Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to clubsglasgow©, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by David Pollock.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Back to Mine at the Lite Bar. Titties tbc. Free. Weekly. l':\'et'_\ Thll. the Lite Bar ix taketi oy er by a different celebrity. D] or tnedia play er. doing what the hell they like on the decks.

I Bennet’s at Bennet'x. l lptn 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. ('ra/y night at this tttoxt popular of gay \enuex. They always get a great crowd it) attd the alter parties are really xontething to behold.

I Budda at Bttdda. l lptn 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Relaunched yenue back on track with details still tbc.

I Blunt at (‘ottiet'x Theatre. ()pm Ian). A new night in llyndland'x church-come- boo/er featttring hip hop. Rth and dancehall with Day id Mac. and beats. glitch and electronicx \\ ilh .\'el.

I Cheeze at Strathclyde Student's Association. 9pm 3am. £tbe. Weekly. The biggest and tackiext student night

I Clear at .Ad l.ib. l lpm 3am. £1. 22 Apr. l'ttt'lttig‘ltll} tray elx frotn Kingston to Detroit. all fora pottttd. Residentx‘ nigltt. I Columbian at the Asy ltttn Back Roont. Spin lam. tree to ('l‘Sl' members: £l otherwise. Weekly. Pttt some breakin' ftttik in your trunk w ith thix etttertaitting night of xtttdent madnexx.

I Dirty Thursdays at Blanket.

l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (iet deep down and dirty as Ray mond Woods attd .\'aeetn ttti\ up some of the most bootylicioux R&B in the city. while Billy Milligan xery ex tip the student classics and dirty pop tttnex.

I DogGod at () Bar. 10.30pm 3am. £2. Weekly. Night of eclecticixm at the beautiful clttb under Corinthian. it was closed for ages bttt ttow they 're getting back ittto the grooye. Pure class.

I Fantastique at .\las. t lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. The yernacular 1)] Mirrorbaw plays a friendly brand of pop- fuxed houxe for a Thu night crowd looking for kicks. Pur'xe-lriendly drinks prices tnake this night a good draw.

I Fire Wire at Bamboo. 5pm 3am. £3 (£2 ). Weekly. (iraham l‘erguxon spins Rt‘cB and chart classics in rootn l. whilst I)J toast is in the red room play ittg indie pop and rock. In the lottttge. Robitt B plays an eclectic mi\ of disco. ftittk and soul.

I Freakmoves at (ilasgow School ol- Art. llpttt 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. l'ltra- line hip hop night for the students. w ith l)Js l)ema attd .\'ice.

I Homework at Vault. I lpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. Ian attd Stey ie tnatt the inn. xo all inxecuritiex o\ er the tunes are dixpelled. This night aitttx at student satisfaction without compromising the quality leyelx.

I Hype at (‘ube. 1 1.30pm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. Jim l)a Best teams up with the Hype crew to put on a night of twisted. ultra-funky house. Plenty of clteap boo/e makes this a fun night ottt. I Instant Access at Sub (’lub. ll).3()pm 3am. £2 before midnight; £3 after. Weekly. This is the night the Sttb dances in its slippers to the sounds of Motown. breaks. funk. and a xntattet‘ing ol house. 22 .Apr sees Money For ()ld Rope. where ‘burnt—ottl. cytiical ttante (ilaxgow l)Jx get to play anything but the sounds tltey 're known for'. This tittte ottt. it's llarri's turn.

I Loaded at Liquid Lounge.

tllpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Three Iiye

84 THE LIST .2. a,

bands kick the night off. tnaking way for Joe Kane on decks with some indie. mod and soul at latn.

I Madhouse at the Shack.

10.30pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. ('1 and Andy take you to the brink of insanity with some of the most outrageous and courageous student anthems.

I Old Skool Reunion at Arehaos.

l lpm 3am. £5 (free £2.50). Weekly. Old school techno classics and disco style tunes for the fren/ied students

dow n Archaos way.

