The Blue Shirt by James Cowie, on show at the Talbot Rice Gallery

'Ii'i/mltirii's. pri\atc lcttci's. manuscripts and othcr cori‘csptiiidcncc l'rom Janc .»\ustcn. l.ord Bsron. Sir \Valtcr Scott and Sir Arthur (‘onan Do} lc. 'l‘hc archn c has hccn ol'lci'cd to thc National |,ihi‘ar_\ ol' Scotland lUl' £35m iii‘s \iorih £45i so a appcal to raisc monc} is tindcr “as.

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY ()ticcn Strcct. 024 (i201) irccoi‘dcd information 332 220m. .\lon \Vcd is

l‘i‘i Sun lllam 5pm; 'l‘hu Illam ~pm. (Kilc. Below Stairs: 400 Years of Servants’ Portraits l’nnl .\lon 3| Ma}. £4 tL'3i'. undcr l2s l'rcc. .'\nnc l‘i'cnch and (iilcs \Vatcrlicld curatc this cshihition ol' mm 00 paintings. drau lugs and photographs. l'octising on thc portrailtii'c ol scrsants lroin thc carl} l7th ccnttir} to thc prcscnt da). l‘irst \llti\\ll to grcat acclaim at lhc National Portrait (iallcr) iii l.ondon. thc displa} includcs ls'cniicth .\lacl.ca_\ ’s \s'atcrcolour ol ()uccn Victoria's scr\ant John llroisn and thc Scottish National (iallcr} 's i'cccnt ptirchasc. ’I‘lu’ loin/K l'l’l’l hs Richard \Vailt.

Once Upon our Time: Portrait Miniatures By Moyna Flannigan Thu 13 .\la} Sun 5 Scp. l‘rcc. lidinhurgh- hascd artist Minna l~‘lannigan. hcst known for hcr lictional portraits. has hccn commissioncd to crcatc 5H ncu contciiiporar} portrait iiiiniaturcs paiiitcd in watcrcolour and gouaclic on \cllum. 'l'hc \sorks locus on tinisci'sal thcmcs ol _\otith and agc. ritcs ol passagc and drcssing up. and for thc cataloguc isi'itcr l)il_\s Rosc has \sriltcn a short \ igncttc on cach ol l-‘lannigan's imagincd charactcrs. Scc picsicis and llitlist. -’\.‘l St Portrait Miniatures from the National Galleries of Scotland Thu 13 Ma} Sun 5 Scp. 'l'o accompan} Minna l‘lannigan's contcmporar} miniaturcs. a displa} ol' o\ cr 7() ol' thc National (iallcrics‘ most important portrait miniaturcs dating l'rom thc mid loth ccntur) to prcscnt da}, NE Si l< After Hours - Caim and Thomas Loefke 'l'hu () .\la_\. (ipm. l-rcc. .\ programmc ol' altci' gallci'} hours c\ctils lcaturing music l'rom ('aim and 'l‘homas l.oclkc comprising ('cltic harp and a capclla siiigcrs.

American Artists: John Singleton Copley \Vcd 12 .\la_\. l2.45pm. l‘i'cc. .\ scasoli til talks highlighting .I\mcrican art from lhc collcction. l)a\id Mannings li'om ;\lk‘l'tlt‘cll l'lllu‘l'sll} tlisclISSL‘S IllL' \\tit‘l\ of John Singlcton ('oplc}.


34 :\hcrcromh} l’lacc. 557 “)2”.

Mon l-i'i lllam opin; Sat |(lam 4pm. Best of British Printmaking 1900-1970 l'ntil 'l'tic ll .\la_\. :\ sclcclioii ol British printmaking l'rom l‘)()() to thc 70s including \\t)l'l\s h} Rohcrt Austin. .\luii'hcad Bonc. \Villiam \Valcot. l)\' (‘amcroir llcni') Rushhtir} and .lamcs \chc}.

Frances Macdonald l‘nul \\'cd I: \la}. Rcccnl scascapcs ol thc \\ csl coast ol- Scotland h} l"i‘;iiiccs \lacdonald. Kirsty Wither l'iitil \Vcd l2 Ma}. Rcccnt paintings including still lil'c. landscapcs and iitidcs.

From the River to the Sea l'nnl \Vcd l2 Ma}. .\'c\s pottcr} h_\ Judith Rim c.


7S (‘ommcrcial Qua}. l.citli. 555 7603. 'l'nc Sun llam 5pm.

New Paintings, Prints and Photographs Hi 30 .»\pr l‘ri 25 Jun. :\n c\hihiiion ol' paintings. prints and photographs including \soi'ks h} :\ndrc\\ liit/patrick. lcl’cstt l-‘las in. Will .\la\\.. .v\nd_\ Stark and (iracmc \\'ilco\.

