Clubs listings
Edinburgh Fridays continued
I Evol at tlte l.iquid Roottt.
l().3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. lidinburgh's longest running indie night. having turned l2 last Aug. With the usual tnix of the best current and classic alternative. crossover tunes. it‘s an institution already and with the recettt addition of the back room. the future looks like a happy place for all things livol.
I Exist at the Tron. 9pm lam. l() Apr. Rock'n'roll. northern sottl. punk. blues. ska. indie and everything in between.
I Finsternis at the l’leasance Cabaret Bar. Next date 23 Apr.
I Flippin’ at the Bongo Club.
10.30pm 3am. £6 (£5). l() Apr. Monthly. Another huge B-Boy night with live action. l)]s. plenty of hip hop. skate films. ramps. competitions and prizes.
I Give it Some! at the Bongo Club.
I lptn 3am. £3 before midnight; £5 alter. 9 Apr. Monthly. Featuring the best in funk. soul. jaw and all that inspired hip hop.
I The 60-60 at Cocteau Lounge (downstairs at ligo). llpm—3am. £5 (£4). l() Apr. Monthly. Swinging (i()s garage. soul. tttod. soul. R&B and sleazy listening. The righteous Tall Paul Robinson and Angus A (io-(io remain resident.
I Greazed Up at Spider's Web Cellar Bar. 9pm 2am. £l()—£l2. 2 Apr. Rockabilly night with German rockin‘ blues outfit llot Boogie (‘hillun playing a one off exclusive UK gig at their favourite Scottish venue.
I Impact at Wee Red Bar.
10.30pm 3am. £3. 9 Apr. Live special frotn the ltnact crew with danceable beats front resident Ullysses followed by hip
82 THE LIST 145 Apr 2004
Progression at the Liquid Room, Edinburgh, Sat 10 Apr
it ‘At the moment, I’m looking on the internet for a hotel and
‘ sweeping the floor,’ says Lee Burridge. “Living the life of a superstar DJ, in other words.’ OK, so The List wasn’t being quite that specific when it asked what he was up to. But then Burridge, house and breaks-playing major domo of Fabric’s Tyrant night, is playing his part down a bit. The Bournemouth-born decksman has just returned from a whistle-stop tour of Jordan, the US, Mexico and Hungary - not to mention the fact that he began his career by setting up camp in Hong Kong
during the 905 and cornering the market there. ‘I’ve always liked travelling, regardless of the job, although it does get a bit too much sometimes,’ he says. ‘But I’ve not yet reached the age where I’m saying, “You know what? I’m not going to do this any more.” So while I‘m still a youthful 35, I might as well crack on and enjoy it.’ So what does Burridge see for the future of the superstar DJ? Will they always have
.- i
an audience or will people move on? ‘I
think people will always want to go
out,’ he says. ‘And I’m personally not one of these trance DJs that chases huge fees because I’m playing to 10,000 at some event. People are bored of seeing these Ibiza shows on Sky One, so they’re moving back towards small clubs to hear what they like rather than what they’re told, which suits me, because these are the
nights I prefer.’ (David Pollock)
hop frotn Discipline MCs Bone l)ef and Jammin with l)] Phaze. Swiftly followed by the Ruffness playing material from their new lil’. Jamaican MC l)angerman then thumping drtun & bass until close. 0 Lemuria at the Bongo Club. l().3()pm—3am. £8 (£7). 2 Apr only. The good ol’ boys from Alabama (3 that is ) Rev 1) Wayne Love and Larry Love present Larryoke their unique blend of country and dance. With support from live l)&B and hip hop crossover act Big Big Sound.
I Manga at Honeycomb. l lpm—3am. £9 (£7 members). l(i Apr. Monthly. Scotland’s premier drtun & bass session having just celebrated their eighth birthday. They keep up the quality with Formation‘s 1)] SS (and Manga present a live show from London lilektricity. Liquid Rootn. Fri 9 Apr). Manga’s pre- club session the BassTrap is at Bambu every Fri from 8pm with l)] (i-Mac and guests. For more info check 0788-767- 6061 or www'.basstrapcom.
I Mocha Rocka! at Berlin Bierhaus. Next date 30 Apr.
I Modern Lovers at tigo.
l lpm—3am. £4 before midnight; £5 after. 2 Apr. Monthly. Up-beat mix of northern soul. deep fttnk. hammond jazz and retro soundtraxs served up by your hosts Craig Jamieson and Andrew Divine (Divine. Funk Room).
I Nuklear Puppy at Iigo.
l lpm-5am. £8 (£7 members). 9 Apr. Residents Jason Cortex and Phil York keep the hard dance flag flying in the capital and have picked tip nominations for Best Scottish Club 2003 frotn Mixmug and Best Small Club frotn the Hard- l)ance Awards.
I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. l()pm ~3am. £5. Weekly. l‘unked up vocal house and dance classics frotn Stevie (B and Callum Murray.
I Planet Earth at (‘itrus (‘luh l().3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. Mttsic from 1976 through to I989 or. in other words. a healthy dose of punk. new wave. new romantic and electro pop.
