Gothlka 1151
D101): 1.30. 4.10. 0.20. 8.4(1. Open Range112..\1
1)uil_\': 8.10.
The Passion of the Christ1181 111111}: 2.51). 5.50. 8.20.
Scooby Doc 2: Monsters Unleashed 11’(11
1111111: 1.1111. 2.1111. 0.20. 7.50. 8.3(1. Starsky&liutch1151
[)11111': 1.30. 3.40. (1.10. 8.35. Welcome to the Jungle 1 12..\1 1‘1‘1 \Vcd: 3.20. 8.30.
3.21). 4.10. 5.40.
10111211101011: likely 111111: 8111111111111 1111' 11101 lUllS \\ cck. 1’1111111‘ 0870 5050 007 1‘111'111'111118 und limos. New 111111 1111c 111 1111111 1111 1‘11 9 Apr:
50 First Dates 1 12..\1
St Bride’s Centre
10 0111011 '11‘1'1'111'1'. 0131 340 1405. ll.lL'kL‘h 8011.
Johnny Belinda 11’( 11 2.00. 1RIDAY 9 APR
Pinocchio 111 2.110.
Ster Century Cinema
()L‘L‘ull 2101111111111. ()L‘L‘uli 1)1'1\L‘. 1.01111. 0131 553 0700. Aduli: £5.00 1111'1'111'1‘ 511111 £4.00). ('111111 1111111111 151: £3.30. S11111c111/( ).v\l’: £3.50. 151111111) 11111-1: £15.40. K1d\('11111: £2 (11111- 111‘1‘11111111111111132 uduli gin‘x 1‘1'1'1'1.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London11’(11 1.15. 5.50. 0.111. Along Came Polly 1 12.1\1 1.20. 5.50. 0.20. 8.50.
Cheaper By the Dozen11’(11 1.411. 4.20. 0.411. 9.20.
Dawn otthe Dead1l81 1.45. 0.50. (1.00.
Honey11’(11 1.50. 4.10. 0.50. 11.10. Mona Lisa Smile 1 12.-\1 2.00. 4.511. 7.1111. 11.30.
Open Range112..\1 5.10. 0.10. 11.10. The Passion of the Christ 1 181 2.15. 5.15. 8.15.
Something’s Gotta Give 1 12..\1 8.30. StarskyBHutch1151 1.15. 2.511. 5.45. 4.45. 0.15. 7.50. 8.45. 9.45.
Under the Tuscan Sun 1 12..\1 2.111. 4.40. 7.10. (1.40.
Welcome to the Jungle 1 12.-\1 5.20.
5.50. 8.20.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 1I’(11
Dull): 11.4511111111111 1111. 2.00. 4.15. (1.30.
Along Came Polly 1 12.-\1
1511 ch: 1.50. (1.20 111111 M1111 & \Vcdi. .»\I\11I;111- 1‘11 0‘; Suit 11.20.
The Cat in the Rat11’(11
1111111; 12.45. 1.45. 5.011. 4.00. 5.50. 7.45.
:\I.\11 1111111111‘1‘ Sui 11111: 11.3011111.
Cheaper By the Dozen 11’( 11
Sui 11111: 10.1511111.
Dawn ot the Dead 1 181
Dull)": 12.30. 2.45. 5.00. 7.15. 9.50. 50 First Dates 1 12.»\1
11111: 11.201101. 1.50. 4.211. 0.50. 9.20.
Gothika 1 I51
1)uil_\‘: 11.1511111111111 15111. 1.30. 3.45. (1.15. 8.45.
.'\180 luic 1'11 1& Sui: Honey 11’(11
l)uil_\': 10.4511111111111 1"1'1 1&111111. 3.15. Kill Bill: Volume 1 1 I81
Dull}? 9.15.
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
1 12A1
1'11 152; Sui: 9.45.
Lost in Translation 1 151
1.ulc 1"1'1 & Sui: 10.15.
Mona Lisa Smile 1 12.-\1
1)uil_\': 12.50. 5.20, 7.511111111111111. .-\1.\11 [‘11 1k Sui: 10.20.
Open Range 1 12.-\1
1)uil_\: (1.00. 9.00.
The Passion of the Christ 1 18)
Hull}: 11.15111111111111‘1‘11. 2.15. 5.15. 8.15.
:\1.\11 luic 1'11 1& Sui: Runaway Jury 1 12.v\1 Wed: 1 1.3011111. Scooby 000 2: Monsters Unleashed 11’(11
Dull}: 12.15. 1.15. 2.30. 3.30. 5.45. 7.00. 8.00. Also 1111111111'1' Sui 11111: 1 1.0011111.
Starsky 81 Hutch 1151 Dull): 11.4011111111111 1"1'1 & \Vcdl. 2.10. 4.40. 7.10(1111i\\1‘d). 8.40. 9.40. .’\1\() luic 1'11 11.; Sui: 11.11).
.'\1.\()\\.CL12 (1.40.
Under the Tuscan Sun 1 12.-\1
Dull}: 11.2011111111111 1511 1k 111111. 3.50 101111110). 8.50.
Welcome to the Jungle 1 12.1\1
10.01 111111.
l)uil_\: 10.10111111111111‘11). 12.40. 3.10. 5.40. 8.10. .‘\1.\() 1111C 1‘31'1 1K S1111 10.40.
