Art listings

Edinburgh Galleries continued


l5a l’cnn} \xcll ('ourt. 5l5 2l5l.

.\lon Sal l()atn -lpm.

Big Art Wee Hands l'nlil l-‘ri lo .llll. An c\liihition ol' “ork h} prolcxxional artixtx alongsidc \xork madc h} thc tindcr 5\ “ho took part in thc Big Art \Vcc llandx proicct.


.i-l Ahcrcromh} l’lacc. 557 ND”.

.\lon l-‘ri l()atn (rpm: Sat l()atn 4pm. Alan Davie Sat 5 \Vcd 2l Apr. A \clcction oi painlittgx h} (irangcmoutli- horn arlixt Alan l)a\ ic. l‘inding inspiration in lhc \xorld’x L‘lllllll‘L‘\ l'rom /,cn Buddhism to Indian ttt)lholog}. hc tl\L‘\ art clahoralc x} \tcm ol' \} mholx in his painting. Nl ‘.".’ 8H()‘.‘.’.

Lesley Strickland Sat 3 \Vcd 31 Apr. .lcu cllcr}.


78 ('onimcrcial Qua}. l.cith. 555 70m. 'l'uc Sun llam 5pm. Contemporary Scottish Art t‘ntil Sun 35 Apr. 'l'hc lirxt in a \cricx oi contcmporar} art \lto\\\ at l’aloui'dc. l‘caturing ncu \\Ul'l\\ h} (ircgoq Rankinc. Mich;th l-"ullcrton. Johanna Logan. ('hcr} lcnc D} cr and Stuart Mackcn/ic.

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY (\VASPSD l’atriothall Sllltllox. till-18 llatnilton l’lacc. 225 I280.

Lunar Men l'ntil .\lon 5 Apr l.\lon— Sat noon optnl. l)ra\\ing_'\ and \culptttrcx h} Stcphcn lluntcr. l’aul l’cnricc. Scott l.a\cric and (Min l’arkctt

Proximity Sat ll) \Vcd l-l Apr tdail} noon 5pm). A \crics ol‘ nc“. minimal \trticturcd paintingx h} lidinhurgh»ltaxcd artist liric (.I'lllk\hillli\ shown alongxidc

A two person show with oil paintings by Eric Cruikshank and

dclicalc. abstract photographs h)

lik‘l'lliltlL‘llL‘ l)(l(llL‘}. RL‘L‘UllllllL‘lltlL‘Ll. Nl ‘.‘./

Sl l( )‘t“.’.


5 l)tmda\ Sll‘ccl. 550 (i407. 'l‘uc Sal noon 7pm.

African Rhythms l‘ntil Thu 1 Apr.

Paintings h} |.anarkxliirc-haxcd artist

'lona and Beyond'

showing landscapes and seascapes in the Scottish Colourist tradition by John MacKenzie (l933-2002)

Wednesday 7th April - Saturday I7th April

Dundas Street Gallery 6A Dundas Street, Edinburgh

For more information please contact Brian Williams on 0l244 677 883 or 07786 538 64|

94 THE LIST ' ,1: '

Kirxtccn llarrix inspircd h} hcr timc \pcnl in thc animal t‘L‘\L‘1'\L‘\ ol Soulhcrn Al'rica.

Vento della Memoria Sat .‘~

Apr \Vcd 5 .\la}. landscapc paintingx of thc Scottixh hordcrx h} Sahatorc Raxo.


l’alacc ol~ llol} roodltotlw. 55(3 5 Hill. l)ai|_\ ‘lfillam 4.30pm.

King of the World: The Padshahnama, an Imperial Moghal Manuscript l'ntil Mon 3 Ma}. [-1 H22 £3). 'I‘hc icucl-likc illustrach Illilllllxt‘l‘lpl knomt as thc l);ltl\ll;lllll;tlll;l or ('hroniclc ol' thc King of tlic World. ranks as onc ol‘ thc lincst cxamplcx ol‘ \lttghal art. (iiwn to King (icorgc Ill h} thc .\'a\\ah ol‘ ()tidh tl.uckno\\. India) in I707. it l'ormx an ol‘licial rccord ol tltc lll‘xl tctt }car\ of thc rcign ol' Shalriahan tr. l(i38 58). lilth Mughal ctnpcror ol' India and huildcr of thc 'l‘ai .\lalia|.


