I Rub Down at .-\d I.ih. .\‘ext date the. I Saturdays at Blanket at Blanket llttl‘lllCl'l} Bed). l(l.3llpm 3am. £7 (£5). The l'unkiext Rth iii the cit) rnckx tlte hig hack hedrnnm nn a Sat in Bed nith tlte legendar} Ra) rnnttd \Vnndx. Jim da liext and hix ntuxical anticx keep _\nu attake itt tlte l'rnnt hedrnnm tttaking thix next Sat ttigltt ntte nl' tlte mnxt pnpular itt IIIC L‘ll).

I :1! [lie Rl\L‘l'\ILIL‘ (‘lllll Midttigltt 3am. £lll. l Ma}. l‘unk meetx hnuxe tneetx l‘ttnk} hnuxe. \\ itlt tlte Saltlick rexidentx and Sentland'x M_\ln. uhn'x launching hix nett alhttrn Desi/m Rue/x tk‘ It’ull. I-in' I/tt'x t/ttlt' (III/V '.vI-I.I'\I' t'tll‘t/ /I()/(/('I'\ L't’l 1'2 (lift/(Inf [tl‘it‘t' tl// night.

I Seduce at Archanx. I lptn 3am. £8 t£(tt. \Veekl). ('hart} dance and Rtkli. ttnt tn tnetttintt an tmhealth} xtnattering nl‘ cheexe nn tltix huge Satttrda} nighter.

I Shack at the Shack.

ltl.3(lpnt 3.30am. £7 t£5l. \Veekl). (iraeme l-‘ergttxnn pla} x tn the em“ d \\ ith a litre line itt Shack laxnttt‘itex. xn hit the dancet’lnnr attd get him ing. \\ill )nu'.’

I The Shed at tlte Shed.

lll.3()pnt 3am. £(t. \Veekl). Demand ix higlt l‘nr tltix nne. xn get there earl}. 'I‘ttneage depln} ed h} littan .\'eilxnn attd :\lltl} Rttlk‘t‘lxttll.

I Shine On at (‘nrinthiarr l lpnt 3am. Ulk‘. \VL‘CI’xl). (ittl‘tlttll \Illlc‘l‘ ilIIkI Rt)“ Macmillan rnck the inint alter a xexxinn itt tlte l.ite har, l.ntx nl~ lunk attd l'un all rnttnd ax the rexidentx take iii the genrex the) want.

I SOISMAC tll :\tl I.ll\. \L‘\l tlllle thc.

I Soma Sessions at MAS.

llpttt 3am. £lll (£8). 1 .\I;l).l"ttl‘ll1lgllll}. linttxe and electrn nuggetx l'rnm the Snma xtahle. l-m' l/Il\ t/tttt' un/t '.-\Al.ttl' t'tm/ ltu/t/t'rx 2e! [.5 (’IIII'V tt/l lug/II.

I Soulglow at tlte l.tglttltnttxc.

7pm late. £10. 1 Ma). Bill} \\'nntlx. Bluehn} attd Deep Senxatinn cnrnhinc tlteir e\lenxi\e lxlltm ledge nl' mttxic tn prexent a xnull'ul hlend nl' dixcn. lull- l‘unk attd latiti.

I Subculture at the Suh ('luh.

llpttt 3am. £ll). \Veekl). Harri attd l)nmenic'x haxtinn nl‘ ( ilaxgtm ltnttxe hax iuxt eelehrated itx tentlt hirthda}. and it xtill lnnkx xet tn run and rttn. ('nnte dnxx it and lind nttt \\h_\. With (‘hicagn'x Stace} Kidd nu l Ma} ax purl u/ lI'l/UH'II. .S't't' pl‘l’l'lt'lt’.

I Superfly ttl the \Vttnthttlc Sncial. lllpm 2am. £5.90. 1 Ma}. 'l‘uice tttnttlltl). Brilliant ttight nl mttxieal e\hihitinnixm. replete \xith xlide xlttm x. Duncan Superl‘l} attd lan ‘the Midnight (‘nxxhny l.entarra xuppl) xnul claxxicx. lat axxed lunk and (tllx attd irtdie tlallccllnnt' ltllet‘x

I Switchback at Sn itchhack. Anniexland. l lpttt 2am. £5. \Veckl). Bill} Milligatt pt‘n\ idex tlte chart antltentx and dancel‘lnnr claxxicx at thix cnrnntcrtdahle nut~nl'-tn\\ ner.

