“3590" Clubs ' .
Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to clubsglasgowaahoo.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.
Glasgow Thursdays
I Back to Mine at the the Bar. Times the. Free. Weekly. livery 'l‘hursday. the Lite Bar is taken over by a different celebrity. 1)] or tnedia player. doing what the hell they like on the decks.
I Bennet’s at Bennet‘s. l lpm~3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. (‘razy night at this most popular of gay venues. They always get a great crowd in and the after parties are really something to behold.
I Budda at Btidda. l lpm» 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Relaunched venue back on track with Kris Keegan iii control.
I Blunt at (‘ottiers Theatre. 9pnr-lam. Hip-hop. R&B and dancehall with David Mac. and beats. glitch and electronics with Nel.
I Cheeze at Strathclyde Student's Association. 9pm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. The biggest and tackiest student night
I Columbian at the Asylum Back Room. 8pm- Iaiii. Free to (‘l'Sl' members: £l otherwise. Weekly. Ptit sortie breakin‘ ftttik in your trunk with this entertaining night of student madness.
I Dirty Thursdays at Blanket.
I lptn ~3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (iet deep down and dirty as Raymond Woods and .\'aeeni mix tip some of the most bootylicious R&B iii the city. while Billy Milligan serves tip the student classics and dirty pop tunes.
I DogGod at Q Bar. l().3()pm 3am. £2. Weekly. Night of eclecticisni at the beautiful club under ('orinthian. It was closed for ages btit now they‘re getting back into the groove. Pure class.
I Evil at Barfly. l().3()pm- 3am. £2. Weekly. (ioth. industrial. punk and metal meet at this black-clad happening.
I Fantastique at Mas. l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. The vernacular [)1 Mirrorbaw plays a friendly brand of pop- ftised house for at Thu night crowd looking for kicks. Purse-friendly drinks prices make this night a good draw.
I Firewire at Bamboo. l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. (iraham l~'ergtisoti spins R&B and chart classics iii room I. while DJ toast is in the red rooni playing indie pop and rock. In the lounge. Robiti B plays an eclectic mix of disco. funk and soul.
I Freakmoves at (ilasgow' School of Art. llpm- 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. lTltra- fine hip hop night for the students. with [Ms Dema and .\'ice. For 13 May only ‘xl—Usl ' card holders gel/roe 'Ilsliirls and (Us it'ltllt' .y‘lm‘lv‘s‘ last.
I Homework at Vault. l lpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. [art and Stevie man the box. so all insecurities over the tunes are dispelled. This night aims at student satisfaction without compromising the quality levels.
I I-Iype at (‘ube. l l.3()pm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. Jim |)a Best teams tip with the Hype crew to ptit on a night of twisted. ultra-funky house. Plenty of cheap booze makes this a ftiii night otit. I Instant Access at Sub (‘lub. l().3()pm 73am. Free before midnight: £2 after. Weekly. This is the night the Stib dances in its slippers to the sounds of Motown. breaks. ftitik. and a smattering of house. Samba Ya Bamba are in the spot on l3 May. and you know what happens when they get their freak on. For [3 d2 20 May only 'xi-Ijsl't'urr/ holders gel [PR/Lil“; entry all night.
I Kenny Dope Gonzales at the Renfrew l-‘erry. 9pm 3am. £l3. 27 May only. A rare appearance by one of the legends of the genre. The Master will be at work aboard the good ship funk. and you would be well advised to get all up in lllL‘ place too, friends.
I Loaded at Liquid Lounge.
l()ptn 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. 'l‘hree live bands kick the night off. making way for Joe Kane on decks with some indie. mod and sotil at lam.
I Madhouse at the Shack. l().3()pni 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (‘.l and Andy take you to the brink of insanity with some of the most outrageous and courageous student anthems.
I Old Skool Reunion at :\t‘chatis. l lpm 3am. £5 (free £2.50). Weekly. Old school techno classics atid disco style tunes for the fren/ied students down Archaos way.
I Phunky Monkey at Betti (formerly Baba/a). Spm 3am. l‘rce before I lpm: £4 (£3) after. Weekly. Scott (irainger. Vance and Richie .\lc('olin are on spinning duties at this new cltib that looks like getting cv en bigger than Baba/a. Plenty of drinks promos. funky anthems and floor tillers make it a winning formula.
I Polo for Me at the Polo Lounge. l()pm lam. l’ree. Weekly. You. the lucky punter. take the helm tonight. as request cards are available over the bar and in the booth. .\'otice for the unimaginative: ‘1 am What I am' is prohibited by law and punishable by spanking.
