Art listings

Burrell Collection continued

Curator’s Favourites Wed l4 Apr. l2..‘~() lpni. l-‘rcc. Rebecca Quinton. curator of coxtumc and textiles. gix'ex a talk on Anne of Denmark's embroidered «in panel.

THE HIDDEN GARDENS 'l‘ramixa}. 25 Albert Drive. ()845 33(to5tlt. 'l‘ue Sat |()am 4pm; Sun noon 4pm.

The Hidden Gardens Scotland's first \anctuarx garden dedicated to peace created in collaboration with ma organisation. landscape architectx (’it) l)exign (‘oopcrati\e. the local comtttttttit) and a team of artixtx. .'\ derelict llttlthlt’lttl \ite adjoining Trauma has been tranxformed into a contemplatixe garden \\ ith dedicated ttt‘t\\ot'l\‘\.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Bellahouxton Park. It) [)umbreck Road. 353 4773. Hail} ltlam 5pm. £3.50 (£2.5(h.

Norman Stevens tire (I .-\pt' .\lon 3| .\la_\. litchingx and aquatintx b) Norman Ste\cn\.


l'nixerxit} Axenue. 330 422l. .\lon Sat 0.30am 5pm.

Rosengarten l'ntil Sat 17 .-\pr. :\t'tixt .-\nne Bex'an and writer Janice (ialloxxa) collaborate in thix \culptural inxtallation inxpired b_\ research into obxtetric inxtrumentx and the mechanics of childbirth.

Robert the Bruce: Warrior King l'ntil Hi 28 Ma}. A xmall exhibition xhoxxcaxing a hone that came from the bod} of Robert the Bruce. along \\ ith other relicx dixcox‘ered \\ ithin the coffin and tomb.

MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kchin Hall. I Btttihouxe Road. 2S7 2720. Mon 'l'hu ck Sat ltlam 5pm: Fri x Sun llatn 5pm.

All Change! Wed 14 Apr t-‘ri .‘sl l)ec. 'l‘he \torx of (ilaxgoxx 'x transport and technolog} collections.


(ilihgtm (irccn. 554 ()225. Mon 'l‘htt ck Sat l()atn 5pm: l-ri & Sun llam 5pm. Every Walk of Life t'nnt Sun 4 Apr. .r\n e\hihitiott of 5() black and white photograph portra) ing people \\ ith multiple \cleroxix ax part of a project to celebrate the 50th itttttiu‘t'xitt‘} (II. the MS Societ_\'.


2 ('axtlc Street. 553 2557. Mon ‘l'hu x Sat Ittam 5pm; l‘ri ck Sun llam 5pm. Mapping the Unseen - The Art of Ahmed Moustafa t'niil Sun 18 :\pr. (‘alligraphx -baxed ttt't\\ot‘lx'\ b} Muxlitn artixt. Ahmed Mouxtafa.

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Edinburgh Galleries


(i l)ttnda\ Street. .557 4050. Mon Fri l()ain (rpm: Sat llam 2pm.

James McIntosh Patrick (1907-1998) t‘ntil Thu 8 Apr. Paintings.

Mabel Royds l'ntil 'l‘hu S Apr. l’t'ttttx

and drau ingx b} .\label Roidx.


2 Market Street. 52‘) 3993. Mon Sat l()am 5pm.

Keeping the Face: National Identity and Scottish Visual Arts l'ntil Sat l7 Apr. An exhibition exploring the differing pattlh in the dc\e|opment of Scottixh art in the 19th and 20th centuriex including \xorkx by John Duncan. James I)rummond. \Villiam (tear. \Vill .\lac|.ean and Ian lloxxard.

Nature and Imagination: William Gilles and John Maxwell t'nul Sat l7 .-\pr. An exhibition comparing and contraxting the uork of fricndx and L‘Ulltthnt‘;ttut'\ William (iillicx and John Maxxxell.

0 lncommunicado t'ntil Sat 3 Ma}. the out} Scottish \hmx ing of thix national touring exhibition from the lla}\\ard (ialler). (’uratcd b_\ .\largot Heller. Im'nnmnum'mlo explore\ the conxequencex of communication breakdoun through the medium of film. \ ideo. installation. \culpture. text-baxed xxork. photograph} and “mud. The \tarting point of the exhibition ix a re-dixcoxered film b_\ Samuel Beckett and filmmaker .\larin Karmitl. (’rmu'rlic t mom. \htmtt aloiigxide \xorkx b) Bruce \auman. Laurence Weiner. l-‘rancexca Woodman.

Smith/Ste“ art and Mona llatoum. See

rei iexx and llitlixt.

Benchmark t'nnl Sat 22 .\la_\. Photographer (irahatn ('Iark prexentx the rexultx on hix ongoing project depicting \iooden park lk‘ttc‘hex.

