Comedy listings

Comedy listings continued

Tuesday 4


Classic Comedy Videos 'l‘hc Vault. l I I0 l’ollokshayys Road. Shayy lands. 64‘) 0007. 6pm. lircc. Watch your layouritc contcdy classics on thc big plasma

Red Raw The Stand. 333 \Yoodlands Road. 08706006055. 8.30pm. £2. .\'c\y [calandcr Simon McKinncy calls on a cast ol’ trcsh-laccd contcdy hopcl‘uls. supporch by hcadlincr (icrry McDadc.


Boy ‘Chubby’ Brown l’layltottsc.

IS 22 (irccnsidc l’lacc. 08706063424. 7.30pm. £l7.50 £18. .-\dttlts only hutnour from Roy ‘(‘hubby' Broyyn. \yhosc rcal nantc is Roy ston Vascy. \yltich you may rccognisc as 'I‘lit' [J‘Ug'llt’ ()’-(I‘('II//(’HI(’II3\ \ illttgc‘. (‘ttnl'ltscdl’ l)on't bc.

The Comedy Network 't‘ltc l’lcasancc ('abarct Bar. 60 'I‘hc l’lcasancc. 650 234‘). 8pm. £5 (£3). Stand-up night \\ ith l);t\ c \Villiatns. quirky aitd fantastical comcdian Scy ntour .\lacc and that loycly young man from lrcland. l’atrick Monahan.

Hairy Watt Comedy Club The l'nion. llct'iot \Vatt l'niycrsity. Riccarton. 45l 5333. ‘)pm. £3. ('otncdy night \\ ith smooth and silky stand-up Joc llccnan. (‘olin .\lc(iill and Gordon Brunton. Studcttts and gucsts only. Jupp’s Juniors ‘l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. ‘)pm. £5 (£4). l'ilthy. bttt incrcdibly \\cll-spokclt. .\lilcs .lupp pt'cscnts tltis shoyy casc for up attd coining comcdy talcnt. lcaturing liuan John. l.con (Mum and tnorc.

Wednesday 5


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance lltL‘ Vattlt. l I I0 l’ollokshayys Road. Shayylands. 64‘) ()007. 0pm. £6. lniproy comcdy night \yith pop bunny Sandy .\'c|son. thc bombastic Raymond .\lcarns. )oc llccnan and Du .\lcl.can. The Stand Improv 'l‘hc Stand. 333 \Voodlands Road. 0870600 6055. ‘)pm. £4 (£3). Stand itnpro\ duo Stti and Paul l'ront this night that rangcs across thc plains of cotncdy c\prcssion.

Boy ‘Chubby’ Brown ('lydc Auditorium. liinnicston Quay. 0870040 4000. £ l 7. SL‘L‘ 'l‘uc 4.


Capital Comedy: The Comedy Cave .\'ichol lidyyards. \iddry Strcct. 07‘)0‘) 552345. ‘).30pnt. £2. lIi inn and laughs galorc at this \ycckly comcdy night hostcd by ('hris ('a\ c. \\ itlt drinks promos to kccp tltc spirits high.

Thursday 6


The Vault Comedy Club Karaoke Night The Vault. l I ll) l’ollokshayts Road. Shays lands. 64‘) 0007. 6pm. l‘rcc. Karaokc night at thc Vault should guarantcc a has good tuncs and plcnty of laughs.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurs. l'(i(' Building. chlrcyy Stt‘cct. 08707 870707. 7pm. £7. Stand- up shoyy \yhcrc tltc smooth cltartn ot contpcrc \Vindsor blcnds \\ ith thc rambling surrcalisin ol‘ l)cs ('Iarkc.

Stcy c llughcs attd \cyy [calandcr Brcndhan l.o\c:_‘ro\c.

The Thursday Show 'l'ltc Stand. 33,3 \Vnudlttltds Road. 0870 000 (i055, ‘)pni. £6 (£5). Rcsidcnt coinpcrc Raymond Mcarns introduccs tltc laughlcr—inducing abilitics ol John (iillick. c\--’l‘\' and radio star Dcs \ ol'lbcat cotncdian Julict .\lcy crs and Nick l)a\ics.

Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown ('lydc \uditottutn. l'innicston Quay. 0870040 illl ll) ‘- l 7. SL'L‘ llillk' 4.

