

I Double room in central llal. fully furnished. axailahle intntediately. £270 pent + ("1’ + hills + deposit. Tel: 0131 477 1533.

I Gardner's Crescent, double roottt itt loxely fully furnished llal. central. all ntod

cons. £300 pent + £85 hills. Tel:

07761 550011.

I Double room in spacious well appointed llat. near Botanical gardens. to share xx illt 2 others. suit tnalure. sntoker friendly. (i('ll. all tttod cons. sttit professional or student. £275pcnt + hills. £375 deposit. Tel: 07748 586 035 or 07052 280 (llll.

I Large, sunny double roottt. near \Vestern (ieneral llospilal & 'l‘clfol'd (‘ollege. (i(’ll. l)(i. ()l'l' sll'L‘L‘l parking. suit 25+. n/s. references required. £250 pettt tto hills. Tel: 0131 467 8857.

I Large single room in friendly 'l'ollcross llal. ox er lookiltg .\leadoxx s. sharing xxith 3 others. axailahle front hegin- ttittg of June. suit n/s. young professional. £100 pent + (‘T + hills. Tel: ()7730 11-1084.

I Double room available iit sunny. Morningside garden llat. to share xx itlt 2 others. sttit n/s professional. axailahle June. £205 pcttt + ('T + hills. Tel: 0131 447 1606.

I Marchmont Monday- Friday let. large douhle roottt in large llal. share xxillt l otlter. all mod cons. stlll ll/s profes- sional. £280 pent inclusix e of ('T + hills. for 5 nights per

xx eek. Tel: 07870 604 246.

I Newly decorated dou- ble roottt. itt hrigltt. sunny. shared flat. all tttod cons. xx itltin easy reaclt of city centre & shore. £230 peitt + hills. Tel: 07717 204 443.

I Huge room in (‘anonmills shared flat. hay xx ittdoxx. (i('ll. 10 minutes to city. e\cellenl locatiott. all facilities nearby. short ternt possihle. axailahle tloxx. £30 per \\ L‘L‘ls lllL‘lllxlcs ("l‘ + hills. Tel: 0131 557 0838.

I Huge double room in spacious l’ilrig flat. sky TV. large \x indoxx s. great x'iexx s & parking. suit professional n/s. sharing xxitlt 1 female. axailahle tttid .\Iay. £300 pettt + hills. Tel: 0131 555 6878.

I New Town spacious douhle hedroont in superth proportioned flat. axailahle immediately. £310 peitt + ('T+ hills. Tel: 07068 628 078.

I Spacious single room axailahle to rettl frottt 1st June. Residential street in 'l‘ollcross. hy nteadoxx s. Seeking n/s fetttale to share xx illt 2 other females. £250 pent + ("1‘ of £30.50. Tel: 0131 4770244. t('alhl.

I Double room, very sunny tk spacious. xxitlt good storage. .-\xailah|e to rettt front 1st June. Residential street in 'l'ollcross. hy tneadoxx s. Seeking n/s fentale to share with 2 oth- ers. £285 pent. ('T of £30.50. Tel: 0131 477 4244. t('atltt.

I Double room in l.eillt area. flat share xxilh l other. Would suit n/s professional. £280 pent + hills. Tel: 0131 554 8073.

I City Centre - Two dott- hle lk‘dl'ooltls. .\'exxl_x tlccol‘al— ed flat axailahle for l profes- sional. ()xx ner occupier only in silu at xx'eekcnds. l‘lat situated at holtottt of Brosnent Street. parking axailahle. £260 pent + (‘T + hills. Tel: 07067 014 575.

I Large double room in \exx Toxxn llat. all tttod cons. stlit professional and/or post- graduate student. sharing xx illt 2 ollters.h£300 pent + hills. Tel: 07710162351.

I Double room in gor- geous. large ntodern llat. shar- ing xxitlt doxxn to earth. fun lox - ittg professional female. great tlL‘x‘L‘ss ltl eily. lox Cl}. quiet tteighhtturltood. fully furnished. douhle hcd. nexx lkea furttiture. all ntod cons lltrotigltottt flal. includes cable TV & internet access. £3 ll) + ("T + ltllls. Tel: (17000 (104 5 l 5.

I Double room with peri— od features itt large 'l‘ollcross flat. to share xx illt 3 other young professionals. xx ell equipped funky flat iit. eonxeniently located area. close to all major hus routes. puhs ts cluhs. spa- cious lix ittg roottt. large fully equipped ditting kiteltett. all tttod cons tltrougltottt. £280 pent + hills. Tel: 07766 451 063.