I Record Player: at (ilasgow School of Art. l().3()pm 2.30am. £3 (£2). Weekly. lli-l-‘i Sean (lli—l-"idelityi and llttshpuppy (Divine) perform cheap deck suckin‘ to disceau. dumb electro and 80s pliunk. 'l'hey advise you to act tip. dress down and play easy to get. I Retro at Trash. 1 lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. l)av e Young. Steven Brown and the Kra/y Karaoke team ply their wares at this fabulous night under Pitt Street. A student night with stunning tunes. stunning looking people and a smattering of drinks promotions. I Skint at the ('athouse. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. .\ night that t'c‘llc‘c‘ls the resurgent alternative scene at the moment. Rock. indie and some tough chemical breaks and beats. with a crowd tiiticli like the one you see outside the (iallcry of Modern .'\rt.
I Speakeasy at the t'nivei-sal (Sauchiehall Lane). l()ptii 2am. l‘ree. Weekly. If you feel like a lcvv drinks after the pub. btit don't want to go clubbing. Speakeasy is for yoti. The music ain‘t compromised. btit the vibe is chilled.
I Stand at the l'iiivcrsal. .\‘e\t date the.
I Topform at the Btiff. l()pm 3am. £3 (free before l().3()pm). Weekly. 1 think we have to turn over to ’l‘opform themselves to sum tip this new night: ‘An extravagan/a of music and twisted entertainment. think the Royal \‘ariety Performance hosted by your drunkest drunken uncle. 'l’hink end of the pier. think end of the world. think otit of your box!’ W'ith Radio ()iie's (iill .\lills.
Glasgow Fridays
I Abnormals Anonymous at (ilasgow School of Art. Next date tbc.
I Afterglow at .’\d lib. l tpiii late. £5 (£4). H May. Northern soul. funky _ia// and essential mod from residents l’atil .\lo||oy and .\licky (‘olliiis Special guest this month is :\lttl_\
l)iv ine (Art School/ l‘titik Room).
I Archaos at .'\l'c’ll;lt)\. l lpm 3am. £5 (£2.50). Weekly. .\lainstreaiii chart dance. soul and cheese at one of the busiest l’ri nighters in town.
I Babaza at Belo, (ipm 3am (l).ls from I lpm). l‘ree before I lpm; £5 alter. \VL‘L‘lsly. 'liltv' \L‘llllc“\ legendary l'it't tttgltls take the name of the clubbing institution that used to be here. l’aul ’l'ray nor. Billy Jones and Ross .‘vlacniillaii are in charge of the music. and they 've been known to rip it tip in the past.
I Bogota at (‘tiba .\'orte. 5pm 2am. l'ircc. ll .\lay. l).l Sala/ar plays salsa. merengiie. Rth and l.atiii pop from the evening to the morning time again.
I Bombafusion at the Soundhaus.
I lpm 5am. £S (£(ii. 2| .\lay. \loitllily. lama Sw ift. Paul Reset. the (icncral. lifl Peaches and a cast of hundreds in the Soundhaus make this drum s bass night edgy. dark and a whole load of ftiii.
I Boogie Wonderland at l-any.
I lpm 3am. £" (£5). Weekly. .\lad disco night with loads of drinks promos and a soundtrack to make the ladies shake their
I British Airwaves at .vt.\s.
llpiii 3am. £tbc. Starting H May. ()ii the second and last l‘t'ltldy of every month. 1).! Kris l'oi'rest celebrates ll) years of British music. Starting at Not (duh) and moving through everything to the present day. he's going to take you on a wonderful musical escapade. Remember your packed lunch. that's all. I Budda at Btidda. llpm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Drinks promos and some very sc\y Rth front l).l Vance make this not a bad place to start the w cekeiid.
I The Buff at the Bull Spm 3am. £5 (free before lll.3llpnii. Weekly. ()ld school ia/x at (ilasgow ‘s newest ia/x cltib. l).ls .\lark Robb and ls'evan Stevens do the needlework. while The l’iision livperience iiiiv ia//. rock and 'a whole lot of groove“ in a live fashion.
I Canvas at .\i'ta. llpiii 3am. £tbc. Weekly. l).l Walter play s a plethora of funk. soul and Rtin at this beautiful Merchant ('ity bar.
I Carnaval Night and Tumbao at (ilasgow School of .'\l'l. \cH date the.
