One of upshots of the buoyant creative jazz scene in Scotland is that musicians are constantly forming intriguing new combinations and coming at music from new angles. This double bill of trios is a fine example - Trianglehead features Martin Kershaw (sax), Paul Harrison (piano/keys) and Stuart Ritchie (drums), and their hard-edged contemporary jazz is more of a known quantity on the back of a handful of previous gigs. The even newer Schlepp Trio is led by drummer John Blease, with Matt Calvert (guitar) and Aidan O’Donnell (bass) advance wo'rd suggests more of a world-jazz vibe. (Kenny Mathieson).

l forty, _. {AWXIC {"'IIII.’);/"(l‘.‘. Trial o l!) x n; ’3


I George McGowan and his Orchestra Mcrchant's (‘orncr. I8 .Iohn Sll'CL‘l. 553 .3l\,()l. 3.50 5.30pm. l'llt‘t‘. l)rummcr .\lc(io\\an Icads his big band \\ith gttcst \ocaltsts.

I The George Burt/Raymond MacDonald Quartet Bit-l. 39 43 Ashton l.anc. 343 4966, 3pm. l'rcc. 'l'hc Sunday llcrald ia/x inusicians ol' thc )L‘ttl‘.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar lxi. Buchanan llotcl. I85 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7384. 5.30pm. l‘rcc. chular winging _ia// scssion.

I Stardust: The Hoagy Carmichael Story (‘iii/t-ns‘ 'I‘licairc. I I9 (iorbals Strcct. 4390033. 7.30pm.

£ l 3 I £4 l. SL‘L‘ ll)“ 3‘).

I Next Generation (‘al'c Sourcc. l 81 .\ndrc\\ 's Squarc. 548 6030. 8pm. £l6.95 (pricc includcs dinncr btit no chargc (or bar acccss). I‘rcsh nc\\ jax/ hand on thc \L‘L‘ltt‘. (ltt’L‘L‘lcd l1} Bobby \Visllttl‘l.

I Eddie Toal and Quintet ()‘NL'lll35. 7l .-\ll)l()ll Sll'L‘t‘l. 553 0833.

9 ll.~l.5[)llt. I'rcc. \thtllsl lidtltc sings llt\ \yay through :\iiici'ic;iit songbook \ltttldat'ds.


I The Rae Sisters Brunton 'l‘hcati'c. l.ady\\cll \Vay. Mtissclburgh. 665 3340. 7.30pm, U I (£8). ‘I'hc \ocal talcnts ol' Sy I\ ia. (iina and (‘athic conihinc tor a mixturc oI standards and scIl’ pcnncd stmg‘s.

I Vente d’Est Ilcnry 's .Ia/r ('cllar. 8 Morrison Strch. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £6. (iuitarists lain ('arlcton and (iraham High \yith \iolinist Ian King pcrI'orniing thc music of I)_jango Rcinhardt.

I BOQSt House Band 30 ()uct-n Strcct Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 ()nccn Strcct. 3365097. 9pm midnight. I'rcc. Modcrn ja/r classics ll'tHll this dynamic l_|\L‘“PlL'L'C. '

I Rodadesamba llt-nry \ .la/l (‘t-llar. 8 Morrison Strcct, 467 5300. Midnight. £6. llip syyinging Bra/ilian gl‘()()\c\ lcd by .Mario ('arihc on bass.

Isle of Bute

I Isle of Bute Jazz Festival Various \cnucs. 0I700 503 I 5 |. 'l'imcs \ary. £I5: £40 li\c day ro\cr tickct. Scc Thu 39.


I Jazz Brunch (‘alc Sourcc. I St :\ndrcyy ‘s Sqttat‘c. 548 6030. Ipm. £7.95. Bobby \Vishart and I'ricnds play a

ja// brunch tor a chilch cnd to thc

\ycckcnd. l’ricc includcs rcl'rcshmcnts but no chargc (or bar and sidc Ioungc. I Gwen McCrae chl'rcu I-‘crry. ('lytlc l’lttct‘. 43‘) NH”. 7pm. U4. SCL‘ Hi 30.


