Music rock & pop listings
Friday 2 continued
I Hot Boogie Chillun Spider's \Vch (‘ellar Bar. 2534 Morrison Street. 477 3471. ‘)pm. £lt) £12. lop (ierman rockin' hlues outtit play one ol‘ their favourite cluhs.
I Lemuria The Bongo ('luh. .\Iora_\ House. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 7604. 10.30pm 3am. £3 (£7). The good ol‘ liti}‘\ from Alabama (3 that isl Rex 1) \Va) ne Love and Larr} l.o\ e present l.arr_\oke their unique blend of country and dance. With support lt‘ottl lire l)&B and hip hop crown er act Big Big Sound.
0 2 Many DJs, LCD Soundsytem and Automato Barron land. 244 (iallowgate. 552 4601. 9pm 2am. U5. liininenth danceahle eclectica lion] 2 Man)" l)J.s. the tirxt ot‘ the hootleggerx to go merground. and Ne“ York'x l.(’l) Si)lllltl.\_\l\telll. the musical outlet of the producers u ho helped to lunk tip the Rapture\ records. .’\utoinato are a suitahl) mood)" hip hop act also from .\'Y('.
I Durutti Column and The Flow King 'l'ut's Wah \Vah llul. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30an £12.5().('ult guitarist \'ini Reill} exudes his distinctixe. meticulous. sonoroth sound.
I The Selecter .-\cou\tic Altair. 'l‘ron 'l'heatre. 'l‘rongate. 552 4207. ‘).3()pni. £8. Acoustic performance h} l’auline Black. leading light of the 'l‘uo 'l'one \ka scene ol' the earl)‘ St)»
I The Shocker, Pointless Creation and The Kitchen Bat-ll}. 360 ('lyde Street. 0370 ‘)()7 (l‘)‘)‘). Split. £5. The Shocker are a new hand formed h} Jennifer Pinch of [.7. the all-girl grunge hand it ho had more hallx than the ladx. Supported h) the Kitchen. \pik} xynth punk duo formed by ex-Bis ltllxx Amanda .\chinnon and her huhh) R}an Seagrixt
lnot to he contuxed with Your lloxl R}an Seacrcxt ol' Amer/run Ii/u/ intam} l.
I Babygod, Permafrost and Point Blank Nicc'n‘Slea/y 42l Sattchiehall Street. .553 9037. 9pm. £5. Bah) god dexcrihe theinxclVex ax a \onic trinit} from the liaxt lind'. influenced h} Talking Heads. Prince and liric Satie. Point Blank l‘eature e\'- lltL‘lttlk‘t'S ot‘ the (i) res.
I Post Human liskrima. (iltth()\\ School ol‘.-\rt. ma Rentreu Street. 353
v "DON’T v
48 THE LIST ‘ ‘1';
4530. Illpin. [4 before l2am; £7l£hl alter. l.i\e set of ax‘ant-garde electronica at the regular techno night.
I Miso 'l'he l3th .\'ote ('ate. 5() ()0 King Street. 55.3 1038. ‘)pm. £3. l.ine— tip to he confirmed for Miso’s monthl} night of experimental \oundx.
I MacFloyd 'l‘he l‘err}. 42 ('|_\de Place. 42‘) NW). ‘)pm. L'll). Scottixh tribute to Pink l’loyd.
I One Wild Night Stranherr) liieldx. 5(i ()suald Street. ()845 ()53
1.. \..
928‘). 7.30pm. £5. Bon JUVl trihute.
I Full Picture, Solution and The Usual Level 8. Strathclyde l'niversity Studentx' l'nion. 90 John Street. 567 5000. ‘)pm. 9.2.
I Little Rock (irand ()le ()pi‘}'. l’aixle} Road loll. 42‘) 53‘)(i. 7.30pm. £4 (£3 meniherxl. (’ountr};
I Beatles Tribute Bourbon Street. IUS’ (ieorge Street. 552 ()l4l. 7pm. £5 lL").‘)5 u ith dinncrl. 'l‘rihute to the original l‘ah t‘our.