1’1'0321'111111111‘ 111x111 111111' 8111111111'1111110 11101 11111\ 11110111. 1’1111111‘ 0131 553 07111) 1111‘ dciuilx 111111 [1011's. \1‘\\ 111111\ 11111' 11111111'0 1111 1'11 9 .-\111':
Blind Flight 1 151
50 First Dates 1 12..\1
Shaun of the Dead 1 151
K100111111 1’111‘11'. .\'1‘\\ (1111;211:111 R11ud. 0131 (1090777. 1111'111k 11111111111123118700 102050. Il)|.|li|.:\111111\: £5.251£4.25 .\l1111 1'11 111-1'111‘1' 5111111. S11111C1118 £4.75 (£3.95 311111511111. 111‘1‘111'1‘ 511111 15111. (MP/(111111: £3.05.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 11’(11 2.00. 4.20, 0.45. Along Came Polly 1 mm 4.10. 0.45. 11.00.
Dawn of the Dead 1181 2.10. 4.40. 7.00, (1.50.
Honey1i’(11 4.00. 0.10.
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 1121\1 8.15.
Mona Lisa Smile 1 12..\1 2.50. 5.40. 8.20.
Open Range112.v\1 5.1111. 0.15. 0.15. The Passion of the Christ 1 181 2.110. 5.1111. 8.00.
Starsky 8. Hutch 1 151 5.511. 0.00. 7.011. 8.31). 11.50.
21 Grams 1 151 0.10. Under the Tuscan Sun 1 12..\1 5.40. 0.15. 8.50.
Welcome to the Jungle 1 12.»\1 5.10. 0.1111. 8.50.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 11’( 11
1'11. Sui 1& .\l1111 \Vcd: 101‘).
Mm 111211111111: Sui 11111: 111111 11111).
Brother Bear 111
Sui 11111: 11.0011111. The Cat in the Rat 11’( 11
Hull}: 2.40. 3.50. 4.50. (1.01). 7.00. .v\1\11 1111111111‘1‘ Sui 11111: 11.3011111. 12.30. 1.40.
Charlie 1 181
Hull): (1.40. 9.00.
Dawn of the Dead 1 181
Dull}: 1.50111111 15111. 4.20. (1.50. 9.20.
50 First Dates 1 12.'\1 11111: 1.20. 4.00. 0.50, Gothika 1 151
Dull}: 1.301111111'1'11. 4.10. 0.30. 9.00.
Haunted Mansion 11’( 11
Dull): 1140:1111 1k 1.45111111 15111. 4.00. Honey 11’(11
Sui 11111: 11.2011111.
Looney Tunes - Back in Action 11’( 11 Dull): 11111111111111 1111. 2.20. 4.40. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
111 .\11111. \Vcd 1& 11111: 8.30.
.v\1\11 111:111111‘1‘ S1111: 4.00.
1111': 7.110.
Masti 11111‘1
11111: 8.15.
Mona Lisa Smile 1 12..\1
[)1111): 9.10.
Open Range 1 12.-\1
1"1‘1 \Vcd: 8.15.
The Passion of the Christ 1 181
3.55. (1.1011111!
11.1(1ui11. 1.211
Dull}: 11.0011111111111151'11. 2.00. 5.00, 8.1111.
Scooby Doc 2: Monsters Unleashed 1I’(11
1111111: 2.10. 5.50. 4.50. 5.40. 0.511. 8.15. 9.15.
.-\1\11 111111111111: Sui 11111: 10.501101. 11.501101. 1.10. Starsky 8. Hutch 1 I51 Dull}: 1.00111111 1'1'11. 3.41). 0.20.
7.00. 8.45. 9.30.
Christina Ricci and Charlize Theron remember Aileen Wuornos in Monster
listings Film
Welcome to the Jungle 1 12..\1 Dull}: 12.511111111 1111. 3.20. 0.15. 8.45.
FRIDAY 0—11-111RSDAY 11'1
1’1'11g1‘111111111' 1111111 111111: 8111111111‘1111111‘ 111‘1'1111118 \11'1'11. 1’1111111‘ 08701) 1112030 1111‘ dciuils 111111 11mm. \cxx 111111x 1101‘ 1111111110 1111 1'11 9 Apr:
Blind Flight 1 151
SD First Dates 1 12.-\1
Shaun of the Dead 1 151
UGO Cinemas Edinburgh
1-‘11111111111111111'11. 1)1111dc1‘ Sircci. 24111" [11111111111000 1& (‘1‘1‘1111 (’ui'd 1111111111132 1011': 0870 902 (14 1 7. (1111" Bur.:\111111: £5.51) 1£4.70 511111-111 111‘1‘111'1' 5111111. ('111111/S111d1‘111: £3.30. (1101‘: £3.40. 1&111'111111'11 Price: £2.95 ulI 111‘1‘1111‘11111111'1'x 111'1'111'1‘ 11111111. 151111111} 111111: £3.50 pcr pcrxnn. Ycurl} puss 1111111111111‘11 11111111'81 £9.99 1111 1111111111.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London11’(11 104511111. 1.10. 3.45. (1.15.
Dawn of the Dead 1181 4.211. 0.511. 11.20. Grand Theft Parsons 1 12..\1 1). 111. Honey11’111 11.10.1111. 1.50. 5.511. 0.111. 8.50.
Mona Lisa Smile112.-\1 0.1111. 8.45.
Open Range112.r\1 10.55.1111. 2.05. 5.05. 8.111.
The Passion of the Christ1181 2.1111. 5.00. 8.00. StarskyBRutch1l51 11.1011111. 12.45. 1.50. 5.10. 4.1111. 5.45. 8.511. 11.10. The Station Agent1l51 11.50.1111. 1. 4.00. 0.211. 8.50.
21 GramS1151 11.20.1111. 2.211. 5.211. 8.15.
Under the mscan Sun 1 l2.'\1 5.011. 5.40. 8.211.
Welcome to the Jungle 1 12.1\1 10.50.1111. 1.15. 5.40. 0.10. 8.40. Zatoichi1181 115011111. 3.30. 11.00.
112011111. 1.50.
115011111. 3.15.
Check out the
on page 11
A11: .’.‘.'-1 THE LIST 39