42 Victoria Strcct. 477 3255. .\lon Sat l3.3()ani 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm. Imania l'ntil 'l‘hu l5 Apr. A tni\cd \ll()\\ of uork h} tip-and-coming artists l'caturing \inixtcr. tnodcrn l'air}talc\ in aquatint and ctch h} (icorgina Birch and llglllho\c\ h} 'l‘on} (iril'lin.


l5 Rttlland Squarc. 23‘) 7545. Mon liri 0am 5pm tc\ccpt local hank holidayxl. Keppie Design: 150 Years in an Architectural Practice l'ntil l’ri to Apr. An lllxlglll into lhc architcctural practicc. chpic l)c\ig_'n. which “as loundcd in (illlxgtm in lt\’5~l.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lixhihilion llall. lmcrlcith Row, 553 7l7l. l)ail) l()atn 5pm.

DNA in the Garden Sat 3 Apr Sun 27 Jun tli\hiltition llalll. An cxhihition cxploring ho\\ thc dixcmcr} of thc l).\'A douhlc hcli\ ltax altcrcd our lxtttm lcdgc ol' plantx.

George Forrest - A Life and Legacy Sat 3 Apr Sun 27 Jun tlixhihition llalli. An cxhihilion mploring thc lilc ol Scottish plant huntcr (icorgc l-'ot‘t‘c\t \\llU. during lti\ trawlx to thc mountainx and \tlllL‘}\ ol' ('hina. discoxcrcd man} plant \pccics. Nl- W

Sl l( )\.‘.’t

Tree of Life Mon 5 l‘ri ‘) Apr l(‘alcdonian llalll. Paintings. ccramicx.

glass and \c‘lllpllll‘c inxpircd h} tlic 'l‘rcc ol‘‘c.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings (iallct'). l()(l l’rinccx Strch 225 I50]. .\lon l-‘ri l()atn ()pm. Glasgow - Mumbai: Prints from the Link Exchange 2000/2003 l'ntil l-‘ri l-l Ma}. An mhihition of print\ rcxulting from a cxchangc hctuccn xix pt'itttmakcrx in Mtunhai and \i\ printmakcrx in (ilttxgtm \\ ho cnjo) cd \‘i\ll.\ to thcir rcspcctch citics o\'cr tour '\car\. .'\t'll\l\ inclttdc Norman .\l£lllllL‘.\()|l. Raian liulari. Anna Strachan and Anant Nikatn.


‘l‘hc Mound. (324 (i300. .\lon \VL‘d «K

l-‘ri Sun l()atn 5pm: 'l‘hu l()atn 7pm. 178th Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition 2004 Sat 3

Apr Thu 2() Ma}. £4 (£3). 'l‘hc Rtl_\;ll Scottixh Acadcm) rcturnx to thc rcl‘urliixhcd RSA buildings \\ ith itx 178th annual cxltihition L‘ltL‘ttlltp;I\\lllg_' architcclurc. \cttlptut'c. paintingx. pl'llllx. photograph) and ccramicx. Highlith l'or llll\ _\car includc a photograph ol' .\laril} n .\lonroc talxcn h} Magnum photographcr lch Arnold 1“ ho ix a honorat‘} mcmhcr oi~ thc RS:\) on lhc \cl ol~ 'li/IU .lll's/ilx, prints h_\ Antoni 'I‘apicx. a largc-xcalc painting h} ('allum lnncx. mcmorial “orkx h} \Villtclntina Barnx-(iiaham and \culplural “orkx h} .\lichacl Vixocclii and .lanct .\lcl{\\an. Nl \.'. Si l()\.'.fi


lo Dundas Strcct. 558 I200. .\lon l-‘ri l()atn (rpm; Sat l()atn 4pm.

Gordon Bryce Mon 5 :\pl‘ \Vctl 5 .\la_\. .\'c\\ landscapc and \till lil'c pttlllllllgx.

Damian Callan Mon 5 Apr \Vcd 5 .\la_\. .\'c\\ paintingx and drauingx dcpicting lamil) lil'c.

Spring Glass Mon 5 Apr \Vcd 5 .\la_\. An mhihition ltk'tlxlllg on thc

\ ihrant \Vol‘k ol' lloh ('rookx ol~ l‘irxt (ilaxs and ('athcrinc llougli. Annica Sandxtrom and l)a\id Kaplan l‘rotn Lindcan .\lill (iltlxx.

Ruth Tomlinson Mon 5 Apr \Vcd 5 Ma). \cckpicccx and ring_'\ in \ilxcr u ith porcclain clcmcntx.

SLEEPER Rciach and Hall :\l'cllilccl\. () l)arna\\a} Strcct. 225 844-3. .\lon l-‘ri 3pm 5pm.