I Jazz Brunch ()\ygcn Bar «k (irill. 3 5 Inlirniary Strcct. 557 9997. 3 5pm. l-rcc. 'l'hc Robcrt I’cttigrcys 'lrio play in .1 nc\\ \ycckly jaI/ brunch kids

\\ ClL‘UlttL‘.

I Laura Macdonald Featuring Phil Bancroft Ilcnry 's .la// (‘cllaiz 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5. (‘ontcinporary Scottish sa\ star on alto and soprano is joincd by acclaimcd lcnot' sa\ playcr.

Isle of Bute

I Isle of Bute Jazz Festival Various \cnucs. 0I700 50315]. 'l‘imcs \ary. £I5; £40 Iiy c day t'cht‘ lickct. Scc Thu 39.


I 4 Jazz Burnbrac. Milngayic. 943 595 I. 8pm. l'rcc. ()uartct producing suinging ja/r standards l‘caturing guitarist Bob Sloan and Andy Sharkcy on doubIc bass.

I Cafe Source Trio (‘al‘é Sottrcc. I St :\ndrc\\ 's Squarc. 548 6030. 8.30pm. £5 \ isitors donation. 'l‘hc Monday ('lub May holiday gig I‘rcc lor mcmbcrs and musicians.


I Jam Session 80 Quccn Strch Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 ()uccn Strcct. 336 5097. 8.30 I l.30pm. I’rcc. ()pcn scssion \\ ith thc l)a\ id I’atrick 'l'rio conic and play hcar a \yhoIc load ol‘ ncyy talcnt.

Isle of Bute

I Isle of Bute Jazz Festival \‘arious \cnucs. Ill 700 503 I 5 I. 'l'imcs \ary. £l5: £40 Iiy c day rmcr tickct. Scc Thu 39.

Tuesday 4


I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet ()xygcn Bar & (irill. 3 5 lnlirmary Strcct. 557 9997.

9pm midnight. l‘rcc. l)rummcr Bill Kylc's latcst grouping. l‘caturing l)oug 'l’iplady (saxcs). Paul Kirby (piano) and ncyy 30—ycar-old bass scnsation Kcyin (ilasgoyy.

Wednesday 5


I Graeme Stephen Trio llcnry‘s Jan ('cIlar. 8 Morrison Strch 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5. Iincrgctic. I'rccstylc guitar playing using his (m n compositions and a Icyy from l’at Mcthcny.

Thursday 6


I Eddie Walker St Andrcyy's in thc Sqltarc. oI‘I’ Saltmarkct. St Andrcyy's Strcct. 548 6030. 8pm. £6 (£4). ()riginal I‘olk-blucs from this singcr and cxccptional ragtimc guitarist.

I The Michael Deans Quartet Bccr ('alc. (‘andlcriggm 553 9815.

9 I 1.45pm. I"rcc. Scc Thu 39.


I Trianglehead and John Blease’s Schlepp Trio llcnry's Jan (char. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5 £6. 'I‘rianglchcad play hard and last contcmjmrary jall in thc dountoyyn .\'Y(' \cin. \shilc by S.\'J() drummcr Blcasc lcads his (in n young hand playing \yorld inllucnccd rhythms (sCL‘ pancl ).


I The Strathclyde University Big Band (‘alc Sourcc. I St Andrcyy's Squarc. 548 6030. 9pm. l'rcc. ’l’hc unixcrsity's Big Band gct down and play a sclcction ol‘jau tuncs from thcir cxtcnsiy c rcpct'toirc including Milcs l)il\'l\. Stan ls'cnton. Buddy Rich and Billy May.