I Syntax at Snundhaux. \e\t date thc. I Tiger Tiger at Ilgct' 'I‘iger.

llpttt 3am. £(t. \Veekl). .Mnxt nl~ tlte hn_\x and git‘lx at Tiger 'l‘iger like In lnnk the pull. \tt ltlL‘c l't‘ttck\ ttlltl \tlll\ tlt'L‘ ll gtttttl idea. The mnxic pnlic} ix cnntrnercial dance attd tlte uhiquitnttx Rtkli.

I Tongue’n’Groove at the l‘nixerxal. XL‘XI date llk‘.

I Triptych at the Rcttlt'cn l‘err).

lllpnt late. £l2.5(l. 1 Ma}. Madlih and] l)illa inin l'nrcex ax xnull'ul hip-hnp

ptm L‘t'llttltxe Ill} lllt. \\ llllL‘ lieaxtie I30} \ and Dilated l’enplex cnllahnratnrJ Rncc alxn taking tn tlte xleel ulteelx. \inia 'l'ttne'x Peanut Butter \anl' alxn xhntt x lace.

I Unit at ('luh (t‘). l’aixle). New date llk‘.

I Vegas at the Rertlretx l‘err}. Next date 3‘) Ma}.

I The Winchester Club at tlte \Vtttttlxltle Sttetul. \Itttllltl). \e\l date the. I Wired at .r\x_\ lttnt. ('alednnian l‘ni\erxit'\ l'ninn. lllpm 3am. £3. \Veekl}. (ilaxgntt. 'x lnngcxt rtmning alternatne indie night with drinkx prnntnx aplent}.

Glasgow Sundays


I Bacchanal at Sntntdhaux. Next date llk‘.

I Bennet’s at Bennet‘x. l i.3(lpm 3am. £3. \Veekl}. In \thieh \\e are L‘Ultlt‘ttlllt‘tl h} a xtrange phettnrnettnn. 'I‘nm pla}x xntne hangin' handhag attd ltlllL‘\ ln\ ed h} l3-}c‘;tt'-nld girlx. tn equall} appreciathe ga} men. l‘unn) nld \Htl'ltl.

I Bite at the ('athntrxe. lll.3t)pnt 3am. Iii-CC hcl‘nre I I..3llpllt; £3 IE l .50! alter. \Veekl}. :\ tnilder mix nl indie and rnck than _\ntt‘ll lind at the cit) ‘x prentier rnek \enue nn I-‘ri nr Sat.

I B’Lo at B'ln ‘)pm—3am. I‘ree hel‘nre l lpm; £5 l£3l alter. \\'eekl}. l.nnk _\ntlt' Stmda) hext lnr a night nl‘ xmnnth. claxx} dattce ntuxic.

I Boogaloo at tlte Snctal. 9pm 3am. I-"ree. \\cekl_\. Blnck-xt} le part} grnntex. urhan Rtkli. xcratch ltip ltnp. li\e percuxxinn and guext M('x all in a \\\;tllk} .\'e\t ank-xt}le xetting.

I Budda at Budda. l lptn 3am. £thc. Weekl). Relattnched \enue hack nn track with detailx xtill the.

I Candy at It'ltxlt. l lpttt 3am. £~h £3l. \VL‘CIxI). Kick I‘iIL'Ix \\ llll )tttll‘ L‘llttlc‘c Ul- taxt) prnntnx and L‘lljtt} a mede nl' \\\L‘CI IUIIL‘\.

I Club Budda at ('lnh Budda. Dttttthartnn Rnad. (‘l_\dehank. l lpttt 3am £thc. \Veekl}. Ryan Kerr xpinx. xending ('l}dehank'x “ell-heeled xet reeling intn \Itttttltt).

I Club Tropicana at the (iarage t.-\tticl. llpm 3am. £3 t£2l. Wee-kl). Indie. hnth claxxic and cnntempnrar}. a health} dnxe nl Britpnp.

I Disco Badger at Banthtm. llptn 3am. £5, \Veekl}. Senttic B. l)nminic Martin and Rnhitt keep the Sttnda} thrnng xatixlied iit tlte \enue \\ltnxc marriage nl' Rtkli artd hnuxe hax heen an unqualilicd xttccexx.