I Phunky Monkey at Belo (formerly Baba/a). 8pm 3am. i‘ree before I lpm; £4 (£3) after. Weekly. Scott (irainger. Vance and Richie Mc('olm are on spinning duties at this new club that looks like getting ey en bigger that) Baba/a. Plenty of drinks promos. funky anthems and floor tillers make it a

w inning formula.

I Polo for Me at the Polo Lounge. lltpnt lam. liree. Weekly. You. the lucky punter. take the ltelttt tonight. as request cards are ayailable (o'er the bar and ill the booth. Notice for the unimaginatiy'e: ‘l atn What I am' is prohibited by law and punishable by spanking.

I Record Player: at (ilasgow School of Art. ll).3()pm 2.30am. £3 (£2). Weekly. lli-l'i Sean (Hi-l’idelity) and llttxhpuppy (l)i\ ine) perfortn cheap deck xttckin' to dixceau. dumb electro and 80s phtttik. They ady ixe you to act up. dress down attd play easy to get. An added ‘treat' on 2‘) Apr xees John Waters’ I’M/\‘t’Ut’I' screening in the \'ic Gallery. with free popcorn and wait for it scratch 'n' sniff card. Mnnn. Dix-me?

I Retro at Trash. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. l)a\ e Young. Stey'en Brown and the Kra/y Karaoke (earn ply their w ares at this fabulous night under Pitt Street. .A slllthlll night with stunning tunes. stunning looking people and a xmattering of drinks promotions.

I Set It Off at the l'niy‘erxal.

0pm 3am. £5. 22 Apr. Impressions present 4 decadex of ear candy with l)a\‘id Barbaroxxa and special gttexts playing deep xoul heartbreakers. dirty disco dey iance. snotty garage full. post punk tranxntixxionx ck modern machine abuse. It says here.

I Skint at the ('athouse. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2 ). Weekly. A night that rellectx the resurgent alternatiy e scene at the moment. Rock. indie and some tough chemical breaks and beats. with a crowd tnttch like the one you xee outside the (iallery of Modern Art.

I Speakeasy at the l'niyersal (Sauchiehall Lane). lttpm 2am. Free. Weekly. If you feel like a few drinks alter the pttb. bttt don't want to go clttbbing. Speakeasy is for you. The music ain’t comprotnixed. bttt the y'ibe is chilled.

I Topform at the Buff. It).3()pm 3am. £5 (free before I lptn ). l5 Apr. l-‘ortnightly. I think we lime to tttrn oyer to iopltn'ln themselyex to sum up this new night: ‘An estrayagan/a of music and twisted enlertaintnent. think the Royal Variety Performance hosted by yottr drunkext drttnken uncle. Think end of the pier. think end of the world. think ottt of your bo\f' With Radio ()ne's (iill Mills.

I Triptych at the Sub ('lub.

l lptn 3am. £l2. 2‘) Apr. ('onfusion reigns as both Prince Pattl and Prince Po share the same bill. the former had a hand in the successes of De La Sottl. (Erayedigga/ and Handsome Boy Modelling School. the latter ix an affiliate of the Anticon team. Alxo featttred are Sage l‘t'ancix. Joe Beats and Danger Mouse. whose (in'y' :t/lmm wottld be seminal if it w ere ey'er allowed to be released.

Glasgow Fridays '


I Abnormals Anonymous at (ilaxgow School of Art. I lpm-3am. £() (£5). 3() Apr. Montltly. l)Jx lluxhpuppy

Alexkid guests at Radio Magnetic, Fri 16 Apr

and Mooncat present the eclectic ending of the (iSA 'I‘estiles l’ashion Show. with the appearances frotn (ilaxgow bands lily ing Matchstick Men and Syrup Shoppe. ‘Scotland'x premier hang-out for gay culture-baiting weird queers and their closest trottbletnaking hett'o hotneboy x and girls’. so we're reliably informed.

I Archaos at Archaox. l lpm 3am. £5 (£2.50). Weekly. Mainstream chart dance. xotil and cheese at one of the bttsiext l-ri nighters in town.