I The Fusion Experience 'l‘hc Bull. I43 Bath I.anc. 348 I777. 9pm. lircc bcl'orc It).30pm: £5 al‘tcr. Scc Fri 30.


I Funkafize Ilcnry's Jan ('cllar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £6. ('Iassic. big. dancclloor lunk poucrcd by .\'cu York drummcr I’aul Mills.

I Trianglehead and John Blease’s Schlepp Trio Ilcnry’s Jazz ('clIar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5 £6. Scc Thu 6.

I Guest Band Night 80 Quccn Strch Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 ()uccn Strcct. 336 5097. 9pm midnight. Iircc. SL‘L‘ l'il‘i 30.

Saturday 8


I George McGowan and his Orchestra Mcrchant‘s ('orncr. 18 John Sll't‘cl. 553 .380l. 3.30 5.30pm. l‘t'cc. SCC Sat l.

I The Bill Kyle Quartet BrcI. 39 43 Ashton I.anc. 343 4966. 3pm. £3. I{dinburgh-bascd high-cncrgy jarl group ch by sittl“ art drumincr Kylc.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar 185. Buchanan Ilotcl. I85 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7384. 5.30pm. I‘rcc. Scc Sat 1.

I Eddie Toal and Quintet ()'.\'cill‘s. 7I Albion Strcct. 5530833.

9 l l.45pltt. l‘rcc. Scc Sat l.


0 Les Ecossais llcnry's Ja/I (‘cllaiu 8 Morrison Slrcct, 467 .5300. 8.30pm. £6. 'l‘hc ncxy \yay c (it Scottish intisicians I'rontcd by (ilasgou saxophonist 'I‘hco l‘orrcst \yilh l’hilip ('ardyycll on trumpct. Jamcs ('airncy on piano. Iiuan Burton on bass and Doug Hough on drums.

jazz listings Music

Les Ecossais Like policemen, jazz musicians keep getting younger. This quartet are graduates of Scotland's various youth jazz orchestras, although trumpeter Philip Cardwell has already made it to the SNJO. Saxophonist Theo Forrest leads the group. with James Cairney on piano, Euan Burton on bass and Doug Hough behind the drum kit. Henry '8 Jazz Cellar, Edinburgh, Sat 8 May

Jewels and Binoculars Clarinettist Michael Moore will be most familiar to jazz fans here as a member of the wonderful Clusone Trio. but this project sees him locus on deconstructing the music of Bob Dylan, with his own reeds supported by Lindsay Homer (bass) and Michael Vatcher (percussion). CCA, Glasgow, Wed 72 May.

Fraser Fifield Trio Saxophonist. piper and whistle player Fraser Fifield (pictured) is one of the most creative young musicians on the Scottish scene, and his explorations in folk—jazz crossover have been breaking new ground. Guitarist Graham Stephen is a perfect foil for Fraser in this trio, and also leads his own band at Henry's (Wed 5 May). Arts Centre, Paisley, Thu 73 May

I 80QSt House Band 80 Queen Strcct Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 Quccn Strcct. 336 5097. 9pm midnight. l‘rcc. Scc Sat I.

I Rumba Caliente llcnry‘s‘ Jazz (char. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5300. midnight. £6. Six-piccc hand lead by Salsa ('cltica trumpctcr 'l‘oby Shippcy. providing thc Iincst in hot raunchy Latin sounds.


I Cathie Rae 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. 63 'l'rongatc. 553 4367. 8pm. £7 (£6). ('lassical jazz vocal rcpcrtoirc sung by onc of Scotland's most pcrsonal singcrs.

I Rumba Caliente Quccn Margarct l'nion. 33 l'niycrsity (iardcns. 339 9784. 6 l 1pm. £6. Six- piccc band lcad by Salsa (‘cItica trtiinpctcr 'l‘oby Shippcy. providing the lincst in hot raunchy l.atin sounds.

.39 Apr 11% May 900-4 THE LIST 63