Clubs listings

Glasgow Thursdays continued

I Loaded at Liquid Lounge.

l()pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Three live bands kick the night off. making way for Joe Kane on decks with some iitdie. mod and soul at latii.

I Madhouse at the Shack.

l().3()pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. ('1 and Andy take you to the brink of insanity with some of the tiiost outrageous and courageous student anthems.

I Old Skool Reunion at Aiehaos.

l lpm 3am. £5 (free £2.50). Weekly. Old school techno classics and disco style tunes for the frcn/ied students down Archaos way.

I Phunky Monkey at Belo (t‘orittei-Iy Baba/a). 8pm 3am. l-‘i'ee before I lpm; £4 (£3) after. Weekly. Scott (irainger. Vance and Richie Mc('olm are on spinning dtities at this new cltib that looks like getting even bigger than Babaza. Plenty of drinks promos. funky anthems and floor fillets make it a winning formula.

I Polo for Me at the Polo Lounge. l()pm lam. l’ree. Weekly. You. the lucky punter. take the helm tonight. as request cards ate available over the bar and iii the booth. Notice for the unimaginative: ‘I am What I am’ is prohibited by law and punishable by spanking.

I Record Player: at (ilasgow School of Art. l().3()pm 2.30am. £3 (£2). Weekly. lli-l'i Sean (lli-liidelity) and llushpuppy (Divine) perform cheap deck suckin' to disceau. dtitiib electro and 80s phunk. 'l'hey advise you to act up. diess down and play easy to get.

I Retro at ’l'rasli. llpiti 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. I)ave Young. Steven Brown and the Kra/y Karaoke team ply their wares at this fabulous night under Pitt Street. A student night with stunning tunes. stunning looking people and a smattering of drinks promotions.

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I Skint at the (‘athouse. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. A night that reflects the resurgent alternative scene at the moment. Rock. indie and some totigli chemical breaks and heats. with a crowd much like the one you see outside the (iallery of Modern Art.

I Speakeasy at the Universal (Sauchiehall Lane). l()pm--2ani. Free. Weekly (not 2‘) Apr). If you feel like a few dritiks after the pub. btit don‘t want to go clubbing. Speakeasy is for you. The music ain't compromised. htit the vibe is chilled. I Stand at the Universal. Time the. £3. 2‘) Apr. Jail/y grooves. broken beats. soul and heavy. heavy ftitik front Stevie Watt (lireeform) atid Malcolm llernandel. (the Tea Rooms).

I Topform at the Buff. |()pm 3am. £3 (free before l().3()pm). Weekly. 1 think we have to turn over to 'l'opform themselves to sum tip this new night: ‘An extravaganza of music and twisted entertainment. think the Royal Variety Performance hosted by your drunkest drunken uncle. 'I‘hink end of the pier. think end of the world. think otit of your box!’ With Radio ()ne's (iill Mills. I Triptych at the Stib (lab. I lpiti 3am. £ I 2. 2‘) Apr only. (‘onfusion reigns as both Prince Patil and Prince Po share the same bill. the former ltad a hand in the successes of De La Soul. (iravediggaz and llandsome Boy Modelling School. the latter is an affiliate of the Anticon team. Also featured are Sage Francis and Joe Beats. l’nfortunately and Danger Motise has cancelled.

Glasgow Fridays


O Abnormals Anonymous at (ilasgow School of Art. 1 lpm-3am. £6 (£5). 3() .-\pr. Monthly. I)]s llusltpuppy and Mooncat present the eclectic ending of the (ESA 'l‘estiles Fashion Show. with live appearances from (ilasgow bands lilying


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Matchstick Men and Syrup Shoppe. ‘Scotland's premier hang-out for gay culture-baiting weird queers aiid their closest troublemaking hetro homeboy s aitd girls'. so we’re reliably informed.

I Aerodynamico at the l'niversal. Next date the.

