Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale
Adaptation 1 151 .0. tSpikc .lou/c. [‘S. 3003) Ntt‘ttlttx ('agc. .\lCl'_\l Sll'cL‘P. ('hrix ('oopcr. l I'lmin. 'l'hc co crcatorx 111' living .lulm .llulkm'irli. \\ ritcr ('harlic Kaufman and dircctor Jon/c. \xould l1a\ c 11x hclicx c thix \tor} 111‘K11111‘1111111\ cl'l'ortx to adapt Stixan ()rlcan\ popular non liction hook '/‘/11’ (11111111 'l'l111'l to hc truc. ()l' courxc. it'\ an clahoratc prank: thc 1111\ Hi tact and liclion. rcal lil‘c and rccl lil'c makcx for a comolutcd conundrum. llut clcxcr~ clmcr ax Kauhnan\ \cript ix. it lackx thc pla} l'ulncxx that madc thc mind—licndin}: .‘Itl/Attt’ii’ll \ucli a jo}. And uncomcntional ;t\ “it pittl t\. it quickly hL'L'UlllL‘\ prcdictahlc. Ironicall} cnough tor a lilm \o ohxcxxcd with plot. thc \tandout clcmcnl ix a pcrl'ormaucc. a rcmarkahlc onc l1} thc grcatl) undcnalucd ('oopcr ax thc cnigmatic rarc lloncr collcctor. (111111-11. l'It/I/i/iiil‘g/i.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 1l’(il O 1Kc\ in .-\llc11. ['8. 300-11 l"rankic .\luni/. :\nthon) s\ndct'~on. llannah Spcarritt. ltltlmin. 'l'l11\ l'cchlc \cqucl to laxt )car'x hardl} o\ L‘l\\i11‘lltliltf.‘ th'liott comcd_\ liot‘ kidx \cc\ lhc (ii.’\ ll'aittcd ('ody poxing ax a muxical prodigj} in 1111ch to join an intcrnational }11111l1111'c‘l11'\11';1 “hoxc at'ixlocralic \ponxor ix plotting: to unlcaxh a mind control dc\ icc on norld lcadcrx galhcriug at Buckingham l’alacc. 'l'hcrc arc rolcx lot Kcith .'\llcu. ot l'at l.c\ l'amc. a\ a roguc agcnt. l’aul K;1_\c ax a tca drinking. (‘)-t'\pc lml'lin and .\lark \\'1lliam\ ax a hluxtcring policc chicl. .\'onc ol thcm. though. add\ much in thc \1a} ol' 1in or c\citcmcnt to a limp ;t\\l}3lllllk‘ltl. (Ii/1111.111! [/11' Q1111). (i/uwun'.
Archangel 151.... 1(iu_\ .\laddin. ('anada. 11191110111111”. .-\ ('anadian \oldict‘. Bclgian pilot and Ruxqan nurw arc Iilt'11\‘.tl togcthcr during! World War ll. llut thc cloudx of mmtard gax hclog thcir lllt‘lllttl'lt'\. lcading to a conl'uxion ol' paxxionx. .v\ud a conlttxion :tlltttttgxl thc audicucc. .\laddin 1lc|i\'c1\ anothcr i1li11\}11c1‘;1tic \licc ol' thc hi/arrc. ('('.-l. (i/uwtm.
At Five in the Afternoon (Panj E Asr)1t'1000 (Samira .\lal\htnalhal. lirancc/lrau. 21l1131.v\}_'hclch Rc/aic. :\holgani Youxclra/i. Ra/i Mohchi. 11111111111. SL‘L‘ illlL‘1‘\tL‘\\. pagc 35111111 KW 11‘“. [1.11'1‘ It). (iIV'li (i/mgmr; I’lllnluumz I'jiluiluu'q/i. Balseros ( l(';tl'itt\ Bthk'il/JtNUIl .\l l)omcncch. Spain. Ztltlli llemin. l'pdatc ol 1904 documcntar} dctailing thc plight ol
\c\cn ('uhanx and 111.11 1.11111I1c. mil” 1. ~.; '- l'or ['S \it11lt'\1tllil1illt1'l1111i3 1.11. 111! ‘1‘ 11p at thc rclug'cc cunp .11. tlicl (iuantauamo. ('1 '1. The Barbarian Invasions. 1‘11
... 1|)c11_\ .\1c.1111l. (‘.11‘.' i.‘ I: Illtlhlx’cm) (iii;11d..\'tcpl1.111: Rottwuall. l)orothcc llcrr}111;111. ‘l‘lmm. l 111'\~\1»1:1"11!11-- acadcmic and w“ \ttlt'tl ‘\_~11~11-.l . 1|: 1' Rcm) 1(iirard1 hm 1l}111:' 111 can 1‘:
11\L‘l'\‘l'11\‘.1iC1i \iHltllt‘di l111xt‘tlal. \l it:
hcd\idc arc i]l\ c\ \‘.1lc. l11\1~111.111~' '1
Schaxtictl tRouxxcan 1‘ .l\ null \.1111~11.
