I Jazzy Jeff 8. the Philharmonics and Li’l Louis The .v\rchc\. 353 .-\rg_\ lc Strcct. 505 I033. III.3IIptIt. U3. \VIII ‘IIIL‘ i'ILNiI I’rincc’ Smith'x crxtuhilc hudd} highlightx thc I’hill} \oul \ttlllld\ ux putt oI' Smirnoll I‘i\]k't‘icllCL‘ ('cntrul. u onc-du} c\cnt :Illllillg It) \hou cuxc till L‘L‘IL‘CIIL‘ \L‘ik'k'iiUIi oI Ii\c duncc uctx uII oxct' (iluxgou.
I 1y and Border Crossing ’l‘hc (ittl‘dg‘c. 4‘)” Sttllcittcittlll SII‘CL‘I. 5.5.5 5| I I. "pm. £7. London-huwd ruppcr ol u \oult‘ul hcnt \\ ho Il;t\ \\ol'I\cd \xith Danton :\Ih;tt‘n. pin} cd ut thc (iluxtonhttr) l'cxtiml und rcccntl} rcmi\cd I'ndcrxxorld'\ ‘liorn Slipp) '. Supported h} u collcctixc ol' ltllhiciitlh and prquch coxcring Rth. rcgguc and cliillout xt} In. l’url ut Smirnoff l'ft/n'rit'nu' (UH/ill.
I The Youngsters, Slam and Alex Smoke King ’I‘ut’x \Vuh \Vuli Hut. 3"3u St Vincent Strcct. 331 53“). 8pm. £" \Vurm clcctronic \ ihcx li‘om thc Youngxtcrx. \tlppot'tcd h} (iluxgou \ I).I dons Slum. I’url u/ Smirnoff lit/irrii'nu’ (Mi/rill.
I London Elektricity g3. 400 Suttchichull Strcct. 353 31 I l. "pm. £7. .'\i\;l Ion} (‘olmun \\ho pl‘idc\ himxcll on hix ;ilI-|i\ c drum'n‘huxx \ilti“. ’urr u/ Smirnoff [CI/N'I'II'HIT (‘t'ulmfi 0Policechief, The Magnificents, Hoboken, Little Buddha and Motormark ('(’.-\. 350 SitIlL‘IIIL'IIdII Stt'cct. 353 4‘)00_ 0pm. I‘rcc. Rounding oil .1 du) ol' duncc tnuxic-rclutcd \cminurx und mcdiu ill thc (‘('.v\. .\'Ii.\IIS \Iio\\c;t\c\ Ii\ c duncclloor-li'icndl} Scottixh ttch I'cuturing thc lunkudclic (I't\\\t)\L‘l' \ollllti\ oI' I’oliccchicl'. thc \Iugniliccntx'\)ntI1- punk. thc crooning cIcctt'opop ol' IIohokcn. triprockcrx littlc Buddha und ncu \\ m c clcctronicu Irom .\Iotorm;u'k. I’m! at Smian l: t/n'rri'ni (' (MI/rill.
I Black Strobe Iixkrimu. (iluxgon School oI .'\rl. I08 chlt'c“ Slrccl. 353 4530. ‘Ipm. £4 huh I. £" tdoori. I-‘rcnch duo Arnuud Rchotini and hurt Smugglic. I’qu Hulk ‘8 Ii\prc\\‘ .\loorc I).I~. l’url ut Sin/mull lit/it'rri'm'i' (in/ml.
I Sweet T & the Section, The Zips and The Clachies (‘urnnul .v\rt\ ('cnlrc. .v\lhion Stt'cct. X. I 5pm. £3 (minimum dottdliotl I. 'I’hc unti-.\l"4 c\tcn\ion group Jam-'4 ruixc l'undx und it\\;tl'L‘llc\\ \\ itli :m cwning ol dtih. punk and jigging. PIUN u \cl It'om Phil Ku}. 1).! and un cncrg} hur \\ ith orggmtc ulc.
