Theatre & Dance listings

Glasgow, The Arches continued

Nataly Zukerman Sat 20 Mar.

0 0.45pm. £8 (£0); liw—da} ape.\ £35. The extremitiex of line are e\amined in .vln' you ('o/(lj’ ax a couple in\ ite the audience to \\ itnexx a collection of their momentx together.

Rachel Canavan Sat 20 Mar.

|.30 0.30pm. £8 (£0); l'ne-da} apex £35.

('anaum xho\\ caxex. Reii‘m‘linnx. a \ite \pccilic \L‘t'ccn haxed Video dance inxtallation \\ ith xolo l‘emale performer lreen Kunerx at the helm.

Sanne van Rijn Sat 2() Mar.

7.50 8.50pm. £8 (£0); lixe-da} ape\ £35.

All e\amination about large and .xmall. time and xpace and mathematicx and lonelinexx in Slow/V In Xvi?) a\ the troupe tr} to get the audience to arm e at a dil'l'erent umlerxtamling ol \\ hat it meanx to he a human being.

Sharon Hatton Sat 2() Mar.

12.30 12.45pm. £8 (£0); li\e-da_\ apex £35. (Inc Step at a lime xhoucaxex the reconnection \\ ith l'umlamental ixxuex and the emotional extremex encountered

u ithin intimate relationxhipx and

conl'rontx themex o1 rixlx and \ulnerahilit).

Tim Etchells Sat 20 Mar.

l0 ||.20pm. £8 (£0); li\e-da_\ apex £35. lilk‘llt'llS ltlttle‘S a \Ult) lecture/ perl'ormance to coincide \\ ith the 20th annnerxar} ol 1-'orced lintertainment. Zoran Todorovic Sat 20 Mar.

Noon |0.30pm. £8 (£0); l'ne-da} ape.\ £35. 'l‘echuique ix prmocation in stem/mu. in \xliich the hod) hecomex teleprexent and l'unctionx ax a bod) of lo\ e in t\\() placex at the xame time. Emerging Properties Sun 2] Mar. |2.30 8.30pm. £8 (£0); |i\e-da_\ ape\ £35. ’l‘hix multimedia piece. I'll/raw) llil\'\ of Inn/xii): (II (I Blur/(lard ix hawd on the poem h} Wallace Ste\cnx \\ ho encounterx a hlaclxhird in a \\ inter landxcape and createx a \pace and a xtate ol mind in which the poem can he heard.

Exploding Cinema Sun 21 Mar. 8.30pm lam. £8 (£0); l'ne-da} ape\ £35. Short lilm. \ideox and lixe Perlormance l'rom London’x l'mlerground l-‘ilm Scene embracing a \\ ide range of philoxophiex and l'ormx. Lee Wen Sun 21 Mar. I245 |.30pm. £8 (£0); 1i\e-da} apex £35. In thix xeriex Wen appearx ax the )elloxt man “andering into dil’t’erent em ironmentx through performance and installation quextioning the ideologiex ol \alue

x) xtemx and xocial xtructurex.

ResCen Sun 21 Mar. 1.30 4.15pm. £8 (£0); l'ne-da) apex £35. An open tllSL’lISSltlll on the “nth ()1. Rex('en. the ('entre for Rexearch into ('reation in the l’erl'orming :\t‘t\.

Tehching Hseih Sun 21 Mar.

5.30 0.45pm. £8 (£0); li\C-tltt} ape\ £35. :\ lttlk Ctttlt‘lt‘x} ()l- l’l'Ul-L‘SSUl‘ Robert A} erx and \Veng (’ho). Director ol Suhxtation. Singapore in l’erl'orming‘e: The Work ol‘ 'l'ehchmg llxeih. Varsha Nair Sun 21 Mar.

