Music rook & pop listings
Rock listings continued
I Westlife and Bellefire Sli(‘(‘. l-‘innieston Quay. 08700404000. 7.30pm. £36.50. .\'o age restriction. See liri I6.
I Bad Manners and The Underground Jam the Ferry. 4: (’lyde Place. 439 I010. 9pm. £|3. Btister Bloodyessel persists with the comedy ska. supported by a Jam tribute band.
I Proud Mary, The Burn and The Lanes Kiitg Tut‘s Wah Walt llut. 373a St Vincent Street. 33| 5379. 8.30pm. S()|.l) ()l'l. 'l'urgid attempt to rock out like the Stones from this sub-()asis bunch. endorsed by the real thirtg.
I The Rodents, Pylot, Atredies, Brown Eye Superfly and Coda Barily'. 360 (‘ly‘de Street. 0870 907 0999. 7.30pm. £6. The Battle oi the Bands continues. See thtt I5.
I My Electric Love Affair arid the New Rosy Jewels .‘s'iee‘n‘Sleazy. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. £3. Mlil.:\ ptmt their xly I (it’l (‘mifilsr’tl iii). I Engine liskrima. (ilasgow School oi .Art. 168 Reni‘rew Street. 353 4530. 10pm. £3 before midnight: £7t£6l alter ((iSA stttdents i‘reel. lingine prontote their new single ‘Starting to Feel at the weekly techno night. l’lus DJ Sal l’rincipato oi l.iquid Liquid.
I Kate Ainscough, Heather MacLeod arid The Sundancer Stereo. l3- l4 Kelvinhaugh Street. 576 5018. 8pm. £4. Singer/songwriters.
I Los Destructos and Barefoot The 1301 Note Cate. 5060 King Street. 553 I638. 9pm. £3. Punk rock.
I Soul Candy, Fred, Moses Gun and Free Candy Collective Liquid Lounge. 94 West Regent Street. 353 6333. 5.30pm. l’ree. A diet of funk. sotil. blues.
jau and whatey'er else at this alternative
pre-club night.
I Echo Session, Catbuster, Silent Wall and Vendetta Strawberry Fields. 56 ()swald Street. 0845 053 9389. 7.30pm. £4 t£3l. Local band hill including the 60s- iniiuenced Britpop sounds oi licho Session. I Jamie Barnes 8. Cochise .\|acSor|eys. 43 Jantaica Street. 348 858i. 6pm. liree. Residency for the blues yeteran. I Halcyon Days MaeSorleys. 42 Jamaica Street. 348 858i. 9.30pm. Free.
I The Mighty Saturns .\ie(‘ltuills. 40 High Street. 553 3l35. l0pm. l’ree. Swinging sounds.
I Open Stage The Hall Bar. 160 Woodlands Road. 564 1537. 4 8pm. Free. Weekly sessiott for local musicians.
I Live Music The Halt Bar. lot) Woodlands Road. 564 |537. 9pm. l’ree. Subplate Records launch.
I 4 More Heroes \Vltistlebinkies. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5114. 5pm. £4. Stranglers tribute.
I British Sea Power and The Duke Spirit The Venue. l7 3| (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 7pm. £9. Angular. arty indie rock quartet with a compelling \ isual
I Terrapins Found Us and Lipsync for Lullaby Subway. 69 ('owgatc. 335 6766. 7.30pm. £4 (£3). Sonic experimentation combined with great tunes aitd oil-beat lyrics from 'l‘errapins l-‘ound is. plus improy ised soundscapes w ith guitar and cello by l.ipsy nc l'or Lullaby. I Afterbirth and Shatterhand SPids‘l's Web (‘ellar Bar. 358 Morrison Street. 477 3471. 8pm. £4. Hardcore from lidinburgh's .-\i'terbirtlt with punk irom l‘alkirk's Shatterhand.
I The X1, Mexico, Private Jackson and Omniblob ('aledonian Backpackers. .3 Queensi'erry Street. 476 7334. S30an £4. Mixed bag oi Scottish indie ranging irom Perth to (ilasgoys to iidinburglt.
I Capstin Pole, Miaggi and The Usual Suspects \Vllisllebinkies. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. Free belot'e midnight; £3 alter. Double dose oi energy
58 THE LIST 18—20 Apr 2004
and big beats lrom (‘apstin l’ole attd .\liaggi.