I Dream at Stranherr} Iiieldx. lll.3()pm 3am. £l5. \Veekl}. Iiil'teen Lllllkl tn get in'.’ Ynu're ‘a\ in‘ a laugh. ain't )a.’ But nail: the har ix cnlttplclcl} tree all night. xn xtnp ntnattutg and get drunk.

I Free Sundays at the l'ni\erxal.

l lpm 3am. l‘ree. \\'eekl). Hip ltnp. lunk. xnul. reggae. hnttxe and tall all in thix great. \irtttall} ttttkttmxtt \emte juxt lk‘llllltl Sttllc‘lllc‘lltlll Sll'L‘L‘l.

I The Good Vibrations Sound System at liquid l.nunge. llpttt 3am. £5 t£-It. \Veekl}. .'\ Sunda} night xhindig l'rnm lltc penple at (‘arhnn Rccnrtlx and l"i\e3llliaxt Recnrdx. Taking the xpirit nl' hnuxe muxic attd ltnttxe partiex attd cnnkin‘ it up real nice. \tith added rnck. hreakx. reggae and Rtklt.

I I Candy at 'l’raxh. llptn 3am. £4

t£2 l. \Veekl}. [)1 Rnh hax the hig anthemx and l'lnnrlillcrx tn keep (ilaxgntx 'x lk‘ttllllltll penple dancing all night lnttg. I Liquid Cool at the Beln. 9pm 3am. £5. \Vcekl}. .-\J. Ix'rix Keegan attd lan 'l'hntnpxnn pla) tnp~nntclt \ncal garage attd ltnuxe tn a cltth packed \\ itlt Inper- hednrtixtic t\\c'ttt}xtttttetltittg re\el|erx. all nl' \ihnm xeem tn hate Int‘gnttctt that the} haxe “(MI in the mnrning. ll qualit} tttnex attd glamnrnux anticx are _\nttr hag. Sun at Beln ix unmixxahle.

I Midnight Marauders at the Bull. llptrt 3am. l‘ree. ‘) Ma}. Mnnthl}. l)etna and .\'ice nl' l‘reak Mennn\erx prnt ide the linext hip hnp. lunk. xnttl and gnnd \ ihex at thix lree latutclt night. Selected hntlled hecrx nnl} £ l .50. xn \xatch nut il' _\nu‘re making in the mnrning.

I Mungo’s Hi Fi at the Bull.

Xl‘In 3am. £5 ll'ree hel'nre l llttttl. \Veekl}. Scntland'x ntnnher ntte reggae dancehall cnllectn e. lnt‘tnet'l} t'exidentx at IIIL‘ \Vtttttlxltle Sitctltl. tln \\lt;ll the} hue mnxt at their next \entte. pla_\ing ittna xnttnd x) xtetn \l} le. and packing lit the maxxex \\ itlt their rnntx riddimx and ntte actinn.

I One Sunday at the Iunnel.

llpnt 3am. £4 (U l. \Veckl}. 'l‘he Rxli \L'\\I(Ill\ cnttlllttlc til llttx \ttll'lll Sahhath xeancc. \Vcar tticc clnthex l'nr admixxinn. plcaxe.


Q Optimo (Espacio) at the Sith ('ltth. llpm 3am. U) l £5l. \\'eckl_\. 'l‘he Suh (‘luh in\ itex all~cnmerx l'nr a drexx— up/cntnc-ax-}nu»are xalurnalia that hax tn he ntte nl‘ the hext attd titnxt ltlll\lL';tll_\ di\erxc cltth nightx arnttnd. With a cuxtnmaril} eclectic li\e xpnt lrnm Midnight Mike nn 2 Ma} ax purl rt/ III/HUI]. St't' [)I't‘l‘it'lt'.

I Opus at ()pttx. 8pm 3am. l-‘ree. \Veekl}. (iilex pla}x the piattn all night attd itttn the mnrning. Inn. A line mid tn\\n \enue l'nr tltnxe “hit like the l\ttl'lL‘\ llllle‘tl ttx IltL‘} \\\;tll_\.

