Music rock & pop listings

Friday 21 continued

I The Usual lair} Murry» ‘)0 Maxwell Street. 33l 05l 1. 8.30pm. £4. ineluding entr) to poxt-gig eluh. Melodie indie roek from the l'xual. pltlx other upcoming loeal hands to he eonlirmed. I The Demon’s Eye Rocket'x. 14 Midland Street. 331 ()730. Spm. l-‘ree.

I The Furz MaeSorleyx. 43 Jamaiea Sil‘L‘L‘i. 343 SSHl. 9.30pm. l'iL‘L'. Red Hot ('hili Peppers em erx hand.

I Rush Hour Samuel l)(i\\ ‘x. ()7 7| \ithxdale Road. 433 ()l()7. 8.30pm. l'ree.


I Raff, the Belgranos attd Big Hand \Vhixtlehinkiex. 4 0 Sottth Bridge. 557 5| l4. 0pm. l-‘ree hel'ore midnight; £3 alter. ('laxxie and eontempot'ar} roek lit)!“ the Belgranox \xith hot ska from Big iland on at midnight.

I Battalion of Flies Studio 24.

34 30 ('altou Road. 558 3758. 7.30pm. £5. Roek and tnetal taking itx euex l‘rom .»\liee in ('hainx and Stone Temple Pilots. I The Stepdads, Sykik Vandals and Vantage Point l.‘..\tt;iehe. Shandniek Place. 33‘) 3403. 7.30pm.

£4 [5. l’\) eho roek l'rom the Stepdads \xith punk/dauee \xeirdne“ li‘ttltt Sykik \‘andalx \thile Vantage Point do roek \\ ith a t“ ixt.

I The Beagles l.ot'd Built». 3 l)uhlin Street. 477 3503. 9pm. l‘ree. (‘laxxie 0()\ and 7()\ track from Peter Miehael Rowan and Frank Maedonald.

I While Angels Watch The l’leaxanee ('aharet Bar. 0() The l’leaxanee. 05t) 334‘). 0pm. £3 tL'l l. Rela\ing and ethereal dark muxie l'rom gothie eltth liinxternix.


0 Fingathing and Mr Scruff Queen Margaret l'nion. 33 l'nixersity (iardenx. 33‘) 0784. ()pm. L' it). ('ut-and-paste gt‘t\()\'e\ from funk) live danee aet l’ingathing. as part ol thix .\ir Serull- hoxted eltth night. I’url of II) [hits in .ilut‘.

0 Wu Tang Clan Special 'I'he .-\I‘L‘lie\. 35.3 Argyle Street. .565 lli33.

l lptn. £13. \Vhieh ix \horihand lot‘ .xaying that not all of the ('lan will he in attendance. httt we ean e\peet (37A (ic‘iilllx. .\ia\ter Killa. I)redd_\' Kruger and DJ Mathematics. ii. that makex an} hip- hop senxe. I’url of I!) [Mix in .lltll’.

I Ian Hunter & the Rant Band and Mick Ralphs 'l‘he (iarage. 4‘)() Sauehiehall Street. 353 3] l l. 7pm. £13. ii\-.\iott the lioople irontman ilttnter rallies \ome not-\o-toung dudes i'or \ome hoary old rocking good time\. Supported h_\' t'ormer Mott/Bad (‘ompany guitarixt Miek Riilplix.

0 Terra Diablo, We Rock Like Girls Don’t and Red Bee Society King 'l'ut'x Wait Wait ilttt. 373a St \'ineent Street. 331 537‘). 8.30pm. £0. .-\lternali\ e roek triple hill. ineluding the 1’] Harte)"- inl‘luneed trio We Roek Like (iirlx l)on't. reeent reeipientx ol‘ a iixe-xtar li\ e t‘e\'ie\\ in The list. l’url of It) Him in Hair.

I The Glitterband attd Wig Wam Bamz ’I‘he l’err}. 43 (’l_\de l’laee. 01008 305 5| l. 9pm. U3. (iar_\‘ (ilitter‘x i'ormer hacking hand \\ ho went on to glatn rock \ueeexx in their own right. Supported h} glam era trihute aet \Vig \Vam liaiitl. just itt eaxe the real thing ixn't authentie enough.