I Thea Gilmore and Kevin Harper lidbooth. Jail Wynd. 0| 786 374000. 7.30pm. £l4. l’rolilic young singer/songwriter irom ()\l'ort|s|ure whose style is strongly iul'luenced by Bob l)y lan. Tom Waits and Joni Mitchell. l’ttrl n! Stirling/Jr (’.
Sunday 18
I Westlife and Bellefire Sl-L(‘(‘. l'iinnieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 7.30pm. £3l)/£35/£3|l. See l'il'i lo.
I Norah Jones ('lyde .-\udttorium. S|i(’('. l‘innieston Quay. 08700404000 7pm. S()|.l) ()l "l‘. .\'o age restriction. The all-conquering btit perpetually mild daughter ol' Rayi Shankar and her pleasantly seducliye blend ol'ia/I-iile and \y‘ispy roots.
0 Calexico and Blanche (‘arlittg Academy. |3| ligltnton Street. 0905 020 3999/0870 77| 3000. ~pm. £l4. ()yer |4s show. See prey iew lor (‘aiesico Support irom kooky Detroit combo Blanche.
I Salsa Celtica ('ottter 'l‘hcatre. llyndland Street. 553 436.". 8pm. £15.50. Salsa ('eltica continue their ‘great Scottish |.atin ady‘enture' blending the two cultures lo Irresistible ellect.
I Span, Amplifier and All My Logic King 'l‘ut's Wah Wah llut. 373a St Vincent Street. 33| 5379. 8pm. £7. ()yer- |4s show. Norwegian rock'n'roll commandos with a bold power rock sound. as lteard on their debut album .lltrys /)Iylrilt IIHII.
I Blaze, Syth and Silvertone lite (‘ztlllollstfi l5 l'uion Street. 34K 6606. 7.30pm. £l0. ()ycr- |»|s show. Bla/e
Bay Iey. hirsute es lrontman ol' lron .\|aideu and Wollsbanc. parades his metal wares. I Green Door Clinic, Mika and Superslinky .\'iee'n'SIea/y. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. £3. Blucsy rock sounds,
Britney Spears performs at SECC, Glasgow, Thu 29 8. Fri 30 Apr
I The Rise, Former Miss America attd Lou Jak Stereo. l3 l4 Kelyinhaugh Street. 576 50l8. 8pm. £4. lndie rock irom the Rise. a blend oi rap. rock and grooye irom |.ou Jak arid a \ N! from |.i\crpoo|'s l‘ormer Miss America.
I Neonskull and Kudos 'l‘he |3lh Note (lite. 50 60 King Street. 553 |638. 9pm. £3. .\'eonsku|| are a rock band hailing irom .\'ew castle.
I Symbolics, Anavris, D868, Lexxi and Acquitted Bartly. 360 (‘ly-de Street. 0870 907 0999. -.3llptlt. £6. Another Battle of the Bands heat. See Thur I5.
I No Way Jose, Mistake Us for Friends, Resident Calling and What the Dead Know Strawberry liields. 56 ()swald Street. 0845 053 9389. 7.30pm. £5 i£4l. l‘nsigned band showcase. including the punky Mistake l's ior l‘riends.
I Malico MacSorley s. 43 Jamaica Street. 348 8581. 9pm. l‘ree. l’lus other bands to be continued.
I Figure 8 Pin» l’iyo. l5 Waterloo Street. 564 8|00. 8.30pm. l‘rce. Acoustic residency.
I Engine The Scotia. H: I H Stockwell Street. 553 868i. 4pm. l-‘ree. Rock coy ers residency.
I Big Blues Jam Studio One. (irosyenor llotel. (irosyenot' 'lerrace. 34| 65I6. 6.30pm. l‘ree. Hosted by the New Blues Suriers with contributions lrotn Studio One regulars such as Rey Doe and the .\'immo Brothers.
I Phil’s Sunday Session t'tsge Bcalha. 333 Woodlands Road. 564 |596. 6pm. l‘rec. Bring your own instrument.
I Snowblood, Espa Messa, Kaddish and IX Studio 34. 34 36 (‘altou Road. 558 3758. 7pm. £4. l‘et‘ocious. sickening heay mess lrottt Snow blood with similarly grinding. psychotic and insane support.