I The Cathouse at the (’athouse. ll).3llpm 3am. £l before llpiii; £-l (£3i after. Weekly. Riding hiin on the nu lllL‘lttl \\;I\L‘. lllls ls ()tlt‘ ()li lllt‘ ltttslt‘sl nights in town. Rock. grunge. indie and a dash of breakbeat across three floors at (ilasgow ‘s top venue for iockers and alternatccns.
I Club Budda at ('lth Budda. |)uiiibartoii Street. ('lydebank.
llpiii 3am. £(bc, Weekly. ’l‘hc weekend kicks off downrivcr with a slow. cliillout soundtrack.
I Coded at \ault. I lpm 3am. £5 i£-li. \Vt‘t'kl). llillt'} lt‘t‘ lt‘ttttt (I record slttl't'. St) the tunes are going. to be fresh and highly funky. aren't they .’ .\ rotating roster of l).ls affiliated to 23rd l’i'ecinct supply the house led grooves you can rely on. Steven .\lc('rccry is the main man. but the pool of talent includes Billy Ktlklt‘. Billy Woods and .-\lll;|ll(l;l l’t'icc.
I Crash at the Shed. lll. 3(lpm 2am. £3 (£2). Weekly. litian and .v\ndy play the finest of everything at this blinding Southside club that alvvay s seems to be busy.
I Creation at ('orinthian. llpiii 3am. £lbc. Weekly. .v\ftcr a warm tip in the lite Bar it's downstairs w ill) the gear for Paul Rea aitd ls'ev iii .-\ustin. your hosts at this classiest of venues.
I Destiny at Destiny. llpiii 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Destiny 's relaunch continues with tip for it party tunes. house and Rth flavas.
I The Edge at the lidgc. ('oatbridgc. llpiii 3am. £5. Weekly. Residents .v\le\ Keane and Scott (iranger bring you the l‘t‘sl tlt ltotlsc ttlttl c‘ltllt classics.
listings Clubs
Motel Martyn Jeiigaheat‘l. Mash (initiatev’er you want to call the (ice/er. has enticed Mikey Stirtoii of Bug/ iii the Attic to play at his Saturday night bash in. the centre of the Royal Exchange. A very good reason for parting with some cash and sl'iakiiig that ass iti‘, saying; that alter a fev-‘r/ Sititttt’ltOS'. rill/(S. Sat 7:3 May:
Smirnoff Experience Central A '.-./hole heap of dance scene reiateti events occw on the ti; May across Glasgow. Serizaiiais. discussions. live and DJ sets from people like Slam. the Youngsters. little Btitildha and .Ja/zy Jeff make this a multi- faceted. attractive. educat onal )l'()l)OStls-()tl. /'trcl.‘es. CCA. Glasgow School (if/Art. King Tut's 1 Val? ‘.'-./a.’i H; the Garage (E 62. Sat 7:3 ill/lay
Unified Techno Sound Systems of Glasgow Unity and conquer. say: the seven. tl!‘.(.l€,‘."gf’c)tlltfl techno COllOCll‘JOS at this iiigilit. Miscreat. Radar. Retiasiv. Releiitiess. Bass liivatlers. ('Zoiifusioi‘i and Cypher take on the charming; Big .Jomt with then T‘ltlt‘vfl‘ l)(-}lt(ltltg bass- (lrr-se" tecliiic. l'f‘e Big} Jorlif. fr; il ."zi'ai:
Club Tromolo Danni it. S()l‘)(?7.tltl(38 a club sbotild be liat'igetl up for its l)f0l‘l()ll0llal photographs aioiie. Club Tromolo comes on like a club should, with its tongue firmly in its cheek and a plethora of tun reasons to attend. it has Nerf ‘iaciitiliah. lady: Stash Collins and l-llitl-l Queen Victoria (picttiredi playing iiiusio live comedy: usberettes. /\il)étltl£‘:l‘. artists and drunk chess (James with a l‘ti‘tt) named Gratitlr‘iaster Shut}. The), also giving; away a t'i'ec- gut. which (they assure us) will lie crap. he Ht 173’ Cleo. new 26 i‘vr'lai;
Manga the legendary lv/laiiga drum 8. bass crevz' say a fond farewell to their Sui) Fridays. their run has ()ttitétltCOCl the early ‘.‘.'(I'(}l\’t'}tl(l slit-iriaiiigiaiis that we all me. See ya seen. elsewhere. (toy s. Sui) Clot). Fr." 28 lt/i'aic
' i.. -1 THE LIST 73