lo\cr\.111i\trc\v3\.1u1lIlgxwtcll 11'. tl " ‘1
lhc l.clt. lx’cni}. l1‘~'.‘.:\c1, t. l " ." 'l hc hax lclt an} 111.~.1=112.:'t'111:1.1l -' 1E2- uorld. and \‘.hclhc1 111.111 ‘1..1~; ‘.:- .1
hcgcmon} tlic lutuic 1211‘s. lwlww
arch capitalixlx \ll'c'it .11 Sch.» J! :1 \\'ritcr/di1cctoi .'\1c.111d". lull», 1111111 l‘).\‘(1\ati1c //.'1 /l1 1.11:: 111'}
Iain/1111* i\ a hittci wax-1.111.111 1L, ' acknoulcdg'cdcath .1111l\.~l~l".1c 1:1 lntcrmittcutl_\ dnrl .1111l1\ '1.111|l\ \ (til. (i/muuiz
Barbershop 2: Back in 81131119“ |i\1."1.llli':1'<"‘.c \Hil“. " [‘S. _‘,(lll‘11 lcc ('ttl‘cJ 1'1|11_ iii:~ :11.‘ Scan l’atrick 'l'honiaa. l \c “1"1‘111 - til;tll'li‘1'\ and g'critlc illl!l!1“l? 3111111 \xho hang; .‘11otmd 1:11.111" thc li1xt l1|111 tl1i\ 11..1\ .1 l111_~.' l111 T" tl‘. Slatcnmd it 1‘11111 .li111111lt 111 3'51. l1! itx prcdcccxxoL tlux 11.: li-‘li comcd} that llx'ill1‘\1‘\1"._7:ul to do. which i\ 1-4.1 all. 11 hcartcdpict1111‘11l :111“:1 . (11.111111. /,'1/1/:/‘;11:;,i:. Being John Malkouich 111.0... 18prl.c.lon/c.l'\'..‘1111'11l11l111t'1 ‘. ('anlc1onIlia/,(fldln‘ini' l.. -:. lu‘ \lallmich. l’ I111" (‘1;11‘1.‘ Scl1\1..11'/1(’11x...'l .. :
lilmj: clcll. and 1il\11“.1 x .1 3‘ 1:12:11.
actor John \l.‘1|l.o\1.‘l1K I11.:3:1 \\"1 IllHL‘ ticu'iulhwl 111111 111111‘l'l'1 a gicirdcr l‘cndtuz' c111 4:1. llt‘l\‘.1tt'i\ Hi 11121‘ ll!.1ll_t'l1"~. Wit, i.
\'.ith .1 lcxhian rclatiou hip lv [K‘Ul‘lt' 11l thc 11111‘11x1l1‘ \ hp at“. 1111mth ol powilnhtic. ,uld 1-11l1 picniiw .md impala!!! 1111- :11_,'1 pcrxonal111111111111111l .-lt 111'11l-1
I.l|\\'1i,(11'll.11'. l..'I'./"'/"'1.
The Best Years of Ol'l' M116? ‘1 '1 1\\'1ll1;1111\\)l1~1. l ‘8. l"'-’w '~.i_‘~.'1-: l l"11‘1l1i1‘.‘\l;111'l1, H.211». '\1~ l1. ls" W‘- \'11'§_'1111;1\l;1111_ l\‘1111'1 il‘h'd ‘1 z:
rcturn homc to H11an ( '11,} fits: El "1» llfi liud thcil hxcx 1111~\o.'1l1|\ .‘li ::~-~ .‘ ‘, 3 ‘i. militai} c\11c1:1‘1!cc lo): M» 1. 'l. 'l:' litid;1\‘..1_\ [111'111111'111'1‘11t‘v- =1?1 1". :1 c\pc11c11cc\ and 111131. up ii‘. l- 111111111113111111»11111 '11l"l31.’11‘ h\c\,(‘|a\~11ctinmlu \ 1'11! 12.1 I:. ‘1 I'ctttadc 111.111} 11111;~~111111.1';} _lt:1.:.-:1' lang'llafjcx Kill/11:3 ‘1 (' 73.11 .1’1'
.l i.. l. '.'. iitl.‘11-11.ll ..