12.30 8.30pm. £8 (£0); ti\e-da_\ ape\ £35. .\'an' e\aminex the Indian l)iaxpora no“ |i\ing in l‘oreign landx in m- l’t'lll't’t’ll p/uu'x e\amining the notion ()1 claimng a home ‘haclx home'.


l 1‘) (iorhalx Street. 42‘) 0022. ll’. H. ll. \\'('. \\'.-\l

Kidnapped Wed 24 Mar Sat 3 :\pl‘ (not Sun/Mon). 7.30pm ('l'hu mat 10.30am. Sat mat 2.30pm). £l2 (£1 £4). .-\ next adaptation h} Mull 'l'heatre ()1 one ()1 the all time great ad\enture xtoriex. Set in Scotland alter World War II. }()ung l)a\id Balfour and l'ugitn e :\||an Breck inuxt uork together to xta} ali\e. Love Like Salt \Ved 3| .\lar Hi 2 Apr. 7.30pm (Wed & 'l‘hu mat l0.30am). £|2 (£| £4). Baxed on an e\p|oration ol‘ the lilllh tale. /.()\'(' like Sit/I. L‘\ttltttltc\ l'amil} relationxhipx. \\l\tlt)l11 and loll}. SCC prex ieu.

oyal yceum

lieatre om patty

Des Dillon's WICKED new comedy about love. family and witchcraft!

sixb aqk candles

Playing until Saturday 3 April Students: HALF PRICE

Box Office: 0131 2767.348

Groups 8+: 0131 248 4949 Grindlay St. Edinburgh

[this production contains strong language but is very, very funny!l


“911.141! ' At: j??i,.,.‘.

Scottish Arts Counril



03 U5 ll}ndland Street. 357 3808. Ill. \\'('. \\’.r\|

Family Snapshot line 23 Thu 25 Mar. 7.30pm. £8 (£0) l'rom 0870 0135404. .-\mira 'l‘heatre ('oinpai)_\ prexentx Karen liIi/aheth |-'o\'x hitterxueet coined} xet around a l'amil} reunion at ne\\ )ear.

GILMOREHILLG12 ‘) l'ni\erxit} .’\\enue. 330 5522. |\\'('. \VA]

The Blood of Others 't‘hu l8 Sat 2() Mar. 7.30pm. £0 (£4). Dagmar Wilhelm prexenlx a darkl} romantic xtor) xet in the looming \hadou ol World War II. Life of Weevil Stilt 2| .\lar. 8pm. £0 l£4|. lltL‘ .\lCtt\tlt'clL‘\x l.lttt'\ pl't‘SL‘lllS tl one-act coined} “hich to}x \\ ith deluxion. truxt. realit} and /ehrax. \\'ee\ il ix writing a dictionar) conxixting ol \mrdx beginning with ‘\\ '. hut the inlluence ol hix llatmatex ma} not he pro\ iding the inxpiration he ueedx. Written 1)} .lamex ()akle}. thix auard-

\\ inning xtor} ix perlormed ax part ()1 the (i/uxgun' llllt’l’lttlltulltl/ (hum/r l‘k'xln'ul Faeries Hi 20 8 Sat 27 Mar. See Kidx ll\llllg\.

Dead End Stm 28’ Mar. 7pm. £0 (£4). l’erlormance h} .\'oth (ilaxgoxx ('ompan) 'l‘oonxpeak Young l’eople'x 'l‘heatre ax part ol‘ the Shell (‘onnectionx Youth Theatre liextnal.

Godspell Thu 1 ck l’ri 2 Apr. 7.30pm. £8 (£0). The (ioxpel according to St Matthew ix xet to a 70x xoundtraclx and prexeuted 1)} Sto“ ('ollege.


207 Bath Street. 240 llll. Ill. \\'('. \VAI Annie t'ntil Sat 20 Mar. See Kidx ll\llltg\.

Whistle Down the Wind Mon 22 Mar Sat 3 .-\pr (not Sun). 7.30pm (Wed & Sat mat 2.30pm). £8 £27. The xmaxh- hit niuxieal based on the c|;i\\ic‘ ll;i_\|e_\ .\li||x lilm about a child \\ ho thinkx xhe'x dixco\ered Jexux hiding in her harn.

Bo} /one lanx (are there an) 1’) might rememher their co\ er ol .th .llum'r ll'lm! taken from the original xoundtrack.