I Passion at ('luh Media.

llpm 3am. £5 l£3 hel'nre midnight \\llli l‘l_\er). \Veckl}. ll' )ttll like chunk) hnuxe. teeltttn attd a xntidgcnn nl‘ trance. and _\ntt dixlike cheexe. then )011 cnttld dn \xnrxe than get in \\illt the Media Int. ()n xpimting dutiex \xe ha\e 'l're\nr Reill_\. And) l’err}. .lantex Brtmn. Ken l‘crguxnn and Michael I’aterxnn.

I The Priory at Blanket. llptn 3am. £5. \Veekl). 'I‘hix cltth’x xnntething M a mixnnnter. l'nlexx. nl‘ cnurxc. dancirtg all night tn xtudent anthemx attd Rth ix hnu )nu dctn\. .II’ and the ItlllllL‘lx Richard l.e\ inxnn are the hnxtx.

I Salsa Romantica at (‘).\It '. time the. £thc. 0 Ma}. A night nl' xalxa xnundx. l'eatttrittg li\e mnxic l'rnm Rtttttha (‘aliente.

I Streaker at Shack. |l).3(lpm 3am. £5 1L3). \VL‘L‘le}. I).I .Itllllc‘x ‘lllL‘ BU}. (iat'tlttcl' \pllt\ tltc [I'ackx l'tll‘ llitl\L‘ enjn} ing immature anticx and naked lttn.

I Sunday Shoutin’ at Max.

llpttt 3am. £thc. \Veckl}. .\ cltth named alter .lnhnn} (’nrpnratc'x l'lnntv lilling Dclected claxxic “ax al\\a}\ gning tn he prett} dartt line. Big \ncal hnttxe numherx and a \er_\ xueat} tlttttL'cl'lnnt‘.

I Sunday Surgery at (‘uhe

llptn 3am. £5 t£3t. \Veekl}. (‘amernn

listings Clubs

(’raig dixpenxex xnnte xa|\c lnr )nur xnttl at tltix medical themed \x inder- dntt ner.

I Sunday Best at the Shed. l(l.3(lpm 3am. £3 (£3). \Veekl). liuan .\'eilxnn and And} Rnhertxnn are in charge M the tunex at thix maxxi\el_\ pnpular xnuthxide cltth 11th he quiet “hen leat irtg the prentixcx. pleaxe.

I Superfly Sunday Social at the Bull. 0pm latn. £3. 2 Ma}. The lirxt night nl' a regular exent tn he held nn the lirxt Sttnda) nl' c\er} tnnnth. “ith the Superll} l).lx‘ regttlar mi\ nl~ xnttl. l'ttnk attd ltthlnp. plttx lixe muxic l'rnnt quirk). pnp art pttnkxterx Atlantic I.n\e ('nrpnratinn.

I Temptation Sundays at Ilg‘et' 'I'iger. l2.3llam 3am. l‘rec. \Veekl}. (’alling all \\e||»prexenled. )nung prnlexxinnal t}pex. D] \Vin pllt}\ l'unk} hnuxe artd cltth claxxicx l'rnm 0pm.

I Transistor at the l’nln I.nungc.

l lpttt 3am. £5. \Veckl}. Real pnp l‘nr real penple \\llli l).lx Niall .\Ic.\lurra} attd \Va} tte l)i\nn.

{3 Triptych at the lrattma}.

lllpnt late. £l4.5(). 2 Ma}. I’ttxlr-ptlllk turned Santha cnmpnxer .-\rtn l.indxa} appearx. ax tlnex Matthetx llerhert \xith hix li\e mi\ experience Accidental Ht'natlcaxl. Kttl (tllh. l).l/Ruptttre. Knitcltatttlcltnp attd titan) ntlterx. nteatmhile. pla} the hnnkerx electrn card.

I Urban Vinyl at Blanket.

llptn 3am. £4 t£3l. \Veckl}. Ra) innttd \Vnndx. l’aul .\".lie. \acem and Stuart Mc(‘alluttt prexent It)lltt\\L‘l’\ nl ttrhan muxic “ith the \ct‘) hext itt hip ltnp. Rtkli. xnttl. attd e\er} ntlter kind nl‘ urhan heat.

I Vinylicious at I.t)\\tlt)\\l1. Midnight 3am. £5 t£3). \Veckl}. 'l'he \er} xex} penple lt‘ttltl Snulxa hring ttx annther litre night nl' hnttxe Inn and




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. .: THE LIST 85