If the Esbjorn Svensson Trio‘s closing gig in the Dundee Jazz Festival is the more high profile of the two European pianists in the programme, Bojan Z (tucked away in an afternoon slot) has already laid down his
credentials as one of the most exciting current jazz players on this side
of the Atlantic.
I Apex Hotel. Dundee. Sun 23 May.
I Asylum Street Spankers Ramxhorn 'l‘hcatrc. 0% Ingram Strcct. 553 3480. 8pm. £8 (£0). Soull'ul rockcrx cowring hlucx. ja/l and countr} \\lio hail from .-\u\tin. 'l‘cxax. Part of Big Big (’ountr}.
I Eddie Toal and Quintet ()‘Ncill'x. 7| Albion Strcct. 553 0833.
0 ll.45pm. l‘rcc. Iiddic \ingx lti\ \xa) through .v\mcrican \onghook standard»
C9 Kevin MacKenzie’s Vital Signs llcnr}\1aH (‘cllaiz S \ltil‘l'ixoll Strcct. 407 5300. 8.30pm. £0. Scc I‘ri I4.
I 80QSt House Band 80 ()uccn Strcct Bar and chtaurant. S0 ()uccn Strcct. 330 5007. 0pm midnight. l‘rcc. .\lodcrn ial/ Cltt\\ic\ l'rom lilix d) uaniic ll\L“plL‘CL‘.
I The Latin Quarter llcnryx .la/l (‘L‘llttll (S \ltil‘l‘ixuli Sll'cL‘l. 407 53””. midnight. £5. l.atin/l‘unk/xtitil/ja/I drixcn h} [S drummcr l’aul .\llll\.
I Magic Feet 'l‘ollmoili. .lail \\'\nd. 0I7S’0 274000. 7.30pm. U3 (LN).- Scottish and Hungarian _ia// 0pm join l‘orccs l'or llli\ ‘(i)px} .la/I (‘cilidli' \\ith .lolin Rac'x (‘cltic l’cct and llungar}\ Rohi l5arka\ and \lilial) l‘arkax. Scc prc\ icu.
0 Kevin MacKenzie’s Vital Signs 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. 03 'l‘rongatc. 553 4307. 8pm. {S50 (£7.50). Scc l‘ri I4. I Neil Wilson ('alc (‘mxacholc Rll\\ittll ('ultural ('cntrc. i0 King Strcct. 553 0733. 8.30pm. l‘rcc. ()nc ol' Scotland's moxt promixing claxxical guitarixtx l'caturing a rangc ol' claxxical. l'lamcnco and ja// \xorlxx.
I Jazz Brunch ()\}gc‘ii Bar & (irill. 3 5 lnlirmar} Strcct. 557 0007. 3 5pm. l'l'cc. 'l‘lic Rohcrt l’cttigrcu 'I‘rio pla} in a tic“ \icckl} jal/ hruncli kidx
\\ clcotttc.
I Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra llcnr) \ .lal/ ('cllar. S \ltil‘l‘iuin Slt't‘L‘l. 407 5200. 3.50pm. U). Sa\ophoni\t 'l'onim) Smith lcadx hi\ l7 )(tlllig pi‘otc‘gcx through a \clcction ol' clawic and contcmporar} big band lllll\lL‘ l'rom thc rcpcrtoirc ol' thcir \cniorx in lllC SN“).
I 4 Jazz Burnhrac. .\lilnga\ ic. 043 505 l. Spin. l‘rcc. ()uartct producing \\\ inging _ia// \tandardx lcaturiug guitarist Bob Sloan and .»\nd_\ Sharkc} on douhlc haxx.
I Alvin Lee and the Edgar Winter Group t'xlicr llall. l.0tltl;ili Road. 338 1155. 7.45pm. £10 £30.50. .r\l\ in l‘ormcr \inch' and lcad guitarixt ol' 'l'cn \carx Aim: and \pccial gucxt Ton} .\lcl’hcc ol‘ tlic l.cgcndar_\ (iroundhogx join thc lidgar \Vintcr (iroup l'or \omc lull-on hlucx action.
I Jam Session 80 ()uccn Strcct Bar and chtaurant. .\'0 ()uccu Strcct. 330 5007. 3.30 l l.5(lplll. l‘rcc. ()pcn \cxxiou \\ ith thc l)a\ id l’atrick 'lrio conic and pla) or comc to licar a \xholc load ol~ ncxx talcnt.
Tuesday 18
I Alvin Lee and the Edgar Winter Group Ro)al (‘onccri Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 553 S000. 7.30pm. KISS” £20.50. SL‘L‘ .\l()tl l7.
I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet (),\_\gcn liar «k (irill. 3 5 lnlirmary Sti‘cct. 557 0007.
0pm midnight. l-‘rcc. l)rummcr Bill K)lc\ latcxt grouping. l‘caturing l)oug 'l'iplad} (\a\c\l. l’atil Kirh} (piano) and mm 3(l—}c;u'-old haxx \cnxation ch in (ilasgtm.
Wednesday 19
I Stephen Triffitt Celebrates Sinatra Roin ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strch 353 S000. 7.30pm. {L550 LUIS”. 'lit'il'lill ix .itllllk‘tl it} tliL‘ \clxon Riddlc ()rchcxtra [K for a
\u inging trihutc to ol' hluc c}c\.
I Konrad Wiszniewski Quartet llcnr} ’\ .la// (’cllar. S Morrison Strch 407 5300. 8.30pm. £5. Scc 'l‘hu l3.