.\'e\\ Street. 887 1010. III. \\'(’. \\'.-\| Celebration t'niil l-‘ri It) .\lar. 7.30pm. £0 (£5 ). RATS 'l‘heatre prexentx thix comic drama centring around the planning of a lamil} \tedding. Stepping Out Wed 24 Sat 27 .\lar. 7.30pm. £0 (£5). \Varm. mox ing and lunn). Richard llarrix' pla} lolloux the ad\enturex ol a tap dancing claxx and itx haplexx memherx ax the) lace the daunting proxpect of a dream come true. Equilibrium Tue 30 Mar. 7.30pm. £7 (£3.50). Nina Raiarani'x compan) Srixhti returnx \\ ith a ne“ production l'uxing Kathalx and liharatanat}am dance \\ ith muxic and \ocalx.

The Other Side \Ved 3| .\lar. 7.30pm. £0 (£4). l’atrick 1)o_\|e prexentx a multimedia cabaret \\ ith p\_\ chic predictionx. lilm and muxie.

Love Like alt, Citizens’ Theatre, Glasgow


l2l Renlield Street. 332 I840. ||’. \\'('| Battle of the Bulge l'ntil Sat 27 Mar. 7.30pm (Wed & Sat mat 2pm). £10 £14 (£10). Join the lat huxterx ol Strathc|_\de Slimmerx ax the} xtruggle to xhed the poundx in thix nc\\ coined} h} Rtixxel l.ane.

Halfway to Paradise: The Billy Fury Story Thu | Apr. 7.30pm. £|4 (£12). Rock ‘n' rolling muxical.


()8 Ingram Street. 552 348‘). [l’. \\'(‘. \VA. \\'.'\:\|

Twelfth Night l‘ri 1‘) Mar Sat 3 Apr (not Sun 2| .\lar. l‘ri 20-Sun 28 Mar) 7.30pm. £0 £0 (£3 £4.50) tron) 0870 013 5404. Strathc|}de 'l‘heatre (ii'otip prexenlx Shakexpeare'x coined}

imol\ ing a xhipnreck. croxx-(lrexxing. l()\ C and L‘tmlllsitm. I’tll'l Ufl/It' (i/(neun' Inlemulimm/ ('umn/t I'k'xliwll.


2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. ll’. ll. \\‘('. \\'.'\|

Dancing in the Streets the 30 Mar. 7.30pm. £15.50 (£10.50). .-\ inuxical celebration ol the Motor (‘iL‘ paying tribute to the \()llg\\t'llL't\. producerx and perl'ormerx \xho \\ ere instrumental in the Motown xound.


232 Hope Slt‘L‘L‘l. 332 ‘)()l)(1. Ill. \\'(‘. \\‘.'\|

Anything Goes t'niil Sat 20 .\lar. 7.30pm (Sat mat 2.30pm). £0 £l8. The Apollo |’|a_\ erx return \\ ith thix (‘ole l’orter L‘l;t\\lL‘.

Scottish Ballet: Mixed Programme Wed 3t .\lar Sat 3 Apr. 7.|5pm (Sat mat 2.15pm). £3.50 £20. l‘ix e dynamic \\ork\ from the re- \amped Scottish Ballet. “ith chorcogt'aph) 1)} (ieorge Balanchine. l’eter l)arre||. Stephen l’etronio and Axhle} Page. See prerien.


25 Albert l)ri\e. 0845 330 3501. I'll. \\'(’. \\'.-\|

Into the New Wed 24 Fri 20 .\lar. 7.30pm & 0pm. £4 (£2). l‘inal )ear xtudentx ol'(‘ontemporar) 'l‘heatre Practice at RS:\.\1I) \llt)“ caxe three ne\\ and \erxatile performance piecex. directed 1)} Laura (‘outtx .\latt Sadlxa and Natal} /.ulxerman.


03 'l‘rongate. 552 4207.

Reasons to Be Cheerful t‘nnl Sat 20 Mar. 7.30pm. £4 £|2 (£4 £0). 7:84‘x neu production haxed on the memoir of political comedian Mark Steel. centring on three people “ho in their _\onth helie\ ed the} could change the \\Ul'ltl.

I Am Thicker Than Water ‘l‘hu l8 Sat 20 Mar. 8pm. £8 (£5. Simon l‘arnah} tellx thix true \tot‘}. haxed on hix ()\\lt l'amil} ol' gamhlerx. I’ur/ of [HIM llilr ('It. SL‘L‘ PI'L‘\ ieu.