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY t\\'.'\Sl’Si l’alriothall Studios. oll-lS Hamilton l’lacc. 225 I280. Sat \\ctl noon opm.

Celebration Sat S Thu 27 .\la}. .v\rtists at \\'.«\Sl’S l’atriothall studios prcscnt an cshihition ol \soi‘k \ihich cclchi'atcs thc tum sccurcd luturc ol thcir studios and gallci'} thanks to support l'rom thc (it) ol lidinhui‘gh ('ouncil. .~\iiiic Ilcsan. 'li'udc Blosss. Minna l'lannigan. Jo} cc (itinn»('airns. .-\|an ls'ilpatrick. Kciko .\lukaidc. llcnr} Kondi'acki and l.)iids;i} .\lann arc among thc 4“ artists sliou ing itc\\ \tork. NE W f’Sl l( )‘.'.’


3 Dundas Strcct. 55o (i497. 'l‘uc Sat noon 7pm.

Vento della Memoria t'niil \Vcd 5 Ma). Landscapc paintings ol thc Scottish hordcrs h) Salvatorc Raso.


l’alacc ()l~ lltil}'i'iititllitiiisc. 556 5 l()(). l)ail_\' 9.30am 4.30pm.

King of the World: The Padshahnama, an Imperial Moghal Manuscript l'niil Mon 3 Ma}; £4 (£2 £3). 'l‘hc jcucl-likc illustratcd maiiuscript known as thc ‘l’adshahnam’a or ‘(‘hroniclc of thc King of thc World’. ranks as onc of thc tincst cxamplcs ol' Mughal art. (lis'cn to King (icorgc III by thc .\'a\s‘ah ol ()udh (Lucknow. India) in 1797. it forms an official rccord of thc lirst lcn _\‘c;ir.s of thc rcign ol Shali-jahan tr.l(i28 58). Fifth .\lughal cmpcror of India and htiildcr ol‘ thc ’I‘aj .\lahal. LAST (JHANCF- TO SEF.


42 Victoria Stt‘cct. 477 3255. Mon Sat l2.3()am 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm. Mixed Group Show t'niil Mon 31 May. A mixcd Slit)“ of work by tip-and- coming and cstahlishcd artists [canning oil on papcr h_\' Bcnct llatighton and ctchings by Judith Rots an.


l5 Rutland Squarc. 22‘) 7545. .\lon l‘ri ()am 5pm (cxccpt local hank holidays). A Vulnerable Beauty: Earth 8. Architecture in Iran t‘niil Hi 14 Ma}. .r\n cshihition of photographs h_\' 'l‘om Morton ol Arc .-\rchitccts ol southcrn Iranian carth buildings. 'I‘hc uorks csplorc thc hcauts of traditional Iranian adohc construction and \s'crc takcn at a numhcr ol sitcs during thc ninth lntcrnational (‘onlcrcncc on thc Study and (‘onscrs'atioii ol liastcrn Architccttn'c in Ya/d.


2 Roxhurgh l’lacc. 556 ()222. Daily llam 5pm.

Centralita’ delle periferie: Antonio Ria l‘niil Sat IS Ma); Antonio Ria's photographs of thc hintcrland of Milan.

Reconnecting l'ntil Sun 9 Ma}. Rick l'lman rcttirns to Scotland for thc lirst timc siiicc thc (it)s \\ ith an cxhihition of oils on hoard. drau iiigs and photographs.

Rick Ulman in Conversation with Jim Howie Sat 1 .\la_\'. 7pm. l-‘rcc. Artist Rick l'lmaii talks about his work with Jim lloss'ic.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lixhihition ilall. liis'crlcith Rim. 552 7l7l. l)ai|_\’ l()am 5pm.

DNA in the Garden l'iitil Sun 27 Jun tlishihitioii llall). An cxhihition cxploring ho“ thc discoscr} ol thc l).\':\ douhlc hclix has altcrcd our knowlcdgc ol plants.

George Forrest - A Life and Legacy t'ntil Sun 27 Jun (lixliiliition

llall i. An cxhihition cxploring thc Iilc of

Scottish plant huntcr (icorgc l-‘orrcst

\s ho. during his travcls to thc mountains and \tlllL‘)'\ of (him. tlisctn'crcd many plant spccics.


'I‘hc Link (iallci'). Morningsidc 'l‘crracc. 22‘) 3555.

For a Moment Then I Though we Were in Trouble t‘ntil \Vcd 2 Jtiii. Digitall} altcrcd panoramic landscapc photographs h) l’aul (ira).

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irindlay Strcct. 248 4848.

