‘uk I}

Events are listed by date then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to or, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.


I Tours of the Mitchell Library Mitchcll Library. 30 North Sti'cct. 287 3999. 6pm. l’rcc. (in bchittd thc sccncs at (ilasgtm ‘s famous Mitchcll Library I Murder Up North ()ttakar's Bookstot‘c. [hit 6. Buchanan (iallct'ics. Buchanan Strcct. 353 1500. 6.30pm. .\ host of \yritcrs. including Stcphcn Booth. Stttart l’auson. .lolm Bakcr and Ron lillis. discuss u h_\ thc cm irons of thc North of lingland inspirc so much crimc liction.


I Hustle Writing Team ()ttakar’s Bonkshtip. [hit 10. (‘itlllL‘l‘Ull 1011 Shopping (critic. (t Lad} Road. 066 1800. 5pm. iii-CC litll tickctcd. 'l‘hL‘ tcant bchind tltc Bccb’s slick ncyy drama lluxr/t' talk abottt its crcation.

I Drop-ln-And-Draw National (iallcry of Modcrn :\rt. 75 Bclford Road. 634 0300. () 7pm. 1'At'cc. Drop-ill drau ing scssions introducing dilfcrcnt typcs of art frotu tltc gallcry ‘s collcction. ;\|l tnatcrials prm idcd.

I After Hours - Harp Festival National (iallcry of Scotland. thc Mound. 634 6300. 6pm. l-rcc. .\ programmc of aftcr gallcr} hours c\ cuts fcaturing highlights from thc Harp l’csti\al. 8C0 1.011\ tttttl classical lislittgs for full fcsti\a| dctails.

I Big Word Performance Poetry '1‘hc iron. ‘1 Huntcr Squarc. High Strcct. 336 0931. 9pm. £3 t£3l. .-\ night of comcdic poctr} antics fcaturing Bt'istolian Lucy linglish. Rottcrdam hot\\irc Harry /.c\cnbcrgcn and Richard Mcdrington. With .\l(' Rob (icc.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species l)ccp-Sca \Vttt'ld. (11.383 41 1880. £7.95

(£5.75 £6.50): fatnin tickct £36. Vic“ a \L‘lcclitttt 01. L‘lltlztttgct'ctl spccics 11L'111\ sci/cd by ('ustoms in Scotland in rcccnt )Cttl's.


I 2004: A Space Oddity 11untcrian Mttscum. l'niycrsity .x\\cnuc. 330 4331. 9.30am 5pm. l‘rcc. 'I‘hc Huntcrian hosts a rangc of actiy itics cclcbrating thc biccntcnary of thc fall of thc high possil tnctcoritc on .v\pri1 1804.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species “LTD—8cm World. 0138.3 41 1880. £7.95 l£5.75 £6.50); family tickct £36. Scc Thu 1.


I Open Green Meeting Motto. l2 Kings (’out‘t. King Slrcct. 55.3 3400. .\'oon 3.30pm. lircc. :\ montth (irccn mccting for anyonc u ith a grccn/

cm ironntcntal intcrcst and a tastc for organic bcycragcs.

I Andy Serkis Bot'dct's Books. ()8 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. 1.30pm. l'it'cc. .-\ctor And} Scrkis. Who pla} cd (iollum in thc I.UI‘(/U/l/1('/\’III1£’\ moy ics. offcrs its his prccious tgcddit’.’l thoughts as hc signs copics of his book. (in/Imus Ilnlt' lli' .3I(l(/(‘ .1Im‘ir' Much;

I CCA Talks and Tours (‘(‘..\. 350 Sauchicltall Strcct. 353 4900. 3pm. lircc. .\ tottr and talk looking at thc (’(’.I\ and 11s \york past. pt'csctit and luturc.

100 THE LIST fun .'

I Glasgow Vegan Network Motto. 13 Kings (‘ourt. King Strcct. 553 3400. 3pm. lircc. 'l'hc rcgular mccting of thc (ilttsgtm \cgan .\'ct\\ork \\ ith drinks and chccsccakc.

I 2004: A Space Oddity lluntcriau Muscum. l'niycrsity .-\ycnuc. 330 4331. 9.30am 5pm. 1‘rcc. 8LT lift 3.


I Scottish Holistic Health Festival l'lL‘L‘lllilStlllS 11:111. ()0 (icorgc Strcct. 01506 873 750. llatn 6pm. 1"t‘cc. Rid yoursclf of thc strcss and strain of modcrn liy ing \\ ith 1111s “cckcnd of cxliibitions. scminars and thcrapics to cnrich thc mind. body and \tllll. llcaling. tltcrapy and clairyoyancc scssions at‘c on offcr at hugcly rcduccd pt‘iccs. lior morc information attd to book \yorkshops cmail: scothcalthlcstiyal(H talk31.cotn.

I Storytelling Step-By-Step (‘in .-\t't ('cnlrc. 2 Markct Strch 529 3993. 3 4.30pm. £7.50 (£51. .\ fttn intcractiyc introduction to tclling storics as Bcth ('t‘nss pt‘oyidcs [up tips for 1L‘ttt‘ttillg. imagining and rcmcmbcring.


North Queensferry

I Endangered Species l)ccp-Sca World. 0138.3 41 1880. £7.95 l£5.75 £6501; family tickct £36. Scc Thu 1.


I CCA Talks and Tours (‘(‘..\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 4900. 3pm. lircc. Scc Sat 3.