78 THE LIST. " " :.

Roy ‘Chubby Atkinson’ Brown chews his comedy fat at Playhouse, Edinburgh, Tue 4 May & Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow, Wed 5 & Thu 6 May


The Thursday Show “the Stattd. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 9pm. £6 (£5). (ilasgoyy lady Janc Mackay tcams up \yith Brcndan l)ctnpscy and John Scott for this cotncdy night compcrcd by thc than not to tncss “ith. l‘rankic Boy lc. Capital Comedy: Splintered@The Woodside Hotel \Voodsidc llotcl. 30 l.inklicld Road. \lttssclburgh. 07‘)0‘) 552345. ‘).30ptn. £5. lidinburgh's laughtcr ct‘cyy trip ottt to .\lussclburgh l'or anothcr stand-up night. The Snatch Social 'l‘hc Liquid Rootn. ()L‘ Victoria Slt'L‘L‘l. 225 2564. l0.30pin 3am. £4 (£3.50). Scc Thu 2‘).


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcut‘s. l'(i(' Building. chl'rcu Strcct. 08707 870707. 7pm. £l2. Scc Thu 6.

The Stand 'l‘hc Slattd. 333 Woodlands Road. 08706006055. 8.30pm. £7 (£6). \Vcckcnd comcdy \yith Brcndan l)cmpscy. local pattcr tncrchattt .lohn (illllc‘k. Julict ML‘}L‘I'\. Nick l);t\'lL‘\ and talkatiyc ltost Stisan .‘ylorrison.

The Vault Comedy Club 'l'hc Vault. l l 10 l’ollokshayys Road. Shaulands. 64‘) 0007. ‘)pm. £8. ('ontcdy night \yitlt Joc llccnan. I‘luur .S/tmt' rcgular Bob l)oolally. Richard :\||cn and thc musically mindcd Sandy .\'clson.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurs. ()tnni (iL‘ttlt'L‘. (it'L‘L‘nSldL‘ l’lilL‘L'. 03707 870707. 7pm. £ 1 2. .'\\ an c\-l'uncra| dircctor. l)ont (‘arroll is \ycll ttscd to an unrcsponsiyc audicncc. bttt thanklttlly ltis ntoi‘osc. laid-back sty lc \yorks bcttcr on thc liy ing. \Vith animach support ll'ttltt (ilasgoyy‘s contcdy stalyyart Raymond .\lcarns and Ronnic lidyyards.

The Stand 'l'ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. ‘)pm. £7 (£6). ('hatty cotncdian Mick l’crry airs his dark sidc itt thc company ol Scottish star l)cs .\lcl.can. John Scott and host Janc Mackay.

Saturday 8


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcut'S. l'(i(‘ Building. chlrcty Strccl. ()8707 870707. 7pm. £l3. Scc 'l‘hu 6.

Madcap Comedy Club 't‘hc Statc Bar. I48 Holland Strcct. 332 2l5‘). ‘)pnt. £5 (£4). Billy Bonkcrs compcrcs this cycning ol' stand-up l'caturing local rcgulars Richard .'\llcn. Brucc liunttncy and (icrry McDadc.

The Stand lltc Stand. 333 \Voodlands Road. 0870600 6055. ‘)pm. £8. Scc Hi 7. although .lanc Mackay takcs ox cr hosting dutics.

The Vault Comedy Club 'l‘hc Vattlt. lll0 l’ollokslta\\s Road.

Shayy lands. 64‘) ()007. ‘)pm. £8. :\ gagglc of local contcdy hcrocs. including Jon Ross. musical macstro Sandy .\'clson. Mich;th Rcdmond. Martin and thc \Vcc .\lan. linc up tor this cycning ol' stand-up l'rontcd by .loc llL‘L‘tlttn.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurs. ()tnni ('cntrc. (irccnsidc l’lacc. 08707 870707. 7pm. £l3. Scc hi


The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. ‘)pm. £8. Scc Hi 7 but \yith contpcrc Susan Morrison.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service 'l'ltc Stand. 333 \Yoodlands Road. 0870 600 6055. 8.30pm. £4 (£3). l'.\-l'itI/tt'r ’Ii'tl star Mich;th Rcdntond prays l'or contcdy inspiration in thc company ol' l)cs .\lcl.can. .lohn Scott and othcr gttcsts.

The Sunday Show 'I‘hc Vault. l I It) l’ollokshayys Road. Shayy lands. 64‘) 0007. ‘)pm. £5. It’s almost Monday. Btit ttot quitc. So. linish thc \ycckcnd u ith a bundlc ol' laughs proy idcd by top battana Raymond .\lcarns. t‘ormcr landlady .lancy (iodlcy. ('hris Brootnlicld and Sandra .lohnstonc.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? 't‘ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. lpnt. l-‘rcc. Scc Sun 2.