I George Street, fur- nished dotthlc roottt ilt heau- tiful. (icorgiatl. toxxn house flat. xxooden floors, hay xx itt- doxx lix ittg roottt xxitlt period fireplace. (i(’ll. dining/kitchen. £310 pent Tel: 07000 054 430.

Flatshare Hotline 09070

I Bruntsfield double room axailahle front early June. good si/e & sunny. (i(‘ll. \\'.‘xl. electric sltoxx er. sharing

xx itlt 2 professionals. easy going ck gay friendly. sorry n/s & no students. £205 pent + deposit + £58 ('T + hills. Tel: 0131 228 l‘)4(l.

I Large sunny double room in Morningside. fully fur- nished. all ntod cons. £235 pent + hills. Tel: 07080 867 053.

I 2 large double rooms axailahle ilt hrigltt. l.eith Walk flat. ntodern tltrougltoul. sanded llool‘s. hath & sllxnx‘c‘l’s. living room. kitelten. sltare xxillt l otltcr. axailahle lst June. £245 & £265 pent includes (‘T. Tel: 07855 505 815.

I Room to let in Stockhridge llat. £300 pent. Tel: 0131 332 0032.

I Meadows room in 3 hedroottt flat to share with 2 females. .»\11 tttod cons + cahle TV. £165 pent + ('T + hills + deposit. :\xailahle tttid .\lay Tel: 0131477 4741.

I Sighthill - Double room axailahle for non-sntokel' to share lttodertt ltouse & gar- den ilt nice area xxith 1 other fentale & cal. £250 pent. ito hills. deposit required. Tel: 07787 036 436.

I Bright double room axailahle itt sunny 'l'ollcross llat. (‘Iose to all local amenities & hus routes. £380 pent inclusix'e of all hills & ('T. Tel: 07700 050 671.

201 610

I Liberton - Double room axailahle in large recent- ly renox'ated house on private grounds. Car parking axailahle. (‘11. sky & ittternet. To sltare will] 2 others. suit professional. no eouples.£300 pent inclusive. Tel: 07821 624 047.

I Leith, large double room itt spacious. ntodertt 2 bed. fully fttrttislted llat. all lttod eons. lift. private car park. suit professional. £285 pent + hills + deposit. Tel: 07834 058 341.

I St. Leonards room axailahle in ntodern flat. sharing will] 2 fentales. axailahle 2 June. £170 pent + (‘T + hills + deposit. Tel: 0131 667 1574.

I 2 furnished rooms in ntodest. Marehntont. Meadows facing. (‘aslle x‘iexx: 3rd lloor flat. TV & Internet. Axailahle. July & August. £050 pent for hotlt roonts. hills inclusix'e. Tel: 0131 478 2600.

I Leith, large double room. iit spacious. modern. 2 bed. fully furnished flat. all ntod eons. lift. prix'ate car park. suit professional. £285 pent + bills + deposit. Tel: 07834 058 341 Day or 0131 4766253. lix'ening.

I Morningside double room itt luxury. spacious flat. lix'ing l‘()t)lll. separate dining roont. hathrootn. separate sltoxx- er room. 2 toilets. professional. n/s preferred. £285 pent + hills + (‘T. Tel: 0131 558 8405.

I Double room to let in quiet flat on the shore. l.eitlt. suit n/s professional or mature student. £200 pcttt + ('T + hills. deposit £200. Tel: 0131 554 4020.

How to place a Flatshareadvert .

The List Flatshare service is for people offering a room to rent in a shared flat and is a reliable and successful way of finding a new flatmate. It is simple to use and here’s what to do.

When you telephone the Hotline you will be asked for

1. Your name, address, postcode and daytime number, including dialling code 2. Up to 30 words of description about the room, rent and type of person sought 3. A contact number for would-be-flatmates to ring

The List magazine comes out fortnightly on a Thursday and weekly during the festival. Your Flatshare advert will appear in the next available magazine and will be included for one issue only. Subsequent insertions must be telephoned in again. The deadline for flatshare is 12pm on the Thursday before publication.

Each telephone call will be charged at 75p per minute and should last about 3 minutes.

Calls from non-BT and mobile phones may cost more.

If you need help or are concerned about anything, please call our Helpline on 0870 120 3034.

Please note that Flatshare is only for people seeking a flatmate. If you wish to place any other kind of accommodation advert, such as Rooms Wanted, Property to Let or Property Wanted, you should use the booking form in the back of this magazine.

If you are unable to get through please ensure that your phoneline is not barred from Premium Rate numbers. In the event of barring please contact your service provider or telecom company or use another phone.

Only those looking for a flatshare should be using this service and as an advertiser you are advised not to give out personal details

when receiving enquiries about your flat. Always ensure you have someone with you when showing people your property.

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