I Chinese-English Corner Bt‘asscric Mctro. 8 ('rcssyycll I.anc. 338 8131. 3.30 4.30pm. 1’rcc. A fricndly niccting for ('hittcsc pCoplc \\ ho “ant to practicc thcir linglislt and anyonc Wanting to improy c thcir Mandarin (‘hincsc

I 2004: A Space Oddity Huntcrian Mtiscuni. l'niycrsity :\\cnuc. 330 4331. 1"rcc. Scc Hi 3. Edinburgh I Scotfairs Antique Fair

Mcadov. bank Sports ('cntrc. 13‘) London Road. 661 5351. 10am 4.30pm. £1 lfrccl. Brim sc stalls ladcn Willi ch cllL‘t'). CUlllS. lincn. mcdals and antiqucs.

I Scottish Holistic Health Festival l‘rccmasons Hall. ‘16 (icorgc 80ch 01506 873 750. 11am 6pm. 1-'rcc. 8LT 8:11 3.

The Trades Hall, 85 Glasford Street, Glasgow

The Merchant City area epitomises the changes rife in Glasgow of late. Forget your ridiculous slogans - ‘Glasgow: Scotland with Style’l’Glasgow: the New Black’ the MC articulates a vibrant scene complete with new bars, cutting edge music and interesting shopping alternatives without the

aid of any PR watchwords.

Now new tourist landmarks are getting in on the action. As one of the best milestones of Glasgow’s historic Merchant City, the Trades Hall was opened in 1794 to serve as a public hall and meeting place for the city’s 14 Incorporated Trades and their federal bodies. Architecturally it is significant as the last commissioned work - and the only surviving Glasgow building of Robert Adam, arguably Scotland’s most prolific architect of the era. Having completed the original design in 1792, the building was completed by his

two younger brothers.

This month, following an impressive £1.2m refit, Trades Hall becomes Glasgow’s latest visitor attraction, allowing locals and tourists alike to see the beautiful interior. With the support of audio hand-sets, visitors are invited to explore the building’s design and evolution, and the part the Hall played in the city’s development as a whole.

One of the key components of the makeover is the reinstallment of striking fan windows on the first floor of the building’s fascia, which has been kept faithful to the initial design. Other work includes renovations to the top floor, which has lain mostly derelict for the last 100 years.

Trite slogans aside, Glasgow’s cultural contribution is on the up. Go enjoy

it. (Anna Millar)


I 2004: A Space Oddity Huntcrian Mtts‘cunt. l'niycrsity Aycnuc. 330 4331. 9.30am 5pm. Sec Fri 3.


I Lucian Freud National (iallcry of Modcrn Art. 75 Bclford Road. 634 6300. 134513111. 1’rcc. (‘o-curator of Lucia/r From/s lily/tings [946-3004 (‘raig Hartlcy discusscs the work in thc cxhibition.

Tuesday 6


I JAM74 (ioyanhill Ncighbourhood (‘cntrc. 1)aisy Strcct. 7.30pm. lircc. Join in thc J.»\.M74 mccting and work towards stopping thc building of thc ncyy M74. lior morc information hayc a look at grccnbullctin subscribc

((1 yahot)gt'

I 2004: A Space Oddity Httntcrian Muscum. l'niycrsity Aycnuc. 330 4331. 9.30am 5pm. Scc Fri 3.


I John ListerbKaye ()uakar‘s. 57 (1corgc Strcct. 335 4495. 7pm. Author John 1.istct'-Ka_\‘ discttsscs his new book. Mam-("x (’lu'lrl. about bringing up his daughtcr to apprcciatc thc natural world.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species l)ccp-Sca World. 01383 41 1880. £7.95 t£5.75 £6.50): family tickct £36. Scc Thu 1.

Wednesday 7


I Curator’s Favourites Burrcll ('ollcction. 3060 l’ollokshayys Road. 387 3550. 13.30 1pm. lircc. .\'oorah .-\l- (iailani. curator of Islamic ciyilisations discusscs his fayouritc objcct on display. a Turkish praycr rug from 1.adik.

I Conversation Pieces: Sir John ListerhKaye Royal ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 1pm. £3.50 £4. .\'aturc \yritcr and conscryationist. Sir Joint 1.istcr-Kayc. discusscs thc workings of naturc through thc cycs of a child.

I World of Art Series: Scottish Architecture Bot'dcrs Books. ()8 Buchanan Stt'cct. 333 7700. 6pm. 1"rcc. Milcs (ilcndinning and Aonghus Mackcchnai. authors of thc ncyy li'ur/d “Ill/'1 titlc on Scottish Architccturc. giyc a slidc shoyy attd talk on thcir work.

I Christopher Brookmyre ()ttakar's Bookstorc. l'nit 6. Buchanan (iallcrics. Buchanan Strcct. 353 1500. 6.30pm. 1-‘rcc. Is it just tls or is this man always doing thc rounds punting his \yarcs'.’ Still. this ittlct'cslittg \yritcr always has plcnty to say.

I Friends of the Earth liricnds of thc liarth Scotland. 30 Hillhcad Strcct. 334 1050. 7.30pm. lircc. 11pr to look aftcr thc planct and join in thc monthly l-ricnds of thc liarth mcctings.

I 2004: A Space Oddity Huntcrian Muscum. l'niycrsity .-\\'cnuc. 3304331. 9.30am 5pm. Scc Fri 3.


I David Gemmell \Vatcrstonc's. 138 l’rinccs Strcct. 336 3666. 7pm. l-‘rcc. l-‘antasy \yritcr 1)ayid (icmmcll talks about his ncyy book. 'I'lit' Swords of.\'ig/tl and Day.

I Eileen Ramsay ()uakar‘s. 57 (icorgc Strcct. 335 4495. 7pm. £1. liilccn Ramsay rcads from A Way of I-in‘gii'iitg. hcr ncyy book about low and bctt‘ayal.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species 1)ccp-Sca World. 01383 41 1880. £7.95

(£5.75 £6.50). Scc Thu 1.