I Pogo Vogue and Sativae Records present DJ Hell at the Venue. l()pm 3am. £l-l. l() Apr only. ()ne of clubbing's seminal figures. head of lntet'natitmal Deejay (iigolo records attd a true master of his art. lixpect a rip through the worlds of punk. electro and techno in a four-hour set as part of his ‘'s Fucking Rock Tour". The l’ogo and Sativae l)] squad (Brain tl‘Sou/a and Steve (ilencross) provide similarly twisted support. St’t’ji’tttttrt' page 12.
I Pogo Vogue at the Bongo Club. l()pm-~3am. liree before I I.3()pm or with DJ Hell ticket; £5 after. 9 Apr. lixperimental electronica skirting all the various fortns of music machines make. Easter residents special with Brian d'Souza. Dirty. I)r Air and 1)] Krux and their mix of live glitches and 1)] skills.
I Pop Fiction (formerly Time Tunnel) at Massa. l()pnt 3am. £5. Weekly. Trendy Wendy and regular guests (inc Betty Ford) lay down a the coolest blend of pop. funk. soul. disco. Rd’c’B. hip hop and house with a real sense of ftm. Plenty of drinks promos on offer an' all. I Radio Babylon at ligo. Next date 23 Apr.
I React at ligo. Next date. 23 Apr.
I Roadblock at l’o .\‘a Na. l()ptn 3am. l‘ree before I lpm; £5 after. Weekly. Nicci l" stops the traffic in bad music when she
digs tip the best in fttnk. disco. house and block rockin‘ beats.
030 at the Ventte. l().3()pm 3am. £5 before midnight: £7 after. Weekly. A new concept at the Venue as each week three big name clttbs are gathered together under one roof for one tiny entrance fee. More eclectic sounds from Space l‘ace. hip hop heads the l-‘B Collective and Tokyoblu (3 Apr) followed by ()bscene. Sonia and liunkeymagic who welcome special guest Ritlmta and his funky tech-house (9 Apr). I Tokyo Underground at the Cellar Bar. 9pm 3am. £3 before midnight: £4 after. 9 Apr. Monthly. A new night hosted by the tltto behind Tokyoblu with live percussion fortn l’epe Santamaria and a selection of local guests.
I Trouble at the Cellar Bar. 9pm 3am. £2.99 £4.99. 2 Apr. The Beat ]a// Basement is reborn in a slightly different format as the Trouble guys bring their jun-inflected dance selection back home. Residents special \\ illl free (Us on offer (3 Apr).
I UTI presents: BUZZ at Studio 24. l().3()pm 3am. £8 (£5 members). 9 Apr. Monthly. l'nderground techno night featuring resident l)]s Semaj. Johnny ()h? and 'lormod Mor playing the best of electro through to hard techno joined by Jamie Ball (Turning Point).
Chart & Party
I The BIG One! at Mood. 9pm 3am. l’ree before I le; £3 after (free to members). Weekly. A fantastic start to the weekend as you cavort to all those pop classics frotn the last five decades.
I Blend @ City at City: lidinburgh.
l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. 1)] Babes entertains the masses with the best in current and classic chart action from Blondie to Beyonce.
I Boogie Juice at l.‘ Attache. l().3()pm 3am. £3 before I lpm; £5 after. Weekly. l’laying ottt the best in Ro’eB. chart and funky favourites.
I The Dog’s Balearics at Revolution. l().3()pm 3am. £5 before midnight; £(i after (£3 £4 l. Weekly. The best Ibiza and chart dance nutnbers from throughout the
I Office Party at ('avendish/l)iva. 4pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Night of after work silliness and cheesy fun. Bucking broncos. games and tnore to keep the suited masses entertained. Buffet for pre- booked parties (as well as a bus pick up service).
I The Subway at Subway. 7pm 3am. £ l. Weekly. Nigh on a ('owgate institution of commercial dance and chart hits with the odd indie classic.
Edinburgh Saturdays Club I After Dark at Cabaret Voltaire. Next date 17 Apr. I Ascension Goth Club at 'I‘eviot Row l'nion. 10.30pm 3am. £5 (£3 lil)(i&R members). 3 Apr. Monthly. Monthly. In association with lidinburgh l'niversity's (Roth and Rock Society comes this cheery mix of tip-to-date darkness featuring all the latest goth. rock and industrial greats. I Asylum at Studio 24. llpm 3am. £5. 3 Apr. l-‘ortnightly. The Mission's down and dirty brother specialising in rock. nu metal and other hardcore sounds. I Audio Tourism at l’iyo Bar Club. 9pm 3am. l-"ree. Weekly. A serious alternative to conventional night clttbbing with chunky. funky hottse tracks frotn Darryl James (3 Apr) and lleadspin's Alan Dunbar ( l(l Apr). I Berlin presents Craig Smith at Berlin Bierhaus. l().3(le 3am. l-‘ree before I lpm; £5 after. I? Apr. Monthly. Smooth. soulful house from Audio l)eluxe‘s tnainman and special guests. I Big School at the Venue. .\'ext date l5 May. I breakitdown at lloney comb. Next date 2-1 Apr. I Blooms at (C Blooms.
l(l.3()pm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekly. 1)] Ally is