/. H:19 W’JV‘S;111or\'11lc.
l l\., l" “' t'1111'11 '\ l‘Y1‘lli_‘1‘l l’ctcr
\l l‘ .53. ll:. 1131"”! d l: .11l1111111 ol
1 '12' ': 11.1,. ".l1 3.121 1x larycl}
:11'11 l in l1: -111c\1.'1o\\1n;_'11p i1l11': 111‘ .19 ~1111'.1l|}1'll111'l
11:.1'l1 “111: 111 ii2'1"‘.1'\‘ii\'lll
1311'vl1 1111.1111‘1 //':u":~1m:
lltlif ‘1‘.“ "
E‘Irl ltfi'i l‘1116‘81‘.‘ 1l1111llurton.l'S.
‘11.: 1; 1_ 11 1111mm \le-11l11111c}.
i1lii'. ( 117.1411. l.‘~11.1l.'11;'c. \hxon l l..; .11 l l“111111 lwl:'..:11i l-lloom 1l'111111'}! 1mm: l “.311: 7'111’11111111lxr\1'}.1r11 1ltziailiwiiihtx 1‘ "' 1:- Vul’» .‘ '1'1111111. '.‘.il11\1‘ l1? 1 "!\.‘.1th;1 71}. 'i‘. It: .' _l=1;-' i‘“ '1 l‘xtrangcd n l ':.l ‘1'»1Il .111‘1'1‘llltilc1l '. 'l -11 l' zll will! ll11'\11111cl111'11\ i'- 'I‘ |’.=: “J'- '."'11l11.l1c11ch \kllc. l H1 -'1l'1.=:lAltll..11llinhovmtt
‘2" ‘11.:1111111' inclidacth.
\‘ iii. 11:1 El" ’1 '1 l: 1‘ 5. 1.1l ~1c11111ncd to .1 l ='! -1’:'1‘1l\ ‘~111‘.l:=. t.-'l1_-1'\ \lippcr} 1' 1 '3 111~~1\:.111\1|la;_'c\ '1'51 l l1_11 ‘11:“11‘11j‘l.‘ "‘.1‘li1'\'llcll\ .111 wrzmnv conioincd ' 1‘1‘"::1'lr.11l.whhctx l 1: 1 1' in"111111.1ltttc\\;tgt‘ 1. 113K " ll '1 .~1z.11.\1\al\1.a_\\ g}";'1 i‘ll ()1/11"I_
“lillf‘ Fulfill“?! -’."’7’."{?0 ".."“11l=,|l.,.lt1111.|i~ ll" ~i it .'l.*
l‘m.‘ l. '1i’:=; \l11 .ttli} c1111l111c\
Ilolm l‘uixc. ».1.'l1c.‘l"11nn.
i_'1lt‘..'l“i‘lll‘.' 111
.-ll' 1172;9119 ..1.l..l1..li1.1‘.11.thcl11\h
~1 '.i:l1_‘ l '1-‘i1 l1 ,"ii'lt.:il\l \pcnl in 11 'i‘ ll‘a' l"\(l\. ’1 " ill 1‘ '2l1 ‘; 'flitllll;tll\‘t‘\ ol ":1 21‘ ’3‘." .2131 11//.(/‘J’11'\131m.
Pd. (1.”: =fciC‘11'1Eml: .1"; History of the
5""!1‘3'7" “':1'3tl20:"l"10900 l.l11c\ 1- "i: 5"“ ""11111 ('glcliiation ol 1; ‘1 i" 1.»: '111131‘lc1111'nlx.
‘1‘.- ‘1 '1? ..1.11"1'11l 1*. 111 .111. V .73 to l-dmhurgh. l,1'» l'171.11111'. 11//,(;_’..~w_w1-.; 1/ .i ." ‘1 'v 1' ["1 F331 ivgilit "M11911 Things I‘M 0..
~' " l l '1 wtcplicn ('amphcll
\iw l'.1 \_‘ K1 i. l":ll:11;:\lhcnl.
v 1:1 l'- x 1' '..r it lt.111111115'.Richard 11- l |_\ \l 11:11 .11 ll‘i1111n.,\daptcd -".l 'zfi' 1:11- ‘.11111;'\11c1;1l
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if: 1: ‘i1i1~']'.11-'i.!‘] 1;]:11' [71-117 ‘71" “17‘2'? Ctr-tion 3D tlhcl '12:} .1 lilh carl) <11“
\rnn 1’ 8111111111
Sandro do l‘Jnsmhrwntot11l1r“: on flw I’lr:1‘ili'111 modin in Bus 174
V1711 '
index Film
it‘d r’v". A (,1
.-.. .' ‘~'- THE LIST 31