John Byrne l'ntil Sat 8 Mai). to coincidc \\ ith John llyrnc's iicts- play ('m'lt' lill‘lt'ls. an cshihitioii of paintings including two sclli-portraits on loan from thc ()pcn li) c (iilllt‘l'}.

listings Art

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings (lallcr). l()() l’rinccs Strcct. 225 I501. .\lon l-‘ri l()am ()Plll. Glasgow - Mumbai: Prints from the Link Exchange 2000/2003 l'iitil l‘ri l4 .\Ia_\. .«\n cshihition ol prints rcsulting li'om a cschangc

hctxs ccn six printmakci's in .\lumhai and six in (ilasgots \\ ho cnio) cd \ isits to thcir rcspccti\ c citics oscr l‘ottr _\c;irs. Artists includc .\'oriiian .\lathicson. Rajan l‘ulari. Anna Strachan and :\nant \ikam.


'l'hc Mound. (>24 (i2()(). .\lon Sat

lllam 5pm: Stiii noon 5pm.

178th Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition 2004 l'ntil 'l‘hn 2() .\la_\. £4 (£2). 'l‘hc Rosal Scottiin Acadcm)‘ rcturns to thc rcltn'hishcd RS.-\ buildings \sith its l7S’th annual cxhihition cncompassiiig architccturc. sculpturc. paintings. prints. photograph} and ccramics.


2 St Stcphcn l’lacc. 225 (i257. .\lon l‘ri |()am (rpm; Sat l()ain (ipm: Sun

noon 5.30pm.

Launch Exhibition l‘ri 7 Sun 23 .\la_\. (ilasgtm -hascd ScotIandartcom launchcs a ncu gallcr} spacc in lidinhurgh lcaturiiig ncu paintings h} l’at Krainck. lilainc ('uniiiiighaiii. Donald .\lactloiiald. Roii liardlc}. Victoria

Slc“ art and llai lliiang.


lo l)tindas Strcct. 558 1200. Mon Fri l()am ()pllll Sat 10am 4pm.

Gordon Bryce t’niil \Vcd 5 .\la_\. .\'c\\ landscapc and still lil'c paintings. Damian Callan l‘niil \Vcd 5 .\la_\. \cu paintings and drass ings dcpicting lainil} Inc.

Spring Glass t'niil \Vcd 5 .\la_\. An cxhihition l‘octising on thc \ ihraiit \sot'k ()l-litil1(‘l'tltllsS(ll-I‘All'Sl (ilass and (’athcrinc llotigh. :\nnica Saiidsti'om and l)a\'id Kaplan li'om l.indcan .\lil| (ilass. Ruth Tomlinson l'nnl \Vcd S Ma}. Ncckpicccs and rings in silxcr \silli porcclain clcmcnts.

Duncan Shanks .\Ion to .\la_\ \Vcd 2 Jun. .\'c\\ paintings.

Takahiro Kondo Mon to .\la} \Vcd 2 Jtiii. Ncu \soi'k h} onc ol' Japan's lcading mastci‘ pottcrs. 'l‘hc \sorks arc inspircd h)‘ nattirc and coinhinc porcclain and glass.

Hiroshi Suzuki .\lon l(l Ma} \Vcd 2 Jtiii. l)omcstic \csscls dcmoiisti‘ating l'luid ll;tllllllL‘l‘\\tit‘ls in an organic Japancsc st} lc h} lliroshi Su/uki.


Rciach and Hall .-\rchitccts. (i l)ai‘na\sa} Strcct. 225 S444. .\lon l‘ri 2pm 5pm. Otto Berchem .\lon It) Ma) l'iri lS Jtm. :\iiistcrdam-hascd artist ()tto Bcrchcm crcatcs an installation lor thc Slccpcr spacc. l’rc\ ious \Hit'ks iiicltidc IL'\I\ and slitlc picccs. pcl'lot‘tlttiltccs and \ idcos \shicli ‘placc hiniscll among his audicncc and his atidicncc placcs itscll' in UN L'L‘llll'L‘ til llls \\iit'k'. Nl Si l()\."..


.53 Rillk‘llllt‘ ’lcrracc. (i(i7 lWih. \ltill Sttl l()am opin.

Mixed Show l'ntil .\lon 3| .\la_\. ()riginal paintings and prints h} \ariotis artists.


23 (‘ockhnrn Strcct. 022 0200. Hail} llam (3pm.

Designer Bodies l'niil Sim () Jim. lh'signvr lint/rm is a mu cshihition c\p|oring thc implications ol' gcnctic cnginccring and intcrwntion through thc artttorks ol' lour Scottish artists: ('hristinc llorland. (lina ('/arnccki. Jacquclinc l)onachic and (lair l)tiii|op. .-\ scason ol' rclatcd talks. \\orkshops and an intcrnational s) mposium accompanics lltc shim.

.‘t‘i At" i‘.l.!. .".‘t‘-'- THE LIST 97