wxley Sunxhine with a hit ol' guext aetion tor good meaxure l'rom Simon llodge tBig Beat t.

I Manga at lloneyeomh. llpm 3am. £lt) t £.\’i. l-l .\lay. .\lonthly. Seotland'x

premier drtnn & littxx \e\\iolt haying llhl eelehrated their eighth hirthday. they keep tip the quality with the return ot’ Ireland's top drtun tk haxx e\ponent ('alihre. .\langa\ pre-eluh session the Bam'l‘rap ix at Bamhu e\ ery Hi from Spm with DJ (i-.\lae and guextx. For more llll-t) eheek (l7SS-7hT-(illhl or

w w w .haxxtrapeom.

I Nuklear Puppy at ligo.

llpm 3am. £the. l-l .\lay. Residentx .laxott (‘ot'te/ and Phil York keep the hard danee l'lag lily ing in the eapital and hay e pieked tip nominations l'or Bext Seottixh ('luh Ztlttfi t'rom .lli'tmue and Best Small ('luh l'rom the llard-Danee :\\\;tl‘tl\ joined hy .ltltlge .lttle\.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. ltlpm 3am. £5. \\'eek|y. l-‘unked up \oeal home and danee elaxxiex l'rom