0 Sons & Daughters, Pro Forma itiltl Errors NlL‘L‘dLSlCu/y 43l Sauehiehall Street. 333 9037. 9pm. [3. More new handx to eheek out hel'ore the fest (ii. the world gets their pzms on them. (iiri/hoy quartet Sonx ck Daughters are \Videl) tipped ax (ilaxgow’x next hest thing. I’ur! of II) Dan in .iltrr.

I Pinky MacLure, The Rebel attd Lucky Luke Stereo. I: i4 Kelvinhaugh Street. 570 5()iS. Spin. l’orti\headexque \otlttdx i'rom toreh singer i’inl\'_V .\lael.ure in eollahoration with ex-l.oop man John \\'ill\.

I Red Eye, December, Lizzy’s Arcade, Park Lane and Apex Fracture Btu-ll). 200 (lute Street. 0870 ‘)()7 090‘). 7.30pm. £0. Another humper hill from limergen/a.

I Pigscum attd Errata 'i'tie ch .\'ote (hie. 50 (ill King Street. 55.3 I038. 9pm. £3. lixtreme metaleore from l’igxeum.

I Lummox, Panda attd Information Control The Soundhaux. 47 Hyde Park Street. 33l 405‘). 0.30pm. £7 1L5 niemherxi. Soundhaux l.i\‘e event. plux l’ll\\_\ pt)“ er Dix hoxting the eluhh} eletnent ol' the night.

I Bad Medicine Roekeix. 14 Midland Street. 33l 0730. Split. l’ree. l’lux other aetx to he eonlirmed.

I Free Candy Collective Liquid Lounge. 94 \Vext Regent Street. 353 0333. 0pm. Free. .\ diet oi lunk. \olll. hluex. jazz and \t'hatever elxe at ilil\ alternati\ e pre-eluh night.

I Jamie Barnes 8- Cochise MaeSorle} \. 43 Jamaiea Street. 348 85M. 0pm. i-‘ree. Residene} tor thix hltiex \eteran.

I Kong .\laeSorle_\ \. 43 Jantaiea Sit'L‘L‘l. 343 3.58 l. ()pilt. l‘i'L‘L‘. Rock

I Open Stage The Hall Bar. Int) Woodlandx Road. 504 1537. 4 Spin. liree. \Veekl} \exxion tor loeal muxieianx. I Sugarman The Hall Bar. tut) \Voodltmdx Road. 504 l537. 0pm. l-‘ree. I Black Rose Samuel t)tm\. ()7 7t \ithxdale Road. 433 ()l()7. S.3()pm. liree.


I Lee Paterson, The Hustlers and The Usual Suspects \Vliixilelttliklc‘x. 4 0 Sotttlt Bridge. 557 5| l4. 0pm. l‘ree before midnight; £3 alter. i‘unk} heatx u itii a \oul \ the trout the iluxtlerx l'ollou ed h} hluex and ltmk act the l'xtial Sllxpcch on at midnight. I MacSabbath and Das Rainbow The Liquid Room. 9e \‘ietoria Street. 335 3504. 7pm. L"). 'l'rihute to the trtte lnntnttiot'x of Item} metal Blaek Sahhath with a Rainhou trihute aet taking on the support \lot,

I Civilian Project and Poundstretcher Suhu a}. (it)

(‘on gate. 335 0700. 7.30pm. {the Alternatix e roek and metal \\ ith tnore the.

I Highway Diner: Lay-Bys .-\.\\emhl} Room\. 54 (ieorge Street. 330 434‘). 7.3()Pltt. £5 (£3). l'neom'entional journe} around iidinhurgh led h} perlormanee group. lliglma} Diner and “tilt muxieal \et h} X Veetorx. .\leet otltxide the Axxemhl} Roomx. (ieorge St. I Nixie Kye, Hail Ceasar attd Nine Miles High The Venue. 17 2| ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. Uhe. Dark \Ulilltl\ l'rom lidinhurgh’x .\'i\ie K}‘L‘.

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