Bruce’s Sunday Social Club 'l‘ltt- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £4 (£3). (ilccl'ul host Brucc I)c\ lin crcatcs a cotncdy clttb sand“ ich \\ ith gag-guarantor .lohn (iillick attd

in\ cntiy c stand»up .lulict Mcycrs.

Monday 10


The Comedy Social Thc Vault. l I It) l’ollokshayys Road. Shzm‘lands. 64‘) 0007. 6pm. lircc. Scc Mon 3.


Red Raw 'l'hc Stand. 5 York Placc. 558 7272. 8.30pm. U. A l'rcsh batch of bcginncrs risc to tltc cotncdy challcngc. supporch by 'l’ap \Valcr \y'inncr Tony ('artcr and ltcadlittcr (icrry .\lcl)adc.


Classic Comedy Videos The Vault. l l 10 l’ollokshayys Road. Sltayylands. 64‘) 0007. 6pm. l’rcc. Scc 'I‘uc 4.

Red Raw 'l'hc Stand. 33.3 \Yoodlztnds Road. 0870 6006055. 8.30pm. £2. ('ompcrc (icrry .\ch)adc takcs a ncyy bunch of stand-up ncyycontcrs throttgh thcir paccs. supporch by hcadlincr John (iot‘don.


OOT: Tina C Special the Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. ‘)pm. £6 (£5). (iay lt‘icndly laughs at this ()()'l’ spccial. l'caturing kitsch country diya Tina (T

wednesday 1 2


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance The Vault. l I I0 l’ollokshayys Road.

Shayy lands, 64‘) 0007. ‘)ptn. £6. Scc Wed


DOT: Tina C Special 'l‘ltc Stand. 333 \Voodlands Road. 0870 600 6055. ‘)pm. £6 (£5). Scc 'l‘uc ll.


It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 9pm. £5 (£4). [its an John. \Vill Andrcyys. (iarth ('rtiikshank and (‘olin llcggic gucs't at this surrcal bi-nionthly skctch show. Capital Comedy: The Comedy Cave Nichol lidu'ards. .\'iddry Strcct. ()7‘)()‘) 552345. ‘).30pm. £2. Scc \Vcd 5.


6 The Phil Kay Show Thc Vault.

l 1 l0 l’ollokshayys Road. Sltayylands. 64‘) ()()()7. 6pm. £5. He's a man of many talcnts attd onc iii a million. The surrcal gcnius plays his rcgular Vault show. Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurs. l'(i(' Building. chlrcyy Strcct, ()8707 870707. 7pm. £7. I)roll cotncdian Alistair Barric chats up thc audicncc assistcd by his comcdy sidc kicks 'l'ony Woods. Australian Marty Wilson and lrisltman Dara ()‘Briain.

O The Thursday Show The Stand. 333 \Voodlands Road. 08706006055. 0pm. £6 (£5). 'I‘hc \ycckcnd starts hcrc \\ ith scts lrotn cotncdy ptmcr housc Junior Simpson. cynical political cotncdian llils Barkcr. 'l‘ony ('artcr and “body.


Capital Comedy: Duck Downe 'l‘hc Laughing Duck. 24 lloyy'c Strcct. ()7‘)()‘) 552345. 8.30pm. £3. lispch bags of lun and l'riyolity at this stand-tip night in lidinburgh's prcmicr gay cotncdy

Big Word Performance Poetry 'l‘hc 'l‘ron. ‘) lluntcr Stlttarc. lliglt Strcct. 226 093 l. ‘) llpnt. £3 (£2). Viy (icc kicks on" this poctry slam dunk \yith hclp tron) dcadpan tnan Stcphcn Barnaby. Scan .\chridc. lyrical Miss lillic \Valton. plus .\l(‘s .lcnt Rolls and Jcnny Lindsay. The Thursday Show 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 9pm. £6 (£5). :\\\llt'L‘tl ('anadian 'l‘otn Stadc. topical contcdian ’l'cddy and othcr gucsts arc introduccd by a my stcry host.

The Snatch Social 'l'hc Liquid Rootn. ‘)c Victoria Strcct. 225 2564. l0.30pnt 3am. £4 (£3.50). Scc Thu 2‘).