I Discharge, The Threats itllti Them or Us But”). :00 (Ink Stiu-t. 0V0 00" 000‘). 3pm. £0 t;|d\ t. £|0 tdoori. \ctcrun noixc hund Iormcd in 1030 \\ ho \tcrc among thc curl} uctx to thr thc hounduricx hcmccn punk and mclul.
I The Casuals 'I‘hc Int}. 42 (‘I_\dc I’Iucc. (INNS 305 5| I. h’pm. £5.
I Blind Pew, Clearfall und Boomhauer Nican‘Slcu/t. 43t Suuchichull Strcct. 333 0037‘. 9pm. £4. Stoncx} hlucx rock from Blind I’cu.
I Nucleotides und Murnie 'l‘hc I3tli \olc (ittlic‘. 50 (ill King Strcct. 55.3 I053. 9pm. £3. \uclcotidcx urc itNrumcntuI \url' rockcrx Irom Iidinhurgh.
I Party Bacon Stcrco. I2 14 Kchinhuugh Stt'cct. 57» 50%. 8pm.
I Touch’n’Go Rockct'\. t4 .\Iidl;md SII'L‘L‘I. .33I “"30. 13pm. i'IL‘L'.
I Free Candy Collective liquid Loungc. ‘)-I \chl chcnt Strccl. 353 0333. “I‘m. I‘rcc. .-\ dict oI Itmk. \oul. hlucx. inn and uhutcwr clxc ul thi\ gillcrngitiw prc-cluh night.
I Open Stage 'I‘hc Hult Bur. I00 \Voodlundx Roud. 504 I53. 4 3pm. I’rcc. \Vcckl} \cxxion lot locul muxiciunx.
I Full Picture 'I'hc Hull Bur. lot) \Voodlundx Roud. 504 I537. 9pm. I'rcc. I Rainmen Sumtth l)tm\. (u? Tl \ithxdulcMimi-1330107.8.3llpm. I‘rcc.
0 Rosie Thomas, Iron 8. Wire and Sufjan Stevens ('uhurct Volluit‘c.
30 3X Bluir Slrcct. 330 MW). 7pm. £8. Iriplc hill ot' \ingcr/xong“ritcrx in thc .’\mcric;m;t trudition Irom Suh I’op. Scc pl'L‘\ It“.
I Stuart Clark, Red Grenade and U-Know-Hoo \Vhixtlchinkicx. 4 () South Bridgc. .557 5i I4. 0pm. I'ircc hcl'orc midnight; £3 ultcr. Rock and metal cowrx Irom Rcd (ircnudc tthci und l'unking trom I'-Kno\\ -IIoo.
I The Jamm and The Paul Weller Connexion 'I‘hc Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Strcct. 335 3504. 7pm. £thc. :\ trihutc to the mun} gllI\L‘\ ol thc Modlttlhct'.
I The Drive, Gum and The Fightblues ’l‘hc .\lcrc;tt. 2\' \chl .\I;tit|;md Strcct. 335 380]. 7.30pm. £3. Indic und rock from Ahcrdccn. (iIil\gt)\\ and I’crth rcxpcctiwl}.
I Terra Diablo and My Electric Love 'I'Iic \cnuc. I7 3] (Hilton Road. 55." 3073. 7.30pm. £thc. 'I‘hc (ilumcgiam Iiw—piccc. \\ ho urc hcut iI} inl'lucnccd h_\ Slim. Smuxhing Pumpkins and thc I’ixicx. dcmonxtrutc their intcnw \ound. Scc 'I'cn I);t)\ in Mu} prm icu.
I Terrapins Found Us, The Genevieves und Underbelly I.'.v\tt;tchc. Shundn ick I’Iucc. 33‘) 3403. ".30pm. £4 £5. 'I'riplc hill oI indic rock.