I Afterglow at .-\d lib. l lpm late. £5 (£4). 14 May. Northern soul. funky

jail and essential mod from residents

Patil Molloy and Micky (‘ollins. Special guest this month is Andy Divine (Art School/l-‘unk Room).

I Archaos at Arcliaos. l lpm 3am. £5 (£2.50). Weekly. Mainstream chart dance. soul and cheese at one of the busiest l-‘ri nighters in town.

I Babaza at Belo. (ipm 3am this from I lpm). l’ree before I lpm: £5 after. Weekly. The venue's legendary l'ri nights take the name of the clubbing institution that tised to be here. Patil 'l‘raynor. Billy Jones and Ross Macmillan are in charge of the music. and they 've been known to rip it tip in the past.

I Bass Invaders at the Big Joint.

l lpm 3am. £5. 7 May. Twisted techno. house and electro from the Bass Invaders team. with Tim 8. Tommy box and a Bass Invaders live set.

I Bombafusion at the Sotindliatis. Next date the.

I Boogie Wonderland at t-lnv y. llpm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. Mad disco night with loads of drinks promos and a soundtrack to make the ladies shake their

I Budda at Budda. l lpm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Drinks promos and some very sexy R&B from [)1 Vance make this not a bad place to start the weekend.

I The Buff at the Buff. 8pm 3am. £5 (free before ll).3()pm). Weekly. Old school jaz/ at (ilasgow's newest ja/l club. l)Js Mark Robb and Kevan Stevens do the needlework. while The fusion lixperience llll.\ ja/l. rock and ‘a whole lot of groove‘ iii a live fashion.

I Bughouse at Sub (‘lub. Nest date the.

I Burly at the Arches. Next date 2 July.

Mylo guests at Saltlick, Sat 1 May

I Canvas at .r\rta. l lpm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. l)l Walter play s a plethora of ftiiik. soul and Rtkli at this beautiful Merchant ('ity bar.

I Carnaval Night and Tumbao at (ilasgow School of .'\l'l. Ne\t date the.

I Casa Futura at Sub ('lub. Next date Il‘c‘.

I The Cathouse al the ('alhotisc. l().3()pm 3am. £l before llpm: £4 (£3) after. Weekly. Riding high on the titi metal vv av c. this is one of the busiest nights in town. Rock. grunge. indie and a dash of breakle across three floors at (ilasgow ‘s top venue for rockers and alternatecns.

I Club Budda at ('ltib Budda. Dumbarton Street. ('lydebank.

l lpm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. The weekend kicks off downriver with a slow. cliillotit soundtrack.

I Coded at \ault. llpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. 'l‘liey 'rc from a record store. \U the tunes are going to be fresh atid liigltly funky. aren‘t they 1’ .\ rotating roster of DJs affiliated to 23rd Precinct supply the house-led grooves you can rely on. Slevett Mc('reery is the main man. btit the pool of talent lltcllttlcs Billy Kllle‘. Hilly \Vtititls and .'\lll;|ll(l;l Price.

I Crash at the Shed. l().3()pin 2am. £3 (£2). Weekly. liuan and .-\ndy play the finest of everything at this blinding southside club that always seems to be htisy.

I Creation at Corinthian. l lpiti 3am. £tbc. Weekly. After a warm-up iii the lite Bar it's downstairs with the gear for Patil Rea and Kevin .'\lt\llli. your hosts at this classiest of venues.

I Destiny at Destiny. llpm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Destiny 's relaunch continues with tip-for-it party tunes. house and Rthli llavas.

0 8-Bit Cabaret at (‘(‘.-\.

l().3()pni 3am. £5. 7 May. First night of lo-tech Machinsta tiiiiii festival. with sets frotn Videohomctraining.

Viewmy sotircecodc. Spoonbender and many more bi/arrcly-namcd minions.

I Electrobix at Bloc. Spin 3am. l-‘ree. 3() .-\pr. "l'asty electro biscuits for dipping