I Fleamarket Funk (‘aharci \tiltztil'c. 5f) 58 Blair Slt‘L‘ct. 330 0170. llpm 3am. £3. Local outfit pla_\ing thcir oun kind ol big band l'unlx in lllix tic“ \\ ccld) rcxidcuc} \\ith a smattcring ol' 1)] \tlppttl‘IN and othcr
li\ c act\.
I Mafia and Tam White Shoestring Band l)lllltlL‘L‘ ch. 'l’a)‘ Squarc. 01333 333530. 8pm. £10 (£0). l)ougic .\lartin \xith hi\ tradcmark li\cd-in. hlucx. soul and Rtkli \ocalx. pltlx hlucx. littlltttlx. and original\ l'rom thc much-1m cd 'l‘am \Vhitc. Part of thc Dundcc .la// I‘cxtiuil.
Thursday 20
I The Glenn Miller Centenary Concert Ro_\al ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 553 S000. 7.30pm. £15.50 U050. l’opularian and \\\ill:_‘ ltilx from thc 4()\ including In I/lr' .‘IUlH/ ttlltl .l/UUH/lg'lll .Sir’l'r'llrlrlr' \\ ill] lllL‘ (ilt‘lill \llllL‘l‘ ()t'L‘ltLNlt‘H.
I The Michael Deans Quartet BL‘L‘I‘ ('ttlti‘. (itllitllcl'iggx. .553 93 l .5.
0 l l.45pm. l-rcc. Scc 'l‘hu l3.
I Magic Feet ()uccn‘x llall. ('lcrk Stl'L‘L‘l. (ifiS 3(ll‘). Split. U3 (fill). SL‘L‘ Sat l5.
0 Colin Steele Plays Kind of Blue llcnr} '\ .la/I ('cllar. S .\lt)t't'i\titl Stt'L‘L‘l. 407 5300. S.3()pm. £0. 'I‘rumpctcr (‘olin Stcclc plays thc music oi .\lilc\ l)a\ i\ from thc 5(l\ and (illS \\ ith thc backing of" Phil liancrol't on \a\. l)a\ c Milligan on piano. Kcnn) lillix on littxx and Stuart Ritchic sitting in for .lohn Rac on tit'tlllt\.
I Salsa Celtica I)undcc ch. la) Squarc. 0l383 333530. Spin. £13.50 ([1 l.50l. .\ hcad) mi\ ol'jan. .'\l'rican. Latin and (‘cltic t'li)tltltl_\ from this li\cl_\ group. l’art ot thc l)undcc .la// l'IL‘Sll\ill.
I Hugh Davies (‘(‘..\. 350 Sauchichall Strccl. 353 4000. 8pm. £8 (£5l. ('ompoxcr llugh l)a\ icx. a piouccr in c\pcrimcntal clcctroacouxtic music. tli\L‘tl\\L‘\. dcmonxtratm and play hour a \clcclion of his ill\ll'lllllL‘lll\.
0 Colin Steele Plays Kind of Blue llcnr) ‘\ .la// ('cllar. S .\lt)l‘l'i\ntl Strch. 407 5300. 8.30pm. [0. Scc Thu 30.
I Guest Band Night (\‘0 ()uccn Strch Bar and chlaurant. S0 Quccn Strcct. 330 5007. 0pm midnight. l‘rcc. SL‘L‘ l'il‘i l4.
jazz listings Music
Colin Steele’s Kind of Blue Trumpeter Steele's explorations in combining jazz with Scottish folk influences have helped him find a distinctive voice in his music. but for these gigs (postponed from earlier in the year) he returns to the inspiration of another of his heroes. Miles Davis. Henry's Jazz Cellar. Edinburgh. Thu 20—Fr/ 2 7. Sun 23 May.
SNJO play Oliver Nelson Tommy Smith leads the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra in a welcome reprise of a programme the SNJO gave in Glasgow and Edinburgh late last year. featuring the arrangements and compositions of saxophonist Oliver Nelson. His Youth Jazz Orchestra will open the concert. Rep Theatre. Dundee. 851122 May.
Kevin MacKenzie’s Vital Signs Guitarist Kevin MacKenzie put together the nine-piece Vital Signs band as his excellent jazz-into-folk Creative Scotland Award project in 2002. and is about to release the band's debut album on the Caber Music label. He is joined by his Trio AAB mates Phil and Tom Bancroft on the record. but for these gigs Konrad Wiszniewski takes over from Phil on tenor saxophone. alongside Martin Kershaw (alto sax). Dave Milligan (piano). Tom Lyne (bass). and folkies Jenna Reid (replacing Chris StOut) and Aidan O'Rourke on fiddles. and Simon Thoumire on concertina. Henry Jazz Cellar: Edinburgh, Fr/ 74—851! 75 May, and the Tron Theatre. G/asgow. Sun I 6 May
I Root Down llcnr} \ .lal/ ('cllar. x Morrison Stl‘cct. 407 5300. liiidltiglit. [5. Old \L'lltltil hig tunic lrom kc) hoard macxtro l’aul llarrixon. lcaturing .‘\lan .\lcl\'co\\n on guitar.
I Brian Kellock’s Handful of Keys Play the Music of Fats Waller Hundcc ch. la} Squarc. (0383 333530. 8pm. £13.50 (L'l l.50i. Rurnlitixtioux. good limc piano pla} ing in thc \pirit ol' tltc grcat old lcgcnd trom onc of tlic l‘KK hcxt pianixtx lcaturing \olo \tridc piano. a madcap duo \\ ith .lohn Rac. and full band l'caturing \ingcr l'il'L‘tlkllL‘ King.