I Don Williams and Tim Williams R(t_\;II ('onccrt Hull. 3 Suuchichull Strcct. 35.3 H000. “.30pm. S()I.I) ()I"I'. 'I‘hc ‘gcntlc giunt' oI cux) countr}. \\ ith u \oicc dcxcrihcd u\ u ‘\\;trm hickor} huritonc'. I lnMe, Hiding Place and X is Loaded Ihc (iurugc. 490 Sutichichull Strcct. 333 |I30. 7pm. £0. ()\cr- I-I\ \Iiou. Britrock tccn ungxl trio tippcd to go thc \umc nu} ux I’uncrul tor a Iiricnd und I.o\tprophct\.
I Story of the Year, Through Silence und The Day I Snapped King 'l‘ut'x \Vllil \Vuh IIut. 373:1 St Vinccnt Slim-1.33] 537‘). 8pm. £750. ()\cr- IJx \Ito\\. 'I‘hc hcudlmcrx urc Mixxouri-Inm‘d pt‘ong‘CLN Hi ( ioldtingcr \\ ho comhinc crunch} rit't'x \\ ith pop mclodim on thcir thum [1124' .It (um:
I The Fools, Mafireherb, Vague Space, Soul Cellar, Graduation Day, Uncle Jack and The Good Night Story Burlil}. 300 ('l_\dc Stt'cct. 08W) ()07' 000‘). 5.30pm. £0. Bumpcr hill Icuturing uII \hudcx ol' rockin‘ st} lcx - (Ittvic. gurugc. indic. cmo und pm!- grungc.
I Puerto Muerto, Saint Jude’s Infirmary .md Desc Nicc'n'SIt-uz}. »I3| Suuchichull Slrcct. 333 903". 9pm. £3. I’ucrto .\Iucrto urc (‘Iiicugo huxhund- and-\x it'c [cum (‘hrixtu .\l;i_\cr and Tim KclIC) \\IIU mukc u mud and mordunt \Ullllti on lhcir ulhurm I‘um' Ii’luuml ('ur/M' ltm Iiil\/I(’(l.i\/IHI'(’ and SW )im in [Iv/l.
I Coriolis, After Christmas and My Legendary Girlfriend 'l‘hc I3lh \ttlc (Eric. .5” 0“ King SII‘L‘L‘I. 5.5.5 I058. 0pm. £3. .\I_\ I.cgcnd;tt'_\ (iirll'ricnd plu)
\\ itli lirc or Iiill and (int‘) Numun inl‘Iucnccx at :m} rutc.
I Multiplies and The Kitchen ’I‘hc Bunkcr. |‘)3 I‘D) Bath Strcct. 33‘) I43". I0pm. I‘rcc. I’unk} clcctronicu Irom hoth hundx. thc Iutlcr lcuturing thc I’ol}
SI} t'cllL‘\t]llc \oc‘de oI L'\-BI\ mt“ .v\m;mdu McKinnon.
I Small Creatures und The Tall Boy Monorail. I3 Kings ('ourt. King Strcct. 553 9458. ‘Ilim. I‘rcc. Inxlorc pcrlormuncc lrom \ingcr/xong“rilcr Joc HudcnhoI/cr. lrom ()muhu. Nchruxku \ in .\'c\\ York. and III\ hund. Icuturing mcmhcrx ol' \‘ In in. luck} Lukc and Scuttci‘. .\chodic indic pop Irom thc 'l‘ull Bo}.
I The People, Moonjellies and Shrinking Violet Sim-cu. I2 14 Kchmhuugh Strccl. 570 50”. 8pm. £4. .\IcIodic indic and punk} hundx. including I.U\ c-Iikc otlllil IIIL‘ I’L‘oplc.
I Soul Beneficiaries .v\d I.ih. I I l IIopc Strcct. 348 00-15. 3pm. I‘rcc. Hammond inn and rh}lhm‘n'hlucx \oundx lrom thix :iltcr cgo ol' thc Booguloo lincxtigutorx. p|u_\ing u rcxidcnc} throughout Mu}.
rock & pop listings Music
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Virgin legastore. M Dnliu: QmscotlaliticietmstermIt
.W' Mi. 1130'- THE LIST 49