IONA - Island of Inspiration t'ntil Sat 1‘) Jun. An exploration of hou Iona. the xmall ixland off the \xext L‘ottxl of Scotland. hax been the inxpiralion for man} artixtx met 15 centuries.

Raw Talent: 100 Years of Scottish Art l'ntil Sat 26 Jun. .\ selection of \xork draxx n from the cit} 'x art collection featuring \\Ut'l\\ b) ('adell. l‘erguxxon. Bellan}. .\lac'laggart and .\lo}na l‘lannigan.


22 2S ('ockburn Street. 220 1300. Tue Sat noon 5pm.

Angelus Novus t'ntit Sat 24 Apr. .\ ltt'\l \olo \ho“ for London-baxed artist .\tartin \Vextuood. For the exhibition. he hax conxtructed a school nurxer}. tixing falxe ceiltngx to t'extt'ict the height of Worth to a child\ \cale. lnxide the room\. cliildren‘x paxt-timex of leaf printing and papicr machc balloom fill the xpace and murals are dixplaxed on the \\;tll\.

Mark Hutchinson - Containment l'ntil Sat 24 Apr (Project Room). Mark


3 April - 20 May 2004 Royal Scottish Academy Building, The Mound,_ Edinburgh Mon - Sat 10 - 5, Sunday 12 - S t: 0131 225 6671 www; sponsored by Maclay Murray & Spens. image by Bill Scott RSA

New work by Ellen Munro on show in the round room at Talbot Rice

Hutchinson dixtigurex the galler) xpace in htx inxtallation “hereby a drop of unidentified liquid \eepx through the ceiling and the lloot‘ below


4| Dundax Street. 557 456‘). Mon Fri lt).3()am 5.30pm: Sat lt).3()am 5pm. Catriona Campbell Sat 3 Apr Wed 5 .\la_\. :\ mixed \htm of paintingx including landxcapex and tiguratixe xtttdiex.


5 Donne 'l’erraee. 225 7IS‘). Mon Fri 9am 5pm: Sat llam 3pm.

Eftersyn - Time Check t'ntil Hi 30 :\pr. .-\ \urxc} of the \xork of Danish photographer Henrik Saxgren \\ ho. xince the (ills. hax produced pot‘tt'aih. documentar} and photographic featurex.


lidinburgh'x Boutique Hotel. 2 (ircenxide Place. l)ail_\ 0am 8pm.

Be Surreal l'ntil Thu 22 .-\pr. 'l‘he tirxt in a \eriex of exhibition organixed b} lidinburgh ('ollege of Art featttring next uorkx b) xtudentx from the axxard-n inning department of fashion.


at .\larie ('urie House. 2‘) Alban} Street. 473 7050. Mon Sat lttam 5pm.

The Birth of an Angel t’nul ’t‘hu 3 Apr. An exhibition of prints b} l)adou Roche.

THE DEAN GALLERY Bellot'd Road. 624 (i200 trecorded

information 552 220m. .\Ion Wed «k l'ri Sun ltlam 5pm; Thu Itlam 7pm. (’afe.

The 19605 I'nlil Mon 3 Ma}. l’rcc. :\ dixpla} of \\ot'l\\ from the S.\‘(i.\t;\\ collection featuring \\Ut'k\ b} Ro} Lichtenxtcin. l)a\id llockne). Bridget Rile} and liduardo Paolo/Ii. See rc\ ieu. Max Ernst’s Books t'nttl Sun 3" Jun. .'\ displa) of illuxtrated bookx b} .\la\ lirnxt ranging froin hix tirxt collabot'ationx \iith poet l’aul liluard in I022 to l’;tt‘;ttii}tlicx publixhcd m 1%".

After Hours - POP Poetry 'l‘hu 3 Apr. (rpm. Free. A programme of after galler) hourx cxcntx featuring poetr} readings front the l‘)(i()\.


lSa l)unda\ Street. 557 5227. .\Ion Sat l()am 5.30pm.

Gillian Goodheir t'ntil Sat 34 :\pt'. :\n L‘\hthillott of \ttll life. ltttttl :ltttl \caxcapc Ptttttltttgx.


(It! Dundax Street. 558 03M. lttam (ipttt. Iconoclasm l'ntil Sun 4 :\pr. Scottixh London-baxed artixt Darren Jonex explorcx the nature of identit} in thix xeriex of \emi- abxtract compoxitionx.

Iona and Beyond \Vett " Sat I“ :\pr. Landscapes and \caxcapex in the Scottixh (‘olotn'ixt tradition b} the late ()ban born artixt John Macken/ie t I033 2()t)2 t.


2()a Dundax Street. 55," 5002. Mon Fri Ilam 5pm; Sat Ittam 1pm.

Mixed Exhibition Sat 5 :\pr Tue 4 .\la_\. l‘iguratixe. \ea and landxcapc paintingx b} lla/cl ('athore. .-\ngcla Reill} and tin a lrena I’tllilllt‘lx.