I Babaza at Belo. (wpm 3am (l)Js frotn l lpm). l-‘ree before I lpm; £5 alter. Weekly. The \‘enue‘s legendary l‘ri nights take the name of the clttbbing institution that ttxed to be here. Patil 'I‘ray‘nor. Billy Jones and Ross Macmillan are in charge of the music. and they 'y'e been know it to rip it up it) the past.

I BeatsMecca at the (’arniyal .-\)'ts ('entre. Next date tbc.

0 Bombafusion at the Soundhaux. lt).3()pm 5am. £8 (£6). to Apr. A night of l)&B. hip-hop. breaks and electronica of epic proportions. featuring Tania Swift (Radio Magnetic). Schematic. Stey'ie liletnentx (Streetlife). 1)] Furious Breaks and Boon) Monk Ben (Subcity). ()n the the front. Shrink encompasses all aspects of the club. while Accapella Hardcore proy‘ide beatboxing precision. I Boogie Wonderland at tiny-y.

l lpm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. Mad disco night with loads of drinks promos and a soundtrack to make the ladies shake their

I Budda at Btidda. l lpnt 3am. £tbe. Weekly. Drinks promos arid some Very sexy R&B from D] Vance make this not a bad place to start the weekend.

I The Buff at the Bttff. lttpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Old school ja/l at (ilasgoyy 's newest Ala/l club. l)Js Nick Peacock. Mark Robb, Brian Robertson arid Key‘an Stey ens do the needlework.

I Bughouse at Sub ('lub. Next date

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I Burly at the Arches. Next date 2 Jul. I Canvas at Arta. l lptn A3atn. £tbe. Weekly. 1)] Walter plays a plethora of funk. sottl attd R&B at this beautifttl Merchant (‘ity bar.

I Carnaval Night and Tumbao at (ilasgow School of Art. Input-3am. £6 (£5). 23 Apr. (‘harity night bringing together salsa. bossa attd samba with the percussion bands and dance performances. I Casa Futura at Sub (‘Iuh Next date lhc.

I The Cathouse at the ('athouse. l().3()pnt 3am. £l before I lpm; £4 (£3) after. Weekly. Riding high on the nu tnetal waye. this is one of the bttsiest nights in town. Rock. grttnge. indie and a dash of breakbeat across three floors at (ilasgow‘s top yenue for rockers and alternateens.

I Club Budda at (‘Iub Bttdda. Dumbarton Street. (‘lydebank l tptn- ~3am. £tbe. Weekly. The weekend kicks off downt’iy'er with a slow. chillout soundtrack. I Coded at Vault. l lpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. They're frotn a record store. so the tunes are going to be fresh and highly funky. aren't they '.’ A rotating roster of l)Jx affiliated to 23rd Precinct sttpply the house-led grooy'es you can rely on. Steven Mc(‘reery is the tnain man. bttt the pool of talent includes Billy Kilkie. Billy Woods and .Atnanda Price.

I Crash at the Shed. It).3()pm 2am. £3 (£2). Weekly. Iiuan attd Andy play the finest of everything at this blinding sotllhside club that always seems to be busy.

I Creation at Corinthian. l lpmr 3am. £tbe. Weekly. After a warm-up in the Lite Bar it'x downstairs with the gear for Pattl Rea and Keyin Attxtin. your hosts at thix classiest of venues.

I Destiny at Destiny. 1 lpm~3atn. £tbe. Weekly. Destiny's relaunch continues with up-for-it party tunes. house and R&B llay'as.

I Didgeridoo at .-\d l.ih. l lptn- late. £4. 23 Apr. Provinylist Karim (Heads t'p) and friends playing sottl. funk. hiphop, breaks. and wonky house with plenty of cttts and scratches. .llts't like being back at school.

I The Edge at the lidge. (‘oatbridge

l lptn 3am. £5. Weekly. Residents Ales Keane attd Scott (iranger bring you the best in house and clttb classics.

I Fluid at Trash. l lptn 3am. £6 (£4). Weekly. Beat l()()'s Lisa Littlewood. Scott Mackay and Raw B all play as residents at this raucous party up at the mad end of town. l-‘unky house. ttrban pop and loads of cheap boo/e make it a winning proposition.