I Mary, The Burn and The Lanes The Venue. l7 3| (‘alton Road. 557 307 3. 7.30pm. £9. See Sat l8.
I Strom 8: Wasser, Caruso and Gortz Widman ('abaret Voltaire.
36 38 Blair Street. 330 6|76. 7.30pm. £4. Bit oi (ierman. alt.pop. acoustic. punk cabaret and they ‘ye deyeloped a special bilingual \ersion lor their Scottish show s. promising 'estreme entertainment and brainwashing'.
I Oatbeanie and Pneumosis Whistlebinkics. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5| l-l. ()Plil. l'it‘ee. (‘oy L‘i‘s itllti L‘llillL‘tl Sunday \ibes.
I Thea Gilmore and Kevin Harper 'liolbooth. Jail Wynd. 0| 786 374000. 7.30pm. £l4. See Sat I7.
Monday 19
I G Tom Mac, Blind Pew and Subroc King ‘l'ut's Walt Wah llut. 373a St Vincent Street. 33| 5379. 8.30pm. £6. AKA (ierald 'l‘ .\lc.\lahou. writer oi the track ‘(‘ry |.itt|e Sister” ieatured in The I.U\I [int y and recently reworked as a dance track by [he |.osl Brothers.
I Dios, Son of Kong and Ye Olde Syrup Shoppe Stereo. I2 It
Kely inltaugh Street. 576 50l8. 8pm. £6. Sun-dappled ('aliiornian pop. iii the tradition oi the Beach Boys.
I The San Andreas Faultline, The People’s Alibi and You Can’t Eat the Word Food Barily. 360 (‘Iyde Street. 0870907 0999. (Spill. (her 14s show. |‘uga/i and .‘yiogwaiiniluenced post hardcore l'rom the l‘aultline and good old-lashionetl ptmk rocking from the Peoples :\|ibi.
I Sinnus, Chaos Theory, The Core aitd Kalieda ‘l'he |3th .\'ote (are. 50 60 King Street. 553 I638. 8.30pm. £4. Melodie rock.
I Slap Harry, Armed Candy and Dexter Strawberry Fields. 56 ()syyald Street. 0845 053 9389. 7.30pm. £4. local band show case.
I Acoustic Jam Nice'n'Slea/y. 42! Sattchiehall Street. 333 9637. 8pm. l‘ree. Willi a free drink as incentiy‘e for participants.
I Acoustica ('abaret Voltaire. 36 38 lilttil‘ Street. 330 6|76. 7.30pm. l’ree (yoluntary contributions on exit l. A new night oi acoustic sounds oi'l'ering \aried line tips from iidinburgh's linest singer/songwriters. And remember. no coy er \et'siotts allow ed.
I Open Mic Whistlebtnkies. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. l‘ree. Just turn tip and perform.
Tuesday 20
I Westlife and Bellefire Sii(‘(‘. l’innieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 7.30pm. [3(l/f35/{3ll See l'it'i lo.
I The Shins and The Stills Queen Margaret l'nion. 33 l'niyersity (iardens. . 39 9784. 7.30pm. £7. See prey iew tor the majestic Shins.
I Weird War, Multiplies and Park Attack \ice'n‘Slt‘a/y. 43| Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. £7. lait and Michelle irom (iospel Yeh yeh esponents the Make-up reiine their manifesto and now ‘use rock'n'roll as a Viet ('ong cadre uses a hapless snake". ()r. in other words. snake-hipped rock'n'roll meets tlirty iunk wearing a natty outlit.
I Septic Sceptic, The Voide, Barstaff, the T'wisted Melons and Speech Therapy King Tut‘s Wah Wah Hut. 373a St Vittcent Street. 33| 5379. 8.30pm. £4.50. A bumper bill ptit together by (ireenock's .lames Watt ('ollege.
I Desert Hearts, De Rosa and RG Sheils Vic Bat'. (ilasgow School o| .’\l'l. HMS Renli‘ew Street. 3.5.5 4.5.3”. “pill. l'l'ec. (iargleblast Records show case iealut'iug Bellast trio Desert llearts. l.anarkshtre indie rock combo De Rosa and ll'islt acoustic act R(i Shells.